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Found 122 results

  1. I'm only sixteen. I know I have severe problems that need to be addressed... I was diagnosed with ptsd in December and re-diagnosed in February. But there's more than that. I feel paranoia. I feel sad a lot. I'm not on medication anymore but I don't know what to do. My mom won't get me help, how do I go about getting help when I'm under eighteen?
  2. My story, When I was about 11 years old I suffered my first panic attack in sixth grade choir class. It was awful, I started shaking, couldn't breath and I started to get really hot. Over the next two years I had panic attacks every single day and I couldn't sleep or eat. I was terrified and my parents took me to a therapist, which I hated because it made me feel weak or "different". Over the next 3-4 years I learned to control my anxiety slowly, my attacks usually came only when I had to speak in front of people or to new people. Eventually, as a freshman in high school, my anxiety morphed into social anxiety. This was awful, I felt I never could do anything with anyone without feeling anxious or scared that I looked ugly. (stupid I know) Throughout the next couple years I learned to control it and it began to subside. By the time I was a freshman in college my anxiety had almost completely disappeared. I was happier than ever and I was a social butterfly, I went to parties, hung out with friends and was able to maintain a good GPA. However, at the end of my freshman year, I began to have mood swings. One minute I would be on top of the world and the next I would be terrified and anxious of everything and anything. I chalked it up to the change of leaving school, even though I had an amazing social life and I loved my summer job. The mood swings stayed relatively mild until the week before my sophomore year began. I began feeling random feelings of terror and sickness, but never a panic attack. I figured since I had just gone through a break up and was about to begin a tough Nursing school, I was just freaking out. However, the night before school started I began having crazy feelings in my chest and neck and I felt extremely sick, so I went to the hospital. My doctor told me it was just anxiety and nothing was wrong. After that the feelings stopped and instead turned into crazy mood swings. Ever since then I will be extremely happy and "fine" one minute and extremely anxious, depressed and sick the next. I can't focus on anything, don't sleep well, I am scared of the simplest things and normal things that would make me excited now stress me out and I feel like I'm trapped and overwhelmed. I don't feel at all like myself and I feel like I will never find my happiness again. Now I have to force myself to do simple things I enjoy like working out, going to parties, and studying. I am absolutely petrified and I am an extremely strong willed person which makes it hard to see a therapist. If anybody has had a similar experience I would love to hear it!!!!! BTW: I am 19 years old and a male
  3. I get very frustrated easily and it wreaks havoc on my life. I am constantly yelling and angry. When im not yelling im fine then boom im irritated or angry. I have been taking 40mg celexa for 2 years. Because of this i decided to start taking 50mg. 2 days in and i feel a little better already but not sure if it is placebo effect. Does anyone know what type of disorder I have? i know i am depressed because i get sad, miserable, negative, lazy, so much so that it interferes with my life. But the anger? Is that bipolar? or ocd? I use to be very ocd as a child with straightening things. Please help.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm Adam, 29 years old. I'm currently struggling with generalized anxiety which always results in me getting very depressed when I go through these very hard stages of my life. I had my first experiences with anxiety and panic in my early 20s. I got very ill at the time because I wasn't aware what I was going through and didn't know the coping mechanisms. I came through though, and whenever I feel better I always just push on and get on with things. When I feel ok I always think It'll never come back again and I always seem to forget just how bad the anxiety is when I do have it. I'm here because I don't have much support and I feel very lonely when I go through these stages. I come from a naturally anxious family and the people that I would like to talk to about what I feel I can't because they are going through similar things. After my dad passed away in my early 20s, My mother, sister and myself began having issues with anxiety and we can all make each other worse by worrying about each other! The main reason I started having problems again in a large part was because I was worrying about my mother. Thanks for reading. Adam
