
Cant get to sleep..hate going to bed

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I cant get to sleep for hours when I go to bed, even if I go late to make sure im really tired. It has got to the point where I don't like going to bed because I know im going to be awake tossing and turning. I have tried concentrating on my breathing etc. and it doesn't help. I don't like not wanting to go to bed all the time especially when everyone else in my house has no problems. It makes my anxiety worse.

Its driving me crazy as im tired during the day and wide awake all night. Has anyone got an advice on what will help me sleep or any reasons why I just don't feel tired when I go to bed even if I haven't slept much for nights on end?



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Hello sorry to hear . Sounds like insomnia . It's not fun I've had it off and on for a while . Depending on allergies chamomile tea is great and melatonin can be used for sleep . Both are natural . Try to set a bedtime routine and get up same time every day even if tired . Sometimes I even rearrange my room or get a new bed set to try to make it comfortable .

i know they say tv is bad before sleep but I have done it since I was young . I'll throw a film on and watch till I fall asleep .

reading is good too . 

Hope some of these help 

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5 minutes ago, Kylie21 said:

Hello sorry to hear . Sounds like insomnia . It's not fun I've had it off and on for a while . Depending on allergies chamomile tea is great and melatonin can be used for sleep . Both are natural . Try to set a bedtime routine and get up same time every day even if tired . Sometimes I even rearrange my room or get a new bed set to try to make it comfortable .

i know they say tv is bad before sleep but I have done it since I was young . I'll throw a film on and watch till I fall asleep .

reading is good too . 

Hope some of these help 

Thank you for your reply and suggestions and sorry to hear you have it too. I've never tried chamomile tea or melatonin so ill have to give them a go. I will try going to bed at set times as I have no routine. And I also think putting new bedding on or clean bedding on very often helps a little. I would try watching tv before bed but my boyfriend doesn't like it on when he is trying to sleep. I will have to try and read a book or something. Thanks for your help.

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Hi Littlelady. Welcome to AC. :).

The trouble with watching TV is that you fall asleep halfway through and miss half of a good film, and unless they repeat it you wonder what happened. :s.That keeps me awake!

Seriously, insomnia is a really debilitating problem. Feeling tired yet unable to sleep is because the mind is so active in an anxious person. JJ offers good advice. A good idea is to keep away from anything that excites the mind before bed. Horror movies are out. Even the news can be offputting. Books that excite too. If you have any relaxation tapes use them. Sounds of running water and birds singing can lull you off. One thing though is important to realise. Not everyone needs 8 hours sleep. Some need 10 others 4 or 5. If you function well on less sleep then fine. But, of course, it's the old anxiety problem. I can't sleep because I worry about why I can't sleep. The more you try the more frustrating it gets. Nature will always come to the rescue if you let her. JJ is right. A regular bedtime routine helps. No staying up late watching TV. Have a set time to go to bed even if you are not tired. But, of course, there is no substitute for a calm mind and you should work on that. Meditation can help.

 im tired during the day and wide awake all night

There can also be a problem with metabolism.That's the rate our body uses energy. Do you eat at night? A light meal before bed can help as the blood goes from the brain to the stomach to help digestion. One of the nighttime milky drinks is worth a try. You will be fine if you concentrate on getting calmed down because that is the root of the problem. Good to have you here.       Jon.

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4 hours ago, jonathan123 said:

Hi Littlelady. Welcome to AC. :).

The trouble with watching TV is that you fall asleep halfway through and miss half of a good film, and unless they repeat it you wonder what happened. :s.That keeps me awake!

Seriously, insomnia is a really debilitating problem. Feeling tired yet unable to sleep is because the mind is so active in an anxious person. JJ offers good advice. A good idea is to keep away from anything that excites the mind before bed. Horror movies are out. Even the news can be offputting. Books that excite too. If you have any relaxation tapes use them. Sounds of running water and birds singing can lull you off. One thing though is important to realise. Not everyone needs 8 hours sleep. Some need 10 others 4 or 5. If you function well on less sleep then fine. But, of course, it's the old anxiety problem. I can't sleep because I worry about why I can't sleep. The more you try the more frustrating it gets. Nature will always come to the rescue if you let her. JJ is right. A regular bedtime routine helps. No staying up late watching TV. Have a set time to go to bed even if you are not tired. But, of course, there is no substitute for a calm mind and you should work on that. Meditation can help.

 im tired during the day and wide awake all night

There can also be a problem with metabolism.That's the rate our body uses energy. Do you eat at night? A light meal before bed can help as the blood goes from the brain to the stomach to help digestion. One of the nighttime milky drinks is worth a try. You will be fine if you concentrate on getting calmed down because that is the root of the problem. Good to have you here.       Jon.

