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Recently I keep having so many physical symptoms which seems to be symptoms of heart attack like chest pain back pain arm pain heart palpitation nausea and also leg pain. I had several ekg, chest xray and heart ultrasound about a month ago due to heart palpitation. They all came back normal but now I started having all these discomfort. I'm a 17 year old female with no family history of heart disease but I can't help but worry about it all the time. The doctor gave me anxiety meds and everyone says that I'm overthinking when I complain. Sometimes I even have a sense of impending doom for several minutes and feel fine the other minute. I'm so scared. What should I do? I'm about to enter college but everything is going downhill now. ?
I tend to get quite anxious before travelling but over the years I have found some ways to help me feel more calm and relaxed before travelling and during the trip itself. Here are my tips for travelling anxiety-free: A few weeks before travelling, I see an acupuncturist for specific treatments that target anxiety. This has proven to be quite effective for me. I tend to feel more calm and relaxed before travelling and also during the trip itself. Often I also mention tense or painful areas of my body (i.e. back, neck, etc.) to the acupuncturist and get them treated as well. The better you feel before travelling, the better the whole trip will be. I start preparing and packing early. It makes me feel less anxious and nervous when I know I have prepared everything well. About a week before travelling, I start drinking one to two cups of chamomile and lemonbalm tea every day. Chamomile and lemonbalm tea is very calming. If I still feel a bit anxious, I use “Rescue Remedy” (Bach flower remedies) before and also during the trip. On the morning of the trip, I drink a cup of chamomile or lemonbalm tea and I have a comforting meal, such as muesli or porridge/oatmeal. About ½ hour before the trip, I eat a banana. Eating one or two bananas about ½ hour before a stressful event/situation has been proven to lower anxiety levels. I also pack some snacks. Almonds, dark chocolate, walnuts and some fruit are great. Almonds and dark chocolate are high in magnesium. Magnesium calms the nervous system, relaxes the muscles and lowers stress levels. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which also lower the body’s stress response. When travelling by train or airplane, I listen to calming music or read a book – usually something light and heart-warming. I avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks before travelling as well as during the trip completely as those are known to aggravate anxiety. I often take some herbal tea bags with me as a lot of hotels don’t seem to have them. They usually only have coffee, black tea and green tea available on their breakfast buffets. I hope those few tips will help you for your next trip. Happy travels, Jacqueline Brandes Author of “Calm Your Mind in 5 Weeks: How to Reduce Anxiety Naturally”
Hello everyone- where do I even begin? It's 3:30am- I've maybe slept 30 minutes tonight because a tongue twitch woke me up- after a week of having new twitches all over my body and going down the ALS rabbit hole. i know I have anxiety- have been on Wellbutrin since April, dose upped in July. I am 34 year old mom of 2 and the thought of any symptom I have being ALS have put me in a bad spiral! Ugh! history- I had a DVT a few years ago during my pregnancy- healed fine. The leg that had that has recently been having some mild aches. I attributed this to some circulation issues post clot & went down the rabbit hole there- trigger anxiety to a level I didn't even know was possible. The next day- I noticed a few twitches here & there in my calf muscle occasionally.. now I'm HYPER SENSITIVE to every little thing my body is doing.. I now notice every little twitch... throughout the day- 1 in my calf, 1 in my thigh, 1 in my arm, shoulder, other calf, foot, hand... just a quick little twitch- that's it. Google symptoms- convinced this is ALS & go down that rabbit hole. the anxiety has been unreal since- I am losing sleep, I've lost weight due to no appetite, am checked out from my kids & husband because I'm so consumed with every little symptom & the twitches are happening more frequently & I notice every single one... tonight I got somewhat calm- then my jaw twitches (1st time) sends me in a panic.. can't sleep. Doze off finally- and wake up to a tongue twitch/spasm. Everything I've read says that is almost always associated with ALS & here we are- 3.30am, unable to sleep. i am seeing my doctor in 2 days- to discuss overall symptoms & anxiety. i have no pain (just that dull ache in the calf) no weakness that's at least noticeable or new (I'm out of shape so yea.. lol) no speech issues or falling... but the rabbit hole.. i would appreciate hearing similar experiences, symptoms... also reading so much that most twitches are caused by stress/anxiety. Seems crazy an emotion can trigger physical symptoms but wow... thank you all.
