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Found 448 results

  1. Hi. I am new to the site. I have had anxiety for a long time. I have been struggling lately. I have nothing to lose by posting on here so I thought why not. I have had a very eventful past. I struggle with anxiety, depression, BPD, BDD, and PTSD. I want to change, it is very hard.
  2. a few days ago I got some ear ringing and I couldnt sleep because of it, so I immediately consulted dr google, and now I am left with stomach turning anxiety after I read about tinnitus and heard what people on tinnitus forums say I ran to a real doc and he told me I have an ear inflammation and gave me ear drops. But now I cant accept what he says, it feels like he does not know or like an inflammation does not explain it. I wish big time the doc is right but my anxiety wont let me settle
  3. Hi everyone, I posted here a few days ago thinking I had oral cancer. I got over that fear, and now I think I have oral thrush. For about a week, the area near my soft palate has felt dry, and sometimes burned when I swallowed. I thought it was a sinus issue at first, because I was having a sensation of post nasal drip, although I barely have any mucus in my nose and throat. I also noticed the roof of my mouth has a symmetrical white tint to it , but I didn't pay it much attention. I was looking around in my mouth today, and it looks like my throat has white patches on it. White patches on throat, roof of mouth looks white.... sounds like oral thrush. I use an inhaler because I had a lung surgery last year, and I use it pretty often. Could I have gotten oral thrush from that? and how is the testing for oral thrush done? will they have to swab my throat? I have an awful gag reflex and I don't know if I can handle that. Also, is oral thrush fatal or serious if left untreated? My symptoms started about a week ago, and my mom won't take me to urgent care tonight. Shes telling me to make an appointment tomorrow, but I dont know if I can get in soon enough, or if my results will come back before June 29th when I leave for vacation. I've had vacation plans months in advance, and if I have to miss them for a diagnosis, I'll be upset, but health comes first...
  4. Hi everyone, new here! I'm a 19 year old girl, and as of late, my already existent anxiety has been exacerbated by some mouth symptoms. It started about a week and a half ago when I noticed a flesh colored bump on my pataglossal arch, in front of my tonsil. Naturally I turned to Dr. Google, and what did it say? Cancer. So I freaked out all night, only to wake up and see the bump was gone. I felt pretty foolish considering I just about cried over this small lump. Fast forward a few days, I'm poking around in my mouth again (I never learn) and I see a flesh colored lump on my left tonsil. Here we go again. Google says cancer, my brain says cancer, obviously I'm dying right? So I did some more poking around and realized the roof of my mouth has a whitish symmetrical tint to it (could've been like that my whole life, but brain says oral cancer), my right tonsil has two tiny flesh colored bumps on it, along with the larger one on my left, the left side of my throat hurts when I swallow (which HAS happened before, just not in conjunction with these other symptoms), and I've got a new symptom which is a little hard to describe. The area in the back of your mouth where your nose meets your throat above your uvula feels dry. It's not pain, but it does feel kinda dry when i breathe in through my nose. I have an office job, and the AC is always on full blast, and I also sleep with my AC on at night because I sweat terribly. I drink nothing but water, and that's not helping the sensation. I had slight post nasal drip, but my nose and throat are completely clear now so I don't know whats going on. If I focus on the dry feeling enough, it makes me feel like I can't breathe. Does anyone else suffer from this? and do my other symptoms sound like oral cancer? I should also mention I'm in a 2 year monogamous relationship, and we've both recently began engaging n oral sex, so I'm worried that I may have gotten oral cancer from HPV because I know that's a possibility. I sing, and I had a grandparent who passed away from oral cancer that eventually spread to the throat. He was a smoker and a drinker (I do neither) but I'm just scared and I would like to know if anyone else could relate in any way or help me out? Some people on other forums I've posted on aren't too nice, so I'd like to see how things go here.
