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About SavedByGrace

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  • Location
    North Carolina, USA
  • Interests
    Reading and camping.

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  1. Hey wendi. Sorry today has been a rough one for you. I often worry about my husband's health also. My biggest fear is him falling asleep and not waking up. I'll be praying for you both. Message me any time.
  2. It takes me forever to fall asleep at night and I fell most anxiety at night. My chest hurts and my neck and no matter how tired I am I can't fall asleep. Once I'm asleep I sleep well and until mornong. And usually wake with no anxeity. Anyone else feel this way?
  3. Thanks Wendi! I also find comfort in prayer and reading my bible. I also find that being outside and going for walks help me. Thanks for sharing!
  4. When you start to get anxious what do you do to calm yourself down or destract you from the worry?
  5. Hello. Im a 24 year old felmale and I can remember having anxiety starting at a young age. As far back as elementary school I can remember telling my mom that I "didn't feel good" and not being able to describe it to her. In middle school I had anxiety so bad I wouldn't go outside for recess. In the last month my anxiety has become the worst its ever been. After browsing this site I realize I have health anxeity. I get pains in my head, neck or chest and think that something is terribly wrong with me. The first time this happened I honestly thought I was having a heart attack. I really want to go to the doctor and have confirmation that nothing is physically wrong with me but I have a feeling that it is all due to anxiety. Thanks for reading and for your support.