Hello everyone, I have not posted in here in quite some time. For the most part I think I have gotten my anxiety under control, but one thing that is still a big trigger is whenever I am sick. My boyfriend has been sick for a few days and I am starting to feel like I am coming down with what he has. We suspect covid, but are waiting for test results to come back. Regardless of what it is, being sick always make me pretty anxious and I feel like it's amplified now because of covid. One of my main problems is I can't sleep whenever I'm not feeling well. I'll feel relatively fine (anxiety wise) all day and then once it's time to go to sleep it comes on strongly. For some reason whenever I am about to fall asleep it suddenly feels like I can't breathe and I will jolt up panicking. Then it keeps happening every time I almost fall asleep until exhaustion takes over. It scares me because I'm not anxious during the day and most of the time I don't feel anxious when I'm about to go to sleep either, it's just when that starts to happen. Also that only occurs when I'm sick, I can sleep perfectly fine every other day. Has anyone else experienced this before and know why that might be happening and if it's something I should be worried about? Also any tips or advice on maybe some ways I could stop that from happening would be appreciated. Thank you so much.
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So I have had chronic lower back problems. This past weekend I hurt my back worse than I ever have and have been off work most of the week. It's believed to be a lumbar disc issue. Before this happened (about a week prior) I noticed when lying in bed I would have the occasional twitch in random spots. Sometimes it was a finger, sometimes my hand, sometimes my foot, etc. I've noticed this happening with more frequency since my injury, but nothing online says they are connected. I did read that some ALS patients present with lower back pain as an initial symptom, so now I'm super worried. This morning, I woke up at 5 and as I tried to fall asleep, I kept getting what felt like hypotonic twitches. One on my ride side (right pectoral and shoulder and once on my left). Now I'm super anxious about what is going on.
Hello! I would love to get some advice. When I was ages 8 - 16, I had horrible anxiety stomachaches and nausea (doctor prescribed Zantac). In my 20s, I would get migraines...only nausea when I traveled. I went to a therapist about 5 years ago who diagnosed anxiety/GAD. I consider myself a happy and upbeat person, but I struggle with feeling restless, feeling "sped up" all the time, easily overwhelmed. I've had a binge eating issue since elementary school so the 'sped up' feeling frequently manifests in binges. It's especially bad during PMS time, when I feel so 'sped up' and jittery that I can't sleep and am constantly eating. My weight has yo-yo'd by 100 pounds multiple times since elementary school and I'm over it. I feel like my sped-up brain is hamstringing my efforts toward a healthy weight. I finally went to my doctor, who prescribed Prozac. I had a terrible reaction to it (swelling joints for 6 weeks). Then she prescribed Phentermine, which is perfect - it makes me feel calm and in control. But it's only a 3 month Rx and she can't renew (says that it's bad for blood pressure). She has just prescribed Effexor, but I've read horror stories about it, and after my miserable Prozac reaction, I'm really anxious - ha! - about taking it. Any thoughts? Any coping mechanisms for that "sped up" feeling? Or do I really need to resign myself to meds? Thanks so much!
For a few days I was doing better. My therapist took me off Prozac because it caused major side effects. After a week of being off of it we switched to Lexapro 2 days ago. Now my fears are back again, I keep thinking I have the beginning stages of CJD and idk how to combat this, I feel like I'm playing a waiting game to die and I notice every little symptom. The hands shaking, random leg twitches, I cry around the same time every day it feels like, I keep trying to remember everything I can in fear im losing my mind, I keep grinding my teeth. I keep feeling like I can't swallow and lately it feels like I'm having trouble walking. I'm so scared.