  5. I've read a lot on this site in an effort to calm myself, so I figured I'd finally come and ask for advice. I'm a seventeen year-old girl (turning eighteen in two months) and I've had a really horrific past two weeks. I was in the ER 15 days ago for a migraine and concerns as to what could have been causing it. After diagnosing it as a complex migraine, the doctor seeing me gave me Compazine through an IV (with Benadryl) - and it was the most traumatizing experience of my life. I had a violent adverse reaction; heart pain, burning around my heart, excessive shaking and sweating, fear of death, immense panic. I've always been a shy and socially anxious person and I've been diagnosed with severe depression, but this is the first time I've ever experienced anxiety/panic attacks and their severe symptoms. Six hours after being sent home from the hospital following my Compazine experience, I suffered a panic attack immense enough to give me bodily tetany and make my arms, hands, legs, mouth, and hands seize up. I got the pins and needles sensation alongside that and feared the worst. My mom called an ambulance because we had no idea that kind of attack could occur and they calmed me down over the course of an hour. In the days following that incident, I had at least one severe and several-hour-long anxiety/panic attack per day to the point of it being debilitating and preventing me from focusing. I have had two periods of three days without attacks followed by another severe attack (the most recent being last night, I had chest tightness and really violent tremors for six hours, only calmed down and slept after taking Benadryl). I have been to the emergency room twice more; they once gave me Visatril through a pill and I had another adverse reaction, and one morning, they gave me Xanax to calm me down. To date, it is the only medically administered drug that has ever worked for me in this situation. I am at my wit's end. I have seen my parents' doctor and she prescribed me Zoloft/Sertraline at 25mg. I have not taken it yet because I have been on a myriad of medicines in the past couple of weeks and anxiety has brought out the full force of their side effects; I am scared to take it for that reason and I don't want to. My main issue is health anxiety. I have always had a slightly higher than normal pulse, so fear of a heart problem is massive. My symptoms brought on from anxiety/panic attacks have gradually ranged from chest tightness, excessive chest heaviness, chest pain on either the right or left side, neck tightness, left shoulderblade pain, pins and needles, shortness of breath, mid-back pressure, ear and head pressure, jaw and ear pain, excessive heart palpitations, violent tremors, paranoia, dizziness, hot breath, heartburn, acid reflux, disorientation, excessive weakness, cold sweats, flashes of heat on random patches of skin, fatigue, and insomnia. All of these things combined have made me terrified of heart trouble that could kill me. I've had two EKGs and a chest x-ray in my emergency room visits, and everything checked out normally, but I still am largely incapable of convincing myself that everything listed above is solely anxiety and not from a serious physical condition. Everyone on my dad's side suffers from a form of generalized anxiety, but I've never felt the side effects of it like I do now and I would do anything for it to stop. As a side note, I do take other medications (Loestrin, Curcumin, Benadryl, 5-htp, Magnesium) off and on for various reasons. The latter four are largely took for insomnia/anxiety related issues. I'm a night owl and it's impossible for me to go to bed before midnight. Is there any advice or help that can be offered to me in this situation? I want it to be over, and I don't know what to do with myself. I constantly fear something is wrong with me/that I am dying and I want it to end.
  6. Background Information: for those that don't know a Vericocele is a problem that occurs with a damaged vein in the testicle that becomes inflamed, I was recently diagnosed with one and this question is geared more towards people who also have one and can answer my questions with personal experience, emotional support is of course always welcomed. So I've been researching the condition and I have some questions about it. 1. I had read that they are capable of causing chronic constipation but it was only one source, and I can't find any other information about the the relationship between the 2 conditions, and I've been experiencing chronic constipation lately and I was wondering if anyone else with a testicular vericocele has experienced constipation? 2. It's embarrassing to say but I can't shake the feeling that I'm having difficulties performing sexually, or at least I think I am. My long time girlfriend has told me that everything seems normal but I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong, I'm 22 and I shouldn't feel like I'm having a hard time maintaining an erection, now I've considered that maybe knowing that there is some kind of damage to my genitals is causing a mental block but I'm curious if anyone with a vericocele has experienced something similar, and I'm curious as to wether or not there is an actual physical link between sexual performance and this condition. Apologies for the long winded post, thank you in advance to anyone who can offer information.
