
Ashamed to admit you watch it

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dammit nik, I expected more from you! :p


for me it's Once Upon a Time. First season, great. After that, total embarrassment! :fp:

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Family guy, i used to like it until it just got plain stupid like the Simpsons.

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The SW Holiday Special is flippin AWFUL.  It's no wonder Lucas has tried to distance himself from it.  The Wookiee song?  Ug...


For me, it's Sons of Anarchy.  I know the show is over, but it drew me in for a while.  Being a biker that has relations to a number of ACTUAL MCs here where i live, i just have to smile and be like... yep... whatever, whenever the show comes on.

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The Bold And The Beautiful :fp::fp:. Its so stupid and pathetic and I spend the whole time thinking that but yet, I can't not watch it :s.

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Okay throwing stones on something this serious!:p

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Jeremy Kyle Show with my dinner. Gives me that 'Thank God that ain't me' feeling and that having teeth to brush is a luxury.

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I'll watch the Kardashians sometimes. I always feel like I need a shower afterward... but then I'll go back to watching it. 

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I love EMPIRE !!! I love it so much. It's like a super dramatic soap opera but I don't care. I gave up soap operas about 15 yrs ago because they were just too stupid to believe. Now Empire's got me hooked ! 

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I LOVE Big Brother (can't wait for it to start here in the US next Wednesday!) 

My random guilty pleasures: Hollywood Medium, Days of our Lives, Jeopardy, and anything on ID Discovery.... will definitely watch Kardashians or Teen Mom OG if I see them on


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I have a 3 year old daughter so Disney Jr. is the channel of choice.  Have to admit I enjoy when they air new episodes.:)

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Ancient Aliens. It's so full of bullshit but if there's a marathon on History I'll record every single one.

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90 Day Fiance.  My girlfriend dragged me into it, and now I'm hooked.  The only redeeming quality is that some of the couples featured on there seem like genuinely normal people, which counterbalances the few nightmarish unions depicted.

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