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Found 38 results

  1. So, let me start with the fact that I'm 23. All my life I have dealt with social anxiety. It use to not be as bad as it is now. When I turned 18 I went to college, a couple times actually. The courses I chose didnt work out because it was sort of what my mom wanted for me. Also the professor had some assignment where I had to speak in front of class so I would drop out. Anyway, I went on to try and have many jobs but I would always quit. Because it is so much easier to stay home then to face my anxiety and work 8 hours a day 5 days a week. So, my boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years now. He wants a life with me, marriage, babies... and he is the manager of a store. We are struggling for money right now so until things are fixed we can't have a future. I love him to pieces. He recently offered me a job. I want to take it but I don't know if I can ever get up the courage to work. I want to but I'm scared. I don't wanna fail him again. I was walking today and found this website. I don't really know if this is how you're even supposed to use this site but here I am, writing this here. Maybe I really want help this time. So, anyway, if anyone has any tips or anything... It would really be nice. Thanks to whoever reads this. (:
  2. Hi guys, so I'm almost done my first year of college and to be honest it has not been that great of a year. I'm doing fine academically but really bad socially. I don't know why but my anxiety is horrible. I am always second guessing myself in social situations, thinking "what will they think if i say this" or "why aren't they talking to me, there must be something wrong with me". I've read up on social anxiety and being vulnerable enough that I know that I should not trust my thoughts and that they are irrational. But at the same time, I'm so used to being in my head all the time. I used to think that I was just introspective but now I hate being so anxious all the time. I think my social anxiety has led me to feel depressed. Mostly I feel hopeless about my future because I know how much my anxiety holds me back. I really want to make friends but even though I'm desperate, my anxiety still pulls me back. Whenever I try to initiate a conversation or join one, my mind goes black and i just become so insecure and dont know what the "right thing to say" is. I think I should probably be seeking professional help but the mental health services at my school is really bad and I can't afford to get a therapist somewhere else. I wanted to know if anyone has some strategies that have helped them when feeling socially anxious while talking to others. I've tried to deconstruct my thoughts and such but I still freeze up and I want to feel more relaxed and less anxious so that I can grow and feel less stuck. Thank you!! 😊
  3. My name is Kim, I am 32 and live in MA. I was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder when I was 12 years old. I also suffer from major depressive disorder, substance abuse disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and post traumatic stress disorder. I have been in recovery for the last 3 years and have been really trying to work on myself. I keep finding myself isolating and putting up walls in all of my relationships, friendships, and pushing people away or keeping them at arms length because I have serious issues with abandonment. I avoid social situations, and spend a lot of time alone, but when I am around people I am totally fine. Its frustrating to me because I like doing things and being around people once I am, but I still avoid them as much as possible without even realizing it half the time. I also have other issues like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue disorder so I don't know if I hold back because everytime I try not to, people constantly don't understand what it is like to have all these issues and take it personally that I can't get out of bed sometimes. I don't know I'm just really tired and frustrated with not making any serious connections with others and feel like I'm wasting all this time and everything because I am too afraid to get close to anyone. I am hoping to find some new supportive, positive people to be a part of my life.
  4. Do you struggle with extreme anxiety? The Teachman PACT lab at the University of Virginia is looking for adults (age 18 and older) who struggle with anxiety symptoms to enroll in a new, online anxiety-reduction program. We are recruiting participants to help us learn how we can help individuals combat anxiety via online training. To determine your eligibility for the study, visit and click on "Get Started Now." The study involved 5 sessions over the course of 5 weeks, each lasting 20 minutes or less, as well as one 15 minute assessment 2 months later. All training sessions and assessments can be completed on a computer, phone, or tablet. For more information, please visit or contact: PACT LAB Department of Psychology, University of Virginia Email: IRB: 2017-0234-00 PI: Bethany Teachman
  5. Do you struggle with extreme anxiety? The Teachman PACT lab at the University of Virginia is looking for adults (age 18 and older) who struggle with anxiety symptoms to enroll in a new, online anxiety-reduction program. We are recruiting participants to help us learn how we can help individuals combat anxiety via online training. To determine your eligibility for the study, visit and click on "Get Started Now." The study involved 5 sessions over the course of 5 weeks, each lasting 20 minutes or less, as well as one 15 minute assessment 2 months later. All training sessions and assessments can be completed on a computer, phone, or tablet. For more information, please visit or contact: PACT LAB Department of Psychology, University of Virginia Email: IRB: 2017-0234-00 PI: Bethany Teachman
  6. Hi, there! My name is Mira. I'm a high school senior and a concurrently enrolled college student. I started seeing a therapist a year ago for a number of reasons related to social anxiety, including extreme loneliness and s*****al ideation. I don't have social anxiety disorder; however, it's difficult for me to interact with people, talk on the phone, or do anything that draws attention to myself, including participating in class discussions. I haven't had any friends since I started public school seven years ago, and I'd love more than anything to have a close friend or two, and to feel connected to my peers. My therapist and I agreed that joining a supportive community might help me become more comfortable socializing, so here I am! Hopefully a precursor to face-to-face discussion! I'm working on accepting some of my enduring characteristics, such as introversion and neuroticism, while improving the things I can change. I want a more balanced inner life, and I want to learn how to be more self-reliant and self-sustaining, especially as I take on more financial and academic responsibilities. Let me know if you can relate!
