
How do you pull yourself out of a severe health anxiety obsession...?

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I've been stuck in this for the better part of 6 months and it is only getting worse not better. I tell myself every single day I wake up that today will be the day I stop thinking I have ALS, stop googling, stop looking for reassurances etc. and while I have some better days I have been unable to pull myself entirely out of the rabbit hole. Most of the time I am absolutely convinced I have this disease and I'm literally obsessing about what will happen to me and my family to the point of getting insane amounts of life insurance because I am so convinced I won't be here in 5 years. I am asking this community to send me anything that has helped them pull themselves out of this hole!  I am desperate to find relief. So many people on here have said the exact right things about why this is happening and why it is not real and why I need to move on with my life but I'm still stuck here so I'm wondering what things other people have done to pull themselves out...

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4 minutes ago, Dominick said:

I've been stuck in this for the better part of 6 months and it is only getting worse not better. I tell myself every single day I wake up that today will be the day I stop thinking I have ALS, stop googling, stop looking for reassurances etc. and while I have some better days I have been unable to pull myself entirely out of the rabbit hole. Most of the time I am absolutely convinced I have this disease and I'm literally obsessing about what will happen to me and my family to the point of getting insane amounts of life insurance because I am so convinced I won't be here in 5 years. I am asking this community to send me anything that has helped them pull themselves out of this hole!  I am desperate to find relief. So many people on here have said the exact right things about why this is happening and why it is not real and why I need to move on with my life but I'm still stuck here so I'm wondering what things other people have done to pull themselves out...

Hello again!  I will be upfront and honest with you.  It is hard man.  I am doing great and I still have nagging things that tug at my fear strings.  I gotta tell you though, I am a Christian and a full believer in the power of God.  I have spent many hours in prayer and scripture reading/memorizing while I fought through anxiety and the utter despair it can bring.  It has helped tremendously.  I had never experienced anything like this anxiety before August and it blindsided me entirely.  If you want some tips on good ones to read... I will some of my favorites below.  Worth a shot.  God's real and He can really help you.  The worst that an happen is nothing changes.  :)  I will be praying for you more man.


Isaiah 26:3:  You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10:  And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Psalm 94:18-19:  If I say, “My foot slips,” Your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up.  In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.

Psalm 55:22:  Cast your burden on the LordAnd He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

John 14:27:  Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Psalm 56:3:  Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.

Phillipians 4:6-7:  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.




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You’re not alone,  I’m still trying to get over my als fear some days or good then others. I’m working a labor job right now and last night I was terrified because of my “so called weak leg” but while on the job I’m bending over, climbing up ladders, standing on my tip toes, etc. I’m doing fine. I’m not tripping or falling. It’s literally all in my head and I’m focusing on it. One thing I’m doing is listening to meditation videos. It’s working a little bit yet I’m still thinking about it. I didn’t want to do this labor job but I’m going to be doing this job for a week and I’m telling Myself “if I can do this job without any failure, I’m pretty sure I’m okay” mind you I already seen four doctors which they all said I didn’t have ALS and checked my reflexes and strength. 

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14 minutes ago, Jremtx said:

“if I can do this job without any failure, I’m pretty sure I’m okay”

Exactly, @Jremtx.  That is reality.  

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I listen to the Anxiety Guy on YouTube often (I recommend subscribing to his podcast) and one point he makes is you have this habit you have been practicing for quite a while now, you can’t just expect it to go away or stop. You must replace the bad habit with a good habit. Replace your what if’s with another statement like “ride the wave” meaning don’t give your thoughts attention but ride the wave of feelings and they will lessen. Instead of googling, go for a walk or do a meditation. Whenever you are having thoughts of a disease, tell yourself NO, it’s just anxiety. Find healthy habits/thoughts to replace the bad habits/thoughts. It takes practice and won’t fix everything overnight, but it helps me during times of high anxiety. You aren’t your thoughts but you can work to change your thought patterns so you don’t head down the rabbit hole so often.

