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Found 122 results

  1. I've read a lot on this site in an effort to calm myself, so I figured I'd finally come and ask for advice. I'm a seventeen year-old girl (turning eighteen in two months) and I've had a really horrific past two weeks. I was in the ER 15 days ago for a migraine and concerns as to what could have been causing it. After diagnosing it as a complex migraine, the doctor seeing me gave me Compazine through an IV (with Benadryl) - and it was the most traumatizing experience of my life. I had a violent adverse reaction; heart pain, burning around my heart, excessive shaking and sweating, fear of death, immense panic. I've always been a shy and socially anxious person and I've been diagnosed with severe depression, but this is the first time I've ever experienced anxiety/panic attacks and their severe symptoms. Six hours after being sent home from the hospital following my Compazine experience, I suffered a panic attack immense enough to give me bodily tetany and make my arms, hands, legs, mouth, and hands seize up. I got the pins and needles sensation alongside that and feared the worst. My mom called an ambulance because we had no idea that kind of attack could occur and they calmed me down over the course of an hour. In the days following that incident, I had at least one severe and several-hour-long anxiety/panic attack per day to the point of it being debilitating and preventing me from focusing. I have had two periods of three days without attacks followed by another severe attack (the most recent being last night, I had chest tightness and really violent tremors for six hours, only calmed down and slept after taking Benadryl). I have been to the emergency room twice more; they once gave me Visatril through a pill and I had another adverse reaction, and one morning, they gave me Xanax to calm me down. To date, it is the only medically administered drug that has ever worked for me in this situation. I am at my wit's end. I have seen my parents' doctor and she prescribed me Zoloft/Sertraline at 25mg. I have not taken it yet because I have been on a myriad of medicines in the past couple of weeks and anxiety has brought out the full force of their side effects; I am scared to take it for that reason and I don't want to. My main issue is health anxiety. I have always had a slightly higher than normal pulse, so fear of a heart problem is massive. My symptoms brought on from anxiety/panic attacks have gradually ranged from chest tightness, excessive chest heaviness, chest pain on either the right or left side, neck tightness, left shoulderblade pain, pins and needles, shortness of breath, mid-back pressure, ear and head pressure, jaw and ear pain, excessive heart palpitations, violent tremors, paranoia, dizziness, hot breath, heartburn, acid reflux, disorientation, excessive weakness, cold sweats, flashes of heat on random patches of skin, fatigue, and insomnia. All of these things combined have made me terrified of heart trouble that could kill me. I've had two EKGs and a chest x-ray in my emergency room visits, and everything checked out normally, but I still am largely incapable of convincing myself that everything listed above is solely anxiety and not from a serious physical condition. Everyone on my dad's side suffers from a form of generalized anxiety, but I've never felt the side effects of it like I do now and I would do anything for it to stop. As a side note, I do take other medications (Loestrin, Curcumin, Benadryl, 5-htp, Magnesium) off and on for various reasons. The latter four are largely took for insomnia/anxiety related issues. I'm a night owl and it's impossible for me to go to bed before midnight. Is there any advice or help that can be offered to me in this situation? I want it to be over, and I don't know what to do with myself. I constantly fear something is wrong with me/that I am dying and I want it to end.
  2. I've been experiencing signs of depression and anxiety the past month. I had a panic attack a few days ago, and I'm afraid of having another one. I want to get help, but I'm too afraid to. If I go to my parents, my dad thinks i'm just overreacting. I've told my dad I hate my life, but he got angry and said I had everything, a roof, clothes, and an education and I shouldn't have to worry about it. He started bringing up that people had nothing and it made me feel ashamed on how my behavior was. I have a guidance counselor in school , and shes's very nice. I would love to spend my whole day in her office, but I can't. I've been to guidance before and I feel secure and safe there. They take things seriously, their not like my dad who would just say I'm overreacting. Only problem with telling guidance is, they will report it to my parents, and my dad will act up like he normally does. My friends have been their for everything, we've been through some tough stuff and I feel comfortable talking to them the most. We all share secrets together and solve conflicts, but I'm really concerned about is there gonna report it to guidance before I even get a chance.
  3. About me Hi my names john,i am 26 and i have been suffering from anxiety and depression for about 12 years, and agoraphobia for 2 years. Background So i had a bad childhood and i'm not going to go into details on a forum board however it led me into a spiral path or bullying and loneliness, i could always hide my feelings and bottle up my emotions and it seemed to work. when i was 16 i started dating a girl i had new in high school i always liked her. I got kicked out of my parents house parents never liked the girl i was dating made things hard but not impossible. We ended up having 2 kids and married, we have been married 6 years now. 2 years ago i was in work and like every other day weather it be in work or outside in general i was flustered, shaking and just all round panicky but i was used to it i thought it was normal but this time was different it felt like the walls where closing in, the seats got smaller and the people got closer, i felt my heart jumping out of my chest like the climax of a good horror film, it was too much i wanted to run away, but wait i couldn't i was frozen on the spot, i felt like i couldn't breathe, i kinda don't remember much after that but i got home, i didn't want to go to work then next day and i went to speak to a Dr, he told me it was stress gave me a week sick note and sent me on my way and like a good little boy i followed. During that week i noticed it became increasingly difficult to go out without feeling a similar way i couldn't go into the local shop without feeling some sort of feelings that are hard to explain but i still went back to work at the end of my sick note. First day back and i was already feeling nervous but i lasted all of 1 hour i couldn't take it no more i had to leave, i spoke to my manager and told them how i was feeling and she told me to go back to the Doctors, i went back, he told me i was still suffering with stress and he would give me another week off. At this point my wife was fuming because she knew there was something more then stress wrong with me, we changed doctors and my wife told me to write a letter as i find it difficult to talk to people and explain whats going on. At the new doctors with letter in hand, the new doctors was very busy and sitting in the waiting room was very uncomfortable, i seemed to spend more time in the toilets until someone came in, my name was called and went into the room, i said sorry and handed her the letter. She smiled at the first sentence, "Dear Dr. I'm sorry for this letter as its long and i'm writing it at 4 am i don't think i can explain everything with my words". That smile soon turned into a straight concentrated face as the letter was 8 pages long and went into a full back story and how i was feeling. After the letter she immediately turned to me and said "your suffering with anxiety and depression we will give you some medication that will take some of the edge off but you will need CBT counseling". And thats where ill leave it in background. Current Life. So I'm now on mirtazapine, i have been through a few different types of tablet, i now have a psychotherapist and a specialist pharmacist to make sure I'm getting the right meds, i was getting counseling however i got took of the books as i missed 3 appointments as they where 5 miles away and i don't drive. I have almost lost my wife with some of the side effects of tablets and my lack of interest in anything, low mood. Well that me all in one page, hope this explains a bit about me and maybe some of you have similar experiences if so any help on coping with this illness would be a great.
