
What medications do you take for anxiety, and how effective are they?

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I have been on Lexapro 10 mg. for about six months now, and it is wonderful. I took Prozac for several years, but stopped when I feared it had caused weight gain. I was fine for several months, then BAM - I started having really bad anxiety. I tried Klonipin b/c I didn't want another SSRI, but it made me too sleepy. My doc suggested Lexapro, and I decided to give it a try. It has done wonders for me so far :)

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I am on Lexapro as well. I take 5mg a day along with a daily homeopathic remedy. I was supposed to up the Lexapro to 10mg after two weeks, but I found I had results with the 5mg and the homeopathic remedy together.

It has been a year since I started them, and I feel so much better. I still get some anxiety during hormonal shifts in my cycle, but nothing like before and nothing I can't talk myself out of.

I suffered for about 3 years trying all sorts of alternative options before turning to the Lexapro. I had some good results with the homeopathic remedies, but nothing as effective as the Lexapro.

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I'm very happy you found something that is working for you. I'm actually med free. I was offered citalopram/celexa but at the time I was just so anxious i thought I cannot handle increased anxiety (yes I read the side effects, probably shouldnt have) It's not that I'm med phobic or anti meds I just take enough already for my Crohns. All I use is my trusty bottle of rescue remedy, used it when needed for over 10. Its my little friend :)

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I don't take an anxiety medication, but my anxiety is made manageable by my mania medication, which is Depakote. I love this drug. I've heard it can take quite a while to find a drug that works with your specific body chemistry to treat mania, but I got lucky with my first try. Also the pills are pretty and pink and taste like candy, literally, haha.

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Been on almost every med know to man....trying to go med free :) we will see how this goes!!!!

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I used antidepressants around 10 years ago when I was suffering from depression and anxiety. I can't remember what antidepressant it was, but it worked. My mood stabilised and I no longer felt depressed. The problem was I felt numb, I couldn't feel any emotions, happy or sad.

More recently I have used St John's Wort, a herbel remedy for mild depression and anxiety. I would recommend St John's Wort if your depression is mild.

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Has anyone had any success with Wellbutrin? I tried it last fall, as I was looking for a med. that didn't have weight gain as a side effect. It made me so anxious I thought I was going to explode! Of course, this is listed as a possible side effect, but I thought I'd try it anyway. It was truly the worst reaction to a medication I'd ever had. Has anyone ever had a good experience with this drug?

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Been on so many meds i dare not list them but currently tapering off diazepam and down to 5mg , cutting 1mg every week or 2 :) xx

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Wellbutrin is actually a rly good med but shouldnt be taken along with any SSRI's or SNRI's anti depressants or benzos its pretty much a lone drug but most people mix it in with there other meds.

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I decided to not take medication for anxiety because I believe the medication masks the problem, and the effectiveness of the drug will gradually wane. I think cognitive behavorial therapy is the best solution for overcoming anxiety problems, you can retune your brain and your behaviour. Another problem with taking medication is that you do not know if you have overcome the problem or if it just the drugs covering it up.

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I take 30 mg of Paxil daily for OCD and anxiety and it works wonderfully. I was one of the lucky ones who was helped by the first medicine they tried. Do NOT try to go off Paxil cold turkey though because the withdrawal symptoms are awful. I found that when I ran out over the weekend and had to go a couple days without.

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Starting Anafranil...its been around since the 60's..Im hoping it works!!!!!!!!

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I'm on Cipralex 20 mg, which is the same thing as Lexapro (different name for Canada I guess). It's been a godsend with my anxiety but it's made me more depressed and so lacking in motivation, as well as some physical side effects (weight gain and lady problems, lol). That said, it gave me my life back. I was so paralysed with fear that I don't think straight therapy would have worked at the time. I was also on Ativan (lorazepam) for panic attacks originally, and it worked all right, though in the end it wasn't enough. I worry about the Cipralex pooping out on me as I've heard these meds can sometimes :\

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Research in England concluded as little as 50% of people who use antidepressants will benefit from the medication. This is quite shocking, much lower than I expected.

My friend is on antidepressants and they have helped him, but when he drinks he feels ten times worse. Alcohol and antidepressants do not mix!

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I started with clonezepam and still take it. The dosage is real low and I find the muscle relaxant part works nice for some other issues I deal with. I tried other things along the years but they would never work.

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The only thing that helps me at all is xanax I take a half in the am and another half at night about 40 mins later My mind don't wonder to places that I don't want it to

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I take venlor and it really helps. My anxiety is down and i generally feel more stable. It is safe to say it changed my life, and this is after having tried a few of the older medications like Fluoxatine

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Have you considered taking natural remedies for anxiety like St John's Wart and Kava Kava? St John's Wart can reduce anxiety, as can Kava Kava. I would rather take a natural drug than the powerful pharmaceutical drugs prescribed for anxiety problems.

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Hey guys............ long time no see everyone 9the joys of a new baby huh lol)

Well my New pdoc has put me back on my meds!!! feeling much better and my anx has calmed down a bit!! so i am now on..................

40mg Prozac daily in the morning

5mg of buspirone 5 x's a day

10mg temazepam nightly

yes yes after all that withdrawl and tapering im back on the benzos :( Hopefully not for long though the pdoc wants to try me on trazodone for sleep instead so we shall see how things go.

I;ve always found my meds to be effective but wether its actually the meds or a psychological thing i dont know!!! i never depend on just my medication though i always combine it with CBT, mindfullness therapy and other such stuff!!!

xxxxx kitty xxxxx

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I was prescribed Lexapro (Escitalopram) but I stopped because the side effects are killing me. I have the habit of reading medication leaflets, and it scared me more when I saw that I can have anorgasmia or lack of libido from this thing! So yeah..

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Hi, I've been taking Zoloft 50 mg pills for my health anxiety and it's working great. The anxiety returned when the doctor lowered my dose though. Perhaps she lowered my dose too quickly.

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It takes time, ziggy, for tablets to work but you must leave it to your GP to decide how much and how often. Also they can only base their prescriptipn on what information you give them. There is another important point and that is for any medication  to be effective in anxiety it really needs to be accompanied by some sort of therapy. Drugs alone, while giving an apparent cure, are prone to allowing a recurrence of the problem. Good therapy; CBT or such allows you to have confidence in the future where you do not rely on drugs. Anyway, ziggy, I am glad to hear you are feeling better but have another word with your GP about the dosage.   Regards.   Jon. 

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Hi Gilly, just wondering, what is your trusty bottle of rescue? If you'd rather not say I understand. ..I am taking xanax. Sometimes klonipin. :(

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Hey googoo oh sure it's Bach's Rescue Remedy 




It's widely available in the UK, you can buy it in supermarkets and health food stores. It is available in the US but I'm not sure where you would get it. It comes in several forms, spray, drops, pastilles and even gum. Only thing I have used for 13 years, doesn't suit everyone but little lifesaver for me! It's herbal and you can use as much as you like, I squirt it like crazy until I feel better, it does the trick for me.I think it's ok to use if you are on medication but I would check with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure.

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