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  1. I tend to get quite anxious before travelling but over the years I have found some ways to help me feel more calm and relaxed before travelling and during the trip itself. Here are my tips for travelling anxiety-free: A few weeks before travelling, I see an acupuncturist for specific treatments that target anxiety. This has proven to be quite effective for me. I tend to feel more calm and relaxed before travelling and also during the trip itself. Often I also mention tense or painful areas of my body (i.e. back, neck, etc.) to the acupuncturist and get them treated as well. The better you feel before travelling, the better the whole trip will be. I start preparing and packing early. It makes me feel less anxious and nervous when I know I have prepared everything well. About a week before travelling, I start drinking one to two cups of chamomile and lemonbalm tea every day. Chamomile and lemonbalm tea is very calming. If I still feel a bit anxious, I use “Rescue Remedy” (Bach flower remedies) before and also during the trip. On the morning of the trip, I drink a cup of chamomile or lemonbalm tea and I have a comforting meal, such as muesli or porridge/oatmeal. About ½ hour before the trip, I eat a banana. Eating one or two bananas about ½ hour before a stressful event/situation has been proven to lower anxiety levels. I also pack some snacks. Almonds, dark chocolate, walnuts and some fruit are great. Almonds and dark chocolate are high in magnesium. Magnesium calms the nervous system, relaxes the muscles and lowers stress levels. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which also lower the body’s stress response. When travelling by train or airplane, I listen to calming music or read a book – usually something light and heart-warming. I avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks before travelling as well as during the trip completely as those are known to aggravate anxiety. I often take some herbal tea bags with me as a lot of hotels don’t seem to have them. They usually only have coffee, black tea and green tea available on their breakfast buffets. I hope those few tips will help you for your next trip. Happy travels, Jacqueline Brandes Author of “Calm Your Mind in 5 Weeks: How to Reduce Anxiety Naturally”