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I have recently been going crazy thinking i have melanoma. i have some moles but they are all little except for one on my face but i eventually stopped stressing over that one because i realized its normal. i just saw another one, well i think it’s a mole and i’m freaking out now. i have an appointment with my derm but it’s in a week and it’s hard waiting that long. googling pictures of normal moles is so hard and when i google ones of cancer they are so advanced. i’m freaking out not knowing if what i found is normal or not. i’m also new to this site so sorry if this is to long.
Thought I would have a nice break from HA but guess not! Last night before I took a shower, I decided to take off rest of my nail polish on my toes since most of it was coming off anyway...and I notice this discoloration - maybe bruise on the right lower side of my big right toe. So I try to remember if I've done anything to bruise it - which I can't seem to remember. Only thing I can remember is a few weeks ago -- wearing a pair of shoes that were really tight and I remember them hurting and so anxious for them to come off my feet later. And I just went to the dermatologist last week to check something out on my face which turned out to be a small little capillary. Of course - I start stupidly Googling and start looking at pictures of people with melanoma under their toenail and those really look like black bruises and/or black vertical lines which this is clearly not. This is more like a little discolored area to the side with some red little bruising spots in the middle of it...has anyone had anything like this? I do have to go back for my regular check up in a few weeks at the dermatologist and trying desperately not to run back their before then. I also put some arnica (bruising cream) on it to see if that would help this morning. Any advice or thoughts is much appreciated....
For a few weeks I’ve been really scared of melanoma. It’s an old fear also. Unfortunately when I had the first go at it 3 years ago I was too afraid to go to the doctors also. I have a lymph node in my groin that is tearing me apart. I’m so scared of it. I noticed it 3 years ago, it’s hard (like rubber) about the size of the tip of my index finger, and I can’t tell if it’s moveable or not. Now as a child I had multiple UTIs back to back. That thought calmed me down but I decided to be dumb today and look it up and it all came back. I had another one on the other side a few years ago but I don’t feel it anymore. I also have a soft moveable one on my neck and a harder moveable one in my collarbone, yet again I noticed them 3 years ago. I woke up sweating today yet I have a sinus infection right now. As for the melanoma, this will make you cringe. So I had a blue mole on my heal (3 years ago) it grew big over an amount of time I do not know, turned brown, and then fell off. Perfectly and wholly, it left a little hole but it healed up and never came back. I told some adults about it and they reassured me I was okay. I’ve also asked a lot of people on this internet and very told me it’s not a characteristic. Well this caused me so so much panic and I checked everywhere on my body noticing thing I haven’t before. I was only 12 so I never really had any memory about things on my body and I never looked before. I noticed these two ugly moles then. They scare me a lot. I’m seeing a dermatologist in about a month or two and the wait is agony. I’m really scared. I’m a 15 year old female if that helps, I don’t know what to do but this is going to be a bad month until I can see a dermatologist.
I hate that I've succumbed to this anxiety... HELPPP
scaredycat1996 posted a topic in Health Anxiety
Okay, so this is my first time on a health anxiety forum so here we go! I have always been a pretty healthy individual. I rarely get sick and always have a lot of energy. Sometime anxiety can change those things though! I'm sure we have all been there. I noticed a new mole about a year ago. I said something to my boyfriend about it at the time since I was freaking out and beginning to have a panic attack. He swears up and down that I have had this mole for as long as he can remember (we've been together for 3 years). I am 21 y/o so I think its relatively normal to still develop new moles at this age. I never noticed it before in my life! Perhaps it was just in a difficult location to see? It is on my left breast under my areola. (sorry for anyone grossed out by boobs) ((don't know why you would be but you never know these days))... So I guess without really lifting my breast up to purposely look under it I probably would have never noticed. Anyhow, I sort of continued to freak out about it since it is slightly raised, has two darker spots in the middle and has sort of an "egg- like" appearance. It is smaller than a pencil eraser and hasn't appeared to grown or change in the last year. I went to my family doc about 6 mo ago and she looked at it from a distance (clearly not concerned) and said I was fine and shouldn't worry. So what did I do? I worried. I decided to see another doctor in that office and she thoroughly examined it and measured it for me. She said it seemed like we were in the clear but she wanted to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't grow or change. That was about 2 mo ago and here I am freaking out again!! Typical health anxiety. Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself. Medication makes me a zombie and counseling never worked, but that's for another topic. Anyhow, the point to this insanely long post is that I need help identifying whether I should be scared or if anyone else out there has similar issues or anxieties? I think I really just need some support from some fellow anxiety sufferers! Thank you for replies in advance. -
Anybody else find their health anxiety goes from one thing to another, quite quickly? i was worried about sinus issues last week, day it went I suddently started fretting about my freckled skin after reading article. im 25, always loved my freckles. Dark, medium brown, splodge types, small pencil prick ones. It was only after checking ive become scared of them. I have a splodge on side boob mom said I have had since a kid, never changed. And anotwhr one I'm worrying about is a thigh one; 2.5mm, weird shapes but still slightly symmetircal and has a darker fleck inside. A couple of mine have a dark fleck in but they can't all (if any!) be melanoma. im dark, light skinned, never really been in sun much at all as kid, didn't go abroad til 10 years and then again 2 years ago. I cover up, use lotion and after sun. Mostly wear jeans in sun anyway. But this nniggle is there. I'm mostly calm but have been worried and cried a lot. I have been talkong of moving in with my boyfriend and part of thinks I have melanoma and won't live til next year.