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  1. 1 point
    Ah ok I see what you are saying. And that the dr thinks they are related. I think it is typical to jump to the most catastrophic thing, but you were thoroughly checked in multiple spots and all Was fine - not the lymphoma. Rashes can be a pain and take forever to clear, but you know it isn’t life threatening. Because you were thoroughly checked. Keep reminding yourself of that!
  2. 1 point
    That’s great that it is still improving! If you are very fair skinned, you are going to get and see all of the red marks- that’s normal. I am also wondering if you are more hypersensitive to the marks on your body now. If you get red marks, and you will, I don’t think you have to put anything on it besides a good lotion maybe. We all get red marks. Not sure about the steroid cream so calling to ask would be a good idea. I understand completely about the HA, but think of it this way: you saw 3 derms. Two of them completely disagree with the one. That should say something there. The second derm sounds catastrophic to me and overly dramatic. But you have 2 others that completely disagree! I would lean on that fact. There is no reason for your mind to go to any scary place now! You are ok and it is healing!
  3. 1 point
    I understand. Doesn’t sound like there is really anything left to do but let it be.
  4. 1 point
    Honestly, I'm so over all of this and mentally exhausted. At this point, I don't know what I'm going to do.
  5. 1 point
    Oh so you are pulling on your skin to look at it? Yes that can be keeping it red looking for sure and can definitely be a reason why you had trouble with the stitch and the infection. The skin is really sensitive and I know you said you skin is super sensitive anyway. So if it is a hard to see area, and there is nothing medically wrong with this area, could it have been there even before the mammo? Like maybe it has been redder for some time due to aging and hormone changes? That is a question to consider. It may not be new, but new to you, and the only reason you found it was because of the pain after the mammo. Otherwise you wouldn’t have known it was there? Thank you for the prayers… that is much appreciated!! 🤗 glad i could help during what was a really scary time. I know you are ok. It’s a mind thing right now- not liking it being there. But I am so glad that’s what it is.
  6. 1 point
    I am glad to hear the infection and the biopsy sites are healing- exactly as it should be and that is a good sign that the tissue is healthy. I think one of the hardest things to tolerate is not knowing. They don’t know what it is, but they know what it isn’t. He thoroughly checked it and looked for all kinds of nasty things- which it wasn’t. I know you feel like he dismissed you, but could it be because he knows it isn’t life threatening but doesn’t know exactly what it is so it’s not something he feels he needs to treat and thus, he doesn’t have to see you anymore? I would think that would be a great sign because he would in no way jeopardize his medical degree by brushing you off. Maybe he just doesn’t see a need for you to go back because he has nothing to treat- which is good! I know you don’t like it but maybe it is the way your body is changing over time. All that matter is - it is nothing that needs to be treated. I wonder - if you spent a few days not looking at it at all, if it would look lighter to you. I have been there before where you look and focus on a color or mark on your body and it looks so much darker than it really is because you keep looking and you expect it to look that way. Try not to look at it at all for even one week and see how it looks different. That’s ok to do because you know the tissue is healthy and you know it is nothing to be treated. It may look lighter after that break.
  7. 1 point
    I had basal cell carcinoma on the upper right part of my nose 14 years ago. My dermatologist sent me to a Mohs surgeon. The surgery was performed in his office. I sat in a special chair and a heart monitor and blood pressure cuff was put on me and I had local anesthesia and the surgery began. He had to go in twice as he said the tumor was bigger and deeper then he had originally thought. He said there was a 99% chance it would not come and so far it has not. I get a yearly checkup by my dermatologist.