  4. After watch Guy Winch at TED about Emotional First Aid I got really pump up and it's look good for me, So I decided to create content about It. Hope you like it. So what it emotional first aid come for ? Imagine you are in park, observing a group of children playing around on the playground. Apparently, the taller of the two are pissed off because the shorter keeps following him around. Then he pushes the other, causing the latter to fall and scrape his knee. Three other kids stop playing. One runs to her home and come back carrying a first aid kid. Everybody is familiar with first aid kid, the little white box with a red cross on its front surface. The kid with first aid kid put a band aid over the fallen kid’s knees, and they’re back to playing. In a glance, it’s all sunshine and rainbow again for those children. But are they really? Everybody worry about the fallen kid’s knee, but it’s been treated and it will be okay. It will heal. But, who worry about the fallen kid’s heart? His feeling is very hurt, and it doesn’t show but from that time the younger kid is afraid to approach older boy. But there is no such first aid kit for the boy’s heart. No band aid to heal his hurt feeling and to recover his trauma. But, you see, just because it doesn’t visible to eyes, doesn’t mean emotional injury doesn’t need band aid. Because human knows the risk of leaving physical wound or illness untreated, they make first aid kid: a box full of easy to reach medication and health tools. Yet despite knowing the risk of untreated injury, people seem wonderfully indifferent toward emotional injury. But how about leaving emotional injury ? So, what do we need to do to make this emotional first aid? According to the book, the treatment will be different according to each type of the emotional injuries: rejection, loneliness, loss and trauma, guilt, rumination, failure, and low self esteem. Let's discuss one by one Loneliness Loneliness isn’t a ‘door shut on your face’ type of hurt like rejection. It comes slowly, creeping between your day and night, even when you’re surrounded with people. Loneliness makes you sad, constantly on guard and tends to mistrust other people. Often because of that it drives people away, so you’re going to be even lonelier. how about the first aid for loneliness ? Stop bullying yourself !!! We frown upon bullying when we see one, yet we often bully our own selves. We often blame ourself for everything that goes wrong, even when those things are just coincident. In our head, we often call ourselves ugly, stupid, and other demeaning words. When we succeed, we seldom praise ourselves. In fact, bullying ourselves will just add negative thinking into our head. When we’re too deep in negative thinking, we may regard everything in life with negative lens, including connecting to people. That makes us even lonelier. Borrow other people’s eyes Are you afraid you won’t meet other people’s expectation when you’re interacting with them? Let me ask you something. Are you afraid other people won’t meet your expectation when they’re interacting with you? No, right? You don’t expect something from others when you’re casually interacting with them, except basic manner of course. So, remember that that’s what exactly other people think of you in conversation: they don’t expect anything from you. Knowing this will help you relax in conversation. For rejection, loss and trauma, guilt, rumination, failure, and low self esteem, I will continue it If this is post get a good respond ;):throb: Source
  5. Hi I'm new to this but I've had ongoing anxiety related issues for a year now involving clenching my jaw, grinding my teeth, shaking, tingling and numbness in hands and feet, heart palpitations, muscle twitches, tensing up, feeling sick, loss of appetite, feeling as if I'm going to faint, frequent urination, chest pain and frequent panic attacks. I've always had no doubt these were all caused by anxiety either because I've been anxious or I realized I was having an anxiety attack but recently I had a horrible panic attack that seemed to not let up for almost two weeks. Out of nowhere I woke up one morning and had the urge to use the restroom, but after I went I still felt the need to go. This has been occurring on and off and I went to the doctor to have UTI and STD testing, blood work, all came back negative. I've had ultrasounds of my bladder and uterus and been to a urologist to check for inflammation during a cystoscopy test, and had voiding tests. Everything came back clear and multiple doctors have told me there is nothing physically wrong with me and urology related problems wouldn't pop up overnight. Psychiatrists have told me that it could be due to anxiety since it started during an attack but I just can't seem to accept it...
  6. I am on anti depressants and klonopin for anxiety. Some days are better then others, but today I've had to drag myself out of bed to cook and clean and feed my children. Because if I don't do it, it won't get done. We got a snow storm. They want to play and build snow men, instead of telling them my whole body aches from this perminent cloud over my head... I fake a smile and throw some snow balls. They happily go In for cocoa and I go back out to shovel the walkway with gusts of wind so strong that no one can hear my cries. Then I wipe my face, and go back in to watch cartoons under the blankets and snuggle with my two favorite people In the world and remind myself how lucky I've got it. But like I said, some days are better than others.
  7. Hello! How y'all doing today? I found myself back on this forum after a couple years when we shared helpful advice on my anxiety related worries. I've been battling with a huge challenge for a year now. I believe some of you might relate to this – let me tell you. I was doing good in my life – working my ass off at school and work, traveling, being healthy, going to gym, having a girlfriend, etc. In a time frame of two years the pushing and too little sleep burnt me out eventually. Learned my lessons there. I went to the doctor and it was diagnosed as a burnout. Now here I am, trying to get myself back in life so to speak. I've been recovering for almost a year now and been careful about my diet, sleep hygiene and now I've started taking walks in the morning. I do a little yoga and meditation daily and try to write down my thoughts every now and then. The process is taking longer than I could ever imagine. The thing is I feel fed up with surviving on my own and being tired all the time; the constant trying and trying and it feels close to not progressing at all. I'm battling with my final work at the same time to get graduated from school but the work feels so huge and difficult that it eats me inside. I can barely work with it for one to three hours per day. I've been depressed battling with all of this – therefore I feel "stuck" at life. I can't even think about my future because I feel like I'm drowned in my school work and recovery, and I can't find the energy to do more of it every day. Sometimes I skip doing the work because I feel so exhausted just waking up. And I feel this recovering and unfinished work is prolonging my future plans because I can't deal with them both properly. Life is in a stand-by mode at the moment. I just want to feel energized and motivated again and be done with my graduation – to continue my life. I see no light in the end of the tunnel right now. I'm not totally sure which category this issue exactly goes to but I hope some of you can relate in your own way and share some thoughts. We're in this together. Any thoughts?
