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About walkingwithGod

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    Snr Member

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  • Location
    Tennessee, USA
  • Interests
    I love to spend time with my family, I love to read. I am active in my church. We love our dogs.

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  1. You have a lot of stress and chaos it sounds like.. can you get away to yourself for a few min each day just to do some breathing and relaxation exercises, help clear your mind and calm your soul? Im sorry your having these set backs but I bet if you give yourself some quiet time away from the chaos, it will help you alot.
  2. Thank you for replying.. its feeling better now. Im goin to chiropractor this week so maybe once i start getting adjusted and doing the decompression in my neck, i will feel altogether better!
  3. Yeah my jaw muscles feel sore and i have a disc pressing on a nerve in my neck..could it be caused from this? Ive never really felt this before so its freaking me out
  4. I got a tingly feeling in the side of my face today. .anyone experience this and is it anxiety related?? Its freaking me out a little..
  5. Most likely its because you ate alot and being in panic mode stimulates our bodies i think into doing things... i dont think thats totally abnormal. Just try to calm down and take some deep breaths. Dont latch on to a single thought. Its the fear of something that causes panic mode, I get fearful every time I have a pain in my chest...today I had a tingly feeling in the side of my face and my jaw muscle felt sore...still does a little so that sent me into sort of panic...my husband thankfully was able to ease my mind and help me calm down. Just try to turn your focus onto something else and dont let your mind wander...occupy with yourself with something fun that takes your mind off wht your feeling and thinking. Hang in there
  6. Do not email this person! It could be a situation where your personal information could be stolen.
  7. I had a good day yesterday and today until about 5pm. I got a pain in my chest near my heart and that sent me off wandering... its been on and off panic anxiety since. The anxiety i have is always focused on my heart. .heart attack, heart failure, blocked artery ... its been a year and a half since i have had an ekg, ct scan with contrast of my chest, cardiac blood work (which was all good) but now for some reason, im having a set back i guess and its been on and off anxiety for several weeks now, same thing, , worrying about my heart. .and dying. Is it possible to develop a blocked artery or have heart issues develop within a year and a half? I guess the pain im feeling, well its not pain really more like discomfort and annoying in my chest is anxiety...my heart rate is up a little right now too. . Somebody please talk to me, needing reassurance please..need to hear some logical reasoning. .thank yall.
  8. I can relate, i was fine yesterday and felt good today til about 5pm and then i got a pain in my chest..and my mind went wandering and then its been off and on panic since. I will feel ok and then I feel panicky again..worrying about if its ny heart and am i going to die. Sorry to hesr your day was bad...we all know its the anxiety and the physical manifestations it produces but when we are in that state of mind, sometimes logic reasoning is out the window.
  9. I too get the fast heart rate, tightness and pain in my chest, neck, back, shoulders... but we cant live life on the "what ifs" i am just as guilty of it as anyone, believe me..i have actually been having a bit of a set back over past few weeks but i know its anxiety..sometimes we just need reassurance. I actually went to a chiropractor and the xrays showed my spine is out of line and a bone in my neck is pressing on the disk which is affecting the nerves causing my pain in my neck, chest shoulders and sometimes arms...i also have the same problem in lower back which causes my lower back pain. Now i need some adjustments to get my spine back in line to get my nervous system back in check... We are all gonna be ok!! Deep breathing and know that the anxiety will pass!
  10. So yesterday evening i noticed my jaw muscles felt tight. This morning they are still tight and aching like i have been clenching them all night or something..anyone ever experience this with anxiety? Needing reassurrance and logical reasoning this morning.
  11. Hey Jon! Yes, I know you are right and by the time I got ready for work and got to work, I had calmed down a lot, but I had also taken my medication. I guess if it were something else, then anxiety medication wouldn't help it right? lol Set backs stink. I have had them before but they usually would only last a day or two but this one has been going on for several weeks and seems to have gotten worse instead of better. My husband is going with me to see a chiropractor this week about my neck and shoulder and stuff. Everyone says it's probably from sitting at my computer all day has finally caught up with me as sometimes even my arms will hurt from my elbows down to my hands so now I am thinking it's a nerve thing. Anyway, thank you for replying... you usually know what to say to help me see reason... I guess sometimes we just need to hear it from someone else who understands and has been there!
  12. I havent been on in a long time. Things have been good for the most part. Then about 3 weeks ago, I felt all this tension and tightness in my neck, shoulders and chest and it has just spiraled from there. Alot of mornings, I wake up before my alarm in almost panic mode, excited feeling on inside, racing heart, chest pains ..all the usual stuff! Of course, my mind goes back to the fear of having heart issues and how I havent had any tests in a year to prove otherwise... this just stinks ... its normal with anxiety to have the racing heart, chest pains, sometimes it feels localized to like one spot on my left breast, it last like a couple seconds and goes away...guess i need reassurance that its the anxiety rearing its head again...anyone? I need the reassurance really bad today! Thanks! Wendi
  13. Hey guys. Haven't been able to get on here as much as I usually am able to but the past couple of days, my anxiety is up. I am pretty sure it's caused by the fact that my husband had to leave Saturday for a job in Texas, 1100 miles away from home. It seemed like I was fine Saturday and Sunday but then yesterday and today, the mornings have been kind of bad for me. Just same stuff... chest discomfort, chest tightness, a few little weird aches and pains around my heart area and BOOM.. my mind starts to go off wandering and thinking... "oh no, what if this time it really is a heart attack" and thus the cycle begins. Logically, I am aware that if I truly was having a heart attack or about to have one, I doubt I would be able to type a message on here or think rationally about it. I guess I am looking for reassurance... once again... so if anybody has any words of reassurance or encouragement this morning, I would LOVE to hear it!! Thanks everybody!! Wendi
  14. Hi there and welcome to AC. Your going to find a lot of people on here who totally understand what you are going through. I know it's not easy moving to a new city and being in a new home. It's not easy moving period but especially when you have 2 small baby girls and having to deal with a not so nice neighbor right off the bat. Take a look around the site and read as much as you can. You will find lots of good advice on coping techniques and such. Sometimes, just get on here and talking to other people who get where your coming from helps. That always helps me when I am having a day or two or three.... We are here to help in anyway we can. Everyone here is so friendly and no one judges you or anything you have to say. Hang in there, this is all going to get better There is a light in the midst of this darkness you feel like your in at the moment... Take care, Wendi