
How do you get your brain to shut up?

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When I lay down at night i can't seem to fall asleep. It doesn't matter how exhausted I am. All i do is lay there with my eyes closed while my brain continues to run laps. Thinking about everything I have done that day or need to accomplish the next day. It's very annoying I'm tired all the time because of this. It doesn't seem to ever stop. The only way I end up falling asleep is just because exhaustion overtakes me. Anyone else have this problem?

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YES...me I do!!! Im not sure of a cure for it but I find reading or watchin my fav shows really help...along with a glass of wine :blink:

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When i find myself overthinking when I need to be sleeping, I have to make a conscious decision to think another direction....... my fave is winning the lotto ! And because I'm a horrible HORRIBLE Christian, if I start to pray I fall asleep ! Thank you GOD ! :) I guess he thinks it 's more important for me to get my sleep than finish rambling to him, OR my ocd ass is rambling so much , he just turns off the switch.

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I often read before I go to bed. Just a book about something light and enjoyable. Focus on the story. Then when u lay down if you find your mind wandering, think about the story youre reading instead.

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yes my mind acts like this from time to time as well.

Now I fall asleep with a movie, or t.v show that i have seen a thousand times on the television. This way i can close my eyes, listen to the television and visualize whats happening in my head as i try to sleep. I find focusing the mind on something positive is better than having thoughts that stress you out racing through your head.

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Books are a great way of working your mind before falling asleep. They help you focus away from the sleeping bit and once you are done reading, you can end up falling asleep.

Many people watch a relaxing TV show before sleeping.

Listening to music is nice too, especially with iPods readily available.

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I am so relieved to know that other people play the "when I win the lottery" game to help them fall asleep. I also visualize a favorite movie and that often helps. Working math problems mentally sometimes puts me right to sleep.

I think focusing on something other than the problems that are stressing you, including insomnia, is the key. As a last resort, I'll pretend I am posing for a painter, so I have to stay in one position rather than tossing and turning. If all else fails, I get up and do something else for a little while, then try again.

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A glass of warm milk 15minutes before I have to go to bed helps me a lot. Then if I can't sleep yet, I repetitively count 1-100 or pray the rosary until the next thing I know is that I woke up from my sleep! :)

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I have also found that reading a book helps me to fall asleep. The only problem I have with that is that I tend to get into the book and I don't want to put it down. Then i end up all night reading and I'm still exhausted in the morning. So really the only way this helps me is if I'm at the end of the book already.

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I see an number of people have already mentioned this, but reading is a very good way for me to relax enough to fall asleep. It can't be anything to exciting though or I'll want to keep on reading. Sometimes falling asleep this way means the light stays on all night, or I wake up in the middle of the night and turn if off. But either way is better than staying awake half the night because my mind is racing. A hot bath before bed also helps.

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Meditation can honestly really help with this. Another thing is to try not to fight it, or you will think even more. Just picture a broom in your head sweeping the thoughts away.

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Stress and worries are the main sleep inhibitor. You know what is stopping you from sleeping, so the solution is to stop doing it. You can control your thoughts and stop the negative thinking patterns. My advice would be to focus on your breathing, your belly rising and falling as you inhale and exhale. Or you could read a book, something to take your mind off your worries.

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My advice would be to focus on your breathing, your belly rising and falling as you inhale and exhale.

Yeah, this. It's called lower belly meditation. You should read up on it more, it's extremely helpful.

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One thing that helps me is doing exactly opposite than what you would think you would do. I listen to dance music on my headphones or a podcast that I am actually interested in listening to. There is something about being engaged even when I am tired that helps my brain switch off. Either way I still cannot get to sleep until about 1am.

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As a sufferer of insomnia and frequent nighmares I will tell you what has worked for me at different times. Often I sleep with a television on it is tuned to shows that will not pull me from sleep (boring but not irritatingly so). This helps lul me to sleep and helps me not have the night terrors. My brain will tune into the subjects on the tv and my dreams are along those lines instead of my vivid imagination. I do believe in warm milk, chamomile tea warm with drop of honey. If you are a reader read until you are drowsy. Allow your mind to focus on the book story line. I have tried sleeping to the sounds of water or animal sounds did not work well for me. I continue to try different methods especially since marriage where the tv has to stay off or I wake him. I do still fall asleep to a show and hope to be sleeping deeply before the sleep timer kicks off. I try to give myself at least ten minutes before 'bed' time to think over stuff of the day. A way of coming to grips with everything resolving what I can in my mind and letting the rest go. Destress as much as possible. Hope some of this helps.