  7. Hi Everyone, I am a person that has suffered with anxiety for many years now. I have always been an anxious/worried person, even as a child, but I didn't begin experiencing full-blown panic attacks until I was involved in a serious car accident. I guess it could be called PTSD, but the panic attacks continued for several years after the accident and still occasionally happen today. I am wondering if anyone has experienced a similar evolution in their mental-health and would be open to sharing their story. I am trying to learn more about my panic disorder/generalized anxiety by understanding my predisposition to these disorders, as a naturally anxious person. If anyone is willing to share, I have some more specific questions to provide guidance: 1. When did you begin experiencing anxiety/panic disorder? How old were you and were there any specific circumstances that impacted you? 2. Did you experience any events/circumstances that were particularly traumatic that you believe might have contributed to/triggered your anxiety/panic/PTSD? 3. Would you describe yourself as a naturally anxious person? Do you recall being more worried about things (sickness/health, irrational fears, bad things happening) prior to the onset of your anxiety/panic disorder? 4. Did either of your parents or close relatives experience similar anxiety problems/mental-health disorders? Do you think you were impacted by them at all? I apologize if any of these questions are too personal, of course this is just a forum and I expect that anyone that doesn't want to answer/isn't comfortable won't. I feel that learning as much as I can about my mental-health and the nature of my "problems" is very helpful in understanding why I am this way and how I can help myself and others. I hope that maybe this can help some of you as well. I appreciate any responses/contribution, and I hope that maybe we can spark an insightful conversation here. Thank you! Ally
  8. Hello all! I just wanted to share this wonderful Zen proverb which serves as an introduction in a book called "Fear -- Understanding and Accepting the Uncertainties of Life", written by OSHO, an Indian spiritual teacher. This proverb is a quick read and serves to remind us all that "There is nothing to Fear".....
  9. Today I found an odd yellow Spot on my right arm just below my shoulder, I don't see any discoloration anywhere else on my skin but seeing this still concerns me. Could it be an odd colored bruise? It's not tender or swollen or anything like that, just discolored
  10. Hi. I just wanted to post saying hi. I'm new here. I'm 23, from canada. I have severe social anxiety. I have dealt with it since i was 17 I guess. The hardest thing for me is keeping a job. It's scary thinking of going to a job 8 hours a day 5 days a week and acting like it isnt torture. I would rather stay home and be alone. I honestly don't know what I will do with my life. I have a boyfriend of 2 years and i want a marriage and babies, and I honestly never see that happening. I don't think I will ever be able to give him these things. but anyway.. a little about me: I'm a big video game , horror movie, anime and superhero nerd. Anyway yeah. (:
  11. Honestly I never went to a psychologist to test am I really got an SAD. because i'm still underage and I don't know how to find a good one. I took a lot of research on internet, and some kind of online test. And I really had A feeling that I was one. But I just can't say it to my parents. I have a little brother with ADHD, and it makes me can't tell em even more. I've always been a role model for my siblings. And I don't want to ruin it. Not to mention I may got an ADHD too, cause I just too similar with my brother. But I wasn't like this back then. And now I scared, and confused. What should I do?
