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About ad_alina

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  1. Hi! Had problems with my sleep for years,whether it was sleep walking or just trouble falling asleep. Tried everything, going to the doctors, subscription sleeping/anti-anxiety pills, therapy, alcohol, etc... my friend keep saying that its all in my head and that I am just making it up, but it all started in my childhood and nobody was able to help me so far. I know that the sleeping pills would sort everything out, but only in the short term. Has anyone come across that before? Any advice? Any advice/experience stories would be awesome x
  2. I totally agree! I've had problems with staying asleep since a young age, now still have them. Its horrible actually. I have trouble falling asleep but also sometimes get nightmares or wake up at the middle of the night. Seen doctors about that...nothing really helps, so do not know what to do about that, tried pills, they work but just for the time, not a long term thing. Any advice?
  3. I've had problems with staying asleep since a young age, now still have them. Its horrible actually. I have trouble falling asleep but also sometimes get nightmares or wake up at the middle of the night. Seen doctors about that...nothing really helps, so do not know what to do about that, tried pills, they work but just for the time, not a long term thing. Any advice?
  4. ad_alina


    I've had problems with staying asleep since a young age, now still have them. Its horrible actually. I have trouble falling asleep but also sometimes get nightmares or wake up at the middle of the night. Seen doctors about that...nothing really helps, so do not know what to do about that, tried pills, they work but just for the time, not a long term thing. Any advice?