  8. On October of 2016 I had oral sex , and well the first thing I did was to worry about std's once it was over. My anxiety shot to the roof. The oral lasted about 40 seconds and no ejaculation happened , I have not been in peace since then and every time I feel an itch or something on my face or a burning sensation i can't seem to stop checking on it. I have also developed a really bad habit of searching everything up on the internet. Since the encounter I can't stop worrying and I'm afraid to get tested and have it be positive. My neck has been in pain for about 3 weeks and I have a feeling that I have swollen lymph nodes. I have not had an initial cold sore outbreak or anything of that kind. Today I have a small red area on my upper lip line and it's painless but I'm still really worried. Can anyone please give me advice on my situation. Could it be my anxiety causing all this ?
  9. Hi everyone. In my 20s there was a bully in university who would call me 'gay', lame, stupid, all kinds of insults. Him and a group of others would talk behind my back all the time. I have always had low self-esteem, low self-confidence, depression, anxiety etc. One time I snapped and called this bully a 'f**got' in front of others, because I had enough of being put down. In all honesty, at the time, I didn't know the true meaning of the word, I always, for some reason, thought it meant a stupid, mean person, and not in any way a term related to someones's sexuality. I know, that is ignorant of me in a way, to use a word I didn't know the true meaning of. And ironically, I was calling that person by a similar name that him and others were calling me by (gay). I am not homosexual, so the reason they were calling me that was to be mean and demeaning, like I am weak, not manly enough etc. I always hated that word being used in that context, because I felt it was inappropriate for the obvious reasons. Once I learned the true meaning of the word 'f**got', I have felt so guilty for saying that, simply for using that word, because that person is not actually homosexual, but also because it's such a bad word to use. I feel so guilty because I would never say that to anyone, regardless of their orientation. I respect the LGBTQ community, and think of anyone the same way I think of any other human being, as being a good person of equal worth in the world. The reason I write this here is because I don't have any close friends from the LGBTQ community, who I can talk with about this. This post is not even a question, more like something I wanted to get off my mind and say in a forum that. I hope you understand, and thank you for reading.
  10. I'm a 28 year old male 6"1 177pds. My conditions are OCD/Contamination&Rumination, GAD, Panic Disorder, Depression, ADD, Social anxiety, Sleep changes I've tried Lexapro & Zoloft before, both at ineffective doses and I just didn't feel like the lexapro worked good enough at 10mg and the zoloft at 150mg made me much more anxious. I worked really hard with a different PCP bugging him and messaging back and forth, I had to get this right. I suggested Paxil 20-30-40 than 60 mg. I'm on 60 mg now for about 4 months and It's finally helping because I've been able to leave my house and go out more and not be so scared and think of my fears constantly. Even when someone does sneeze or is coughing for example or there's something that triggers OCD contamination I cringe for about 5 seconds but I cope and move on. Later on though I noticed I had no motivation for life and felt like a zombie. I researched my butt off and found Wellbutrin XL to be a good add on for this and it can also help with depression and ADD which I also have and which Paxil made worse because it only works on Serotonin and I have other issues as well (ADD/Depression). He prescribed 150mg XL Wellbutrin as a add on and I've been on it for about 5-6 weeks. I feel a bit happier and some more balance but I notice a difference if I don't take it for 2-3 days like I'm more lazy not very happy about life ect, I still have ADD symptoms on 150mg XL wellbutrin like I can't read and comprehend or pay attention to things (boring tasks). I lose focus easily and can be very impulsive at times out of no where. I just asked him if I can take 300 XL Wellbutrin to target the ADD better and he said OK I can do that but if it causes your anxiety to creep up and mess with the OCD let me know after 2 weeks so we can go back down to 150 XL immediately. Anyone know if Wellbutrin XL 300 MG worked well for them as far as ADD/ADHD goes? I mean it is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor but that works mostly on depression which I do have. But it says It's also a dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Wonder if it works on one more than the other. Stimulants like Adderall I've tried and just didn't like the crash or on edge feeling you know? It works but come on who wants to feel like that. I was on the Adderall for a short time around age 22 and was not taking a ssri so maybe the combination would work, I just don't feel like going through the pain of switching the med wellbutrin to adderall or vvyanse and having to go through the start up side effects or what ever. I'm also on klonopin 90 pills to with drawl from the benzo xanax after being on 1.50mg for a 16 months and that's going well. I stopped shaking as much and all that other good stuff.
  11. Hi everyone I'm new to the forum. I'd like to share my story with you, and to show you why/how I've come so far in overcoming my depression and anxiety through meditation. About six years ago, I began having depression and anxiety. It was very sudden. No traumatic incident sparked it, and in fact, my life has been pretty devoid of trauma. I've had what most would call an easy life, looking at it from the outside. I have a supportive family who gave me pretty much whatever I wanted, and good friends. In 10th grade (I'm a senior in college now, about to graduate) I began having disturbing thoughts that wouldn't go away. My anxiety got to a point where I was making myself physically sick. There were nights where I stayed up all night just because I was so on edge. I felt like I was going crazy. It seriously felt like I was in Hell. The anxiety and depression went hand in hand. My anxiety put me into very dark moods, and I was exhausted all of the time from the mental stress. When I began to research anxiety and learn that I wasn't going crazy, that it's a pretty regular thing, that gave me a bit of relief. I found a website (Can't post it cause my last post got removed for websites) that gave me tips to deal with my anxiety. The best tip I got was to accept how I felt, to say "hey, I feel bad right now, and that's okay". When I stopped pushing away the feelings and accepted them, I felt somewhat better. But over the next few years, I dug myself an even deeper hole. I really didn't want to live anymore. It just didn't seem worth it. Sometimes when I was driving I thought about how easy it would be to just veer into traffic. But I would convince myself that I was okay, that it wasn't that bad, and keep going, somehow. I was so used to it that I didn't realize just how depressed I was. After many miserable years, I finally decided to see a therapist. I felt a bit awkward, because I didn't have any traumatic events to get off my chest or anything like that. I had generalized anxiety. I stressed over every little thing and constantly criticized myself. I was so lifeless and disconnected because of the toll anxiety and depression had on me. I just wanted to find some way to be happy, to "be in the present moment" as I told my therapist during our first visit. She gave me anxiety workbook, and this was helpful. The workbook contained exercises which trained you to catch thoughts as they come and to question them. To step outside of your mind and watch the thoughts coming in instead of reacting to them (ideas I realized were key to peace, and are the essence of meditation). After winter break, which was when I started seeing my therapist, a new semester of school started. I take a lot of philosophy classes in college, and I so I decided to try Asian