  12. Hi all, I'd really appreciate any advice on the following... I've suffered with anxiety (mainly social) on and off for as long as I can remember. I've seeked different Drs help numerous occasions but hadn't ever found a Dr I was comfortable with or who I felt actually understood me - most of them just made me feel stupid, so I just struggled on. February just gone I felt my anxiety getting very bad, so I tried a new Drs surgery and the man was amazing! He gave me paroxetine tablets and a number to call for therapy. I am on a waiting list to see a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner. I gave it two weeks, still going in to work but I was getting worse. Beginning of March I was signed off for 2 weeks and he increased my dose. I returned to my Dr and was signed off for another 2 weeks... I have 4 days left on this sick note. It will have been a month by next Tuesday. Meanwhile, I contacted my work and suggested I go in for a catch up meeting to discuss 'options'. Just to see what there point of view is, to explain to them where I am, what I'm currently going through, maybe even to talk about setting me up to work from home. And to see what impact my absence is having... We have set a time for tomorrow (Friday). However, I asked if my boyfriend could sit in the meeting (who I live with and who has helped me no end through all of this). My team leader said 'HR feel it would not be appropriate as he is not an employee'. She then went on to say that 'it is just an informal catch up, there are no actions coming from this other than to see how you are doing, it is not a return to work meeting.' Surely if I proposed the meeting in the first place then it should be on my own terms? I would feel more comfortable with my boyfriend there for support and to help me if (or when) my words escape me... And if it's an informal chat then I don't see what the harm is? What's to stop me calling the meeting off and just contacting them after my next Drs appointment with an update? My team leader has been very understanding with all of this, and she is also quite a good friend of mine. I don't know if this makes my situation better or worse to be honest. I don't feel ready to return to work, at least until I have had my first therapy session... Or maybe even if I have been given an appointment date. I am currently feeling like I should request another note to cover a month. I was told today that it will be at least another 4 weeks until I see a therapist. I also want to suggest changing the reason on sick note from 'anxiety' to 'anxiety and depression'. Has anyone else had a similar experience, or can anybody advise on any of the points I've mentioned? Any help would be a huuuuuge help as at the moment I just feel confused and don't see what's for the best. PLEASE HELP
  13. Hi there, Anyone else fear tapering off drugs? I'm presently on 0.5mg of Clonazapam at night to sleep. First was introduced to that because of a sleep disorder that robbed my sleep and so my heart started palpating badly which freaked me out ~ then the anxiety followed, and panic. I've never really come off the drug for the last 8 years but I have reduced it. It enabled me to sleep, GET to sleep and stay asleep anyway. I'm not sure I want to wean off a drug and get the very WD symptoms I was placed on the drug for in the first place. Or worse! I find my tolerance to people is very low. I get irritated quickly and in my profession ~ it's not a great thing! I'm also a bit foggy-brained. But not sure if that is my age (50) or effects of the drug. Certainly my eyes and ears are going! Thanks for reading, RL
  14. I've been experiencing signs of depression and anxiety the past month. I had a panic attack a few days ago, and I'm afraid of having another one. I want to get help, but I'm too afraid to. If I go to my parents, my dad thinks i'm just overreacting. I've told my dad I hate my life, but he got angry and said I had everything, a roof, clothes, and an education and I shouldn't have to worry about it. He started bringing up that people had nothing and it made me feel ashamed on how my behavior was. I have a guidance counselor in school , and shes's very nice. I would love to spend my whole day in her office, but I can't. I've been to guidance before and I feel secure and safe there. They take things seriously, their not like my dad who would just say I'm overreacting. Only problem with telling guidance is, they will report it to my parents, and my dad will act up like he normally does. My friends have been their for everything, we've been through some tough stuff and I feel comfortable talking to them the most. We all share secrets together and solve conflicts, but I'm really concerned about is there gonna report it to guidance before I even get a chance.
  15. Hi! Had problems with my sleep for years,whether it was sleep walking or just trouble falling asleep. Tried everything, going to the doctors, subscription sleeping/anti-anxiety pills, therapy, alcohol, etc... my friend keep saying that its all in my head and that I am just making it up, but it all started in my childhood and nobody was able to help me so far. I know that the sleeping pills would sort everything out, but only in the short term. Has anyone come across that before? Any advice? Any advice/experience stories would be awesome x