I am stuck.Every day. It's like I don't know how to live normally anymore.I don't want to say I suffer from, because I know there's people in the world going through so much. But every day, I fear that I'm dying. From what changes all the time, but it's to a point where it's so overwhelming. I wake up with panic and shivering and feeling cold. And almost every day I feel on edge and cry and cry because I want to live a long life. I'm 29.I've struggled with the thought of turning the big 30 for awhile now. Last October I had an advanced case of Covid and didn't know if I was going to make it through. I did, and immediately I was so happy to be alive. I had this new appreciation on life. I quit taking Lexapro, I was simply enjoying existing. After covid I was diagnosed with tachycardia because my average resting heart rate was around 100. It never bothered me. Until this last month. At the end of August I was at my office and I had a huge dose of derealization hit me where it felt like nothing is real. The only thing I did that day was drink a shit ton of caffeine and I'm attributing it to that. Since then though It's like I've been stuck in panic. I let myself go after covid, I was weighing 405lbs (I'm 385 now) I went to the doctor and he ran an an ekg and blood panel (he said my heart was fine, just beating fast) and I found out I have high blood pressure, during my panic attack at the doctor it was 172/124 and he put me on beta blockers. The same day my psychiatrist put me on Prozac 20mg. I went home and cried because of my blood pressure, I was convinced my lifestyle of junk food and no exercise the last 10 years had damaged my heart. Why else would I need beta blockers? My panic was at an all time high, so much I went to the ER convinced I was having a heart attack. They did an ekg, another full blood panel and a chest x-ray, which again told me I was fine and had a young healthy heart. I went home that night and promptly fell asleep relieved, until I woke up in the morning twice with more palpitations. The next 3 days I barely slept and freaked out worse than I ever have. I was convinced I was dying.So much that I checked myself into the psychiatric ward aka behavioral health for 5 days. I still cried everyday and felt like my skin was going to jump off my arms. They gave me Ativan? but it didn't make me feel better. They adjusted my beta blocker to propranolol and raised my prozac to 40mg. and aslo gave me 50mg of hydroxizine to take every 6 hours (Idk if it helps, I think it does) Last Thursday marked week 3 of being on prozac since then I have convinced myself that I'm dying again, but this time from CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease ) It's like my brain picked out the worst disease it could find when I was looking up symptoms. I'm convinced that my sudden anxiety and depression spike is why I have it. I pulled away from my friends, I don't enjoy gaming or listening to music. Every day I wake up scared I'm going to forget something and that will be the dementia taking over from the CJD. I wake up and instantly start trying to recall the prior days memories. I start balancing on each leg trying to make sure I have balance. I've looked up almost every case of CJD I can find just to see what the presenting features were. (which btw I found out I have problems balancing with my eyes closed, aka postive Rombergs test and that freaks me out too) It feels like I'm a ticking time bomb, and wondering what day I'm going to wake up to more symptoms, but not just for CJD, but for anything, wondering if I'll have a heart attack, a stroke, a seizure or something much worse and I can't enjoy anything because I just worry about what day in life will be my last. I also don't know what's what anymore as far as how I'm feeling.Since upping my prozac to 40 and starting propranolol, I've tracked these symptoms:- Jaw clenching which sometimes causes my jaw to shake and a headache- Heat sensitivity (Feeling hot)- Sweating a lot. On and off most of the day in fact.- Waking up in the morning cold sometimes and shaking- Hands shaky and fingers twitching- Muscle twitches in my legs and toes- Visual Snow (I only notice this when I look for it or I'm super stressed)- Tinnitus (ear ringing), which again I think is from the jaw clenching.- Feeling my anxiety spike like I'm going to jump out of my skin.- Hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations (seeing things upon waking or going to bed)- Tried having sex and after climax I got nauseous and sweaty- Crying more than usual- Not being able to calm down, having panic for hours- Tension in different parts of my bodyMy psychiatrist said to go to 60mg of Prozac and since then some of it has seemed even worse so I came back down to 40mg.I never felt this way when I was taking Lexapro. I've never felt this way in my life before.I don't understand how it can get this bad just by having anxiety and depression which is why I keep thinking I have something wrong with me.The though of dying terrifies me, I was raised Christian and believe in heaven, but I made the mistake of reading NDE on reddit one night where so many people that supposedly died and came back just saw nothing or blackness. My whole life I've believed that my relatives who have passed are on the other side waiting, and I'm scared to die.I don't know what to do anymore.