  5. Challenges are something that we face every day. Some are small, some are medium sized and then there's the colossal challenges that we all wish we could run away from. My first instinct when faced with a challenge is to ignore it and run away from it because of the fear of feeling horrible because of the challenge. I certainly have learnt to face my challenges and not let them rule me or take over my life. That is one of the hardest things I have had to learn over the years and it was not easy. I still find it hard to deal with challenges and hard times but I have found I am more easily able to calm myself and to go to a calm place. I am actually proud of myself for that, I think it is something that I have always wanted and never thought was possible but now it has happened. For example, I start placement on Monday and it goes for 6 weeks, but I have come to terms with it and have come to accept it and begin to believe in myself. It is very difficult to believe in yourself especially when like me, you have been bullied for so many years and told that you are worthless. When someone tells you things like that over and over again, you start to believe it and eventually its all you believe. But over the years I have slowly healed and slowly gotten more confident in myself. I have begun to like myself for the first time in my life which is amazing but scary too. I still dont like myself very much but at least i am slowly learning to love me. Challenges are part of life and are part of everyday. They make life tumultuous and scary but when we get through them, it is always a little brighter and we feel stronger. Life isn't easy and is not supposed to be. If it was easy, it would be boring. I suppose wishing life was easy is a way of saying we want life to make us feel safe. Challenges question our feeling of safety and sometimes temporarily take our feeling of safety away from us. LIfe is an adventure and I like to liken it to a roller coaster because it has many ups and downs, corners, loops and bumps, all of which help to shape us as a person. I am still afraid of challenges. They make me feel very uncomfortable, they make me feel afraid and scared. They make me question myself and my abilities and make me feel helpless. I hate feeling scared, that is one emotion that I truly dislike. But I always know that after a challenge has passed, i will come out stronger and a little braver than before, and that is what means the most to me Stay strong beautifuls, hold your head up high <3
  6. After 15 years of episodic clinical depression, trying and failing on everything, I found a med that was a "miracle drug" for me--it brought me out of a three year depression--and it's still working. The med that worked for me is called anafranil/clomipramine. The really tricky thing with this med is that it makes you feel worse when you first start it, but after 3 months, it kicked in for me. What worked was a regimen recommended by a psychiatrist at the Cleveland Clinic. I had tried and failed on all the SSRI's, even ect, tms, and you name it, I've tried it and nothing but this worked to bring me out of clinical depression completely! He said to take 100 mgs/day for 3 months--it takes that long to build up to a therapeutic level in your blood. Then, the side effects went away for me, and so did every shred of clinical depression. I feel wonderful now, and for three years was basically disabled by major depression. This was a miracle drug for me, and I recommend it (your psychiatrist has to prescribe it, of course. ANAFRANIL, SCIENTIFIC NAME CLOMIPROMINE, 100 mgs a day for 3 months. You feel a bit worse at first, but then the side effects went away for me and so did the clinical depression that has nearly ruined my life. I've been struggling with episodes for more than 15 years--tried all the SSRI's, ECT, TMS, you name it. Like I said, it's tricky because it made my depression slightly worse until it built up to a therapeutic level in my blood. It's WONDERFUL to be well again. This is an older drug, a trycyclic antidepressant normally prescribed for OCD, but it worked to cure my depression. Ask your doctor about this if you're desperate like I was, and you're willing to feel crappy for 3 months, then all the side effects go away, and so did all of my depression. I'm telling you my story in the hope that I can help someone else, who finds himself or herself in the same fix I was in.
  7. Hello all. I know I'm usually talking about anxiety or panic attacks but as of lately I've been worrying myself back into a depression. I have so many things I worry about such as what am I going do as a career? Will I be happy with the job I choose? What am I going to do when my parents pass? How long am I going to live? Am I living life to the full potential? And that's just the surface. At times I've been feeling like I have no way out and sometimes the s****dal thoughts pop in. Even though I know its not right and I'm not going to do it I just feel lonely and backed into a corner. Like ive lost my bright outlook on life. Is this depression creeping its way back? I haven't been saying much about it lately as I usually overcome it but sense I'm 18 going on 19 its like the whole world of responsibilities have come crashing down on me and i feel like it will be impossible to enjoy life like I did through childhood. I guess maybe I'm just dealing with normal adult life and kind of throwing daily stresses out of proportion? Anyways any input is greatly appreciated. Just not a great day I guess.
