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Chronic nightmare sufferers....this may help :)

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I know that chronic nightmares are another problem for people with anxiety, depression and PTSD. I recently tore out an article and my Dr's office that I thought may help.

The article talked about "Lucid" dreaming. Lucid dreaming is the ability to become aware while your dreaming and to consciously wake up inside your dream and control it. Lucid dreams cannot be willfully induced but you can increase the likelihood of having one or two a week buy practicing these techniques.

1.Throughout the day ask yourself if you are awake. When this habit becomes ingrained you may ask

yourself this question in a that point your chances of you realizing you are dreaming become


2. Look in the mirror or re-read a bit of text every so often as a "reality check". In dreams our appearance

is often altered and the written word is hard to pin down. Then you may carry the habit of checking for

these dream signs into sleep, where the would alert you that you are dreaming.

3. Start a dream journal and keep it by your bed...immediately after you awake jot down any dreams that

you remember. Studies show that this makes you more aware of your dreams in general. People that are

more aware of their dreams are more likely to have a lucid dream.

4. Before falling asleep focus intently on the fantasy you hope to experience in as much detail as possible.

Studies show that "incubating" and idea just before bed dramatically increases the likelihood you will

dream about it.


Seems simple and worth a try :)

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Good ideas miss Twinkie! Ive had some wild dreams happening lately and i've been wondering how it all connects with anxiety. Have you ever heard of Jungian therapy? Part of the therapy involves focusing on your dreams and what they mean.. I'd love to try it but there arent many around where I live.

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Interesting. I don't tend to have chronic nightmares so much as dreams that are so vivid that they can be disturbing. I think hormonal fluctuations contribute as do certain medications. Having chronic nightmares would be awful, though! I hope these methods can help you - I can't imagine waking up panic-stricken every night. It would be just horrible :(

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I have been reading about the Lucid dreaming thing, i seems terrifying!

I wouldn't say I have chronic nightmares, but at least 1 night a week I have a dream which causes me anxiety. For example, last night I dreamt about moving into my new house. I dreamed that once we moved in, one of my friends asked if he could sleep there for a week while we went on vacation. I told him of course he could, that that was perfect so he could look after the cats. I came home and found a huge party of like 200 people at my house, all my friends there, destroying my house. I also remember I got into a fight with the guys wife, and physically smacked her down.

Talk about waking up with panic!

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Very good tips! Fortunately I don't have too many nightmares although I feel like I have had a slight increase both erotic dreams and nightmares in recent months and I have been able to remember my dreams with a lot more frequency as well.

All I can say is keep the erotic dreams coming baby!

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I wake up every night. I tend to have a sleeping problem where I can't sleep for the life of me and I can go days without sleep. It's so unhealthy however because my body is physically exhausted and my mind is not. I have not been diagnosed with insomnia, but I also haven't gone to a doctor for these sleeping problems. I hate sleeping now because if I do happen to fall asleep (usually for 1-4 hours in total) I wakeup constantly (typically 3 times or more a night). But I wakeup from horrific nightmares every time. These nightmares are so terrifying every time I wakeup I'm screaming and sobbing, and can usually remember most of the nightmare. They are hard to shake off and they are completely different every night except for 2 reoccurring night terrors I have at least once a week. I'am a very anxious person and I get anxiety attacks often and now I'm getting them from just sleeping. I just don't know what to do anymore. I've tried lucid dreaming, and it has not worked for me. Ill try and plan my dreams down to every last detail and they always turn into a nightmare and I try to change them back into a rearguard dream but then my mind takes control again an twists everything up. I'm just terrified and exhausted and completely unaware of how to rid myself of this torment.

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I wake up every night. I tend to have a sleeping problem where I can't sleep for the life of me and I can go days without sleep. It's so unhealthy however because my body is physically exhausted and my mind is not. I have not been diagnosed with insomnia, but I also haven't gone to a doctor for these sleeping problems. I hate sleeping now because if I do happen to fall asleep (usually for 1-4 hours in total) I wakeup constantly (typically 3 times or more a night). But I wakeup from horrific nightmares every time. These nightmares are so terrifying every time I wakeup I'm screaming and sobbing, and can usually remember most of the nightmare. They are hard to shake off and they are completely different every night except for 2 reoccurring night terrors I have at least once a week. I'am a very anxious person and I get anxiety attacks often and now I'm getting them from just sleeping. I just don't know what to do anymore. I've tried lucid dreaming, and it has not worked for me. Ill try and plan my dreams down to every last detail and they always turn into a nightmare and I try to change them back into a rearguard dream but then my mind takes control again an twists everything up. I'm just terrified and exhausted and completely unaware of how to rid myself of this torment.

Hi Miranda, welcome to AC. I would consider seeing your doctor about it. Maybe you can take a sleep study to see if you can figure out what's going on, or even a therapist to talk about it. I know for sure when my anxiety is high I have had the weirdest disjointed dreams, and even some sleep paralysis. You must be exhausted, I really would consider seeing your doctor.

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