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So I know a number of people who swear by essential oils as being very helpful for all kinds of things, including anxiety. I'm on medication for my anxiety and I'm not looking to make any major changes in that department at the moment, but I am interested in things that may help relax me when I get particularly stressed. Has anyone tried essential oils or aromatherapy for this? Is there a particular brand or mix or whatever (not familiar with terms) you can recommend? Thanks for any input!
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Is it possible that anxiety can lead to IBS? Every so often, sometimes when I am really stressed and anxious, I get stomach issues. The last couple of weeks I have been more stressed than usual and that has made my anxiety the worst it’s been in a while. I’ve had a lot of gas, stomach pain, and I haven’t been able to go to the bathroom very often. As soon as I was able to go the bloating decreased a lot, but I still feel very gassy and have a stomachache after eating. Could this be caused by IBS or is it something else entirely?
I've always struggled with ocd and anxiety. I found over the years whenever something goes away something else pops up to take its place. Heart disease, kidney disease, cancers, end of the world, fear of dying itself, etc. I'm only 27 years old yet I feel like I'm out of time to change, to enjoy life. I feel like my clock has run out. A lot of things are changing for me which doesn't help but I know losing my father at 40 to heart disease plays a factor. I don't believe I'll get old and that terrifies me. My father did drugs, ate terribly and made a lot of bad decisions that lead to his passing but for some reason an ending is all I see for myself. Please I'm desperate for any and all advice.
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Hello everyone! I haven’t been on here for a while! Missed you all. Been struggling today. I have been on an RV trip with my husband and 3 young kids, going on day 7. I’ve hit a wall. I am so anxious being 17 hours away from home and it’s spiked my anxiety. Not to mention alcohol and dehydration playing a part in the summer heat. Anyway, I was sitting in the passenger seat of the RV, when all of a sudden my vision got really bright, and I almost got like an aura tunnel vision, with sparking lights. Only lasted about 10 seconds, and happened about 6 hours ago, but my body is still in panic mode wondering what the heck I just experienced. We are currently heading back towards home but won’t be there for at least another day. Does this require an ER investigation? I’m panicking pretty bad and I feel so bad for my kids cause I’m taking it out on them. Please help!
I'm scared, so scared. I feel like i'm not real, like I'm living in a dream world except it's more like a nightmare because i feel invisible. I feel nauseous and dizzy and like there is a constant fog over my eyes. Logically I know i'm real, after all i'm typing this but my head can't comprehend that. It's constantly making me feel like the world is a figment of my imagination and that its all meaningless and pointless. everyday blends into the last one and I'm just waiting to wake up, even though I am awake it doesn't feel like it. I stopped taking lexapro 5 weeks ago and this all started about 5 days ago. Its so so terrifying I feel like I'm just going to disappear I feel constantly sick because i'm so scared andI just don't know what to do. Is this common to feel after stopping an SSRI? Are there ways I can make it less severe? is this derealisation or am i just going mad? I know im me and I know this is my house and my pets and partner but it just feels so weird. I honestly can hardly explain it. please help, any advice or reassurance would be great!