  7. I've been building great stress from putting off this important introduction of myself with the lingering fear that my existence along with any activity it could incite will ultimately be ignored and scoffed upon-- all weekend I've craved badly to simply put together a detailed greeting for myself here as well as for anxietysocialnet, and so here we are Sunday evening 7pm and I'm now pushing myself out there.. My name is Ashley, I'm in my late twenties currently residing in NYS. I live with ADHD, Anxiety, Major Depressive, Panic, PTSD, Social Anxiety/Agoraphobia, Body Dismorphic: Bulimia/Anorexia Nervosa, Self Harm: Dermatillomania/(Recovering cutter). Currently, now I'm exploring the diagnosis of Acute Stress Disorder as a whole new self born nexus inside me that has been fueled by existing traumatic stresses and events that have gone without emotional self feedback resulting sadly in much more than depersonalization.. Anyway, there's a bit into my mental health diagnostic list, it's been quite fascinating. As for enduring all that has gotten me there is a deeper complexity. If I were reading this it would help me to know that I grew up engulfed in violence and emotional abuse within my family life and I haven't been able to get away from it fully. I'm still being abused and I feel weaker than I felt 15 years ago. I have suffered the trauma of **** and years of unrelated domestic abuse from a former partner, not of which I wish to go into right now though.. However, I cannot seem to let myself trust anyone at all anymore, not anyone new.. If a conversation keeps going with a new potential friend, they message me for a few days and I feel more and more uncomfortable that I wind up feeling fearful of my phone as a whole and it's really a terrible feeling. I want to enjoy new people. I really need people in my life, but of course I question why would someone try so hard with someone whose this damaged? That they'd absolutely be better off and without complication if they found someone off a social media site or something rather than a fellow broken nerdy girl you happen to see at a computer repair store.. I do over analyze motive but I never want to be hurt again by someone I've willingly let into my life. I have never been this alone as I am now. I don't know if I "pushed" or "scared" friends away in the past as I have so many embarrassing gaps in my memory that I cannot seem to unlock, but I can remember manic episodes and a few people just walking away when all I needed was a reminder that my panicking would pass.. The kind of people who walk away instead of fight to keep something worth while even if it might be a risk aren't meant to be. They aren't wired to understand in capacity how to unconditionally care for whatever kind of challenge I am. So I keep anything and anyone as far as possible. Most of the people I grew up with very close to have overdosed or committed s****de. The thoughts that run through my mind about starting over with new is overly perplexing. My home life is inconsistent as I had agreed to live with my mother to avoid being homeless after my mental states were worsening. I didn't know I was signing on to take care of her mothers estate as well as be a literal punching bag when she runs out of pills, or money, and drinks too much cough syrup but how stupid of me to forget what it was like to live with her. I can handle the responsibility of that which she cannot in regards to her own moms affairs, but her hate for me runs so deep for trying to keep this house above water and not give her access to money that isn't hers that she's formed a resentment I've never seen in her before. The alcohol and over medication has made this blindsided jealousy of hers quite malicious. A 230 lb child, brooding at the kitchen table for hours knowing you'll eventually really want to make some coffee. She'll bait you with insults of personal inadequacies and try to incite a hurtful dialogue in which she hopes will lead to violence. I feel so numb I can't play the game any longer and it's really effecting my existing fears and anxieties that involve home. I listen to the painful moaning of my messed up mother throughout every day into the night and I'm almost positive she's ready to die. The mumbling of the insane about the failures of the past echoes in the hallway. I'm noticing a new void that's never been present and I'm not certain if I want to be acquainted with it.. Every moment I'm awake I'm shaky and ready to jump. My medicines don't seem to be working too effectively anymore. When I think I'm going to cry I don't and then I shed a few tears at a random moment. My breathing is erratic and my exercises aren't calming down the discomfort in my chest. I think of packing my backpack and going to the closest park for the night and just sleeping there but I'm still working on taking out the garbage every week and walk to the corner store without breaking into panic.. I used to escape easily in my video games but I'm losing interest in them as if they were awful work that had deadlines with zero enjoyment only bringing upon stress and upsetting me and those I'm working with, I can still try but I'm not certain how to get myself back to where I'm not jumping out of my skin every second like this.. I'm starting to find a small escape in the backyard every evening, spending most of the hours pouring myself into my writing which is actually taking me a noticeably longer time than normal on each piece, usually trailing with my mind spinning, and then I suppose I'm glad to find myself outside amongst the wind.. So thanks for reading a bit of my personal madness, it took effort to let myself put this out here but I'm really at a point where I'm unsure of what to do with absolutely no support and screaming for some form of caring direction.. I'm working on communication and I will return messages.. Thank you to this group for the support as well as the invite to be here Ashley
  8. Hey there, I'm Topher and I'm 32 years old. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety when I was 18, which lead to me not wanting to leave the house for a long time. As the years went on it didn't get much better. I did end up leaving the house but only for things like work, or doctors appointments. It's odd the way we feel when there is an obligation to do something. That's in the past for me now. I've changed my life completely. Today, I don't want to stay inside. In fact, I get a bit sad when I have nothing to do. My social life is hectic with a new friend every month, at least. I've turned my life around. I want to say this is not an advertisement or any kind. Why would a no longer agoraphobic want to join an agoraphobia forum? Because I know how you feel. I know the anxiety, the depression, the loneliness. I really want to help in any way I can, and this is the best way I know how. By giving advice, encouragement, and general information on what our sickness is. I am a survivor and I want to give hope to people who think there is no hope. I look forward to talking with as many people as I can talk to. See you around.
