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About tajnz

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  1. Thanks for responding Julia. You've really helped me by bringing up an important point. Although I have some strange habits if something gets in the way of them I cope fine. It's mildly annoying rather than a huge deal. So I think it's safe to say that I probably don't have OCD. I guess another indicator is that as a person I don't like routines and feel stuck in them. I like the freedom to take each day as it comes. Thanks for your help
  2. I only feel comfortable talking on the phone if I'm talking to a close family member or an old family friend, who feels like part of the family. I find talking to friends on the phone uncomfortable. If I have to talk to a stranger I get incredibly nervous. I find it odd that you can hear a voice disconnected from it's body. I hate not being able to see who I'm talking to. I know that's probably a weird thing to say. I absolutely hate having to ring the doctors office for an appointment for example. I also dislike not knowing who is going to answer the phone. Sometimes I'll sit and stare at the phone for long periods of time if I have to call someone I don't know. My heart starts to beat fast. I also feel down if a telemarketer rings as I feel I've been tricked into answering the phonecall of a family member to have some stranger try and force me to do their survey or donate money to some charity. My family thinks my phone phobia is strange but it's nice to see I'm not the only one.
  3. I'm aware that I have been depressed and have suffered with anxiety issues throughout my life but have never considered whether it was possible I could also be suffering from mild (very mild OCD). I have a few strange quirks or obsessions: * I won't drink out of a cup I've cleaned myself. As then I would've seen the soapy suds and then stupidly I think I'll get contaminated by whatever is in the dishwashing detergent. * I've obsessed with washing my hair and cannot sleep if I haven't washed it at least once. On days I work out I wash it twice. * When eating I separate my food and eat each food group one at a time. * I also have a slight thing about numbers and choosing items off a shelf. I won't just grab the closest item. I know none of these things are serious and I probably don't need to be diagnosed but I am curious as to whether these quirks have anything to with OCD. The good thing is that they don't affect my everyday life.
  4. Yes, it's amazing how many celebrities suffer from either depression and or anxiety or were bullied as children. Some of the best actors are actually shy when they have to be themselves. I think perhaps these sort of people are drawn to the arts for some reason. I have anxiety issues too, was bullied and depressed as a child and ... am passionate about acting. I think perhaps acting or singing is a great outlet and escapism for those suffering from such issues. I'm terrified sometimes walking down the street but feel free when I act. I'm not me anymore I leave my own issues, feelings and thoughts behind and take on someone else’s. I also think perhaps that the industry can be a great place for people with anxiety or depression. Casts and crew are incredibly supportive of each other and so if you have anxiety or depression it really helps having a job where you know and trust everyone around you. People I've met networking acting are actually more supportive in many ways than my own family. So yes, I believe if these celebrities can achieve so much it is possible for all of us too. To the poster above me I don't think being a celebrity is as easy as it sounds. I know some known proffesional actors and there is sometimes more stress that comes part and parcel with celebrity. Imagine being criticized for any little weight fluctuation, for what you wear when you're running errands and having dating rumors spread around. To top that off even famous celebrities have an uncertain future and are constantly fighting to keep their career.
  5. I'm going to have a go making my own worry warrior during my mid year semester break. It sounds like a wonderful idea and sometimes things that are designed to help children help us adults too. I might sew mine and use a giant zip on the back to feed my warrior.I enjoy being creative and find creativity helps me with my anxiety issues. This warrior will also be useful for times where I don't feel like I can talk to anyone. Although this forum is a great outlet .
  6. Maybe I should try it. My mum's been singing its praises for the last six months or so. She uses it as part of something called "pulling" where you gargle it in your mouth for quite a lengthy period of time and then spit it out. It apparently draws out toxins out of our bodies and improves general health. I did use a bit she gave me on a tiny bald spot I had about 4 months ago. It was taking ages to regrow. Anyhow I put a bit of coconut oil on it daily and it rapidly started growing back. I wonder if this was a strange coincidence or not. Ha ha, yes I've also heard that it doesn't taste that good but my mum has tried different brands and apparently some are more manageable than others.