  8. Sleep seems to be a recurring issue for many people with GAD. I certainly have trouble settling myself at night time and being able to drift off to sleep. I thought I would share some tips and things that work well for me to ensure I have a good night's sleep. 1. Guided Sleep Meditation This has been so good for me and I hope it will work for others too. All I do is simply YouTube search or google search 'guided sleep meditation' and I choose a result, put my headphones in and lie back in bed and listen. It is great to have a soothing voice guiding you into relaxation and sometimes you need that comforting voice. You dont have to do anything, all you need to do is listen and close your eyes. There is usually a voice accompanied by soft quiet music and the voice will instruct you to breathe and clear your mind. Then you will go through a process of relaxation to sleep. Meditation of course takes a lot of practice but it is worth it. It has so many benefits for stress relief and for just general wellbeing. It gives you tools to calm yourself down and to breathe which are particularly helpful when a panic attack is coming or happening. Here is a list of great Youtube channels to search for: - Jason Stephenson - TheHonestGuys - Meditationrelaxationclub - YellowBrickCinema - (does great sleeping music) - MrMcClung Music 2. Sleep Music I also listen to soft quiet music at night to help me drift off after I have meditated. I find it soothing and I like having the soft music in the background. Sometimes being in silence freaks me out because my mind isn't distracted and so I find listening to soft music very helpful to stop this. The YouTube channels I have mentioned above are helpful for that but you can always google relaxation music or listen to soft classical music even. Listening to nature sounds is very relaxing as well, I personally love listening to ocean sounds. 3. Prior to Bed I have some rules for myself before I go to bed to ensure I am in sleep mode 1. No computers or television an hour before bed 2. A warm shower or bath in the evening 3. No caffeine or sugary foods or drinks 4. A cup of relaxing tea - herbal tea designed for relaxation is fantastic and natural 5. Meditation for sleep 6. Read a book or do some mindfulness drawing/colouring I hope this is helpful for you guys and I hope you get something out of this! Good luck and let me know how you go! - Georgia xx
  9. Challenges come everyday in our lives and they can be really hard and really daunting to face. It is terrifying to be honest when you are faced with a difficult situation of any kind, particularly when you have an anxiety disorder. I think its important to remember though that even when times are difficult, those challenges only make us stronger. I certainly find it hard to believe this myself but I try to remind myself of this each day. I have worked through a lot of horrible situations and hard times through my life so it hasn't been so easy. But I think that those challenges have shaped me as a person and even though they were terrible and made me feel horrendous, I have become a stronger person as a result. Of course I still struggle a lot and I have a long way to go but I'm getting there.
  10. Hey... This would be my first post... I am a 24 year old young woman who has been suffering with GAD and social anxiety since I was 16. Causing me to drop out of high school and then I became agoraphobic causing me to barley be able to step out of my front door, this is 17-21. I started going to see my family doctor who put me on any medication she could think of, none worked. So now at the age of 24 (on medical leave from school because of my GAD) my momma pays for me to see a psychiatrist who has me on Zoloft and Xanex. And to my despair I am still having panic/anxiety attacks. I am due to go back to school on August 13th and I can't even study due to my lack of concentration. So I decided to reach out and talk to others in hope of some type on help that I have not received before.
  11. Good Morning all, I am new here...My name is Mari...uh...I finally went to the doctor yesterday after MANY MANY years of depression and anxiety and not getting any help for it. I realized that I needed to do something. It was really hard for me to get help for myself but I did it. I started medication this morning. 1/2 a pill for a couple days and then bumped up to a whole pill....I dont like being around people so I stay at home ALOT......and on the computer ALOT... I did a search for a support forum and I came across this one so I thought I would check it out and hopefully make some friends here....because I dont have many friends at all.. Not even IRL.........because I am so antisocial..... anyways thanks! I really hope to get some support here.
  12. I find myself confused lately. Because of my agoraphobia, I find myself alone most of the time. This can obviously get really lonely after awhile. But when I invite someone over, the entire time they are here I'm thinking "I can't wait for them to leave." So, I'm like "WTF, I'm lonely right now. Why do I want them to leave?" I don't understand it. Usually, I want them to come back as soon as they walk out of the door. They are two very conflicting feelings. Does anyone else deal with something like this?