  9. I'll start by saying that I have some social anxiety. I'm very much an introvert as well. Last night my new neighbor at the last minute invited some of us over for some wine. I said I would come over for a bit because my husband and I were going to watch a movie. So right as I was about to leave my other neighbor who lives next door to me shows up. I was finishing my glass of wine and I said "Yeah I'm actually about to scoot out." MY neighbor who invited me over said he "They are having a date night watching a movie" and my next door neighbor was just all " Oh". Like it was strange that I wanted to go home and watch a movie. I had no plans to go out that night, I never intended to stay out late, and sue me, my husband and I like to watch movies and TV together. IT was like it was so odd that I wanted to go home. She also made some passive aggressive comment to me a few weeks ago. The 3 of us went out and I was asked her why we never did this and she was like "IDK sometimes when it's just 2 people it's not as fun. And I like you don't get me wrong but it's more fun with more people." Also our kids play every day and there are times when we are both outside and she just sits in her driveway and doesn't even wave hello. I mean she got there and looked at me and was just like "oh hi". Like oh you're here....... I have a hard time making friends as it is and I'm very introverted and is is not. But that's twice now in a few weeks that she has just made me feel like crap. Like I'm weird because I like spending time with my husband. I know I'm awkward but sheesh. I just needed to get that out.
  10. HI, It has taken me more than 40 years to realize that up until recently I have been living my whole life with a social anxiety challenge. I could get over my social anxiety with drink, so I spent most of my life from the age of 18 drunk. Hiding behind a wall of drunkenness I had gotten over my social anxiety challenge but was a mess. People who new me just thought I was what we call in the UK a “Piss head”. I thought that myself too. But what people didn't see was the person who was so low that they drank to excess hoping not to wake up the next morning. I was frustrated and depressed that the social things in life that seemed so effortless for most people were alien to me.I was not somebody who could do the things that “normal” people seemed to find so effortless, like meeting a partner and having a family. A few years ago I discovered something that I had no knowledge of previously, personal development. Long story short I have managed to overcome my challenges with coaching and what I have learnt. I still have social anxiety and related challenges but they are now overpowered by the real me. That is the me with great self esteem and the confidence to be my true authentic self. Looking back I can see that I have had low self esteem for many years brought about from early childhood experiences which I masked behind drink and drugs. I hope I can be an inspiration to others who share similar challenges. Thanks, Rolly
  11. Hey everyone - Brand spankin' new to this forum. Had social anxiety run my life for soooooooooooo long. And making some good progress on it (I'm now 34). Got a good career. Married, Got a house, and a couple dogs. But more than that, have more peace, joy, and confidence than ever before. Thing's aren't perfect. I'm not God. But good to connect with others who suffer from social anxiety. I know the hell it causes. Lost relationships. Missed opportunities. Getting fired from jobs. Feeling worthless all the time. Anyway, just saying hi Dan
  12. I'm a 28 year old male 6"1 177pds. My conditions are OCD/Contamination&Rumination, GAD, Panic Disorder, Depression, ADD, Social anxiety, Sleep changes I've tried Lexapro & Zoloft before, both at ineffective doses and I just didn't feel like the lexapro worked good enough at 10mg and the zoloft at 150mg made me much more anxious. I worked really hard with a different PCP bugging him and messaging back and forth, I had to get this right. I suggested Paxil 20-30-40 than 60 mg. I'm on 60 mg now for about 4 months and It's finally helping because I've been able to leave my house and go out more and not be so scared and think of my fears constantly. Even when someone does sneeze or is coughing for example or there's something that triggers OCD contamination I cringe for about 5 seconds but I cope and move on. Later on though I noticed I had no motivation for life and felt like a zombie. I researched my butt off and found Wellbutrin XL to be a good add on for this and it can also help with depression and ADD which I also have and which Paxil made worse because it only works on Serotonin and I have other issues as well (ADD/Depression). He prescribed 150mg XL Wellbutrin as a add on and I've been on it for about 5-6 weeks. I feel a bit happier and some more balance but I notice a difference if I don't take it for 2-3 days like I'm more lazy not very happy about life ect, I still have ADD symptoms on 150mg XL wellbutrin like I can't read and comprehend or pay attention to things (boring tasks). I lose focus easily and can be very impulsive at times out of no where. I just asked him if I can take 300 XL Wellbutrin to target the ADD better and he said OK I can do that but if it causes your anxiety to creep up and mess with the OCD let me know after 2 weeks so we can go back down to 150 XL immediately. Anyone know if Wellbutrin XL 300 MG worked well for them as far as ADD/ADHD goes? I mean it is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor but that works mostly on depression which I do have. But it says It's also a dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Wonder if it works on one more than the other. Stimulants like Adderall I've tried and just didn't like the crash or on edge feeling you know? It works but come on who wants to feel like that. I was on the Adderall for a short time around age 22 and was not taking a ssri so maybe the combination would work, I just don't feel like going through the pain of switching the med wellbutrin to adderall or vvyanse and having to go through the start up side effects or what ever. I'm also on klonopin 90 pills to with drawl from the benzo xanax after being on 1.50mg for a 16 months and that's going well. I stopped shaking as much and all that other good stuff.