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I've had the ALS fear and just recently got over it (as in like 2 days ago) my lingering health obsession are brain aneurysms. I had a horrific migraine last night and today and now I'm convinced I have one. To the point where I've called my insurance nurse hotline and contemplating going to the ER to do a ct scan go make sure 😩

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I’m so sorry! I so know the feeling! I had a few ER visits for other fears.  The last one was so embarassing it has kept me a way from there for awhile but also with the ALS stuff the ER really is useless so I can’t say I wouldn’t be running back with another fear.  Last time I went I was convinced my kidneys were failing and that one arm was swollen.  The looks I got from the doctors there were enough to keep me out of the er for while.  I know it sounds crazy but it just shows how much your brain can trick you.  My eyes saw swelling...there was none! Try to avoid the er...

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Now to be clear I’m still sitting here tonight convinced I have als.  My arms feel tired and ache when I use them.  The new one only in the last few days is my left leg feels achy and tired.  This in addition to the pain I have in my hand when doing normal activities plus muscle twitching all over has me totally convinced I have als.  Everyone has told me pain is not a symptom.  Everyone has told me perceived weakness is different from failing to do things.  I can pass all the neuro tests but still i am convinced. So I really do get how you feel!  I’m trying so hard to keep my mind off it.  Talk to people when I feel like this either about it or just seek out friendly conversation to get my mind off it.  It’s our minds that need to be kept away from these thoughts in order to make the symptoms or the alarm over the symptoms go away.

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3 hours ago, Dominick said:

Now to be clear I’m still sitting here tonight convinced I have als.  My arms feel tired and ache when I use them.  The new one only in the last few days is my left leg feels achy and tired.  This in addition to the pain I have in my hand when doing normal activities plus muscle twitching all over has me totally convinced I have als.  Everyone has told me pain is not a symptom.  Everyone has told me perceived weakness is different from failing to do things.  I can pass all the neuro tests but still i am convinced. So I really do get how you feel!  I’m trying so hard to keep my mind off it.  Talk to people when I feel like this either about it or just seek out friendly conversation to get my mind off it.  It’s our minds that need to be kept away from these thoughts in order to make the symptoms or the alarm over the symptoms go away.

Dominick.. you do not have als. I really can't say that enough. You have got to tell your thoughts no als, anxiety yes and move forward. Thinking about ALS and talking about ALS keeps als on the brain 24/7!!!  Nothing that you describe is als. At all. I am going to give you some tough love here.. nothing at all you say is als... It's not any where close. You need to ask yourself what is going to get you over this hurdle of believing that? Is it therapy? Is it your emg appt which is still a ways away.. are you going to let anxiety keep you from your family at Christmas Bec you are in an als fog? A lot of people here and your drs all say you don't have it.. I hate to see you go down the road I did. Mine was for almost 2 years off and on but for 5 months I missed my kids bdays, Easter, my anniversary.. I was in the als fog. I can't get those days back.  Don't let this take another day. If you pass neuro exams and strength tests and you can do what you did 2 months ago.. you don't have it.. but even what you describe isn't als. Pain is not involved.. it doesn't jump around.. it's failing . Period. Hugs. I hope you get out of the rabbit hole now. 

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@Holls  You've been so  helpful to me, I can't thank you enough!  I hear what you are saying! And I really have been missing so much over the past 9 MONTHS! I keep saying six but time continues to pass and it has actually been since St. Patricks Day this year that I have been in the ALS fog.  My wife thinks I am absolutely crazy! This morning when I complained about my arms she said, "I wish you could just see that neurologist sooner." I responded, "Even if I could get an appointment sooner I wouldn't want it because I need to get the additional life insurance policy first."  Her reaction...:wacko:

I'm pretty much the leader in every facet of my life, work and friends and most especially in my family since my father passed away.  EVERYONE thinks I am completely crazy these days.  I have definitely had these issues before as I've explained on this forum but never has it dominated my life for a long period of time like this.  i am letting everyone around me down, I am completely not myself anymore. I know I need to shake this just struggling to find my way out!

