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Found 35 results

  1. Maddy123

    New here

    Hello all. My name is Maddy. I’m 19 and about 2 months ago I was at work when I had a strange “wave” got though my body, my heart rate immediately went up and I began to sweat and couldn’t gather my thoughts properly. My arm felt tingly and I began Worrying that I could Be having a stroke. I went Into the ER, they ran an EKG, blood test, urine test, and it all cam back normal. They chalked It up to panic disorder and generalized anxiety. I still felt off for the next few days and like I was Not in control of my thoughts and my mind. I went To follow up with my primary care doctor, as I was Scared there was something we were missing. She examined me thouroughly and didn’t find anything wrong, she sent me to get blood work done to see how my lipids, thyroid, cholestorl, etc, all we’re. They all came back perfectly normal. I had No appetite for days and my vision felt slightly off. The best way I can Describe it is like I was Constantly high and experiencing this weird out of body experience. I made An appointment with a phsychiatrist near by, and she diagnosed me with a panic disorder, and generalized anxiety as well. I was Prescribed Zoloft and currently take 100mg daily, and clonazepam .5mg twice daily as needed. About a week and half of taking the medication I sarted noticing results and feeling much better. I was No longer waking up to a panic attack and increased heart rate, I could live out my days relatively normally. I started seeing a therapist and doing cognitive behavioral therapy with her and so far it’s been helpful. Within the past 2 days though I’ve been feeling quite awful again. It is very discouraging because I’ve been feeling good for about 2 weeks or so now, and I’m scared that I’m starting all over again and that I have To go through this all again. I’m sorry for the lengthy post I just want to be as detailed as I can with you all. Not to mention that I have A constant fear that this isn’t anxiety and that these symptoms are something else and I’m worried that they could mean I have A brain tumor or something like that. I made The mistake of googling brain tumor symptoms and other things and got myself deep into a rabbit hole and started thinking “holy s*#t!” These are all my symptoms what if their mimicking something more serious such as a brain tumor. I get Slight headaches from time to time but nothing seriously major or horribly painful. Consciously I know That it has to be my anxiety. Subconsciously it Is so hard for me to believe myself and the facts in front of me. I cant Get this persistent thought out of my head and it’s causing me more and more panic attacks. Has anyone else been here? I’d really appreciate it if y’all took the time to read this lengthy post. Thank you all. -maddy
  2. Hello all. My name is Maddy. I’m 19 and about 2 months ago I was at work when I had a strange “wave” got though my body, my heart rate immediately went up and I began to sweat and couldn’t gather my thoughts properly. My arm felt tingly and I began Worrying that I could Be having a stroke. I went Into the ER, they ran an EKG, blood test, urine test, and it all cam back normal. They chalked It up to panic disorder and generalized anxiety. I still felt off for the next few days and like I was Not in control of my thoughts and my mind. I went To follow up with my primary care doctor, as I was Scared there was something we were missing. She examined me thouroughly and didn’t find anything wrong, she sent me to get blood work done to see how my lipids, thyroid, cholestorl, etc, all we’re. They all came back perfectly normal. I had No appetite for days and my vision felt slightly off. The best way I can Describe it is like I was Constantly high and experiencing this weird out of body experience. I made An appointment with a phsychiatrist near by, and she diagnosed me with a panic disorder, and generalized anxiety as well. I was Prescribed Zoloft and currently take 100mg daily, and clonazepam .5mg twice daily as needed. About a week and half of taking the medication I sarted noticing results and feeling much better. I was No longer waking up to a panic attack and increased heart rate, I could live out my days relatively normally. I started seeing a therapist and doing cognitive behavioral therapy with her and so far it’s been helpful. Within the past 2 days though I’ve been feeling quite awful again. It is very discouraging because I’ve been feeling good for about 2 weeks or so now, and I’m scared that I’m starting all over again and that I have To go through this all again. I’m sorry for the lengthy post I just want to be as detailed as I can with you all. Not to mention that I have A constant fear that this isn’t anxiety and that these symptoms are something else and I’m worried that they could mean I have A brain tumor or something like that. I made The mistake of googling brain tumor symptoms and other things and got myself deep into a rabbit hole and started thinking “holy s*#t!” These are all my symptoms what if their mimicking something more serious such as a brain tumor. I get Slight headaches from time to time but nothing seriously major or horribly painful. Consciously I know That it has to be my anxiety. Subconsciously it Is so hard for me to believe myself and the facts in front of me. I cant Get this persistent thought out of my head and it’s causing me more and more panic attacks. Has anyone else been here? I’d really appreciate it if y’all took the time to read this lengthy post. Thank you all. -maddy
  3. Hello, Right now has been a really intense time for me in life, and I've realized why my therapy strategies didn't work before. I used to think that GAD and panic disorder were very separate things but now I'm absolutely sure I have both. I don't have the resources to go back into therapy to try and get the help and knowledge I need about panic disorder and handling the attacks in an actually helpful way. I would really appreciate any advice or strategies you have. Thank you so much
  4. Has anyone dealt with Klonopin withdrawal symptoms? I’ve had severe anxiety since about the 3rd day that I stopped taking it. Neck pain/tension, light sensitivity, weird feelings in my head like someone is touching the nerves in my head, severe anxiety, depersonalization, lower chin/upper throat tightness, insomnia, night panic attacks/terrors. It’s been about 12days now. I was taking .5mg per day, at night.