  13. I hear them. Where I go, no matter where I am. I hear the voices. Voices of people speaking about me, not in the best way possible. I hear mostly about the same things over and over again. I hear about them mocking me, ostracising me, patronizing me and putting me to shame. I am struggling with it for 1½ years now and I'm slowly losing myself in the process. I don't know what to do about it, or maybe I don't want to, I'm not quite sure. I have anxiety in public places and I have trouble keeping myself calm and having a good time with my family members. Sometimes it causes a misunderstanding between us when our insecurities blind our sight. I wanted to be free from what I thought the environment that was poisoning me. I was out from it but I guess it's all in my head. I've been thinking about s****de but I read somewhere that it only eliminates the possibility of getting better. I hear voices again. It feels like being haunted by a ghost. Even when I'm listening to music, I could hear it insulting me. All of my flaws, out of the box. Sometimes it plays the voices of people who had humiliated me over and over again. It' a recording tape. Automatically playing pause and play whenever it wanted. I had no control. Right now I'm unable to see the possibility of it getting better. I don't have the strength to move my feet and walk in these public places; it's like walking on thorns for a thousand miles, unable to find another way to go through it. I feel alienated, like I shouldn't be who I am, for the sake of society, for what people want me to be. I'm aware that I'm different, I mean, everyone is different. But somehow they managed to live with each other in peace and harmony. I seem to be unable to do that, because I can't bear to sacrifice myself to do such a thing. It pains me inside, the agony, frustration and confusion. I let people define me sometimes because I'm unable to see the worth of defending myself. A waste of time and a waste of breath. I'd rather get hurt. I mean all wounds heal right? Except for the annoying voices that I keep hearing inside my head, that's another story. I hear things. I tried to ignore them, I tried. I wonder if there are people who's experiencing the same thing as I do. Let's support each other in any way we can?
  14. When you watch your television to witness the best performance of world-class famous singer, joining a community which discuss your favorite author’s books, or going to the cinema to see your favorite actor/actress’ newest movie, you probably never have such an idea that those you are worshiping to are still people, though.They might have a perfect and most ideal life of people ever want to. But wait a second, are you sure they are extremely and really happy at their popularity?Don’t you ever think they presumably suffer from something dreadful behind their popularity, such as famous people control their panic attack?Anyone, famous people with panic disorder or infamous ones, can suffer from a panic disorder. From past time to modern ages today, it’s not a surprising fact that many famous people have had suffered panic disorders.World class Oscar’s actors, Grammy’s singers, Pulitzer’s authors, presenter, inventor, and many more show and struggle through their panic disorder to make a change to them-selves and especially to the world for making it more inspiring. she the one of famous people with panic disorderIt’s glad to see how they have had come out to the public and said many useful things which may help you to do the same.If people who are continuously being at the spotlight and attention center in spite of being born not for it together with such kind of confident attitude you expect, still attempt to impress and influence the world with their positive talent, then there should be no reason you can’t do the same.Way even better by your own fame. Read more to find how these 10 famous people with panic disorderPrincess Diana “Family is the most important thing in the world. “– Princess Diana Fewer people know that she was experiencing panic attacks while suffering from postpartum depression after giving birth to Prince William, the third generation of Royal Kingdom throne. The information came from his bodyguards said that during her first tour of as a Royal Kingdom family, she suddenly cried and uncontrolled as she travelled to many destinations. However, she managed to successfully compose herself and being just fine. She told by her quotes that a supportive family bonding power was the key of all problems. Tell every single thing you face with your family, then they’ll together with you to embrace it. Sigmund Freud “The act of birth is the first experience of anxiety, and thus the source and prototype of the effect of anxiety.”- Sigmund Freud It might be a quite shocking how a person who shocked the world with his revolutionary ideas and theories was actually not very comfortable to be in a social circumstance. In his professional time, he could be a very technical and chill, but he could suddenly falter when he should being confident in a regular interactions with others. He proclaimed by his quotes that all he could do was just believe that every person has at least one anxiety experience in common. That would make him better by affirming himself that he was not the only one experiencing it. Nikola Tesla Energy using and robotic inventor who contributed a very fundamental principle to the world we sit in today, suffered from panic attack since he was only 5. It was believed that the death of his brother influenced him to develop many phobias. None of the psychology students at that time could explain why he could experiences panic disorder signed by bright light or flashes before his eyes. Tesla said that his mental disorder allowed him to think deeply than only thinking clearly. He supposed to cope his illness by redirecting thoughts to be deeper and slower so that everything could go calmer and wiser. Read full version here http://myworthlife*com/famous-people-with-panic-disorder/