  13. Hello, I'm wondering if anyone of you have any advice or can relate to my situation. I've been suffering from depression recurrently for 10 years and whilst there have been periods in my life when I've felt more anxious frequently these have been manageable until quite recently. After experience intense anxiety episodes I have now been off of work for nearly 4 weeks trying to fix myself. I've received cognitive behavioural therapy in the past for depression and am pulling on every technique I can for support. My biggest frustration is that whenever I visit the doctor and ask for help they offer little assistance other than increasing my medication, which has been altered 3 times this year yet I am still getting worse. They do not seem to recognise that this anxiety is a new and very challenging symptom for me. They keep saying it's a symptom of my depression and that I need the right balance of medicatio, then happily sign me off of work. I've also previously mentioned that I am concerned I may have bipolar disorder type 2, but they've basically told me unless I do something crazy,like try to kill myself I cannot be referred for psychiatric assessment. The trouble is when my behaviour is fluctuating there's no way I would visit a doctor, it's only in hindsight when I seem to regulate or become more depressed that I can identify hypomanic style behavioural trends. I'm so frustrated and unhappy with feeling like I'm not being heard or offered constructive support that will help me level out that I'm tempted to do something stupid so that they finally hear my struggle and somedays I'm not sure I'd even care if it all just ended. I'm trying so hard to maintain a normal life but it's getting harder and harder. I'm exhausted of the effort and I can feel that I'm loosing. Somedays I can barely get out of bed, let alone leave the house. How do I get the support I need before I loose the energy to fight for myself? Stephanie Jayne
  14. Hello everyone, My name is Sharayah. I've been diagnosed with depressive disorder, panic disorder w/ agoraphobia for about 6-7 years now. I've been in a sort of denial about my illness, not telling people, trying to pretend that I don't have it, etc. Who am I fooling. I don't hide it very well, even though I try really hard. I am unable to leave my home most days, hold down a job, see friends, and interact with the outside world in general. Of course this makes for a very lonely and isolating existence. I really want my life back, and I feel that the only way that's going to happen is if I come to terms with and accept my illness for what it is. The first step to recovery is to admit that you have a problem. Yes, it sucks, but my denial of it is not making it go away. If anything it's made it stronger. So there you have it. I have panic disorder. I've never just flat out said it. Thinking about how many people might read those words makes me cringe lol. Regardless, here I am.
  15. Hi everyone! My name is Kristen. I have just recently recovered from a severe episode of Anxiety, Depression and Depersonalization. After having suffered and then recovered, I now want to support those who are having a tough time. I’ve created some YouTube videos where I talk about what happened to me and how I recovered. Please see below for my Youtube link, Facebook, and my email address if you have any questions. I hope this connects with you and you all feel better soon. Remember, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel! <3 <3 xx YOUTUBE: FACEBOOK:
  16. Hi everyone! My name is Kristen. I have just recently recovered from a severe episode of Anxiety, Depression and Depersonalization. After having suffered and then recovered, I now want to support those who are having a tough time. I’ve created some YouTube videos where I talk about what happened to me and how I recovered. Please see below for my Youtube link, Facebook, and my email address if you have any questions. I hope this connects with you and you all feel better soon. Remember, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel! <3 <3 xx YOUTUBE: FACEBOOK:
  17. Hi all! This is my first time on an anxiety or depression chat/forum. I was told to join one from my doctor so here it goes! I am currently a student who has been deal with anxiety and depression for about 2 years now. Along with the mental health, I have been experiencing migraine headaches for 9 years. If any of you don't know, a migraine is in my opinion a your worst headache X1000. At least 3 days a week I am glued to my bed due to these migraines. I am a senior in high school, soon to graduate (hopefully). And I say hopefully because the past 4 months I have missed a large amount of school due to my migraines. Which as a surprise is believed to be the reason for my depression. I had hope to attend college next year as an art major, but my parents want me to take time off to get my health in order before I do so. Aside from my migraines, my anxiety and depression have been getting increasingly worse as well. I am trying to hide it from my loved ones, but I am exhausted. I desperately need help and that is why I am here. An incident occurred last night and I haven't stopped thinking about it since and that is probably the depression talking. My depression, anxiety and migraines have gotten to the point where I stopped doing the things I loved. I even stopped leaving the house to see my friends, which is what normal teenagers can do. I only leave to see my boyfriend. This is because I believed he knows how to help me, but the past few days I was proved wrong. It seems none of my close friends know what to do to stop a panic attack or clam me down. So what I am asking is tips on how other people can help someone during a panic attack or suffering depression and anxiety? I need to find a way to show people I'm not crazy and that I can get through it. Also people need to know I am still here. A lot of times I don't feel like myself. I feel like more of a shell and all of the Emily was scooped out. But they need to realize I can get over it somehow. I dont know how or when but I can. So if anyone has any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate it! Or if anyone wants to talk id appreciate that too! And I am here to talk to anyone who needs it too. Thanks!