  5. No matter how many times I read that lightheadedness and foggy mind/vision is a classic symptom of panic disorder, My reaction remains the same. No time to rationalize when it comes on all of a sudden. I'm so tired...
  6. Does anyone ever get the intense fear without many physical symptoms?.. and every thought, good or bad, produces more fear? Like a full blown mental panic attack. Same thoughts and intense fear, but not many physical symptoms... Or the feeling that there is nothing in your chest? Like your heart and lungs are not there, it's a very strange feeling, and hard to describe.
  7. I started on Zoloft last night. I was feeling a little sick and dizzy after waking this morning, which seems to be from the Zoloft I took last night. Then I felt a sudden warm burning sensation in my abdomen, which started to quickly spread to my chest and body. I felt the sensation all the way up to my mouth and head. My mouth and tongue felt warm and tingly, and my arms and legs felt warm and tingly. Then my heart started to beat fast, which I'm not sure if it was because I panicked, or if it was related to the feeling. Please tell me someone knows what I'm talking about.
  8. Has anyone ever taken hydroxyzine for panic attacks? What are your experiences with it? Does it help with an actual attack?
  9. Hi Everyone, I am a person that has suffered with anxiety for many years now. I have always been an anxious/worried person, even as a child, but I didn't begin experiencing full-blown panic attacks until I was involved in a serious car accident. I guess it could be called PTSD, but the panic attacks continued for several years after the accident and still occasionally happen today. I am wondering if anyone has experienced a similar evolution in their mental-health and would be open to sharing their story. I am trying to learn more about my panic disorder/generalized anxiety by understanding my predisposition to these disorders, as a naturally anxious person. If anyone is willing to share, I have some more specific questions to provide guidance: 1. When did you begin experiencing anxiety/panic disorder? How old were you and were there any specific circumstances that impacted you? 2. Did you experience any events/circumstances that were particularly traumatic that you believe might have contributed to/triggered your anxiety/panic/PTSD? 3. Would you describe yourself as a naturally anxious person? Do you recall being more worried about things (sickness/health, irrational fears, bad things happening) prior to the onset of your anxiety/panic disorder? 4. Did either of your parents or close relatives experience similar anxiety problems/mental-health disorders? Do you think you were impacted by them at all? I apologize if any of these questions are too personal, of course this is just a forum and I expect that anyone that doesn't want to answer/isn't comfortable won't. I feel that learning as much as I can about my mental-health and the nature of my "problems" is very helpful in understanding why I am this way and how I can help myself and others. I hope that maybe this can help some of you as well. I appreciate any responses/contribution, and I hope that maybe we can spark an insightful conversation here. Thank you! Ally
  10. I'm wondering if anyone else experiences the mental attacks. I know that's where the attacks usually start, from different thoughts, but my panic usually begins with obsessing over a physical symptom. Now, terror goes through my mind without physical symptoms. It's like panic is tied to my every thought, good or bad. A thought of joy or excitement is immediately met my panic. It's as if a dark cloud traps every one of my thoughts. If I think about doing anything, this dark cloud of panic immediately grabs my thought. Every thought leads to panic, fear, or terror. It feels like every time I reach my hand out of this dark cloud, I'm immediately pulled back in. So even when I'm not feeling physical symptoms, I'm still trapped. This is very discouraging and debilitating.
  11. Hi I'm new to this but I've had ongoing anxiety related issues for a year now involving clenching my jaw, grinding my teeth, shaking, tingling and numbness in hands and feet, heart palpitations, muscle twitches, tensing up, feeling sick, loss of appetite, feeling as if I'm going to faint, frequent urination, chest pain and frequent panic attacks. I've always had no doubt these were all caused by anxiety either because I've been anxious or I realized I was having an anxiety attack but recently I had a horrible panic attack that seemed to not let up for almost two weeks. Out of nowhere I woke up one morning and had the urge to use the restroom, but after I went I still felt the need to go. This has been occurring on and off and I went to the doctor to have UTI and STD testing, blood work, all came back negative. I've had ultrasounds of my bladder and uterus and been to a urologist to check for inflammation during a cystoscopy test, and had voiding tests. Everything came back clear and multiple doctors have told me there is nothing physically wrong with me and urology related problems wouldn't pop up overnight. Psychiatrists have told me that it could be due to anxiety since it started during an attack but I just can't seem to accept it...