  15. Dealing with social anxiety may take efforts. But it’s worth to try. Most of the time I feel this anxiety increases as I meet people. I would like to share my experience about dealing with social anxiety. I tried and tried to stay strong every time my boss put the blame on me even though it’s not completely my fault. For example when our client complained about the weak security system on their web. I wanted to shout at his face I have no bloody idea about internet security system. But when I did the right thing he never noticed. So a year later I resigned. People are so unbelievable. I had been a jobless for the next six months and people started to look down on me. So I locked myself, avoided meeting others especially relatives and friends (which I barely had). Again, I was continually dealing with social anxiety. then applied for remote-based job, got it after a skype interview. I worked for a company in New York from home and received salary from bank account. Still, people saw I was not normal enough since I didn’t go to office. Then one day my manager said she would come to Seattle next month attending some business meeting and asked me to come with her. I was so shocked. If I refused then I would lose my job. Otherwise, I would meet stangers and it’s not impossible including my former boss. I agreed to meet her anyway. The sight of a middle-aged woman wearing glasses with severe look hit my imagination. I’d seen her before on Skype, but it’s not clear enough. I was so damn nervous on the day of our meeting. When the first time I met her I was right about my portrayal of her in my mind except that she didn’t have severe look. She had this smiley face and didn’t look like a stony geek. She came with George from the IT department. I tried to keep calm but my hands are all sweaty and cold. Thank goodness there are no people from my former company. But I looked so gawky. Later in the evening my boss took George and me for dinner. She asked me if I was okay so I said yes. She looked at me that made me revealed my anxiety this whole day. George said he had the same problem with me in his first days at work and he offered me to join Anxiety Therapy Class in New York. That’s it. I moved to New York and started my life over again. My boss supported me because she said my design was unique and had its own character. It boosted my confidence so I started my journey of seriously dealing with social anxiety. I realized not many people with social anxiety had the same good opportunity as George and me. So I’d simply like to share the cutting-edge way of dealing with social anxiety but I can't share in here coz it will too long, if you want to know more please visit
  16. a month ago, I meet my beloved sister and she studied pharmacy, she told me about a lot fun things, one of the best, she told me about foods actually good for relieve anxiety.and i try to consume routine for a weeks and look working on me. this the list of the food my sister recommendation : 1. Chamomile (Matricaria recucita) Chamomile is daisy-like flower, native to Egypt, Rome, and Greece. Even since early civilization, people have used chamomile for nausea, asthma, fever, and inflammation. In modern world, chamomile is widely popular as sleep aid. But, beside its sedative effect, chamomile is also excellent as panic attack natural treatment. Research found that chamomile contains volatile oils like bisabolol and matricin. It is also rich in flavonoids, particularly “apigenin”. This chemical affects brain in the same way anxiety medicine valium works. Usually, people consume chamomile as tea. They also use chamomile essential oil as aromatherapy. Other more practical but less tasty forms are capsule and tincture. It is also available as extract to be infused with other product such as salve or balm. So far, chamomile herbal tea doesn’t seem to have side effect. The recommended dosage is two cups of tea or 220 mg daily. 2. Lavender (Lavandula hybrida) This purple flower is famous not only for its beauty but also its powerful health effect. Lavender helps with restlessness, nervousness, and insomnia – general symptoms of anxiety. Scientific research also found out that lavender pill has the same effect as anxiety medication lorazepam. Lavender as panic attack natural treatment is widely available in many forms. You can take it as essential oil and inhale its scent as aromatherapy. You can also consume it as capsule or tea. You can even find it as bath salt to soothe your tensed muscles. Lavender has no side effect except minor one like increased appetite. Recommended dosage is 80-100 mg every day. 3. Hops (Humulus lupulus) Hops are flowering plants, native to the northern hemisphere of the world. Its popularity mainly comes from its use in beer production. However, lately people recognize hops as anxiety and panic attack natural treatment. According to research, hops contain antihistamine, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory. Because of that, people take hops to help with anxiety. You can find hops in various health products like herbal tea, tincture, capsule, tablet, and even cream or lotion. Hops tea is very bitter, so people usually take it combined with other herbs. The side effect of hops is its strong sedative effect. The dosage ranges from 0.5-1 gram of extract. as I can't post all of that food in here, this the link of my beloved sister tell about all of food.