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So, let me start with the fact that I'm 23. All my life I have dealt with social anxiety. It use to not be as bad as it is now. When I turned 18 I went to college, a couple times actually. The courses I chose didnt work out because it was sort of what my mom wanted for me. Also the professor had some assignment where I had to speak in front of class so I would drop out. Anyway, I went on to try and have many jobs but I would always quit. Because it is so much easier to stay home then to face my anxiety and work 8 hours a day 5 days a week. So, my boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years now. He wants a life with me, marriage, babies... and he is the manager of a store. We are struggling for money right now so until things are fixed we can't have a future. I love him to pieces. He recently offered me a job. I want to take it but I don't know if I can ever get up the courage to work. I want to but I'm scared. I don't wanna fail him again. I was walking today and found this website. I don't really know if this is how you're even supposed to use this site but here I am, writing this here. Maybe I really want help this time. So, anyway, if anyone has any tips or anything... It would really be nice. Thanks to whoever reads this. (:
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Someone shared this on facebook and wow, just wow. Everyone will relate to this! *********************************************************************************** Over the course of a decade you can learn a lot about anything. You can become an expert at car repair, kitchen remodeling, hair styling, or in my case you can learn about all things anxiety. Since 1999 I have been battling anxiety non-stop and as a result I’ve learned a thing or two about this topic. Many of my thoughts on this issue are short thoughts or blurbs that I’ve collected over the years and for no particular reason I wanted to jot them down. I can’t possibly recall everything but here is a good chunk of it in no particular order. 1. Anxiety can be in your thoughts 2. Anxiety is in your DNA 3. An anxiety symptom can be anything your body or mind can generate. 3. The fear of death is closely tied to most forms of anxiety. 4. There isn’t always a deep seeded reason for having an anxiety disorder. 5. Anxiety disorders do not make you crazy. 6. People that don’t have anxiety disorders don’t understand people with anxiety disorders. 7. Antidepressants do work for some people. 8. Antidepressants don’t work for some people. 9. Speaking to a therapist is always worth a shot. 10. You should not pester your “safe” person too much because their reassurances will become less believable. 11. Most anxiety is centered around the heart and your deep sense of worry. 12. There is no cure for anxiety because it is an intricate part of what you are. 13. You can learn to manage anxiety. 14. Supplements and vitamins meant to treat anxiety are not all bad. 15. Supplements and vitamins meant to treat anxiety are not all good. 16. Anxiety lies a lot. 17. Anxiety makes you feel alone, afraid, shocked, worried, angry, frustrated, depressed… infinity. 18. Medical science doesn’t know what causes anxiety disorders exactly. Chemical imbalance, environment, and heredity, are a few of the suspected culprits. 19. People are ashamed to have anxiety disorders or any mental ailment for that matter. 20. Anxiety sufferers want to pull themselves together but they can’t. 21. Anxiety disorders make you self centered. 22. Anxiety makes you sensitive to absolutely everything. 23. When panic strikes and is active no one can make you feel better for at least 10 minutes. 24. Having an anxiety disorder makes you want to find information about anxiety. 25. Your vision will play tricks on you. 26. You will become forgetful. 27. Your muscles will twitch for no reason. 28. You will get heartburn, acid reflux, or other stomach problems including diarrhea. 29. You will want to go pee, a lot. 30. You will want to avoid crowds. 31. You will go into crowds feeling good and want to go home. 32. You will cry for no reason. 33. You may shake and tremble. 34. Dizziness will make you want to puke and or fall down. 35. Your heart will beat too fast sometimes and you will think you’re having a heart attack. 36. People will give you bad advice. 37. People will give you excellence advice that you will ignore. 38. Doctors will often brush you off. 39. Your friends and family may eventually brush off your anxiety and ask you to stop it. 40. Your muscles will ache and be sore. 41. You will think that you are the only one that feels like you do. 42. Daydreaming will become a hobby. 