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Throat and Swallowing Oddness (UPDATE and results)

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As many of you know, I have had so many things lately.  Finally the weakness and such has left me and I feel fine in that arena.  Now my throat, right near where I assume my tongue connects in the back, feels tired and like I can't swallow properly.   I of course never choke on food or drink, but occasionally I feel as though I can't swallow just saliva.  It is not causing anxiety but I don't want it to.  I know I have been VERY stressed lately and I still focus on this way too much even though it is not causing full anxiety.  I realize that throat and swallowing issues are hallmark anxiety symptoms but I wanted to check with others anyway.  Had this or something like it?  My throat just feels scratchy and tight right at the back of my throat.  Almost as though it is closing at times.  Yet, I feel fine unless I try to swallow from thinking about it all the time.  I probably swallow 500 more times than I normally would as a result.  BAH!  Thanks for listening.

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8 hours ago, sTeaLth said:

As many of you know, I have had so many things lately.  Finally the weakness and such has left me and I feel fine in that arena.  Now my throat, right near where I assume my tongue connects in the back, feels tired and like I can't swallow properly.   I of course never choke on food or drink, but occasionally I feel as though I can't swallow just saliva.  It is not causing anxiety but I don't want it to.  I know I have been VERY stressed lately and I still focus on this way too much even though it is not causing full anxiety.  I realize that throat and swallowing issues are hallmark anxiety symptoms but I wanted to check with others anyway.  Had this or something like it?  My throat just feels scratchy and tight right at the back of my throat.  Almost as though it is closing at times.  Yet, I feel fine unless I try to swallow from thinking about it all the time.  I probably swallow 500 more times than I normally would as a result.  BAH!  Thanks for listening.

I may have had something like this.  It's stress, more than likely.  Time to relax.

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Yes i had it years ago when i was in super stress times. Its the hyper awareness to every thing plus stressing this muscles when you are not even aware. 

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Trying to ignore it. Never had the actual feeling of being unable to swallow before. It’s not like anything is there. My throat just feels raw and almost paralyzed. Sometimes while eating I even feel like I have to take a second before swallowing to get the muscles to work. It’s rather stupid. 

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34 minutes ago, sTeaLth said:

Trying to ignore it. Never had the actual feeling of being unable to swallow before. It’s not like anything is there. My throat just feels raw and almost paralyzed. Sometimes while eating I even feel like I have to take a second before swallowing to get the muscles to work. It’s rather stupid. 

Thats exactly the cause. You thinking and monitoring natural processes which your body used to do automatically since you were at the age of 1 day old. This symptom  is very common here as well…

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Man, I am struggling to keep this under control and not go into anxiety.  I am still feeling the weird "weak" swallowing and tongue feeling for large portions of the day.  There are times I go to swallow and it feels like I can't.  After a second, I am able to.  Yesterday, I felt pretty good but today it is kind of back again.  One saving grace is in the evenings, it goes away when I start relaxing and such.  I just can't shake that this is a horrible muscle disease or cancer starting to show itself.  BAH. I’m guessing it simply would never improve if it was though.  I want it to go away again as all things have in the past!

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At that point, try some water or a piece of candy.

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It comes and goes. Usually when I’m totally chill or first wake up, it’s gone. Then as I think about it it comes back. Telling me it is anxiety. Ignoring and trying to allow my throat to heal for now. 

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On 5/2/2023 at 2:12 PM, sTeaLth said:

As many of you know, I have had so many things lately.  Finally the weakness and such has left me and I feel fine in that arena.  Now my throat, right near where I assume my tongue connects in the back, feels tired and like I can't swallow properly.   I of course never choke on food or drink, but occasionally I feel as though I can't swallow just saliva.  It is not causing anxiety but I don't want it to.  I know I have been VERY stressed lately and I still focus on this way too much even though it is not causing full anxiety.  I realize that throat and swallowing issues are hallmark anxiety symptoms but I wanted to check with others anyway.  Had this or something like it?  My throat just feels scratchy and tight right at the back of my throat.  Almost as though it is closing at times.  Yet, I feel fine unless I try to swallow from thinking about it all the time.  I probably swallow 500 more times than I normally would as a result.  BAH!  Thanks for listening.

Oh my goodness I had that exact same thing a few years ago and mine was also after an extremely stressful period. I started hyper focusing on it and eating became a nightmare and in some way it started affecting my breathing. I had to do activities that kept my mind busy or I would go right back to that feeling. This one took awhile to go away. It will go away. 

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Just a quick update.  Yesterday I did a workout with a horrible headache.  It caused my breathlessness and lightheaded/headrush feeling that I have had in the past.  It was pretty brutal and lasted all evening.  I realized while it was happening that the tongue and throat feelings were GONE.  Haha, just goes to show you that it WAS mental.  It is slightly back today but not worrying me now.  The mind is so powerful.