philosophy. It was recommended by my advisor, who said it was the best course we have at our university. I'm so thankful that he recommended it. Taking this class changed everything for me. My professor took us through Confucianism, Daoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. The last three all contain similar ideas, but the ideas of Buddhism stood out to me the most. My professor taught us about the mind through a Buddhist perspective. He woke me up the way we always live for the future, chasing desires and running from fears, never content with the present moment. I remember when he demonstrated this cycle (called samsara in Buddhism) and then asked us "doing this, are we really happy?" It made me realize just how deep into this cycle I was. It made me realize why I was so unhappy. We also learned about meditation and why it works. When you meditate, you focus on a neutral sensation like the breath, and when your mind takes your attention, you simply bring your focus back to your breath. Who would have known that the way to peace is actually to take focus off of thoughts by instead focusing on awareness? Most people try to either push the thoughts away or to think happy thoughts. But neither of these methods allows you to see the thoughts that are bothering you as they really are, for what they are - just thoughts. The thoughts themselves aren't the problem - the anxiety you feel from them comes from your judgement of those thoughts. Meditation trains our minds to be content in the present moment. It also trains us to watch our thoughts instead of reacting to them. We can watch the mind instead of being the mind. We've conditioned ourselves to constantly judge our thoughts and to say "that's good" and "that's bad", instead of just realizing that it's the nature of the mind to wander. Let it do its thing. You don't have to judge it. In my deep depression and anxiety, every thought that popped into my head made me worry. Thoughts of the past, thoughts of the future, thoughts of what other people thought of me, and so on. What would happen if I just watched that thought and accepted it? I don't have to evaluate and judge it. I can let it come, see it for what it is, and let it go. Learning this and meditating regularly, I can honestly say I've overcome my depression. I still feel anxiety here and there as most people do, but I let it go easily now and it no longer controls my life. I've found deep inner peace that a few years ago I could never even imagine was possible. I want to share this with everyone out there suffering with depression and anxiety. It's a matter of changing our habits when it comes to thoughts and feelings. It's about accepting them instead of judging them. And yes, this is a slow process. It takes practice. But even when you first start meditating, you already feel its benefit. I can't post a link to any videos or anything here yet, but do a bit of research and you'll find a lot of resources. The basis of the practice is to focus on the sensation of your breath, and when your mind takes your focus (and it will), to gently return your attention to the breath. You can choose to focus on any place where you feel the breath, your nostrils, upper lip, even your stomach rising and falling. When you get caught up in thoughts, you can say to yourself "thinking" and return to your breath. I thank you all for reading my story, and I wish you all peace. If anyone has any questions, feel free to reply or to message me!
  12. I'm a 28 year old male 6"1 177pds. My conditions are OCD/Contamination&Rumination, GAD, Panic Disorder, Depression, ADD, Social anxiety, Sleep changes I've tried Lexapro & Zoloft before, both at ineffective doses and I just didn't feel like the lexapro worked good enough at 10mg and the zoloft at 150mg made me much more anxious. I worked really hard with a different PCP bugging him and messaging back and forth, I had to get this right. I suggested Paxil 20-30-40 than 60 mg. I'm on 60 mg now for about 4 months and It's finally helping because I've been able to leave my house and go out more and not be so scared and think of my fears constantly. Even when someone does sneeze or is coughing for example or there's something that triggers OCD contamination I cringe for about 5 seconds but I cope and move on. Later on though I noticed I had no motivation for life and felt like a zombie. I researched my butt off and found Wellbutrin XL to be a good add on for this and it can also help with depression and ADD which I also have and which Paxil made worse because it only works on Serotonin and I have other issues as well (ADD/Depression). He prescribed 150mg XL Wellbutrin as a add on and I've been on it for about 5-6 weeks. I feel a bit happier and some more balance but I notice a difference if I don't take it for 2-3 days like I'm more lazy not very happy about life ect, I still have ADD symptoms on 150mg XL wellbutrin like I can't read and comprehend or pay attention to things (boring tasks). I lose focus easily and can be very impulsive at times out of no where. I just asked him if I can take 300 XL Wellbutrin to target the ADD better and he said OK I can do that but if it causes your anxiety to creep up and mess with the OCD let me know after 2 weeks so we can go back down to 150 XL immediately. Anyone know if Wellbutrin XL 300 MG worked well for them as far as ADD/ADHD goes? I mean it is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor but that works mostly on depression which I do have. But it says It's also a dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Wonder if it works on one more than the other. Stimulants like Adderall I've tried and just didn't like the crash or on edge feeling you know? It works but come on who wants to feel like that. I was on the Adderall for a short time around age 22 and was not taking a ssri so maybe the combination would work, I just don't feel like going through the pain of switching the med wellbutrin to adderall or vvyanse and having to go through the start up side effects or what ever. I'm also on klonopin 90 pills to with drawl from the benzo xanax after being on 1.50mg for a 16 months and that's going well. I stopped shaking as much and all that other good stuff.
  13. 36, soon to be 37 yr old woman from Ohio. Debilitating agoraphobia and panic disorder. Many legitimate health issues and tons of obsessions. Look forward to posting and replying here.
  14. Hi everyone, i haven't been on here in a while. Been very busy and actually doing a little bit better. I just had back surgery and was home bound for 2 weeks. Finally, I was approved to go back to work tonight. I feel like I've been making progress with my anxiety and depression. With my anxiety, I'm able to answer my distorted thoughts and calm them down. I recognize them as irrational and most of the time (not all) I'm able to control them and not reach the point of an anxiety attack. But I have to do this all day and it's exhausting. I want to get to the point again that the thoughts stop coming and I won't have to constantly talk myself through them. Logically, I'm hoping that they come less and less. I'm working on mindfulness and recognizing the thoughts as just thoughts and letting them be. It's a 24 hour job and I just want it to end. I've gotten through it before and was in remission for years. This time I feel like it is never going to ease up. But I feel closer. My depression is easing up but not really. I have good days and bad days. On the bad days, if I get bad thoughts, I remind myself that it's the depression talking and not me! I'm trying to get a new psych. My current one is a real a-hole and I'm desperately in need of a change of meds. He refuses. My therapist says he thinks that the meds will really help me. I feel as though the meds I'm on right now doesn't help me at all! What's the point of putting all those chemicals in my body if I'm not getting a significant effect? Idk why I'm sharing all this but my hope is that someone can give me some insight on how or if they ever got over the hump. How if one day the thoughts just dissipate and I have a day where I don't think about my anxiety. thanks all.