43. You will think you’re choking on things when you’re not. 44. You will crave sweets. 45. Random numbness and tingling will happen. 46. You will often think that death is imminent. 47. Headaches will be frequent and make you feel like your wearing a very tight headband. 48. You will visit the ER and be sent home after a quick check up at least three times a year. 49. Sometimes you will swear that you can’t breath even though you can still talk. 50. Disturbing thoughts can happen. 51. Disturbing thoughts will piss you off because you know you won’t do what you’re thinking but can’t stop thinking the bad thoughts. 52. Most forms of travel will seem way too dangerous. 53. You will want to take vacations frequently. 54. Going to work while anxious will suck. 55. You will generally not tell other people that you have an anxiety disorder. 56. Eating out will not be fun. 57. Criticism will hurt, a lot. 58. Acceptance is a good anxiety remedy that no one really talks about. 59. There isn’t enough research into anxiety disorders and new treatments. 60. Many people have an anxiety disorder and don’t know it. 61. Many people will never seek treatment because their embarrassed or afraid of others knowing. 62. You can be happy and have an anxiety disorder. 63. Your self-confidence will take a nose dive sometimes. 64. Being alone will feel good most of the time. 65. You will learn tons of ways to treat anxiety and follow almost none of the tips you learn. 66. You will surf the internet to find information about anxiety symptoms. 67. Reading about other peoples anxiety will be interesting. 68. Paranoia might happen. Paranoia about getting sick or poisoned could happen. 69. You will almost always think that something is or will be wrong with you medically. 70. You will become anxious for no reason sometimes. 71. Panic attacks are short lived but live long in the mind. 72. Adrenaline will become your worst enemy. 73. There are no cool t.v. programs about anxiety disorders. 74. It will be hard to love other people sometimes. 75. Apathy will happen. 76. Depression will happen. 77. Thoughts of suicide might happen and when it does you will go and get help! 78. You will not want to ride roller coasters. 79. Hot and cold flashes don’t mean anything but you might get them. 80. Drinking alcohol will really help you or really bother you. 81. You will have days with no anxiety. 82. You will have several days in a row filled with anxiety. 83. You will think about and worry about things that don’t matter, a lot. 84. You will suffer from primitive fear from time to time. 85. You can do a lot to help yourself. 86. You will need the help of others to help yourself. 87. Feelings of unreality or the perception that everything is fake might happen. 88. Most books about anxiety disorders suck. 89. Having an anxiety disorder can strain relationships. 90. You will often wish that you could just be the old you. 91. You will sometimes wonder why this is happening to you. 92. Shyness will happen. 93. Illegal drugs are bad for anxiety in the long run. 94. People who don’t suffer from anxiety don’t talk about anxiety. 95. People that have anxiety talk about it too much. 96. It doesn’t matter why you have anxiety the important thing is learning to manage it so you can live well. 97. Abraham Lincoln suffered from anxiety and depression. 98. You will forget to work on your anxiety. 99. Talking to other people with anxiety problems can be helpful. 100. You should never give up hope. I seriously didn’t originally intend to jot down 100 things, but I did and I hope that aside from it’s low level entertainment value it proves a point. The point being that anxiety is complex, varied, and terribly powerful. There are more things floating in my head about anxiety but then again that’s what this blog is for. In the end don’t beat yourself up for feeling or thinking negative things related to anxiety. As you can see it’s just part of living an anxious life. Source - This post has been promoted to an article
Greetings from pharmaceutical products online pharmacy. We are based in Richmond virginia USA, and retail and whole sale of drugs to other pharmacy worldwide and Individuals in needs of prescribed drugs. We do descreate delivery to 4 continents namely: Europe, Australia, Asia and America. We do consult patients with #depressions #anxiety #weight loss #insomnia Our deliveries are done on mondays, wednesdays and fridays worldwide. We also take people for sport lessons those interested in weight loss and fitness. Pharmaceutical products online is waiting to warmly recieve and assist you in your health issues. Stay bless!!! Email: Contact : (804) 223 2741
