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About JungleJulia

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  1. Posting on my old page! I cannot remember my login for this account so find me on this new one 🙂

  2. Hi there, I've been in your shoes. I used to cry if I had to leave the house, even walking around the block was torture. Medication actually made me a lot worse when I tried it. I found that talking with people who understood helped a lot (like on this forum), also I highly recommend you read Claire Weekes book "Complete Self Help for your Nerves". It's easy reading and will give you a lot of good answers. Hang in there, you aren't alone xx
  3. Has anyone else read A Mind of Your Own by Dr Kelly Brogan? I recently read it and found it really interesting. It's about treating anxiety via diet and lifestyle rather than meds. I'd love to hear from anyone who has done her online program. If I can scrounge together enough cash I I'd love to try it!
  4. Hi Rebeld I have health anxiety too so I understand what a challenge it is. I have banned myself from googling symptoms as it makes anxiety much worse. If i'm worried, I see the doctor. It is hard though, and so so tiring to always worry about symptoms etc. I do not take medication (it made me worse when I tried it) but you should do what is best for you. Don't let the doctor push you into anything if you don't want it. I read a book recently by Dr Kelly Brogan, and it's about treating anxiety without medication. I found it really helpful, maybe check it out if you can. Otherwise the absolute best books ever are by Claire Weekes. Her books and dvds and cd's help me calm down when I'm doing badly. Ok that's enough recommendations! You'll find plenty of people here going through similar issues xx
  5. Thanks Holls! I've decided to stop it at the end of this cycle, fingers crossed it goes well! Sounds like you're better off without it
  6. I was spotting randomly and my doctor give me a stronger prescription for the pill. It reduced the spotting. I'm considering going off the pill soon though because I read about the effects it can have on anxiety. So fingers crossed the spotting doesn't start up again Don't stress, it's common.
  7. Charles Linden talks about this symptom on his youtube channel (his videos have calmed me so many times!), it sounds scary but is meant to be fairly common. I get numb/tingly toes sometimes when I'm close to panic. Good luck with the Dr, i'm sure you'll be fine. Anxiety sux!
  8. Yup, my symptoms have coincided with him being away a few times I used to love alone time too. I am trying to figure out how to cope so that in future it doesn't happen so much. Thanks for the reply, at least i'm not alone in my anxiety! ❤️
  9. Haha yup, either sick or crazy lol I always hope for crazy, but it still sux!
  10. Thanks Penny, you're probably right that it's more common than I'd have thought. We do live isolated existences these days. I'm getting a dog soon (just got approval from the landlord) so I'm looking forward to some canine company ? I think it feels like walking a knife edge with anxiety and anything that threatens to send me into a spiral makes me even more anxious, and ends up a self fulfilling prophecy.
  11. Have you been to doctors? Symptoms of anxiety can last for ages I've had throat issues on and off for months. I've seen 5 doctors (including an ER visit and a specialist), they all said there is nothing there and it's anxiety... I have had a hard time believing it but i'm trying my best. What more can we do?
  12. It looks normal to me, but I'm not an expert. I have moles and I go to a Dr once a year to get checked. Maybe you should get yours checked too just for reassurance?