  15. Hey everyone, My name is Sandra! I am 28 and over the last 10 years, I've had three episodes of anxiety/depression (mind you I still have the daily struggle of knowing I live with anxiety regularly, it's just not always full blown). The first being the worst (as I'm sure for many). A few weeks back, I had a horrible panic attack (actually more than one), which then spiralled me into an acute (on chronic now) anxiety episode, which then I feel led to my current depression. Since, I have not had any 'full-blown' attacks, but I still feel anxious daily/on edge and now more emotionally numb. I was on 37.5mg of Effexor for years (very low dose), I was upped to only to 75mg as my body is veryy sensitive by Dr. 16 days ago, with little improvement yet (I think). I'm going to see a psychiatrist Dec.21 to review, probably around week 4 or so. My current situation has really grabbed a hold of my emotional regulation. I've never labelled myself per say as a depressed person first - always anxious first, depressed second because, it always follows after an anxious episode (meaning: I experience a panic attack that leaves me shaken for days, which usually results in more panic attacks, which then lead to more days of feeling shitty, on edge, and overall upset). Meaning, I don't ever really wake up randomly and feel depressed and THEN get anxious. I always get anxious/have these recurring OCD-like thoughts, that then in turn, make me feel depressed because I feel that things slip out of control and I start having a hard time coping with the daily things. There have been a few days lately where I just thought, "what's the point anymore? Am I going to have to live like this forever?" So - my challenge is this - am I actually clinically depressed because I have lost interest in some things, have to force myself to get through my day, etc. or is that simply a product of the origin of having my anxiety 'come back' with a fuller force this time, rather than just being depressed. Where do we draw the line between that and being actually depression? When I was asked yesterday by a worker, "Do you want to die or do you just not want to live like this? Because there IS a difference" - I told her, no I don't want to actually die, but I DO want to live only if I can feel in control and feel happy again. Although at times, yeah that feeling itself becomes overwhelming and can lead us to think we want to die because it would be take the pain away. What I'm struggling with is the fluctuation. I'm struggling with laughing and doing these things I need to do daily - when I feel tired, unmotivated, and unhappy. And sometimes, when I force myself to do them it feels good because my mind gets a break and I feel 'normal' again by just doing the day-to-day things we all have to do. Other times, it builds this overwhelming feeling inside of me that says, like this anxiety in the pit of my stomach: You're doing all of this to feel okay, but do you? - I sometimes feel in the midst of doing those things, that I feel like I'm going to explode…because yes I’m completed the ACT of doing, but my body is like, “NO, why? Go back to bed where you feel comfortable and can just be sad, and not pretend.” It's like you should exercise, be active, to make those neurotransmitters combat these depressive feelings, but the last thing you feel like doing when you're depressed is exercising...or the last thing you feel like doing is feel like laying in bed. But I'm wondering, if in doing them is what will help become interested in life again and bring back that happiness, or will it just add to the feelings of being overwhelmed because you're forcing yourself to override your internal state - faking it until you feel it. So I mean, do antidepressants then work on the principle that you yourself are clinically/medically unable to experience that happiness again on your own because of a change in your chemistry? Or will that not work if the depression stems from something else that is more circumstantial and what you really need is to override the internal state, in a sense ‘fake it till you make it”. And it makes you think if you're going to do the work and go through the struggles involved in the time that it will take, and the ups and downs involved, I'd love to know if it's going to be worth it? And "worth it" would mean knowing that it's going to work, and ideally, how long I'll have to struggle before it actually starts to work? And as we all know, we can't put a timeline on it, so that just perpetuates this evidently extremely frustrating experience. I would just love to know people's opinions on this. I am by NO means discrediting the power of antidepressants, I mean heck I've been on them the last few years and feel the helped me through some tough times. However, if this is possibly going to be a life-long 'sentence' (gosh that sounds awful) I'm trying to understand this better - become more knowledgeable of what works for people. Again, please understand I'm coming from the experience of someone who is predominantly MORE ANXIOUS than depressed, but happens to fall into depression following a bad anxiety spell. Now, I'm caught in this depressive state and question 'what if' constantly. Any advice on this somewhat 'fake-it-till-you-make-it" approach? Thanks so much! Sands
  16. Hello, my name is Lara. I'm 21 years old. I've recently been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Depression. I feel like I want to tell my whole story. It will be long, and I don't know if anyone will read it but I'm doing this for me. In October 2015, I moved out of my parents house. I was 19, I had just gotten into a serious relationship. My first serious relationship with a long time friend of mine. We fell completely head over heels for each other. We made it official the week of September, and I had decided to move in with him the next month. It sounds crazy because it was so soon but, we thought it was fine because we had already known each other for 9 years and when we were friends we had thoughts of being roommates. Another reason I wanted to move out was for the reason that my family life at home was depressing and frustrating. It was a very bad environment for me mentally because I was in constant fights with my father and my brother. It got to the point where enough was enough and I took the first chance I had to get out. So I moved in with my boyfriend and everything was great. I started looking for full time work, and that took me 5 months for me to find something. It was very stressful going through those months and having to rely on your boyfriend for everything financially. But once I got a job, things changed. Things started to get better, I was happier. I love my job, I love the people and the environment. The only thing was, when i first got the job, the first week there was the absolute WORST. I had such bad anxiety. I didn't even realize it was anxiety until now. Every morning before going to work I was sick in the bathroom. The 1-2 hours of work I was suffering from stomach aches because of my nerves, and I couldnt do anything about it. I couldnt call in sick because I had just gotten the job and didnt want to make a bad impression. I know it doesnt matter now because its in the past but it makes me afraid of getting new jobs because of going through that same experience. And right now, I'm in a position where I might quit my job. So fast forward to a year after a moved in. October 2016.. Something terrible happened in the second week. My boyfriends brother had overdosed on MDMA. For 3 days he was on life support, and we had so much hope that he would make it. His batch of drugs had been laced with a lethal dose of fentanyl. He was 18, he was celebrating his paycheck because he was gotten his first job 2 weeks earlier. He was such a good kid, and he made a bad decision that cost him his life. Going through that... Seeing my boyfriend become broken. Seeing his family, which was now my family become broken.. Was the hardest thing i've gone through. I tried to be strong, for my boyfriend and his family. He passed away on the Saturday, and the next few days I was okay. I was emotionally drained but it's nothing compared to what I'm going through at this moment. I took the Monday and Tuesday off. I went to work Wednesday. That Wednesday night, everything changed. That was the night my life changed. That night, as I lied down to go to bed, my boyfriend and I got into a little argument, that set off negative thoughts in my head. It got to the point where I was uncontrollably crying. I didnt sleep that night and I tried very very hard to sleep. I listened to calming music, and I counted sheep, I took a shower. Nothing was helping. I had my first blown panic attack. And the worst memory I had, was waking up my boyfriend because I was terrified of what was going on with me, and having him tell me to stop crying because he didn't want to cry anymore. That made everything worse because I was thinking that he was already going through the death of his brother and now