
Covid vaccine

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I’m scheduled for my first covid vaccine today (I’m 37 years old) and I’m super nervous. My anxiety is in over drive. Anybody here gotten it yet? 

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Not yet.  I do plan on getting it, but will probably wait a bit.

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I haven’t but my 86yo dad has gotten both and had no issues at all.

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I got it last Thursday.  They hooked me up with the Pfizer shot.  It was fine!  The shot itself hurt less than a flu vaccine.  My arm was pretty sore for a day or two, but again, less than the flu shot.  I did feel a bit of fatigue for a few hours.  Nothing extreme, however.

You're gonna be fine.  Get the shot 🍻

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Got Pfizer and the shot didn’t hurt at all but my arm is sore and o feel fatigued.  I took a couple of Tylenol’s 

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My wife got her first shot with no ill effects. My friends wife got her second shot and she got fever and chills for a day and then she was fine. I have signed up, but have not been able to get my shot yet. 

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I booked two appointments and canceled both. I was part of Phase 1 in my state because of my profession. I am 38. I have done a lot (probably too much) of research on these shots and I am really nervous about them. If I do get one, I am likely to wait for the Johnson and Johnson shot. 

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2 hours ago, MotherOfMaya said:

I booked two appointments and canceled both. I was part of Phase 1 in my state because of my profession. I am 38. I have done a lot (probably too much) of research on these shots and I am really nervous about them. If I do get one, I am likely to wait for the Johnson and Johnson shot. 

What makes you nervous about them? Doing your own research is fine but you really must be able to vet the information from reliable source. Both hubby and I have worked in the pharma industry and I’d be happy to answer any questions I could for you about r the vaccine. We know how to read the research and digest it so others can understand it.

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My wife is a pharmacist and she believes that overall the vaccines are safe. My concierge physician told me the same thing. 

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I asked my mother tonight - she is 73 and in assisted living.  She had her vaccinations in January.  She said only her arm was sore and that it was normal.

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I’ve had both doses if the Pfizer vaccine and I have been just fine. Some soreness in my arm and a bit achy after the 2nd dose but nothing that prevented me from doing my daily activities. 

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I just applied for my first vaccination.  I picked the drugstore closest to me lol.

If I get stressed out, I can walk there :).

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I know a couple people who go tthe Moderna shot and they felt like they were run over for a good 2 or 3 days.  Had to call in sick for work.  The J&J shot is available in my area so I'm going to get that tomorrow since I have a variety of choices to choose from.

My arm was sore from my previous flu shot - so sore I couldn't lift it.  Hopefully that isn't the case with the J&J shot.  I was told if you want to minimize soreness from these shots to continually rotate/exercise that arm for a good 15 minutes after the shot.  It helps the vaccine to "move" to other areas of your arm so that it's not concentrated in just one place.

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I haven't heard anything yet.  It's been 24 hours since I applied for a vaccination, so I must be on a waiting list or something.

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I got the Moderna dose 1 earlier this week.  The side effects were a bit stronger than I expected.  My wife had nothing but a sore arm with her first Moderna dose.  I’m in my 30’s and I mainly dealt with injection site pain, fatigue, and muscle aches.  The muscle aches were really localized to my arms, chest, back, shoulders, and neck.  I’d consider the fatigue and aches moderate.  Nothing in my legs just my upper body.  Today is day 3 and I’m much better than the previous 2 days.  I felt great earlier and just feel mild symptoms again as the day winds down.  I did workout a few hours ago which could be why.

My reaction to the first dose is worse than anyone that I know has received Moderna, which makes me slightly concerned for the 2nd shot.  I’ve read that the shot 2 reaction is much worse.  I overthink and sometimes worry for no reason....I suppose that explains why I’m here (haha).  I’m debating on calling my doctor just to discuss.

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The side effects are your body doing what it needs to do, don’t think of it as a bad thing. Your body is making antibodies to fight off the invader and the muscle pain, fever, etc is a completely normal response.

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My first shot Pfizer or Moderna in April 8. Can’t wait! In Canada they automatically schedule the second dose up to 16 weeks out. Mine is July 29. Seems waiting actually appears to increase the immune response. I trust that if science based research changes that observation, they’ll move up second doses for Canadians.  

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sigh, I'm jumping in this thread because of what was just announced with the J&J shot.  I know it's rare and I'm a male and the people who were affected were females but I've been suffering leg cramps the past couple days and this news did NOT help me at all.

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Bright,  not sure of your situation, but isn’t it more likely you’ll get another vaccine rather than the J&J?  As for the clots, 6 people in over 6,000,000 shots given means 1 chance in 1,000,000 and like you said, all were women. I don’t know for certain, but these women, at least some were likely on birth control pills, which in and of themselves raise clot risks.  I’m as anxious a person as they come, but I wouldn’t hesitate to get the JJ or Astra Zeneca if offered to me.  Just so happens I got Phizer.

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I am still waiting for my vaccine(s).  Now at 29 days from my application.  The only reason why I wouldn't get J&J was because of its lower efficacy rate.  It wouldn't have had anything to do with the clot issue.

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It’s lower efficacy rate is due to the fact that when it was being tested there were already variants spreading and the vaccines aren’t as effective against some of them. Pfizer and Moderna were tested in the US prior to variants being widely circulating.

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They would not really have had the right amount of time to test any of the vaccines. As a rule you would need about a year to see various side effects if there are any. Have to remember these vaccines were done quickly and put in use for emergency use only. They were not fully tested like any other new type of vaccine or medication would be tested. Because they were wanted quickly. 

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This is not true. Do you have a medical background or are you a scientist, or are you just repeating what you’ve heard? I am a trained scientist and my husband is as well and he also works in the field and has much experience reading and interpreting clinical trial and safety data.

In a normal clinical trial only a few patients are recruited each month. For the covid trials they recruited around 40,000 patients in a month. Vaccines stimulate your body’s immune response so you build up antibodies to the virus. One of the vaccines has to be stored at very low temperatures, By the time it enters body and is there for a few hours it has done it’s job and degrades and is removed by the system as waste. Most issues with vaccines are immediate or within a few weeks (which they had plenty of time and patients to study) or they are interactions with something else the patient is taking. Because of the way vaccines work they have little long term effect on anything but your immune system. All the MMR causing autism stuff was completely debunked years ago, that “scientist” faked all his data and more has come out completely dispelling the myth that vaccines cause autism.

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Exactly. Sped up is the right words. Fastest ever vaccine was for Ebola and that took about 4 years. So this was really sped up to get it out there. Lot of countries refusing certain vaccines because of the whole blood clot thing. Which was either not found in their tests or found but no mentioned. Not here to put anybody off the vaccine. They have a choice to make. Now more facts are been found out. They can make their choice knowing what they know now. Which is something they did know when the vaccine first came out. 

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