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Greetings from pharmaceutical products online pharmacy. We are based in Richmond virginia USA, and retail and whole sale of drugs to other pharmacy worldwide and Individuals in needs of prescribed drugs. We do descreate delivery to 4 continents namely: Europe, Australia, Asia and America. We do consult patients with #depressions #anxiety #weight loss #insomnia Our deliveries are done on mondays, wednesdays and friday's worldwide. We also take people for sport lessons those interested in weight loss and fitness Pharmaceutical products online is waiting to warmly recieve and assist you in your health issues. Stay bless!!! Email: Contact : (804) 223 2741
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Greetings from pharmaceutical products online pharmacy. We are based in Richmond virginia USA, and retail and whole sale of drugs to other pharmacy worldwide and Individuals in needs of prescribed drugs. We do descreate delivery to 4 continents namely: Europe, Australia, Asia and America. We do consult patients with #depressions #anxiety #weight loss #insomnia Our deliveries are done on mondays, wednesdays and fridays worldwide. We also take people for sport lessons those interested in weight loss and fitness Pharmaceutical products online is waiting to warmly recieve and assist you in your health issues. Stay bless!!! Email: Contact : (804) 223 2741
Greetings from pharmaceutical products online pharmacy. We are based in Richmond virginia USA, and retail and whole sale of drugs to other pharmacy worldwide and Individuals in needs of prescribed drugs. We do descreate delivery to 4 continents namely: Europe, Australia, Asia and America. We do consult patients with #depressions #anxiety #weight loss #insomnia Our deliveries are done on mondays, wednesdays and fridays worldwide. We also take people for sport lessons those interested in weight loss and fitness Pharmaceutical products online is waiting to warmly recieve and assist you in your health issues. Stay bless!!! Email: Contact : (804) 223 2741
Greetings from pharmaceutical products online pharmacy. We are based in Richmond virginia USA, and retail and whole sale of drugs to other pharmacy worldwide and Individuals in needs of prescribed drugs. We do descreate delivery to 4 continents namely: Europe, Australia, Asia and America. We do consult patients with #depressions #anxiety #weight loss #insomnia Our deliveries are done on mondays, wednesdays and fridays worldwide. We also take people for sport lessons those interested in weight loss and fitness Pharmaceutical products online is waiting to warmly recieve and assist you in your health issues. Stay bless!!! Email: Contact : (804) 223 2741
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Greetings from pharmaceutical products online pharmacy. We are based in Richmond virginia USA, and retail and whole sale of drugs to other pharmacy worldwide and Individuals in needs of prescribed drugs. We do descreate delivery to 4 continents namely: Europe, Australia, Asia and America. We do consult patients with #depressions #anxiety #weight loss #insomnia Our deliveries are done on mondays, wednesdays and fridays worldwide. We also take people for sport lessons those interested in weight loss and fitness Pharmaceutical products online is waiting to warmly recieve and assist you in your health issues. Stay bless!!! Email: Contact : (804) 223 2741
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Greetings from pharmaceutical products online pharmacy. We are based in Richmond virginia USA, and retail and whole sale of drugs to other pharmacy worldwide and Individuals in needs of prescribed drugs. We do descreate delivery to 4 continents namely: Europe, Australia, Asia and America. We do consult patients with #depressions #anxiety #weight loss #insomnia Our deliveries are done on mondays, wednesdays and fridays worldwide. We also take people for sport lessons those interested in weight loss and fitness. Pharmaceutical products online is waiting to warmly recieve and assist you in your health issues. Stay bless!!! Email: Contact : (804) 223 2741
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Greetings from pharmaceutical products online pharmacy. We are based in Richmond virginia USA, and retail and whole sale of drugs to other pharmacy worldwide and Individuals in needs of prescribed drugs. We do descreate delivery to 4 continents namely: Europe, Australia, Asia and America. We do consult patients with #depressions #anxiety #weight loss #insomnia Our deliveries are done on mondays, wednesdays and fridays worldwide. We also take people for sport lessons those interested in weight loss and fitness. Pharmaceutical products online is waiting to warmly recieve and assist you in your health issues. Stay bless!!! Email: Contact : (804) 223 2741