he had to deal with me. The next few days were pathetic.. I was in constant state of paranoia because I was scared of feeling what I had felt that night. I had to call my mother every night to come get me because I was having anxiety attacks and my boyfriend wasnt able to comfort me. I had to deal with calling in to work which made me physically sick.. And dreading having to keep calling in if wasn't finding myself able to sleep the night before. I finally went to see my doctor and he got me sleeping pills. I tried them and they helped for a while, but one night it didnt help at all. I decided to go for a drive that last until 3 in the morning and had work at 8am. I slept 2 hours that night. I went in to work and I was a mess.. I was so pale, I had eye bags, I hadn't eaten. I have lost 15 pounds since this all started. The next day after that, I had another anxiety attack and I ended up going to the emergency for the second time, except this time they sent me to the crisis centre where I saw a psychologist and got a psych evaluation. I decided to take a medical leave, which I am currently on. I've been on this leave for 18 days now. It feels like it was so much shorter.. In these 18 days I have felt great and I have felt really bad. The last week was my best week. I had the least amount of anxiety, I felt confident about life.. I thought I was finally OVER IT. I decided to move back in with my parents for this medical leave because my apartment was driving me insane. I am terrified of sleeping there. I also decided to start medication 4 days ago. Zoloft 20mg.. That was my last resort because I am not very keen on taking drugs. So for me to take drugs is like a desperate outcry. So the day before taking this medication and the next couple days after, I was feeling good. I was feeling "normal." So I decided to go back to my apartment and spend the evening there and try to sleep there. Bad idea because I think it triggered the worst anxiety attack so far. Nothing helped me. I went back home to my parents. My anxiety attack started when I tried to go to sleep. I was thinking things like, I'm not ready to go to work, im not ready to go back to my life, and im so disappointed and frustrated because I have to go to back to work in 5 days. I'm so scared. I am so fucking scared. I JUST WANT TO BE NORMAL AND FEEL NORMAL. I can't stop crying. I am so scared I'm going to be like this forever. I went to the crisis centre again last night because it was the only place I thought that could give me comfort. I spoke to the same psychologist there and he advised me that I just quit my job because its causing me so much anxiety and stress. And also that I should move back in with my parents. All these things make me feel a little bit relieved but I cant help but feel like I failed myself. I disappointed myself. To move back in with my parents after struggling all year to find a job and move out become an adult in society... And to just have to crawl back to the safety of my parents home.. It makes me feel like a child. And that's where I am now. I'm here and ive had 1 hour of sleep in the past 24 hours.. I'm hoping this will just pass and ill be able to sleep again.. Please, anyone. If you read this and have any thoughts.. Any advice.. Please help me. I'm desperate.
  17. I was recently diagnosed with depression and anxiety by my Psychiatrist. I was so afraid to begin seeing a Psychiatrist, but I eventually did and have been to 2 sessions so far. He prescribed me 3 medications. Lexapro, Seroquel, and Klonopin. I am to take the Lexapro and Seroquel with a Klonopin at bedtime, and an additional 2 klonopin throughout the day. Has anyone had success with these medications. Some days I feel ok and others I don't.
  18. When you watch your television to witness the best performance of world-class famous singer, joining a community which discuss your favorite author’s books, or going to the cinema to see your favorite actor/actress’ newest movie, you probably never have such an idea that those you are worshiping to are still people, though.They might have a perfect and most ideal life of people ever want to. But wait a second, are you sure they are extremely and really happy at their popularity?Don’t you ever think they presumably suffer from something dreadful behind their popularity, such as famous people control their panic attack?Anyone, famous people with panic disorder or infamous ones, can suffer from a panic disorder. From past time to modern ages today, it’s not a surprising fact that many famous people have had suffered panic disorders.World class Oscar’s actors, Grammy’s singers, Pulitzer’s authors, presenter, inventor, and many more show and struggle through their panic disorder to make a change to them-selves and especially to the world for making it more inspiring. she the one of famous people with panic disorderIt’s glad to see how they have had come out to the public and said many useful things which may help you to do the same.If people who are continuously being at the spotlight and attention center in spite of being born not for it together with such kind of confident attitude you expect, still attempt to impress and influence the world with their positive talent, then there should be no reason you can’t do the same.Way even better by your own fame. Read more to find how these 10 famous people with panic disorderPrincess Diana “Family is the most important thing in the world. “– Princess Diana Fewer people know that she was experiencing panic attacks while suffering from postpartum depression after giving birth to Prince William, the third generation of Royal Kingdom throne. The information came from his bodyguards said that during her first tour of as a Royal Kingdom family, she suddenly cried and uncontrolled as she travelled to many destinations. However, she managed to successfully compose herself and being just fine. She told by her quotes that a supportive family bonding power was the key of all problems. Tell every single thing you face with your family, then they’ll together with you to embrace it. Sigmund Freud “The act of birth is the first experience of anxiety, and thus the source and prototype of the effect of anxiety.”- Sigmund Freud It might be a quite shocking how a person who shocked the world with his revolutionary ideas and theories was actually not very comfortable to be in a social circumstance. In his professional time, he could be a very technical and chill, but he could suddenly falter when he should being confident in a regular interactions with others. He proclaimed by his quotes that all he could do was just believe that every person has at least one anxiety experience in common. That would make him better by affirming himself that he was not the only one experiencing it. Nikola Tesla Energy using and robotic inventor who contributed a very fundamental principle to the world we sit in today, suffered from panic attack since he was only 5. It was believed that the death of his brother influenced him to develop many phobias. None of the psychology students at that time could explain why he could experiences panic disorder signed by bright light or flashes before his eyes. Tesla said that his mental disorder allowed him to think deeply than only thinking clearly. He supposed to cope his illness by redirecting thoughts to be deeper and slower so that everything could go calmer and wiser. Read full version here http://myworthlife*com/famous-people-with-panic-disorder/
  19. Many people recently made me scared to open up. I feel like I have to hide and fix myself before I'm really accepted back into society. I've spent day on Instagram and Pinterest typing in "Anxiety" just to see some people do understand, but I don't know them which sucks. When I was little, my grandmother said I was never that happy, I was always sad. I remember going to school and trying to talk and help everyone I could, but I stopped after I turned 7. I stopped trying to make friends. However, I did still help people with their problems. After I helped I was alone again because they moved on to their friends who weren't helping. High school came and I couldn't wait for that bell to ring to go home, back into my room, waiting for the next day to come and go. Never looking forward to nothing. Soon I developed a fear of meeting/talking to people, messing up, public humiliation, leaving my room, going outside for anything. I didn't think too much of it. I thought I was just scared all the time. After giving birth to my daughter, a social worker caught me crying and asked why. I told her I was scared and sad all the time. I got therapy after that. A few months ago, I lost everything. My fiance, my home, most of my friends, my job (that I was forced to get even though I wasn't mentally ready), and my medical. My family made me feel worse. My ex makes me scared to go outside or move on. My friends aren't that supportive. After so many panic attacks, I feel as though I'm not strong enough to make it through. I just don't want to be alone anymore.