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I agree with some of the previous posts, if I can't get my mind to stop racing before going to bed, I either watch a tv show until my eyes start to burn or I read until I distract myself and eventually realize I'm exhausted and I fall asleep.

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The last thing (which came to me last night) is I try not to go to bed if I am not tired. The problem is I am a night owl and that hasn't mixed well with bringing kids to schooi etc. If I go to sleep to early my brain seems to wind up and never shut down.

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I do. I often watch T.V. for a full two hours to completely distract my mind. If I try to shut it off and try to sleep, I can't.

So what I do is, I turn on the timer, and watch something light-hearted: comedies, movies (unrelated), etc. The latest routine includes 1 hour of The Graham Norton's show, and half an hour of The Family Guy.

It often helps me sleep. Not the best of practices, as I sleep at about 1:30 in the night, but it certainly gets me through.

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I'm not sure what happened with me, but over the past several days, I've actually had no problem with getting to sleep at a decent, even early time sometimes. The only thing I've done differently has been exposing myself to the sun more often in hopes that the vitamin D as well as the sun itself would get my body straightened out on the night day thing. And for the past four nights or so I've actually gone to sleep at a decent time, however I must say that I wake up multiple times during the night which is frustrating. Good luck, I've been great full that it has been turning off. That's been my biggest problem.

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I used to have this problem all the time. To stop my brain from spiraling out of control, especially at bedtime, I self-medicate. Which I know everyone will tell you is a horrible idea, but I will either take a dose of Nyquil or smoke a little marijuana. Unfortunately, marijuana is not legal for medical use in my state yet, but it is the only thing that helps slow my brain down, and make my anxiety settle down. My state votes on this issue again soon, and I am praying they pass it next time.

I also tend to take a hot shower when my mind won't stop running, alone with some great, calming music. Eventually the combination of everything makes me pass right now. When I try to go to sleep with out any or all four of the things I mentioned, I will just lay there and think and think and think until my alarm goes off to get up for work again.

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Try some yoga, a warm bath or eat a banana or have warm milk 3 hours before bedtime. It might calm you down. I have the same problem and I never take my own advice half the time or more.

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As a sufferer of insomnia and frequent nighmares I will tell you what has worked for me at different times. Often I sleep with a television on it is tuned to shows that will not pull me from sleep (boring but not irritatingly so). This helps lul me to sleep and helps me not have the night terrors. My brain will tune into the subjects on the tv and my dreams are along those lines instead of my vivid imagination. I do believe in warm milk, chamomile tea warm with drop of honey. If you are a reader read until you are drowsy. Allow your mind to focus on the book story line. I have tried sleeping to the sounds of water or animal sounds did not work well for me. I continue to try different methods especially since marriage where the tv has to stay off or I wake him. I do still fall asleep to a show and hope to be sleeping deeply before the sleep timer kicks off. I try to give myself at least ten minutes before 'bed' time to think over stuff of the day. A way of coming to grips with everything resolving what I can in my mind and letting the rest go. Destress as much as possible. Hope some of this helps.

The television can be good because you are not alone with your thoughts, you have something to distract you and take your mind away from your thoughts. But, when you fall asleep with the television on, it will probably wake you later in the night and you will struggle to get back to sleep.

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I used to have this problem all the time. To stop my brain from spiraling out of control, especially at bedtime, I self-medicate. Which I know everyone will tell you is a horrible idea, but I will either take a dose of Nyquil or smoke a little marijuana. Unfortunately, marijuana is not legal for medical use in my state yet, but it is the only thing that helps slow my brain down, and make my anxiety settle down. My state votes on this issue again soon, and I am praying they pass it next time.

I also tend to take a hot shower when my mind won't stop running, alone with some great, calming music. Eventually the combination of everything makes me pass right now. When I try to go to sleep with out any or all four of the things I mentioned, I will just lay there and think and think and think until my alarm goes off to get up for work again.

I used to smoke. I don't think I have relaxed since I stopped. I think most likely it masked a problem I would have had anyway but still. Yesterday I worked out (weights) then ran on the treadmill. I was outside getting some sun and went to bed at a decent time. I had some relaxing music on and everything and I was up all night.

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I had this problem most of my life. The only time I could really sleep was when I was pregnant. Like you said I just lay there until I am exhausted and fall asleep at like 3 AM. Finally I just gave up and started staying up really late through most of my years. My advice would be to excercise in the morning, write a list of the things you need to do the next day to get it out of your head, drink some tea, take some melatonin at the same time every night, take a bubble bath, and READ. Reading makes me fall right to sleep. Possibly a dull book because if it is an exciting book you won't want to put it down. It clears your mind and relaxes you.

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