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Hi, I'm 30years old and happily married to the love of my life . 4 years ago I took a job that was way out of my comfort zone, and I triggered BIG TIME! Fear. I didnt want to go to work I was crying all the time etc. My husband finally took me to the dr. Cause he knew I needed help and I did, as fearful as I was I did agree to go and that's when they diagnosed me with GAD. I have had it tough in life before I fell in love with my husband, my family have always put me down and drove me to tears my whole life, same with past ex relationships (mentally abusive) my whole life . My dad was barly there for me and most of my life he was cheating on my mom. My older brother was also hard on me. To this day my brother barely calls my husband and I or ever plan to come and visit cause we live out of town. 2years ago my husband and I got married 🙂 happiest day of my life! My dad wasnt there to walk me dow the aisle cause he passed away of lung cancer in 2014. My aunt who I was close to for the longest time gave us a hard time cause we weren't getting married how she wanted us to. My grandma doesn't treat us with respect either. My anxiety will cause me to have images or conversations in my head rumminating over past events , my anxiety acts like I dont know what love is, my first relationship was in high school on and off, I was close to him and his parents we ended permanently 11 years ago it was a horrible relationship. 8 years ago I fell in love with my husband at first sight , hes always been my best friend , my soulmate I never stopped loving him and I never will. Hes my everything, for 5 years I lost him and my heart called for him. Finally fate brought us back together and we were still crazy in love I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I'm always fearful of losing him even though I know I'm not and hes never gonna lose me. My anxiety makes my mind have unwanted unfaithful thoughts like , my aunt always loved my high School BF and when my husband and I were moving into our own place when we got back together and I'm so happy she didnt care how happy I was she thought after so long that we were gonna end up together . So during an anxiety episode I heard that conversation and I went into a panic attack , numbness and it makes it seem like I dont know what love is because of numbness and like "you wont be able to get over the past" so that's what made it unfaithful. My husband is the love of my life and I tell him that every second of the day. Litterly! And so he never forgets. This anxiety is making me sick everyday , then after I come out of fearful mode I go into guilt mode from the episode. It's like it's trying to prevent me from being happy. I know all of this is silly it is, it's just scary too. I cry at the thought of losing the most precious and amazing thing in my life 😢 I've never been happy in life until I fell in love with my husband and he changed my whole world he has been so supportive though all this with me, he took me to get help in the beginning when I needed it, I still do talk to a counselor when I can cause we live out of town and hes right there by my side holding my hand at every appointment. This man is what I live for! My anxiety makes me feel like I'm losing myself and makes me feel crazy.
Hi all, I Am a 18yo male who are suffering from Cerebral Palsy since young. Recently I dropped into the fear of ALS. I have been noticing a localized twitch in my left thigh for about 3months. Before the twitch began I had a major stressful period of college applications. At the same time I noticed some perceived weaknesses (call it perceived because My parents have not really see any problem with my muscle besides the twitch ). It's impossible to test my reflexes because with the CP condition. My reflexes are naturally abnormal the twitch is on the scale of entire thigh muscle and NOT just part of it. When I twitch the entire muscle will visibly contract and sometimes strong enough to move my leg for a centimeter or two. The intervals of each twitch is anywhere between 5-60 seconds . The strange part is that the twitch is postural. I will twitch Only if I am sitting in my wheelchair, lying flat on the bed (with leg un- Crossed) and lying on my belly. Movement of leg muscle such as crawling, walking, or even standing and kneeling would not trigger the twitch, it doesn't interfere with sleep either. I do have muscle shrinks in both of my lower legs. But it's probably due to lack of exercise during the pandemic time... My question is whether twitch in ALS could be eased by movement? Am I safe from ALS for twitch 3 months without any weaknesses? Thanks