  20. a month ago, I meet my beloved sister and she studied pharmacy, she told me about a lot fun things, one of the best, she told me about foods actually good for relieve anxiety.and i try to consume routine for a weeks and look working on me. this the list of the food my sister recommendation : 1. Chamomile (Matricaria recucita) Chamomile is daisy-like flower, native to Egypt, Rome, and Greece. Even since early civilization, people have used chamomile for nausea, asthma, fever, and inflammation. In modern world, chamomile is widely popular as sleep aid. But, beside its sedative effect, chamomile is also excellent as panic attack natural treatment. Research found that chamomile contains volatile oils like bisabolol and matricin. It is also rich in flavonoids, particularly “apigenin”. This chemical affects brain in the same way anxiety medicine valium works. Usually, people consume chamomile as tea. They also use chamomile essential oil as aromatherapy. Other more practical but less tasty forms are capsule and tincture. It is also available as extract to be infused with other product such as salve or balm. So far, chamomile herbal tea doesn’t seem to have side effect. The recommended dosage is two cups of tea or 220 mg daily. 2. Lavender (Lavandula hybrida) This purple flower is famous not only for its beauty but also its powerful health effect. Lavender helps with restlessness, nervousness, and insomnia – general symptoms of anxiety. Scientific research also found out that lavender pill has the same effect as anxiety medication lorazepam. Lavender as panic attack natural treatment is widely available in many forms. You can take it as essential oil and inhale its scent as aromatherapy. You can also consume it as capsule or tea. You can even find it as bath salt to soothe your tensed muscles. Lavender has no side effect except minor one like increased appetite. Recommended dosage is 80-100 mg every day. 3. Hops (Humulus lupulus) Hops are flowering plants, native to the northern hemisphere of the world. Its popularity mainly comes from its use in beer production. However, lately people recognize hops as anxiety and panic attack natural treatment. According to research, hops contain antihistamine, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory. Because of that, people take hops to help with anxiety. You can find hops in various health products like herbal tea, tincture, capsule, tablet, and even cream or lotion. Hops tea is very bitter, so people usually take it combined with other herbs. The side effect of hops is its strong sedative effect. The dosage ranges from 0.5-1 gram of extract. as I can't post all of that food in here, this the link of my beloved sister tell about all of food.
  21. feeling like I am going to faint, my heart will race and I get hot. I went to the doctor and they ran blood tests. Now they are sending me to a cardiologist. After looking up my symptoms it kind of sounds like anxiety but I am not sure. Since I ... went to the doctor I keep feeling this tight pressure in my chest and I keep crying for no reason. Does this sound familiar? This is how I live, but I can survive this things, I believe with my self. This how I survive this things : 1. Track Your Mood Anxiety attack can be puzzling for some. You may feel that it comes out of nowhere and caused by nothing. If you feel like that, then chance is you still don’t have a thorough understanding about you and your anxiety. The first step for how to stop having an anxiety attack completely is by understanding how it attacks you. You can do this by tracking your mood. When you track your mood for a certain period of time, you will see a pattern. The pattern is different for each person, but it tells the fundamental thing to fight anxiety attack: the anxiety trigger. Here is how it works. First, prepare a journal. Second, every end of the day, write your activity for that day and add the emotion you feel during each activity. For example, you can write it like this: Going to work – feel normal Called in the boss’ office – surprised Lunch – uncomfortable Writing report – clammy and want to go home quickly When you have filled the journal for certain period, start noticing the activities around the time when you feel anxious. Maybe, you get anxious every time after being called in by your boss – no matter what the reason is. Maybe, you get anxious every time you do activities that make you talk in front of a group. After knowing the trigger, you can help yourself to treat your anxiety better. For example, you can start to attend support group for people who want to be able to do public speaking. Or maybe, you can start to prepare your report and answer before your boss call you. That way, you’ll be more prepared when something triggers your anxiety, and you won’t experience anxiety attack. 2. Differentiate Bad Coping Method If you find yourself in this situation, you should stop as quickly as possible. Bad coping method can relieve yourself from anxiety for a moment, only to plunge you deeper later. If you choose bad coping habit, you’re blocking your own way to recover from anxiety. This is one answer for how to stop having an anxiety attack. You have to be able to form a healthy anxiety coping habit from now on and separate yourself completely from bad coping habit. Bad coping habit including: – drinking alcohol – eating emotionally – isolating yourself – harming or cutting yourself – torturing your thought by keep imagining the worst 3. Build Daily Habit: Exercise Here is one thing you must know about how to stop having an anxiety attack. Daily habit affects how you function physically and mentally every day. A healthy daily habit may even improve your overall physical and mental well being. Exercise is a habit that everybody should cultivate every day. According to this research, exercise has many benefits, both mentally and physically. Physically, it makes you fitter. It also releases endorphin into your system. Endorphin is a hormone that can make you feel good. Exercise daily means you will have a steady endorphin supply every day, giving you good mood and increase your tolerant for stress and anxiety. Sorry I'm not post all of my journey in here, if you want to read all of that here the source :
  22. Hello. I am new to the forum and I would like to express some feelings and regrets that I have experienced for many many years, and to see if anyone has any advice on how to cope, or if you have experienced something similar. I have been suffering from anxiety and depression for more than a decade, and I am constantly worried and feel terrible guilt and regret for things I said and/or did in the past, even many years ago. A few examples are: - one time it was someone's birthday at my college (they were turning 25), and among a group of lab partners I said something along the lines of "well, they're lived a third of their life". Yes, I know it was a stupid joke, at the time I was just trying to say something funny, and I said that based on the life expectancy, bla bla, it would be a third. The friend who's birthday it was didn't hear it at the time. But someone else said that it the stupidest thing they've heard. Anyways, this is one thing that bugs me a lot when I remember it. - another time I I was with my partner and another friend, and whatever the conversation was, I said to my partner something like "you are bigger". I didn't mean it in a derogatory way, or in any bad way, I didn't think she was big, just not skinny. That was the first time when I realized how stupid it is to say that to a woman, from the moment I finished saying it, and she