  16. Hi Everyone, I am a person that has suffered with anxiety for many years now. I have always been an anxious/worried person, even as a child, but I didn't begin experiencing full-blown panic attacks until I was involved in a serious car accident. I guess it could be called PTSD, but the panic attacks continued for several years after the accident and still occasionally happen today. I am wondering if anyone has experienced a similar evolution in their mental-health and would be open to sharing their story. I am trying to learn more about my panic disorder/generalized anxiety by understanding my predisposition to these disorders, as a naturally anxious person. If anyone is willing to share, I have some more specific questions to provide guidance: 1. When did you begin experiencing anxiety/panic disorder? How old were you and were there any specific circumstances that impacted you? 2. Did you experience any events/circumstances that were particularly traumatic that you believe might have contributed to/triggered your anxiety/panic/PTSD? 3. Would you describe yourself as a naturally anxious person? Do you recall being more worried about things (sickness/health, irrational fears, bad things happening) prior to the onset of your anxiety/panic disorder? 4. Did either of your parents or close relatives experience similar anxiety problems/mental-health disorders? Do you think you were impacted by them at all? I apologize if any of these questions are too personal, of course this is just a forum and I expect that anyone that doesn't want to answer/isn't comfortable won't. I feel that learning as much as I can about my mental-health and the nature of my "problems" is very helpful in understanding why I am this way and how I can help myself and others. I hope that maybe this can help some of you as well. I appreciate any responses/contribution, and I hope that maybe we can spark an insightful conversation here. Thank you! Ally
  17. Hi Everyone, I am a person that has suffered with anxiety for many years now. I have always been an anxious/worried person, even as a child, but I didn't begin experiencing full-blown panic attacks until I was involved in a serious car accident. I guess it could be called PTSD, but the panic attacks continued for several years after the accident and still occasionally happen today. I am wondering if anyone has experienced a similar evolution in their mental-health and would be open to sharing their story. I am trying to learn more about my panic disorder/generalized anxiety by understanding my predisposition to these disorders, as a naturally anxious person. If anyone is willing to share, I have some more specific questions to provide guidance: 1. When did you begin experiencing anxiety/panic disorder? How old were you and were there any specific circumstances that impacted you? 2. Did you experience any events/circumstances that were particularly traumatic that you believe might have contributed to/triggered your anxiety/panic/PTSD? 3. Would you describe yourself as a naturally anxious person? Do you recall being more worried about things (sickness/health, irrational fears, bad things happening) prior to the onset of your anxiety/panic disorder? 4. Did either of your parents or close relatives experience similar anxiety problems/mental-health disorders? Do you think you were impacted by them at all? I apologize if any of these questions are too personal, of course this is just a forum and I expect that anyone that doesn't want to answer/isn't comfortable won't. I feel that learning as much as I can about my mental-health and the nature of my "problems" is very helpful in understanding why I am this way and how I can help myself and others. I hope that maybe this can help some of you as well. I appreciate any responses/contribution, and I hope that maybe we can spark an insightful conversation here. Thank you! Ally
  18. So for the past week and a half I've been getting on and off pains and twinges throughout my head, usually in the forehead area and I can't stop thinking that its brain cancer or something bad like that. I'm really scared. I think I have a sinus infection like some other people on the forum said I probably do but I'm still constantly worrying about this. What should I do?
  19. Hello everyone. I'm looking for some insight on this, if anyone has been through the same or has any tips for me. Here's my story (made short) I've always been anxious since I was little. In high school panic attacks starting happening every day, multiple times a day. I was over thinking everything, always have. It's not until this past summer I had an intrusive thought about s****de, I didn't want to die (still dont) but the thought of anyone feeling that way or acting upon it scared the F out of me. As I was over thinking that, worrying about me becoming depressed, I started feeling sad. which sparked a worry frenzy in my mind!! it's an obsession now and I'm always on the lookout for signs of depression in myself. A lot of stuff triggered this, my close friends mom dying, my brother having his first seizure, and a break up from my daughters dad. I know I am stressed but I cannot seem to stop obsessing over my negative thoughts and then dwelling on them. When I can take my mind off my thoughts I'm as happy as a clam. But I just seem to not be able to be mindful. Can anyone relate? has anyone had a similar experience? I'd love to know! -A