  12. How does your 'sense of impending doom' make you feel? Sometimes I find comfort in knowing SOMEONE understands.
  13. I'm wondering if anyone else experiences the mental attacks. I know that's where the attacks usually start, from different thoughts, but my panic usually begins with obsessing over a physical symptom. Now, terror goes through my mind without physical symptoms. It's like panic is tied to my every thought, good or bad. A thought of joy or excitement is immediately met my panic. It's as if a dark cloud traps every one of my thoughts. If I think about doing anything, this dark cloud of panic immediately grabs my thought. Every thought leads to panic, fear, or terror. It feels like every time I reach my hand out of this dark cloud, I'm immediately pulled back in. So even when I'm not feeling physical symptoms, I'm still trapped. This is very discouraging and debilitating.
  14. Hello all, Just want to say thank you for providing such a warm and thoughtful forum in discussing mental health. I was formerly an active member of before it was shut down, and for many years did not really have a place to go. I'm a doctoral student ironically studying clinical psychology- finding a means to express my emotions without judgment is difficult, given that most providers don't wish to deal with trainees in the field. This site seems warm and accepting. Looking forward to meeting you all!
  15. I've had horrible anxiety for the last 3 weeks! I just transferred to a different state/different job and now I'm looking for a home. But my panic disorder has been horrible! I can barely get through a home viewing without needing to rush through and get out. Every feeling I get tells me that it's life threatening, and it's taking me longer than usual to shake this episode. Hopefully it will pass soon
  16. I've had horrible anxiety for the last 3 weeks! I just transferred to a different state/different job and now I'm looking for a home. But my panic disorder has been horrible! I can barely get through a home viewing without needing to rush through and get out. Every feeling I get tells me that it's life threatening, and it's taking me longer than usual to shake this episode. Hopefully it will pass soon
  17. Hi, my name is Hannah. I'm 26, been battling panic/anxiety disorder for about 6 years.. It's a daily struggle for me.. I beat the agoraphobia, but I still rarely leave the house. I'm just having a hard time of it, and would love to hear from people who know the feeling, first hand. And how you deal with it.. Thanks!
  18. Hello all! I am new here. I am from the US, I'm female, and I am in my young 20's. I have struggled with anxiety, panic attacks, and trouble swallowing on and off since i was a small child. I had terrible health anxiety after I moved away from the home I had grown up in my whole life. Throughout college my anxiety continued causing me major anxiety so much I was convinced I was dying. I went to an urgent care broken out in hives and crying. They gave me an antihistimine for a week, but it was all just anxiety. At the new age of 20, I developed agoraphobia (which i believe is hereditery since both my mom and dad had it and also my grandmothers both have anxiety problems). I didn't know what agoraphobia really was until i experienced it. i felt like i could not breathe. i thought i was having an allergic reaction maybe, anyphylactic shock, i'd never had that but i didn't know what else to think. i got checked out and was put on benzo and later a psychiatrist also added remeron. I absolutely hate these drugs, but I fear I'd have worse anxiety without them. I have been housebound for up to about 6 months. I actually got out of that by being forced to move. I never want to get that bad again. I want to keep making progress, but I have much further to go. I am just now starting to drive again. Holly
  19. How many times can you say that you have honestly felt proud of yourself? Think about it for a moment. Being proud of yourself when you have depression or anxiety or any mental health condition is not easy. It's not something that happens easily. In fact sometimes we feel like we will never experience that moment when we realise that yes, we are actually worth it and yes we are proud of ourselves. It seems like such a foreign notion, something that we don't tend to think about too much. I myself know that I have seldom felt proud of myself, no matter how much praise or admiration or well wishes I had recieved. I always felt like whatever I did was never good enough. But I think that this is completely and utterly untrue to think. because no matter who you are, what you have done or what you do now, you should be proud of yourself for some or more of the following reasons: You should be proud of yourself every morning when you get up out of bed even though you would rather stay under the doona and never come out. You should be proud of yourself every time you put down that razor blade or pills, or alcohol or drugs or any form of self harming device. You should be proud every time you smile even when all you want to do is cry. You should be proud of yourself when you pick yourself up off the floor even though you feel like you've shattered into a million pieces. You should be proud of yourself for making it this far, for not giving in even when you felt like you had no choice. You should be proud of yourself for feeling good when you look in the mirror and even when you don't feel so good. You should be proud of yourself for being you. Because you are worthy and valuable and there is no one else on earth like you. That may sound corny but it is true. I challenge you to write down one thing or one moment today that made you feel proud of yourself. And each time you feel down, read it. Be proud of yourself. <3