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I'm not a psychologist but I wonder if all the responsibility for you to be the one in charge and in control is causing your brain to look for some relief, albeit the wrong kind. As someone who fears a disease, we become helpless. We resign from responsibility and just look to others (family, web, friend, forums, doctors) to take charge, not us and tell us we don't have the feared disease. It may be much the same as the busy executive who is staid, calm and all business, running every show BUT, behind the scenes, he/she needs to be relieved of some of the responsibility so he engages in unusual behaviors (like being submissive, babied, etc). Sure you know what I'm getting at without my being graphic. Bottomline, the brain saying I'm tired of always being the one in charge. I want to have others take charge. I want there to be things I don't have to do where I need others.


Now what we do with that thought, if it's at play for any of us, is for a mental health professional to say.

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2 hours ago, Dominick said:

@Holls  You've been so  helpful to me, I can't thank you enough!  I hear what you are saying! And I really have been missing so much over the past 9 MONTHS! I keep saying six but time continues to pass and it has actually been since St. Patricks Day this year that I have been in the ALS fog.  My wife thinks I am absolutely crazy! This morning when I complained about my arms she said, "I wish you could just see that neurologist sooner." I responded, "Even if I could get an appointment sooner I wouldn't want it because I need to get the additional life insurance policy first."  Her reaction...:wacko:

I'm pretty much the leader in every facet of my life, work and friends and most especially in my family since my father passed away.  EVERYONE thinks I am completely crazy these days.  I have definitely had these issues before as I've explained on this forum but never has it dominated my life for a long period of time like this.  i am letting everyone around me down, I am completely not myself anymore. I know I need to shake this just struggling to find my way out!

My husband was very helpful for me during the beginning of my als fears but later down the road, he sat me down one day and said I'm worried about you and I"m really worried about your ability to take care of the kids. He said I needed to claw my way out of this fear or get therapy asap or he would have to do something about it. well needless to say it was a big tough love talk that I desperately needed. I did claw my way out and some days were pure hell but I did it because I wanted and needed to get better for myself and my family. you really have to take this into your own hands and make it a mission to get out of the rabbit hole. it's a daily thing.. journal, mediate, go for walks, work out... stay busy.... read a book... listen to anxiety guy on you tube.. never ever ever google als again period.. never ever ever!!! when als thoughts come in say No, No ALS, Anxiety yes.. and move on from the thought.. it will eventually stop coming in as often. I worked on it every single day... I did multiple things daily to keep moving forward.. some days I would slip and have worry days but I kept moving and the next day was usually better.

Your wife loves you and if she for one second thought you really had ALS... she would be at every Dr trying to get you help... she is not.. she is worried about your anxiety right now.. It's a lot for our loved ones to deal with our anxiety.. please also remember that your kids can pick up on your anxiety and it's not good for them either.

I read that you were busy this weekend and that's awesome but I think you need to do something daily to help your anxiety.. again like journal, working out... etc... staying still is going to get you no where.

As for shopping of Life Insurance??????? no... that has to stop.. You don't have ALS.. I can go back and read my emails to a member on the forum from when I was deep deep in the rabbit hole and nothing I said even remotely was als. but I couldn't see that then.. now I can.. I was completely irrational.. nothing you said is ALS.. I'm wondering why you are even going to ALS? I think you are googling and picking what you want out of it to fit this fear. I can see that's what I was doing bec I didn't fully understand how ALS works.. Trust your Dr, Trust your wife... and pull yourself out. only you can help you.

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Totally agree with Holls on all points. Stop shopping for additional life insurance. You are giving fuel to the thoughts that you are seriously ill, which you are not. I just listened to an Anxiety Guy podcast which gave me a new perspective on our health worries. When you start with a worry, you create a table top. With each thought or action that you do regarding that worry, you add a leg to the table, making it stronger. You must stop giving the table legs, and undo the beliefs that currently support your worry. What facts do you have to support ALS. The answer is zero. All of the sensations you are having do not point to ALS, so remove those legs from the table and let the table fall. Do what Holls says, speak to your anxiety and tell it NO, it’s not ALS, it’s anxiety. As many times as you have to. Every single time. When a what If thought pops up say I am not my thoughts, and watch the thought float away on a cloud or wash away like a wave. Absolutely no more googling, researching, reading stories etc...cold turkey stop on that. No amount of reassurance will do. That’s why we keep coming back to our worry over and over when we’ve had tests, seen numerous doctors, etc... You must accept that this is anxiety and nothing more. Symptoms of anxiety can mimic any and all diseases, which is why it’s a difficult diagnosis to accept. But accept we must if we want to get better. 