  20. About me Hi my names john,i am 26 and i have been suffering from anxiety and depression for about 12 years, and agoraphobia for 2 years. Background So i had a bad childhood and i'm not going to go into details on a forum board however it led me into a spiral path or bullying and loneliness, i could always hide my feelings and bottle up my emotions and it seemed to work. when i was 16 i started dating a girl i had new in high school i always liked her. I got kicked out of my parents house parents never liked the girl i was dating made things hard but not impossible. We ended up having 2 kids and married, we have been married 6 years now. 2 years ago i was in work and like every other day weather it be in work or outside in general i was flustered, shaking and just all round panicky but i was used to it i thought it was normal but this time was different it felt like the walls where closing in, the seats got smaller and the people got closer, i felt my heart jumping out of my chest like the climax of a good horror film, it was too much i wanted to run away, but wait i couldn't i was frozen on the spot, i felt like i couldn't breathe, i kinda don't remember much after that but i got home, i didn't want to go to work then next day and i went to speak to a Dr, he told me it was stress gave me a week sick note and sent me on my way and like a good little boy i followed. During that week i noticed it became increasingly difficult to go out without feeling a similar way i couldn't go into the local shop without feeling some sort of feelings that are hard to explain but i still went back to work at the end of my sick note. First day back and i was already feeling nervous but i lasted all of 1 hour i couldn't take it no more i had to leave, i spoke to my manager and told them how i was feeling and she told me to go back to the Doctors, i went back, he told me i was still suffering with stress and he would give me another week off. At this point my wife was fuming because she knew there was something more then stress wrong with me, we changed doctors and my wife told me to write a letter as i find it difficult to talk to people and explain whats going on. At the new doctors with letter in hand, the new doctors was very busy and sitting in the waiting room was very uncomfortable, i seemed to spend more time in the toilets until someone came in, my name was called and went into the room, i said sorry and handed her the letter. She smiled at the first sentence, "Dear Dr. I'm sorry for this letter as its long and i'm writing it at 4 am i don't think i can explain everything with my words". That smile soon turned into a straight concentrated face as the letter was 8 pages long and went into a full back story and how i was feeling. After the letter she immediately turned to me and said "your suffering with anxiety and depression we will give you some medication that will take some of the edge off but you will need CBT counseling". And thats where ill leave it in background. Current Life. So I'm now on mirtazapine, i have been through a few different types of tablet, i now have a psychotherapist and a specialist pharmacist to make sure I'm getting the right meds, i was getting counseling however i got took of the books as i missed 3 appointments as they where 5 miles away and i don't drive. I have almost lost my wife with some of the side effects of tablets and my lack of interest in anything, low mood. Well that me all in one page, hope this explains a bit about me and maybe some of you have similar experiences if so any help on coping with this illness would be a great.
  21. I feel stupid for this, I really do, but at the same time I'm still incredibly worried with everything around me. I think I've fully relapsed back into my original hypochondriac feelings, that I have a brain tumor. I've been incredibly anxious for about a week as some of you know, and now I'm back to feeling that my death is soon and I have an incurable brain tumor. A few days ago I was worried that my Mom has one (I still am) but now I think I have one too. The symptoms that happened last time when I thought so have come back, headaches behind the eyes, weakness, being tired, etc. I need reassurance because I really do feel like I'm going to die in a few months and I don't know what to do. I'm panicking.
  22. Hey; I am in some real need of advice. I take currently 2.5mg xanax a day and half of a 25mg metorpolol tablet a day. I got shaken by anxiety eps around the time I take the beta blocker pill. and I have a fear of pulse racing. Since then ive been more and more anxious about taking the tablet- to the point where im getting anticipatory anxiety and I dread take time. I usually settle within 10-30 minutes after at least a bit but i get worried I wont .. But im trying to figure out why as this is really bothering me. Is it because I associated it with that anxiety? OR im somehow afraid it wont work or im fearing fear I have no idea ;/ Any advice on how to work on this? Thank you~