  18. Hello everyone, I'm new here. My name is Vanessa. I felt like I needed to do some sort of introduction. I've never really used a forum like this (mental health wise) to be honest. I have no clue what I am doing, but I felt I really needed to reach out because I'm lost. I suppose I'll attempt a quick little summary. I am 20 years old. When my anxiety first started to affect me was when I was 10. I barely remember anything from then, but my dad (whom also has panic disorder) tells me some of major signs I showed, plus skipping school due to extreme chest pains (had many panic attacks before school) etc. I obviously had went to the doctor as well, put on medication and what not. The only one I've stuck with since then is Alprazolam but it never works, so I usually have to push through every day. Back to today, I somehow graduated from highschool, with honors, even though I hardly ever could go, and they threatened to kick me out. Proud of myself there. I haven't gone to college, because well, I can't. I don't have a job, I can't get one. I'm stuck in my house (living on my own, ssi) everyday. Doing nothing. I can't leave my house by myself, I'll usually go out if my parents go out, join them. I have two or three friends that I can spend the day with, but very rarely does it ever happen, they have their own lives. I've lost a great deal of people to this illness. Whether it being them not understanding or me rejecting every invitation to go out, always. I'm always alone, which I love being alone, but I don't fancy being so lonely. I don't exactly remember the last time I was actually happy. I haven't even begun to start living my life and I feel like this hell will never end. I can't sleep due to the horrific symptoms of anxiety that I have every waking moment, and the equally horrific thoughts that I have. I've been on so many different medications the last 10 years and nothing seems to work, I give them all at least 3 months. I've been to doctor after doctor, therapists and psychiatrists. Living in a very small town in Iowa doesn't help that at all though. Anyone nearby doesn't seem to quite know how to do their job, or they just don't care. A lot of people say that they've overcome their panic by just saying yes to things, and JUST going out and doing something but I am so beyond this point I don't know what I'd even do. I have nothing to say yes to anymore. Nothing to just go out and do if I could even go out without completely destroying myself for that month. I hate when people say it gets better because my life has been nothing but this and I'm still so young, I'm just so tired. So very tired. Hope that wasn't too long of a summary, I apologize. I really hope that I can meet some friends here that truly understand this illness.
  19. Hello, my name is Caroline. I'm new to both this website, and panic attacks. I haven't really been diagnosed or anything, but my father and mother have had panic attacks before, and my symptoms match up. I was even hospitalized not too long ago. (About a day or so ago. My days feel so mixed up now.) They prescribed me some medication for these panic attacks as well. I had my first one about a week ago, after smoking marijuana. After that terrible day, I have had non stop panic attacks. It felt so weird.. I felt as though I could not control my body. I felt like I lost control. The first thing I said to my mother was I am dying, and that sensation of dying has left me completely terrified of when I actually am dying. I now have an intense fear of death. I couldn't breathe, I felt like I was being choked. I could feel my blood pumping through my body, as my arms and legs began to get numb. There is a strong pain in my chest, mixed with a burning. I start crying, hyperventilating.. but what I loathe even more than the actual panic attack itself, is thinking all day about when I am getting it again.. It doesn't hinder me going outside and enjoying life, as of now. I am afraid that it might get worse later.. It does hinder my sleep though, I always wake up scared. Scared of what exactly? I honestly couldn't tell anyone. I don't have insomnia, but I might get it soon. I don't think I can sleep without my mother rubbing my back, telling me all will be alright. Today is one of those nights where she wasn't rubbing my back, which explains why I am still wide eyed at about 6 am. I always been a very stress filled person, and I suffered depression for quite some time now. I am going to go out on a limb and assume that maybe these all correlate with each other. I could be incorrect though. I may not be having a panic attack at this very moment, but I did just wake up from one of my night terrors again. I only managed to get only an hour of sleep. I don't know if this is normal, if this is something anyone else feels. This inability to sleep. I guess someone could say I am slightly questioning my reality. All feels unreal. It feels like I am in a constant dream, and will wake up laughing at this whole thing. It's felt like this for years now.. It would be nice to associate with someone, anyone, singular or plural, who also deals with this. It would definitely calm my nerves, when no one else is around to help me. I don't have many friends anymore, so making some new ones who will help me with this new condition will surely make me a very happy girl. Bless you all so much, and thank you.