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@Bobnnat  I think what you are saying here is definitely playing a role. What resonated is trying to escape the responsibility. I can recall when this started and at the same time I was cognizant of the fact that my anxiety was being driven by my sense of obligation to others.  Before I got too deep in I was better able to see the real cause and I was taking actions to try to remove myself from some of those obligations.  Problem is my natural personality doesn't really allow for that to happen and without an appropriate outlet or a mechanism to escape it has gotten progressively worse over time.

@Holls  What can I say other then I know you are right on. Sharing your story is eye opening because I am living this exact thing right now.  What you said about the kids...I know you are right and that is the worst part!  Thank you for continuing to be supportive here!


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On ‎12‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 2:20 PM, sTeaLth said:

Hello again!  I will be upfront and honest with you.  It is hard man.  I am doing great and I still have nagging things that tug at my fear strings.  I gotta tell you though, I am a Christian and a full believer in the power of God.  I have spent many hours in prayer and scripture reading/memorizing while I fought through anxiety and the utter despair it can bring.  It has helped tremendously.  I had never experienced anything like this anxiety before August and it blindsided me entirely.  If you want some tips on good ones to read... I will some of my favorites below.  Worth a shot.  God's real and He can really help you.  The worst that an happen is nothing changes.  :)  I will be praying for you more man.


Isaiah 26:3:  You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10:  And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Psalm 94:18-19:  If I say, “My foot slips,” Your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up.  In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.

Psalm 55:22:  Cast your burden on the LordAnd He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

John 14:27:  Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Psalm 56:3:  Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.

Phillipians 4:6-7:  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.




I love this sTeaLth. I look at scripture all the time. I pray. It is the only thing that keeps me going. I fall and I get up. I keep moving. It isn't easy. It is darned hard. Harder than anything I have attempted to do. But you can do it. I'm working on it. I am not looking back. I will fall. But I am gonna get back up. I am not a googler but I am a thinker and a worrier. I pray for strength to change my thoughts.

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I wouldn’t click on that link, I’m thinking it’s spam or a virus. Person made the account just to post that and the address looks very fishy to me. I reported it.

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13 minutes ago, Iugrad91 said:

I wouldn’t click on that link, I’m thinking it’s spam or a virus. Person made the account just to post that and the address looks very fishy to me. I reported it.

It links to an anxiety blog hosted on, but I suspect there's still something fishy as well. Perhaps just trying to drive as much traffic as possible. Perhaps hiding malicious links in the content. Still suggest not clicking the link. I also flagged it.

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I get really bad health anxiety with medical problems I already have. I know that if my heart feels funny I start freaking out about low potassium for it caused heart problems the last time, etc. I try to just take my meds and try to not freak out and if I am concerned about something then I go to my doctors office to recheck labs or dosage of meds. 

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I’m trying to get out of the als hole too. What’s funny to me is my symptoms keep jumping around. I’m a rational, educated person. Doctors tell me, forums tell me, even google tells me this isn’t als. @Hollsis right, we’re going to start missing our lives if we can’t make it through a day without testing ourselves, googling and imagining the doctors don’t know what they’re talking about.  Slowly I’ve been coming out of the hole, I think distraction is the best thing. Make sure you’re eating because when you get weak from not enough sugar and protein the fears begin again. Drink plenty of water. Walk a mile to clear your mind. Don’t miss your life in the here and now over fear.  It’s so easy for me to say that to you and I’m right here on the couch trying to loosen the dread knot in my stomach! But you’re not alone, and we’re all going through this or we have in the past. 

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