  23. After watch Guy Winch at TED about Emotional First Aid I got really pump up and it's look good for me, So I decided to create content about It. Hope you like it. So what it emotional first aid come for ? Imagine you are in park, observing a group of children playing around on the playground. Apparently, the taller of the two are pissed off because the shorter keeps following him around. Then he pushes the other, causing the latter to fall and scrape his knee. Three other kids stop playing. One runs to her home and come back carrying a first aid kid. Everybody is familiar with first aid kid, the little white box with a red cross on its front surface. The kid with first aid kid put a band aid over the fallen kid’s knees, and they’re back to playing. In a glance, it’s all sunshine and rainbow again for those children. But are they really? Everybody worry about the fallen kid’s knee, but it’s been treated and it will be okay. It will heal. But, who worry about the fallen kid’s heart? His feeling is very hurt, and it doesn’t show but from that time the younger kid is afraid to approach older boy. But there is no such first aid kit for the boy’s heart. No band aid to heal his hurt feeling and to recover his trauma. But, you see, just because it doesn’t visible to eyes, doesn’t mean emotional injury doesn’t need band aid. Because human knows the risk of leaving physical wound or illness untreated, they make first aid kid: a box full of easy to reach medication and health tools. Yet despite knowing the risk of untreated injury, people seem wonderfully indifferent toward emotional injury. But how about leaving emotional injury ? So, what do we need to do to make this emotional first aid? According to the book, the treatment will be different according to each type of the emotional injuries: rejection, loneliness, loss and trauma, guilt, rumination, failure, and low self esteem. Let's discuss one by one Loneliness Loneliness isn’t a ‘door shut on your face’ type of hurt like rejection. It comes slowly, creeping between your day and night, even when you’re surrounded with people. Loneliness makes you sad, constantly on guard and tends to mistrust other people. Often because of that it drives people away, so you’re going to be even lonelier. how about the first aid for loneliness ? Stop bullying yourself !!! We frown upon bullying when we see one, yet we often bully our own selves. We often blame ourself for everything that goes wrong, even when those things are just coincident. In our head, we often call ourselves ugly, stupid, and other demeaning words. When we succeed, we seldom praise ourselves. In fact, bullying ourselves will just add negative thinking into our head. When we’re too deep in negative thinking, we may regard everything in life with negative lens, including connecting to people. That makes us even lonelier. Borrow other people’s eyes Are you afraid you won’t meet other people’s expectation when you’re interacting with them? Let me ask you something. Are you afraid other people won’t meet your expectation when they’re interacting with you? No, right? You don’t expect something from others when you’re casually interacting with them, except basic manner of course. So, remember that that’s what exactly other people think of you in conversation: they don’t expect anything from you. Knowing this will help you relax in conversation. For rejection, loss and trauma, guilt, rumination, failure, and low self esteem, I will continue it If this is post get a good respond ;):throb: Source
  24. Hi I'm new to AC, im 24 and have experienced anxiety intermittently for as long as I remember. However, recently I've been having different issues that my doctor keeps telling me is just anxiety but I'm so paranoid that it's something more, it's driving me crazy. I got back to the US in January after visiting my parents abroad. About 4 hours after landing I felt this hard thud in my chest, I got super dizzy almost collapsed when I stood up, my heart was racing and my legs were shaking uncontrollably. I went to the ER thinking I was having some sort of heart episode, but they did a bunch of blood tests, an ekg, and a chest X-ray which all came back normal. They hooked me up to 2 IV's which brought my heart rate down, they attributed everything to dehydration and sent me home. A few days later I was watching TV when all of a sudden my legs started to shake uncontrollably again, my heart started to race, my chest was incredibly tight, and I honestly thought that I was going to die. I went back to the ER in the morning and they did more tests but couldn't find anything. They told me I most likely experienced a panic attack and to talk to a therapist it's now almost the end of February and nothing has improved. I've had 4 or 5 of these shaking panic attacks when it feels like there is a band across half my chest and fire in my veins in my neck and chest. On a daily basis I feel this weird aching pain in the left side of my chest radiating from my armpit to the Center of my chest and also causes discomfort in the top of my left breast. I've had multiple EKG's and echo tests done because I truly think it's physical. I've never had anxiety manifest itself in this way before, multiple doctors have told me I have a panic disorder and that the baseline for my anxiety is just higher now. I truly feel like this is ruining my life. It's present almost every day, it gets worse with anxiety and strain, and as soon as I feel the pain (which sometimes radiates down the inside of my left arm) I can feel the anxiety start. My neck gets tight and slightly spastic, and as soon as my legs start to seize (best description of what happens) I know there's nothing I can do at that point. Im just wondering if anyone has experienced similar chest/armpit pain? Is this really anxiety or am is it some hidden ailment? I've been in Zoloft for almost a month and haven't seen much improvement. My doctor dismisses this pain and basically just sends me home to deal with it on my own but it's difficult when you don't know what you're dealing with. Sorry for the long rant Any advice/suggestions would be so helpful Thanks!