  17. feeling like I am going to faint, my heart will race and I get hot. I went to the doctor and they ran blood tests. Now they are sending me to a cardiologist. After looking up my symptoms it kind of sounds like anxiety but I am not sure. Since I ... went to the doctor I keep feeling this tight pressure in my chest and I keep crying for no reason. Does this sound familiar? This is how I live, but I can survive this things, I believe with my self. This how I survive this things : 1. Track Your Mood Anxiety attack can be puzzling for some. You may feel that it comes out of nowhere and caused by nothing. If you feel like that, then chance is you still don’t have a thorough understanding about you and your anxiety. The first step for how to stop having an anxiety attack completely is by understanding how it attacks you. You can do this by tracking your mood. When you track your mood for a certain period of time, you will see a pattern. The pattern is different for each person, but it tells the fundamental thing to fight anxiety attack: the anxiety trigger. Here is how it works. First, prepare a journal. Second, every end of the day, write your activity for that day and add the emotion you feel during each activity. For example, you can write it like this: Going to work – feel normal Called in the boss’ office – surprised Lunch – uncomfortable Writing report – clammy and want to go home quickly When you have filled the journal for certain period, start noticing the activities around the time when you feel anxious. Maybe, you get anxious every time after being called in by your boss – no matter what the reason is. Maybe, you get anxious every time you do activities that make you talk in front of a group. After knowing the trigger, you can help yourself to treat your anxiety better. For example, you can start to attend support group for people who want to be able to do public speaking. Or maybe, you can start to prepare your report and answer before your boss call you. That way, you’ll be more prepared when something triggers your anxiety, and you won’t experience anxiety attack. 2. Differentiate Bad Coping Method If you find yourself in this situation, you should stop as quickly as possible. Bad coping method can relieve yourself from anxiety for a moment, only to plunge you deeper later. If you choose bad coping habit, you’re blocking your own way to recover from anxiety. This is one answer for how to stop having an anxiety attack. You have to be able to form a healthy anxiety coping habit from now on and separate yourself completely from bad coping habit. Bad coping habit including: – drinking alcohol – eating emotionally – isolating yourself – harming or cutting yourself – torturing your thought by keep imagining the worst 3. Build Daily Habit: Exercise Here is one thing you must know about how to stop having an anxiety attack. Daily habit affects how you function physically and mentally every day. A healthy daily habit may even improve your overall physical and mental well being. Exercise is a habit that everybody should cultivate every day. According to this research, exercise has many benefits, both mentally and physically. Physically, it makes you fitter. It also releases endorphin into your system. Endorphin is a hormone that can make you feel good. Exercise daily means you will have a steady endorphin supply every day, giving you good mood and increase your tolerant for stress and anxiety. Sorry I'm not post all of my journey in here, if you want to read all of that here the source :
  18. When I step out of the house, I feel like every single eye in the street is looking at me; scrutinizing to find a flaw they can laugh at. When I see familiar people on the street, I flee and find the nearest available cover from their sight; hoping everybody won’t see me. Party invitation? No, thank you. The only party I’ll attend is pajama party; with only my pajama, in my room. Now I'm practicing 10 things of my life that change me, It's look simple but try to practice, and looks the benefits of this things : sorry i can't give 10 things in here, if you want to read full version please go to the source. Thanks 1. It’s okay to feel anxious Anxiety is a totally normal feeling. Everybody has something that makes them anxious. Some people get anxious over their academic performance, others over going into unfamiliar places. You just happen to be anxious when you meet people. So, you are not weird, because every single people have an anxiety. Once you accept this, a part of you will find more confidence when meeting new people. But if you refuse to believe this, your anxiety will double. First, you’re anxious when you meet people. Second, you’re anxious of your anxiety over meeting people. Anxiousception! Having social anxiety is okay, but having anxiousception is not. 2. Be comfortable with discomfort What is one word to describe social interaction? It’s discomfort. When people talk to you, you feel uncertain of their motives. When you hold conversation, you don’t know what to say that won’t embarrass yourself. When conversation stops, you feel so awkward but too afraid to start again. You’re afraid people will laugh at you, judge you, or pity you. It is uncomfortable and you wish you’d never experience such feeling again! Unfortunately, people are unavoidable in this life. You will need them and they will need you. They’ll be your teachers, friends, rivals, or lovers. So, from now on, take comfort from that fact. Why run away from something that you need? You experience discomfort all the time, you shouldn’t avoid this one. 3. It’s not anxiety, it’s excitement When you step into social situation – like the party, the classroom, or the company gathering – you usually start to show some physical sign of anxiety like heart beating too fast, palms getting sweaty, and blood rushing to head. You also feel emotional sign of anxiety like your heart is almost bursting and your mind is looking for the fastest route to escape. From now on, think like this: those are the signs of excitement; those are not the signs of anxiety. Labeling those as excitement gives you a new perspective. That perspective will help you to be excited instead of anxious. 4. Focus on your business instead of your surrounding Whenever you start feeling anxious in social situation, remember your business. You are not there to gain other people’s approval or make them happy. You are here to finish your business. When you are in classroom, your business is to study. When you’re in a party, your business is to have fun. Focus on those, instead of thinking about what other people think of you. Think about how to deliver the best presentation in class or what drink you should grab in a party instead of the meaning of people’s glances; you’ll be too distracted to feel anxious. Here the source of full version
  19. "It's okay not to be okay" This is a tricky concept. It's not something we always believe when we're struggling. We feel as though we have to put on this face of being fine and act as if nothing is wrong, when all we want to do is scream. We walk around with a poker face, hiding how we truly feel inside. We smile and laugh and pretend we're happy when we're not. We try and make others and even ourselves oblivious to the pain we're feeling inside. Sometimes all we want to do is curl up and cry or hit something or scream at the top of our lungs. Sometimes it feels as though we have to be okay, we aren't allowed to not be okay. It feels like we have no choice than to be okay. But. It's okay not to be okay. It's okay to be afraid It's okay to admit you feel sad and lonely. It's okay to admit you're feeling terrible. It's okay to talk to someone. It's okay to admit you're struggling. Be brave, be strong in yourself and recognising your emotions and state of mind. If you're confused or overwhelmed, talk to someone about it, whether it be a friend, a family member or a counsellor or someone from a help line. It's okay.