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23 hours ago, sTeaLth said:

Just a quick update.  Yesterday I did a workout with a horrible headache.  It caused my breathlessness and lightheaded/headrush feeling that I have had in the past.  It was pretty brutal and lasted all evening.  I realized while it was happening that the tongue and throat feelings were GONE.  Haha, just goes to show you that it WAS mental.  It is slightly back today but not worrying me now.  The mind is so powerful.

Yes indeed. The mind is very powerful. The human mind has created wonders and goes on doing so. But there is always an opposite. It can create negativity and bad thoughts. That of course is our problem. But trying to make ourselves become optimistic while in anxiety is often nigh impossible. So why do we do? Accept! Accept that this is how we will be for a while and give up any thoughts of resistance like fighting 'IT'. That's a battle we can never win. Fighting, struggling or battling are words that should be eliminated from our thinking. Any form of so called action is going to involve resistance. Buddhists talk of action in no action. By doing nothing we calm things down. Now not for one moment am I suggesting it's easy, or am I minimizing the suffering involved. Dr. Claire Weekes' books and recordings have been such a help over the years, and I still listen to them now. Her last book, 'Essential help for your Nerves' was a best seller at one time. It's available on Amazon and I understand her recording are on YouTube. 

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On 5/8/2023 at 12:09 PM, sTeaLth said:

Just a quick update.  Yesterday I did a workout with a horrible headache.  It caused my breathlessness and lightheaded/headrush feeling that I have had in the past.  It was pretty brutal and lasted all evening.  I realized while it was happening that the tongue and throat feelings were GONE.  Haha, just goes to show you that it WAS mental.  It is slightly back today but not worrying me now.  The mind is so powerful.


On 5/9/2023 at 11:59 AM, jonathan123 said:

Yes indeed. The mind is very powerful. The human mind has created wonders and goes on doing so. But there is always an opposite. It can create negativity and bad thoughts. That of course is our problem. But trying to make ourselves become optimistic while in anxiety is often nigh impossible. So why do we do? Accept! Accept that this is how we will be for a while and give up any thoughts of resistance like fighting 'IT'. That's a battle we can never win. Fighting, struggling or battling are words that should be eliminated from our thinking. Any form of so called action is going to involve resistance. Buddhists talk of action in no action. By doing nothing we calm things down. Now not for one moment am I suggesting it's easy, or am I minimizing the suffering involved. Dr. Claire Weekes' books and recordings have been such a help over the years, and I still listen to them now. Her last book, 'Essential help for your Nerves' was a best seller at one time. It's available on Amazon and I understand her recording are on YouTube. 

It's all about what you are putting your mind on.  

How you think determines how you feel.  

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I am by no means trying to dismiss your concern, but anxiety can cause an array of symptoms including a "lump in the throat" feeling. Perhaps it is this! Is everything else ok? Have you tried meditation?

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All of my symptoms have mostly vanished at this point.  ALSO, update on my wife.  She had her follow up ultrasound and was told by the Oncologist that it was just a 5cm BENIGN cyst and she could do surgery to remove it if pain was not manageable.  He recommended leaving it.  We are leaving it for now and trying natural means to shrink it.  All is well at this time.  Thank you all for all of your help!

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16 hours ago, sTeaLth said:

All of my symptoms have mostly vanished at this point.  ALSO, update on my wife.  She had her follow up ultrasound and was told by the Oncologist that it was just a 5cm BENIGN cyst and she could do surgery to remove it if pain was not manageable.  He recommended leaving it.  We are leaving it for now and trying natural means to shrink it.  All is well at this time.  Thank you all for all of your help!

I am glad you posted this.  It kind of resolves itself.  We have to look back at this and see how anxiety played a role in our reaction.

I am going through an anxious episode myself - house issues are triggering it.  I just had to have what I thought was two squirrels running in my attic - it turned out over the week to be a total of five,  I had no idea anything was up until I heard the three kids running around.  That has had my nerves up a couple levels.

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At this point I am convinced that anxiety and stress unconsciously cause ALL KINDS OF SYMPTOMS.  Even when we know it is coming.  Endure!

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On 5/23/2023 at 3:20 PM, sTeaLth said:

At this point I am convinced that anxiety and stress unconsciously cause ALL KINDS OF SYMPTOMS.  Even when we know it is coming.  Endure!

This is so true.  Glad your symptoms are gone and glad to hear all is benign with your wife!

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I've had exactly the same thing!  I calmed down and gave it some thought.  I realized my mouth seemed 'dry' so sipped more fluids during the day and it went away.  Your last remark is spot on! 

On 5/23/2023 at 3:20 PM, sTeaLth said:

At this point I am convinced that anxiety and stress unconsciously cause ALL KINDS OF SYMPTOMS.  Even when we know it is coming.  Endure!


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