  20. Hello, I'm new to the site, and like most people here, I suffer from anxiety. I had the first anxiety attack almost a year ago. Very scary, as you all know. It was hard wrapping my mind around the fact that I have some type of anxiety disorder, because I was far from being an anxious person. People usually came to me to get calm. I guess stress over time equals anxiety, whoever you are. I've been battling for the last year, and when I think it's under control, it reminds me that it's still there. Nowadays, I'm feeling some of the worst symptoms I've felt mentally. A few days ago, I was feeling pretty good physically. Then, all of a sudden, I felt like I was fainting. I was just sitting in the car, and it felt like blood started to drain from my head, and my arms and legs felt tingly. This was particularly different because I wasn't feeling anxiety. It just hit me in the middle of feeling well. So this episode is having lingering mental affects such as fear and depression. I went to the ER after this episode, and they did an EKG, blood work, and chest Xrays. They didn't find anything. I've been to the ER 5 times in the last year. Echo, EKG, CAT Scans, stress test, nuclear imaging of my circulatory system, endocrinologist, gastrointestinal doc, and a cardiologist later, and it seems like I'm back at square one with this episode. Of course it doesn't help that I ruptured my achilles tendon a few weeks ago, so now I'm laid up. Has anyone ever experienced this fainting like episode out of the blue?... Which was different than the usual vision narrowing fainting like episode. It felt like blood draining from my head, vision started going dark, arms and legs were tingly, and it felt like I was passing out. This all came on at once, and subsided a few seconds later, then the typical panic attack symptoms came.
  21. My doctor prescribed me a very low dosage of risperidone (half a 0.5 mg tablet before bed) for my feelings of derealisation, depersonalisation, angoraphobia and insomnia due to anxiety at night. I'm slighly concerned if this is the right med as according to my research its a drug for treating schizophrenic psychosis? Or can risperidone (and other antipsychotics) also be used for controlling anxiety? I am on Zoloft (50mg) and take Xanax (smallest dose) during bad panic attacks and for help with angoraphobia.
  22. Hello, I am looking for ways to cope with my panic disorder. It has been over 21 years now since I experienced my first panic attack, and as you all probably know it can be frustrating and debilitating at times (more often then not) to continue to live with this condition. I was just hoping to hear about others experiences, and perhaps find some advice or even just to chat when I'm in need of reaching out to someone who understands. So please consider this my introduction post to get me started. Thanks for reading my post and I look forward to interacting with all you in regards to our common or not so common experiences with panic disorder. Thank you!
  23. Hello All! My name is Zo and I have been battling severe anxiety/panic disorder for the past 3 years. For a long time I dealt with it alone and only recently sought psychiatric help. After my first year of treatment, I have never felt so AMAZING! And now that I have found a way to love myself and live a happy productive life despite my disorder I am dedicated to helping others find this same happiness. I am launching an anxiety awareness and support Vlog on youtube called Zoetic. I will be sharing my coping methods, all I've learned and doing my best to support others. To learn more about who I am and what I've been through please check out my introduction video: Follow me on Twitter for Stress management tips and Positive affirmations: Talk to me confidentially of 7 Cups of Tea for 1-on-1 support: Everything will be updated on a Weekly/Bi-Weekly basis. Feel free to reply with questions and suggestions, I don't bite I promise! I look forward to helping you!
  24. Hello All! My name is Zo and I have been battling severe anxiety/panic disorder for the past 3 years. For a long time I dealt with it alone and only recently sought psychiatric help. After my first year of treatment, I have never felt so AMAZING! And now that I have found a way to love myself and live a happy productive life despite my disorder I am dedicated to helping others find this same happiness. I am launching an anxiety awareness and support Vlog on youtube called Zoetic. I will be sharing my coping methods, all I've learned and doing my best to support others. To learn more about who I am and what I've been through please check out my introduction video: Follow me on Twitter for Stress management tips and Positive affirmations: Talk to me confidentially of 7 Cups of Tea for 1-on-1 support: Everything will be updated on a Weekly/Bi-Weekly basis. Feel free to reply with questions and suggestions, I don't bite I promise! I look forward to helping you!
  25. I find myself confused lately. Because of my agoraphobia, I find myself alone most of the time. This can obviously get really lonely after awhile. But when I invite someone over, the entire time they are here I'm thinking "I can't wait for them to leave." So, I'm like "WTF, I'm lonely right now. Why do I want them to leave?" I don't understand it. Usually, I want them to come back as soon as they walk out of the door. They are two very conflicting feelings. Does anyone else deal with something like this?