  7. It is possible. I'm not entirely sure anyone is ever 100% magically cured though. I think perhaps we learn to cope and grow to a point where we are a lot more comfortable and able to live everyday lives like other people. Where the things that used to freak us out don't bother us anymore and tasks that used to make us feel anxious are managable. I don't think we ever forget where we come from (our experiences) but that's alright as long as we remember to look back and see how far we've come. Sometimes we forget the improvements we have made and focus on what is still wrong in our lives. The good news is I truly believe things will be easier for you in the future. You seem to be making progress and you have the will power to make courageous changes in your life. I'm glad you found this forum!
  8. I agree with fortheo, a great number of people who have never suffered from anxiety issues find it impossible to understand what day to day life is like for those of us who are affected by it. They simply assume we are lazy or selfish. Or even worse faking. Most of the time I hide my anxiety the best I can and they have no idea how often I feel the way I do. So if there is any faking .. it's faking I'm ok. I understand what it feels like just to get by day to day and to feel nervous in most situations I can't control or are not familiar with. Most of my family members think anxiety disorders don't exist or that I should just toughen up. :mellow: I agree no one would willingly choose to go through what we all go through.
  9. I haven't heard of mirrors I'll have to look it up on YouTube. "Wide Awake" by Katy Perry (I've got it stuck in my head)
  10. You're not the only one. I'm not sure if I even have mild OCD but I do display a few OCD tendencies. One being that I bathe often like you. Normally twice a day but sometimes up to three times a day. I also wash my hair everyday. If I haven't washed my hair during the day I sometimes find it impossible to sleep and therefore get up in the middle of the night to shower. I also find showers relaxing and anytime I'm stressed or upset I have a shower. So perhaps it's not normal but you're not the only one. In saying this I do realize it's probably not healthy to bathe as much as we do. So over time I'll gradually cut down to 1-2 showers a day instead of 2-3.
  11. Hi there, Just a suggestion but have you considered getting a second opinion? Doctors aren't always right, they're human after all. You know your body best and if you don't think you’re symptoms are from allergies then perhaps they aren't. I'm not trying to disrespect your doctor. I just want to let you know it's ok to go to a community clinic for example if you don't want your doctor to find out. A lot of people I know experienced side effects after stopping the use of medication but after a few weeks started to feel a lot better than when they were on medication.
  12. Good on you! I think it's really courageous opening up to your doctor about the things your experiencing and it's great that she helped you think of coping techniques. I'm sure they'll really help. I've never really been comfortable enough to tell my current GP about my anxiety issues. I think I was put off with my mum telling her about hers and then being referred to a serious psychologist and our doctor treating her like she’s strange. Perhaps I need to look into finding a less judgmental and more supporting GP.
  13. Don't worry too much. It's partly human nature to have an abundance of negative thoughts running through your head. I know I often do. I think a great idea is to write a long list of things you like about yourself as well as some of your accomplishments over the years. Then tuck the list away until you're feeling blue. Sometimes we need a little self encouragement and a reminder of how special we are. Another idea is to go for a run as the endorphins normally perk up your mood. I know for some people with anxiety issues however that they don't like going out for runs where people can see them. So just choose methods that work best for you. I've also read on this forum about one member who tries to think of things she's thankful for. So perhaps you can't get rid of negative thoughts but you can choose to replace them with healthier, happy ones.
  14. I'm strange. I'm perfectly fine with being touched by strangers in some scenarios and then on the flipside extremely bothered by touch in others. For example if a stranger taps me on the arm or shoulder to tell me something I don't mind. The same goes for shop assistants. However if someone barges into me or walks too close when there is plenty of room then I feel uneasy. I definitely like my own safe and sometimes feel panicky when people don't have respect for it.
  15. I agree with all the previous posters. You're not alone in trying to self diagnose on the internet. My mother does so and has also been convinced she had Aneurysm for a few weeks along with a whole shopping list of other diseases and conditions. Luckily she's been wrong so far in all her diagnosis. Sometimes she worries me as she'll be glued to the computer screen wide eyed reading information about a disease and no one can get her to stop. Thankfully she does stop after seeing the doctor and they give her the all clear. I'm the opposite way as in I refuse to look up conditions because some silly part of me thinks that I conscousily think about a disease I may actually form it. I know that sounds ridiculous! In a way though though I think it is great that you can research conditions as doctors aren't always right and sometimes it's helpful to do a bit of your own research. I have known someone whose doctor failed to identity their illness while they did simply by researching and talking on forums before getting a second opinion from another doctor.