  20. Do you suffer from social anxiety when it comes to making friends? Would you be interested in seeking advice and help to overcome this? Award winning independent production company Ponda Films are developing a sensitive and intelligent documentary series for a leading UK broadcaster that aims to explore the issue of agoraphobia and social anxiety, allowing contributors to talk openly about their experiences. To hear more please contact Fozia at Our conversation would be an opportunity for us to explain more about the project, and learn more from you. All correspondence is entirely confidential, with no obligation to take part. We have extensive experience in making sensitive and intelligent programmes on a variety of topics – for more information please
  21. I have OCD and related Agoraphobia, my government provides certain help (a long draining process, certainly not kind to agoraphobics), I'm from Ontario, Canada. I know a lot of other people suffer from similar issues, but this is my first time reaching out to any sort of community. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful live in boyfriend. He is loving, accepting and does his best to understand. He chooses time and time again to stay with me, despite having dealt with panic attacks, nagging, moodiness, depression, agoraphobia, and all else that comes along with living with someone with these issues. I'm tired of allowing him to take care of me and support the both of us without my help. I've tried over and over the last 3 years and more to help him pay the bills, but every time I fail. I can't hold a job, I freak out and go back into recluse. I have no problem getting hired, when I finally am able to get out and find a job, but I can't keep them. This last year I've stopped being able to function the way a person should. I've probably showered 3 times this year, it takes over 5 hours usually because I can't feel I've rinsed enough. I can't touch hardly anything, I wash my hands 5 billion times a day, I don't leave the house because doing so brings on a million problems that I don't know how to deal with without having a panic attack or having everyone stare at me like a freak. The very worse part is that I force him to take part in my rituals, rituals that cause him to live his life in a way he doesn't want to. I can't afford help. I've tried to get my family to care, but they never will and we are not in contact. My boyfriend, bless him, is in over his head. He avoids his problems and tries to pretend it's not weighing him down, but every now and then (more and more lately) you see him fighting not to break down. I love him and I try to help him, but I can't even help myself. My comforting him doesn't do anything to make the situation better. I feel trapped. If anyone who can relate has found a way to help pay the bills from home with limited stress please tell me what you did. I need some way that doesn't involve scams, to make some money and take some pressure off of him. It was also help me to not feel completely useless, maybe get a bit of confidence back. Baby steps right? And I know this probably has sounded pessimistic. That's so not me, I'm just trying to be honest. I AM trying to improve my situation in other ways, I have not given up. Every day I try to improve my OCD in the only way I know how, to resist the urges and change my thoughts. It's gotten a bit better, but unfortunately we need to be able to pay rent and the stress of never having enough money to know that we'll still have a place to live next month doesn't make it too easy. I'm open to any advise or thoughts. Just please be kind because this is embarrassing and vulnerable. I'd also love to know if any one can relate, I feel alone in this.
  22. Hello Everyone,This is not easy for me to put into words, because it's hard to describe, but I often feel like I'm just staring out into the world, understanding the feelings of other people, their emotions, fully processing what is going to around me on a logical level i suppose, but finding it very hard to actually have any kind of response to it. If that made any sense. It's like I'm looking at the world as if one would a movie, not participating in it much, i mean, i can tell people what i want and interact with them on a level of "fulfilment of needs" level, but not in a way that i can reciprocate their emotions (it feels sterile to people). So basically, i understand what they are feeling and i guess i technically know why they have emotions when they have them (i am able to emphasize), but not able to feel the same way in those same situations because i dont feel that way myself when those situations happen to me. For example, people can be making a joke and laughing about it right away and while i find it funny, i just dont have that same easy going quick response to it where i would just laugh and have a relaxed happy emotion about it. Typically i would cognitively process the joke maybe chuckle or something but overall have no outward response. I'm not a cold or heartless person, i really like the idea of charity and giving to other people, kindness in the world, unity among all people and love. It's just that somehow the fact that i know that something is pleasant and should feel pleasant does not connect with my emotional state and actually feel that way. Most things actually feel like anxiety. I dont like labeling things because it immediately tends to become black or white, but my inner daily feeling is tension in the body, shallow breathing, and sensations of fear. I also tend to think and analyze a lot around this subject and why emotional responses just dont happen to me naturally and why i have such a hard time being with people. Being around people always tends to get akward and irritating. People have told me before that i come off as being serious, so most of the time they communicate with me in a serious way back. But even if they do laugh or are light hearted, it still does not draw out any kind of matching response out of me. Or so i feel. I mostly just kind of smile back at them or look in a different direction and it makes me anxious, the awkwardness of it all. I feel i should technically be genuinely laughing back or keeping up with the conversation, but mostly I have little interest in small talk or if i do small talk, it comes off "too seriously". So to sum up, i feel that my biggest issue is that i mentally recognize and know when something should feel a certain way and should elicit an emotional response out of me, but ends up feeling dull and anxious like instead. A lot of times i also end up staring into space. Not lost in thought either, just mentally exhausted. If anyone feels the same way, or has any advice at all, I would love to hear from you. I really need advice and help on this.Thank you !!!