gave me the look. To this day I hate myself for being so stupid. This happened a second time when we were sitting and I tried to grab something, and I said that her bum was in the way. That was actually not even meant in a bad way, because I actually really like it, but of course being a stupid man, I said it without even thinking of how it would sound. On this topic, I also once said that my partner's cousin looked big in a photo, and that was also upsetting to my partner. - one guy I knew always said how marriage is a waste of time and money. One day when I heard through someone that he was getting married, I said something like "that's interesting coming from a guy who was against marriage". - years back, I knew this guy who couldn't stand me, and was a bit of a bully. Being around with some people, I made a joke that said "if you search f**got it comes up with his picture." I still hate myself for saying it. I know it is very offensive, and honestly I didn't mean it; I was tired of hearing the word thrown my way and to others in a group I was studying in during university. There were quite a few homophobic guys there who would call others "gay", "f**got" etc. just for being nice or shy, or a good person. I know it's counterproductive for me to call him the same, and it was stupid, but I was just done with the bullying going on towards me and others. My anxiety and irritability didn't help either. - I once saw a poster in a window shop of a model in an advertisement, and she looked beautiful, but I just didn't find her face that attractive so I said that. One of them said "you need to learn how to live with normal people, man." He was actually almost angry. I am not sure if that was because of his insecurity, or what was the deal, because I don't think poorly of other people, it was just a comment I made. - I was on a conference trip during university and a good friend of mine and my partner at the time were sharing a room. At one point I burped loudly, because I was so comfortable around my partner, but totally forgot that my friend was in the room. I apologized of course, and felt terrible, and still do to this day. - when I was younger (~12) I cut out photos of mostly partially nude (wearing bikinis) women from magazines and showed them to my cousin during our karate lessons. I guess I was exploring my sexuality as child, but I still feel guilty for that. - one time my partner cursed in public, at a somewhat semi-formal event, and I said something along the lines of "you shouldn't do that". Even though I didn't meant o say it like that, it came out wrong and was a stupid thing to say. I still regret it to this day. Things like this pop up in my mind so often, and they hinder my life and progress at work, etc. These are just some example I can think of. I think you see what I mean though. I always worry what people think of me, and have bad anxiety about that so often. I never intended to say anything stupid to anyone, and it honestly got to the point where I was even afraid of talking too much of fear that I would again say something stupid and that I would regret. Has anyone felt the same way, am I being too paranoid? too stupid to think of this? Thank you in advance.
  23. When I step out of the house, I feel like every single eye in the street is looking at me; scrutinizing to find a flaw they can laugh at. When I see familiar people on the street, I flee and find the nearest available cover from their sight; hoping everybody won’t see me. Party invitation? No, thank you. The only party I’ll attend is pajama party; with only my pajama, in my room. Now I'm practicing 10 things of my life that change me, It's look simple but try to practice, and looks the benefits of this things : sorry i can't give 10 things in here, if you want to read full version please go to the source. Thanks 1. It’s okay to feel anxious Anxiety is a totally normal feeling. Everybody has something that makes them anxious. Some people get anxious over their academic performance, others over going into unfamiliar places. You just happen to be anxious when you meet people. So, you are not weird, because every single people have an anxiety. Once you accept this, a part of you will find more confidence when meeting new people. But if you refuse to believe this, your anxiety will double. First, you’re anxious when you meet people. Second, you’re anxious of your anxiety over meeting people. Anxiousception! Having social anxiety is okay, but having anxiousception is not. 2. Be comfortable with discomfort What is one word to describe social interaction? It’s discomfort. When people talk to you, you feel uncertain of their motives. When you hold conversation, you don’t know what to say that won’t embarrass yourself. When conversation stops, you feel so awkward but too afraid to start again. You’re afraid people will laugh at you, judge you, or pity you. It is uncomfortable and you wish you’d never experience such feeling again! Unfortunately, people are unavoidable in this life. You will need them and they will need you. They’ll be your teachers, friends, rivals, or lovers. So, from now on, take comfort from that fact. Why run away from something that you need? You experience discomfort all the time, you shouldn’t avoid this one. 3. It’s not anxiety, it’s excitement When you step into social situation – like the party, the classroom, or the company gathering – you usually start to show some physical sign of anxiety like heart beating too fast, palms getting sweaty, and blood rushing to head. You also feel emotional sign of anxiety like your heart is almost bursting and your mind is looking for the fastest route to escape. From now on, think like this: those are the signs of excitement; those are not the signs of anxiety. Labeling those as excitement gives you a new perspective. That perspective will help you to be excited instead of anxious. 4. Focus on your business instead of your surrounding Whenever you start feeling anxious in social situation, remember your business. You are not there to gain other people’s approval or make them happy. You are here to finish your business. When you are in classroom, your business is to study. When you’re in a party, your business is to have fun. Focus on those, instead of thinking about what other people think of you. Think about how to deliver the best presentation in class or what drink you should grab in a party instead of the meaning of people’s glances; you’ll be too distracted to feel anxious. Here the source of full version
  24. Hello everyone. I recently started seeing a Psychiatrist for a fear of colon c****r. It is so bad that I am crying everyday and I am losing my appetite. Back in March I had a CT and MRI which only confirmed a fatty liver as well as a blood test in March and April which were fine other than elevated liver enzymes. The psychiatrist said he thinks I am medically fine but not mentally. I am hoping that someone can help. He prescribed me Lexapro and Klonopin to start out. He said to take the Klonopin throughout the day and with the Lexapro at night at first I had some diarrhea. Then he prescribed me seroquel. I haven't had a solid bowel movement in a few days. I had a short hard piece yesterday morning that had some mucus on it and now I am freaking out. I am so afraid its terrible. I am scared that I won't see my 1 year old baby girl grow up. I posted my whole story under Health Anxiety - IBS SCARED, if you care to read it in addition to this. I am constantly weighing myself, checking my eyelids to see if I am anemic, and looking at my stools for blood. Someone please help me I am so scared