  20. I don't know how much information we're supposed to (allowed to?) share, but I'll give you the basics. I'm 23 years old and I've suffered from depression and anxiety since my early teens. I used to be outgoing and I had a lot of friends as a child, but as soon as I turned fourteen, things changed. I (as well as my family) chalked it up as normal teenaged angst, but it wasn't. I gradually stopped socializing and hanging out with my friends. I spent more and more time on the internet, browsing through anything that would distract me from myself. I just wanted to be alone, all the time. As I grew older, it got worse. I stopped leaving my room, unless it was necessary (school, shower, kitchen, etc). I lost a ton of weight, which wasn't overly noticeable, as I was skinny to begin with, but my family definitely noticed that part. I went from being 100 lbs to 85 lbs in a few months. When I graduated high school, I started talking to this guy that I met online and he seemed to suffer from the same symptoms as I did, which I thought was a good thing, but it wasn't. Being with him just ruined any chance I had at fighting through this. It didn't help that he was a manipulative jerk, but that's beside the point. I felt worthless and stupid, and I eventually dropped out of college because I felt insecure and I didn't want to leave my house. Nothing has changed really. I'm not with that guy anymore, but I feel the same as I did back then. There are days when it's manageable, but it's getting to the point where I can't handle it anymore. I contemplated s****de around 18-20 years old. I'm no longer in that headspace, thankfully, but I do crave some sort escape. TL;DR - I'm lonely, and I need some positive influences in my life.
  21. Hello all! My name is Amber. I am a single mother of a 3 year old little boy. I have bipolar disorder, major depression, generalized anxiety, social anxiety, add, and insomnia, and RLS. I found this website today because i need to reach out to somebody. im very depressed and need a good friend to confide in that understands the struggle because i cannot talk to my family about it because they just don't understand. Somebody please help me. I need emotional support and advice badly! I have gone to the mental ward 4 times in 3 years and it hasnt helped. please i need somebody to talk to. Amber.
  22. Hi everyone, I'm here seeking some support for my near debilitating illness. I suffer from severe anxiety and depression. Lately, I've been struggling. I have some good days, but the bad days seem to be overpowering the good. So, I was hoping I could talk with people who suffer as I do. Thanks! Leeniemo
  23. Hi everyone, my name is Casey. I am 24 years old from the great state of Ohio (not lol) and now living in Pennsylvania. I am a mother of 3, 1 boy and 2 girls. I also have 2 stepchildren. My fiance and I have been together for over 2 years. I have been dealing with general anxiety disorder and manic depression for about 8 years now. Not exactly sure what triggered it but I had my first child 3 weeks before I turned 16 and my father passed away a month later. Things have never been the same. I have done so much since then, and mostly on impulse. I can never think clearly, and never seem to make the right decisions. I just go with the flow, and that is not always a good thing. On the outside I come off as quiet, shy, on the other hand I've heard stuck up? or mean? I am neither, just choose to keep to myself. Hopefully someone out there understands somewhat about what I'm going through. If you are looking to meet someone who is cool and down to earth, someone to talk to or someone to listen please feel free to message me!
  24. Hi there. My name is Ember and I am new to Anxiety I came looking for a place to discuss and really help others with their Anxiety, depression or other disorders (Borderline Personality disorder) and to be helped as well. I think one of the hardest thing with these disorders and others, is the feeling of being alone. Even though there is so many services and people out there with these difficulties, sometimes you just feel alone. And that's where a website like this comes in very handy. Everyone sometimes needs food for thought so to speak. We all need to feel accepted and when we're overwhelmed, have a safe place to really talk to others. Sometimes, we can't go to therapy or support groups in our hometown. For some this is a hard task all by itself. And sometimes it's just not something others or even myself want to do. And so you search for a place like this. I am a sufferer from depression and anxiety along with borderline personality disorder. I do not live as my labels but constantly try to remember that's all they are is labels. That doesn't make them less real or hard to live with but I believe that the symptoms of these disorders are real but like all things, can be treated with hard work, and achieving our goals one step at a time. However, that doesn't mean it's easy... but then nothing ever is easy when you want it. You have to take it one minute one hour one day at a time. I always chose to find a way to reach out to others be it as a person who needs someone to listen or the person who does the listening. But I always try to remember I am stronger than my diagnosis.. and sometimes that's hard to do. So I am here to help others and receive help myself. I hope to get to know others and make some friends in the process. I welcome anyone to say hello and I say hi to all here. Thank you, Ember