  23. I have OCD and related Agoraphobia, my government provides certain help (a long draining process, certainly not kind to agoraphobics), I'm from Ontario, Canada. I know a lot of other people suffer from similar issues, but this is my first time reaching out to any sort of community. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful live in boyfriend. He is loving, accepting and does his best to understand. He chooses time and time again to stay with me, despite having dealt with panic attacks, nagging, moodiness, depression, agoraphobia, and all else that comes along with living with someone with these issues. I'm tired of allowing him to take care of me and support the both of us without my help. I've tried over and over the last 3 years and more to help him pay the bills, but every time I fail. I can't hold a job, I freak out and go back into recluse. I have no problem getting hired, when I finally am able to get out and find a job, but I can't keep them. This last year I've stopped being able to function the way a person should. I've probably showered 3 times this year, it takes over 5 hours usually because I can't feel I've rinsed enough. I can't touch hardly anything, I wash my hands 5 billion times a day, I don't leave the house because doing so brings on a million problems that I don't know how to deal with without having a panic attack or having everyone stare at me like a freak. The very worse part is that I force him to take part in my rituals, rituals that cause him to live his life in a way he doesn't want to. I can't afford help. I've tried to get my family to care, but they never will and we are not in contact. My boyfriend, bless him, is in over his head. He avoids his problems and tries to pretend it's not weighing him down, but every now and then (more and more lately) you see him fighting not to break down. I love him and I try to help him, but I can't even help myself. My comforting him doesn't do anything to make the situation better. I feel trapped. If anyone who can relate has found a way to help pay the bills from home with limited stress please tell me what you did. I need some way that doesn't involve scams, to make some money and take some pressure off of him. It was also help me to not feel completely useless, maybe get a bit of confidence back. Baby steps right? And I know this probably has sounded pessimistic. That's so not me, I'm just trying to be honest. I AM trying to improve my situation in other ways, I have not given up. Every day I try to improve my OCD in the only way I know how, to resist the urges and change my thoughts. It's gotten a bit better, but unfortunately we need to be able to pay rent and the stress of never having enough money to know that we'll still have a place to live next month doesn't make it too easy. I'm open to any advise or thoughts. Just please be kind because this is embarrassing and vulnerable. I'd also love to know if any one can relate, I feel alone in this.
  24. My whole life I've strived to be unnoticeable. On a bad day I'll feel awkward about walking down the street. Or talking to shop assistants. I just don't want to be seen. Does anyone else feel this way or relate in any way? I'm in my early twenties now but when I was younger I'd try and confide in my parents but they told me to "toughen up" or that "everyone feels that way". I feel belittled in a way. I didn't feel that how I felt mattered or was taken seriously. I'm under no illusion that I stand out or am special. I've just struggled with my image and being in public because I felt that I stuck out too much for being multiracial growing up, especially in a private school. My dad's side of the family is European and my mum's side of the family is Polynesian. My parents separated when I was young and I've never seen them happy together as a interracial couple and so perhaps growing up I felt like there was something wrong with me. I have olive skin but growing up my most of my friends were British ex pats and so were pale with lighter hair. People would always ask me what I was and when I said a New Zealander that wasn't enough for them. Some people would point and me and make rude remarks. As I've grown older I've got a lot better with my social anxiety. As a child I would run and hide with fear if guests visited our home. I guess I just want to see if others have shared similar experiences.
  25. I don't know if I'm posting this under the right topic. I just googled and signed up on this forum because I trust no one to share how I'm feeling right now. A year ago I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety disorder and Generalized Anxiety disorder. I took the medication for some time but lost my prescription this month. And I'm in my hometown and I am not taking my medication. My doctor is going to be pissed. I write short stories , poems and shit and post it on facebook and few girls are kinda interested in me because of that. I am too shy or anxious for meet them so I usually try long distance relationships. But I had to break up with a girl I had an online relationship with. I just couldn't take it anymore. We both had anxieties and nobody can understand me as good as she did but there was no way I was going to be with her. I don't even have a passport yet for the god's sake and I am going back to college again and I don't know where my future might lead me. Quitting college and again getting back makes me quite anxious too. Like wtf.. I don't know shit. I hope I will able to pick up on school and not end up depressed like in high school. So, yeah.. I kinda fell in love with one girl who writes too and is from same town I'm from and studies in same city, I study in. But the thing is she had a boyfriend, who she hasn't broken up with yet, officially. She is in a secret relationship with me. She says she loves me, is not going to break my heart and shit and she wants to date me but she will need a couple of years to make it public? Wth? One reason might be because we are from really traditional place and she doesn't want her family to find out or she might be thinking it might not work because of some reason. One thing that scares me is .. Is she going to take her boyfriend back if he comes are cries in front of her? Another thing that scares me is whether I'm being played. But I did put these insecurities in front of her and she's like "get and job in 8 years and marry me". Then again she gets jealous of my girl best friend so .. meh.. idk ... The real issue with me is that I'm a guy who has been faking confidence. I'm out of medication and I can't obtain them this month by any means. Heck, I don't even know the routes of city I live in. And being an anxious guy and having shitty data connection for navigation and a shitty phone overall sucks. She wants to go to a movie with me next month if everything works out fine. She would want to go on more dates. And I don't even know if I'm always going to be scared of her? I know I'm a loser.. I'm pathetic.. I might now deserve her but this is how I am.. too scared to do anything but I went out and tried and it worked and here I am .. still scared :/