Hello Jon. Thank you for your advice and suggestions and for making me feel welcome! ?

Yeah I should stop watching horrors at night time. I can't find any TV that doesn't get me thinking. I always eat before bed but it is usually a sugary snack.  I feel tired after only 4 hours sleep, I cant function properly then I have to drink lots of coffee to get through the day. I will try a milky drink before bed too. I just get to bed then silly thoughts come to my head eg. Reviewing conversations I've had over and over. That stresses me out but no matter what I tell myself, I cant stop. And I too can't sleep because I worry about why I can't sleep. It's annoying. But I'll try some of your suggestions. Again, many thanks for your help, Jon. ?

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I totally agree! I've had problems with staying asleep since a young age, now still have them. Its horrible actually. I have trouble falling asleep but also sometimes get nightmares or wake up at the middle of the night. Seen doctors about that...nothing really helps, so do not know what to do about that, tried pills, they work but just for the time, not a long term thing. Any advice?

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I have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. I have been diagnosed with Restless Leg Syndrome, and anxiety. I went a good 6 months without sleep and while holding down a very demanding career and kids. Suffered at work, divorce at home ... A mess.

The result was a burnout. Since then I had to take 0.5mls of Clonazepam to sleep. Worked like a charm. Unfortunately, it's not a great drug to be on (longterm effects) so, I am currently trying other solutions, while tapering of the CP. Some things that work are:

Routine ~ your brain needs structure to go into sleep mode. If your habits around sleep are random ~ your brain activity will be too. It may be up when you want to be down, and the reverse. Need to establish a routine, so the brain can "know" it's time to go into sleep mode. Hardest for me because I'm a creative person and I hate routine, but simple things to establish a bedtime "ritual" will help.

Herbals ~ I drink "sleepy time teas" every night. Like every night. It's a routine. Not sure it's the routine or the tea that's at work here, but one supports the other so I do it. Also, Valerian is an herb that is purported to induce sleep. It worked for my 20 year old son during episodes of panic/insomnia, so, something to consider.

Breathing/Meditation ~ It works. Often if you  persist with it you can go into sleep mode right from it. Or do it before bedtime as part of your routine. Use a meditation tape and follow. Find one that works for you. There are  5min, 10min, 20 min ... ones ... Don't give up. It really works.

Exercise ~ Need it. Do it. Anything that your enjoy. Days that  have had good exercise and especially outdoors I sleep better. Don't exercise too late at night. It will energize you.

Yoga ~ Don't need to join a class. Just get a mat and pull up a relaxation routine on Youtube. Even ten minutes. It's the stretching and breathing that will relax your body/mind. It's really that good. Do it. It really helps my RL syndrome by stretching me out.

White noise ~ my dad used to make a big deal about me using a fan in the winter. It is a big deal. I can't sleep without it.

Support ~ My BF is very 'routine' oriented and methodical. He's very supportive in helping to structure routines at night. Without him I would probably make excuses to stay up (Netflix) whatever. Support is great. 

If you do all theses things my guess is that you will sleep better. The hardest thing (for me anyway) is to do all these things every day. 


All the best :)



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Maybe Melatonin will help. Their is also a product called Res-Q sleep by N-3 Oceanic. I have never tried it, but i have bought their other supplements and have had good results. 

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I watch TV and fall asleep with the sound low enough that it doesn't disturb my husband. When the show ends, it goes to a 'sleep screen' because I change to Roku when I plan to fall asleep AND I turn on an episode of one of my favorite shows that I know is quiet and could probably recite word for word now.  It lulls me to sleep. I had a very hard time when I went to see our new grand baby last March.  I had to sleep in a loft bed close to the ceiling and no TV.  I did watch a bit of TV on my IPhone before shutting it off but it was very hard for me to fall asleep and sleep my regular hours.  Different sounds on the street, Street light right outside the window.  School buses very close to the house.  Different pillow type and covers were fluffy instead of the heavy quilts I use.  I noticed every little difference.  

When I had a few nights in a row that I didn't sleep well, I took a Benadryl before bed and slept all night.  If I take 2, for allergies say, they make me feel groggy for about 36 hours! Anyhow, the one night of sleep got me back on my routine. 


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I work a lot of hours so i usually conk out. 

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Hi, anybody else here know about this item D'oxyva? I came across this on the Internet and the product seemed so amazing that I wanna try it out. I have sleeping disorders and wanna get rid of this as soon as possible. As I browsed the internet, there are a lot of articles regarding with this product that it could be a great help to overcome sleep disorders,  feedbacks followed. If anyone knows and already tried this item, I'm looking forward to your response.

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