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Found 4 results

  1. Hello everyone, I have not posted in here in quite some time. For the most part I think I have gotten my anxiety under control, but one thing that is still a big trigger is whenever I am sick. My boyfriend has been sick for a few days and I am starting to feel like I am coming down with what he has. We suspect covid, but are waiting for test results to come back. Regardless of what it is, being sick always make me pretty anxious and I feel like it's amplified now because of covid. One of my main problems is I can't sleep whenever I'm not feeling well. I'll feel relatively fine (anxiety wise) all day and then once it's time to go to sleep it comes on strongly. For some reason whenever I am about to fall asleep it suddenly feels like I can't breathe and I will jolt up panicking. Then it keeps happening every time I almost fall asleep until exhaustion takes over. It scares me because I'm not anxious during the day and most of the time I don't feel anxious when I'm about to go to sleep either, it's just when that starts to happen. Also that only occurs when I'm sick, I can sleep perfectly fine every other day. Has anyone else experienced this before and know why that might be happening and if it's something I should be worried about? Also any tips or advice on maybe some ways I could stop that from happening would be appreciated. Thank you so much.
  2. He started by vomiting this morning. He has diareah a severe headache and mentioned upper back pain. He started crying and yelling loudly 30 minutes ago because his head hurt so bad. Earlier he had chills. He also has light sensitivity and is sweating I think. I am in Thailand where the food gets us sick. he has Not eaten since yesterday except for a yogurt.drinking too much water made him throw up he said. I just gave him one Ibeprophen tablet. I don't normally take or give medicine so It was scary to give. What should I do? What do you think this is? He is keeping himself covered in a blanket and the air is off. It's rather warm in the room.
  3. During the latter Spring and entire Summer, I find myself at my most peaceful. Viruses that spread seem to frequent the colder seasons and the holidays/events, which in turn tends to exacerbate the dispersal of those viruses. It's not the trivial colds that frighten me, but the ones that use my emetophobia to bring me to my knees. If someone gets sick, even if it is in an entirely different state on the opposite coast I find myself in a state of panic just by the thought. Lately I have entered a state of introspection that leads me to believe that due to this phobia, among other things, I am a burden to the close few around me. I pushed off seeing my girlfriend of several years by 2 weeks because her household has fell victim to what would clearly immobilize me in both senses. It has planted the thought in my head that she deserves better than someone like me, who would quarantine her for being ill out of pure fear and void of logic. I suppose the purpose of me posting this is to see if others have had similar feelings or situations, or could even offer advice to cope with this madness. It is slowly eating away at me and making life incredibly difficult.
  4. Just yesterday I got a cold, or maybe allergies. Basically I have a runny/stuffy nose and yesterday before I went to sleep I had a soar throat. I've been having a lot of anxiety because in some areas near where I live there's been a sickness going around. It starts off as the flu and then it turns into a respiratory infection, no one has died from it, but they've been hospitalized for it. This has been stressing me out because with my anxiety I have shortness of breath and I keep thinking that I'm going to end up getting a respiratory infection and going to have to go to the hospital on an oxygen tank. Does anyone else ever fee like this? Also is there anyway I could ease some of this anxiety? Because just yesterday I had a panic attack during school and I hate when that happens because It's so hard not to freak out and look like a psycho.