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The Avengers

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I'm not really a fan of watching superhero films. I didn't even like Ironman. But when I saw The Avengers, I couldn't help but actually love Ironman's character this time. He was too funny! I think it's the movie of the year! I would want to watch it again if I have time.

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I used to like films with a superhero hero theme, but I suppose you naturally grow out of it. I decided to watch The Avengers because my brother told me it was worth watch and we have a similar taste in films. I was pleasantly surprised! It was a brilliant film - Scarlett Johansson and Robert Downey Jnr are excellent.

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I'm married to a comic book artist so we watch a lot of superhero movies, luckily I've become a big fan too. I can't wait to see this, we're going to the cinema next week when it's out here. Glad to hear you liked it!

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I hope to go watch this film soon I've been hearing good feedback from it so it's definetly one I have to go see.

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Yes people! Go and see it! I highly recommend. I kind of have a hang-over from watching it actually. From the story line to the effects, it really is a great movie!

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Have been wanting to go watch this film.

I have watched all of the other superhero films that have led up to this one. So, I am obviously wanting to complete the journey by watching this one, where they all come together.

It seems like the general reviews are that it is worth a watch.

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I always make sure I get to read the book or followed the comic story first before watching any of its movie make up. Most of the time I am really disappointed on how lacking the movies were or how so-not-fitting the portrayal of the actors and actresses were or how inconsistent the story was in the movie. But with The Avengers, I was completely stunned. :) The movie came out exactly as how I imagined it to be. :)

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We saw this last night, only because we had seen all of the other movies out lol. ( Yeah it happens) I mostly went so my husband could see it . I was really tired and thought I coud take a nap. But before you knew it I was all caught up in the movie. It was pretty good. I remembered I did watch these characters on tv after school. I even knew who they were. ( I didn't think I knew) It had a good storyline and wasn't as predictible as I thought it was going to be. SO all and all it was pretty good.

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I keep hearing good reviews, but I'm not into superhero films at all. Is it something that not even a fan of the genre might like? I avoided Avatar for the longest time because it just didn't look like something I'd typically get into, and it turned out to be one of the best movies I'd ever seen.

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Yes kinser, It's a good, fun movie. It's absolutely awesome in fact imho, mind blowing awesome. And I love Avatar, one of my all time fave movies. This is right up there for me as one of the best superhero movies. Top 3 along with Superman (the original 1978 movie, will always be my favourite) and Watchmen. I love Batman Begins, everyone raves about The Dark Knight but its too convoluted for me. The Avengers got it just right.

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Ah, I'll probably just watch this on the computer, since all my friends have watched it already. They say it's a really good film.

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What makes this movie great are 2 things:

1) If you watched all the others they literally have elements from every movie and they are relevant

2) If you didn't see any of them it doesn't matter.

I like how they sort of get right to it. The pacing is great. I really thought half the movie would be a talk fest.

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What makes this movie great are 2 things:

1) If you watched all the others they literally have elements from every movie and they are relevant

2) If you didn't see any of them it doesn't matter.

I like how they sort of get right to it. The pacing is great. I really thought half the movie would be a talk fest.

Spot on! and 3) it's just AWESOME :)

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I absolutely loved the Avengers movie. It was amazing.

There was a ton of action and a decent amount of humor.

It was great balance and I'd definitely watch it again.

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I really really love this movie, it was really well done and the characters did a fantastic job. I think that it is a brilliant movie and I would love to re-watch it soon.

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I liked the avengers and felt that it really delivered well throughout the whole movie. My favorite character in the whole movie was none of the actual avengers but agent coulson. If you look at it my way, he's a true hero in the movie for his bravery. It was a good film but not certainly the best of 2012 for sure. I would recommend it to kids and the like but their really hasn't been any good over the top action films yet this year. This movie was definitely better than Battleship by a long shot

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I absolutely love super hero movies, and when I heard that Joss Whedon (of Firefly fame) was directing The Avengers, I knew I had to watch it. He did NOT disappoint. I loved the characters and their conflicts. I loved the subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) humor! I loved the action sequences and pacing. Everything about that movie was awesome. Of course I'm also looking forward to the Incredible Spiderman and the new Batman movies!!

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This movies was AWESOME!

My boyfriend watches all the superhero movies as well, I REALLY liked Captain America, so The Avengers was nice to see them all!

I hated the "ego" battle though. In the end they all got along so that was nice =]

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I'm late to the party on this one, but yes, I liked the Avengers too. Joss Whedon rules. :) 

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