
Okay, y'all, planes.

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I know this is a health anxiety board but I need some quick wisdom! I leave for a super exciting, important business trip on Wednesday morning, but I'm a PETRIFIED flier. I can't describe to you how scared I am on planes. I've done 30+ flights (it's hard being someone who loves to travel but hates flying). The anxiety I feel the days leading up to flying is debilitating -- but I know I can do it as I have before. I think it all ties together, because my health anxiety and my flying anxiety revolve around something bad happening to me. This is a huge opportunity career wise for me and I'm proud of myself - I want to make this trip about the experience and not about the flying.

How do you manage your fears so you can live your best life? 

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6 minutes ago, armeade25 said:

I know this is a health anxiety board but I need some quick wisdom! I leave for a super exciting, important business trip on Wednesday morning, but I'm a PETRIFIED flier. I can't describe to you how scared I am on planes. I've done 30+ flights (it's hard being someone who loves to travel but hates flying). The anxiety I feel the days leading up to flying is debilitating -- but I know I can do it as I have before. I think it all ties together, because my health anxiety and my flying anxiety revolve around something bad happening to me. This is a huge opportunity career wise for me and I'm proud of myself - I want to make this trip about the experience and not about the flying.

How do you manage your fears so you can live your best life? 

Wow congratulations!!! I'm trying to get over my fear of planes too so I can travel more. I am going to travel next year Bec I'm tired of my anxiety determining what I can and can't do. My husband and son have told me a million statistics on how flying is so much safer than driving. Don't let your anxiety hold you back or make you anxious during your flight. It doesn't get to do that. Hugs. I'm so so excited for you!!! 

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I agree with Holls, despite the fact that I'm equally terrified and can't follow that advice myself. LoL! I would love to fly every now and then. Our trip to FL would've been about two hours and we would've had much more time to enjoy it. But instead, in part because of my fear of flying, we had to drive 10-12 hours each way. I hope one day pretty soon I can get over it. Having high BP (controlled with meds) and a past episode of afib are my primary concerns, but I think I just need to talk to my doc and / or cardiologist about that to confirm whether or not I'm safe to fly.

Traveling for fun is different though. If this means something huge for you, and it sure sounds like it does, don't let anxiety keep you from it! You've flown many times. I know that doesn't make it any easier to deal with the anxiety, but you'll be fine. :)

Best of luck to you! I hope everything works out well for you. I'm sure you deserve it and have worked hard for it.

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27 minutes ago, armeade25 said:

I know this is a health anxiety board but I need some quick wisdom! I leave for a super exciting, important business trip on Wednesday morning, but I'm a PETRIFIED flier. I can't describe to you how scared I am on planes. I've done 30+ flights (it's hard being someone who loves to travel but hates flying). The anxiety I feel the days leading up to flying is debilitating -- but I know I can do it as I have before. I think it all ties together, because my health anxiety and my flying anxiety revolve around something bad happening to me. This is a huge opportunity career wise for me and I'm proud of myself - I want to make this trip about the experience and not about the flying.

How do you manage your fears so you can live your best life? 

Ok you have inspired me lol. I told my husband alright let's fly to Florida next yr. He's looking up flights and where we could go. he's so excited lol. We usually drive and it's 12 hours!!! It's time I stop letting anxiety take the wheel.  Lol see what I did there. I'm making it take a plane this time. 😆😆😆

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My goodness! Fear of flying...that’s me too!!! Anxiety is a real PIA. My anxiety with flying is more the fact that I’m not in control, the fact I can’t get off if I need to. And like you said, the days leading up to the flight are brutal. I honestly have still not conquered my fear, but I don’t like traveling in general, so it’s been a non issue for the most part. But my husband and kids want to do things, so now I have to nip it in the bud. Unfortunately self talk and a low dose of Xanax is the only way I get through it. I would love to not be dependent on anything and just have the right mindset, but it’s one step at a time. Just keep telling yourself “I CAN DO THIS!!” And focus on all the exciting things to come for this trip. Trying to push the idea of flying on the back burner is the key. It’s still obviously there, but you’re focusing on the front burners!!! Best of luck!!!

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5 minutes ago, Ekr4eva said:

My goodness! Fear of flying...that’s me too!!! Anxiety is a real PIA. My anxiety with flying is more the fact that I’m not in control, the fact I can’t get off if I need to. And like you said, the days leading up to the flight are brutal. I honestly have still not conquered my fear, but I don’t like traveling in general, so it’s been a non issue for the most part. But my husband and kids want to do things, so now I have to nip it in the bud. Unfortunately self talk and a low dose of Xanax is the only way I get through it. I would love to not be dependent on anything and just have the right mindset, but it’s one step at a time. Just keep telling yourself “I CAN DO THIS!!” And focus on all the exciting things to come for this trip. Trying to push the idea of flying on the back burner is the key. It’s still obviously there, but you’re focusing on the front burners!!! Best of luck!!!

I think the lack of control is part of it for me as well. If I'm on a boat, well, I know how to swim. If I'm in a car, I can stop and get out any time. If I'm on a flight I probably won't be wearing a parachute, and even then, I'm terrified of heights... 😂

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Y'all are making me feel so much better. I'm glad it's not just me who has the fear of plans AND the health anxiety. I'm flying with my co worker who is REALLY CALM so hopefully that will help! But I get it --

Especially @bin_tenn. Growing up, my parents always drove us to vacations because my fear was SO bad. Those long car rides always felt like forever, but I was so happy not to have to fly that it didn't matter. I don't want my partner or my future kids to have to deal with that because of me. 

When I turned 22, I went to Southeast Asia and taught there for 6 months. I had to take 13 flights in that period of time and was temporarily alright, but it's been quite a few years and I'm back to square one it seems. 

I wont let it stop me - I just wish it was easier! 

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1 hour ago, Holls said:

Ok you have inspired me lol. I told my husband alright let's fly to Florida next yr. He's looking up flights and where we could go. he's so excited lol. We usually drive and it's 12 hours!!! It's time I stop letting anxiety take the wheel.  Lol see what I did there. I'm making it take a plane this time. 😆😆😆

SO PROUD OF YOU! You can do this! No wheels for you, girlfriend! 

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There is an old phrase I learned in the army. "Being brave isn't not being scared. It is being scared and doing it anyway." So congratulations on being brave all those other times you flew!

Honestly, that phrase has gotten me through some tough places. I accept the fear. I accept my fate, I guess, and do it anyway. 

When I am doing something I am afraid of (I am looking at you, annual aneurysm scan) I accept there is no choice, it has to be done, and do it. I let myself be scared when it happens. There is no fault in that. Let yourself feel the fear.

That said, flying isn't one of my fears, but a medical test or scan, that will get me.

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I don’t enjoy flying but when I do get on a plane it’s usually for a fun trip or vacation. I used to travel once in a while for work when I was employed. I just think of how many planes take off a day and have no problems. Millions of people fly each year without incident. It’s the what if’s again and I just refuse to let what if’s dictate my life. My daughter goes to college 1,000 miles away, that is not a drive I can make for a visit 😛

We just got back from a 6 day trip to California. It was a 4hr flight each way and it was bumpy ☹️ but I brought books and knitting. Watching a movie passes the time quickly as well. A glass of wine helps calm me down, too. You could always talk to your doc about getting a Xanax just for the flight. 

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26 minutes ago, Iugrad91 said:

I don’t enjoy flying but when I do get on a plane it’s usually for a fun trip or vacation. I used to travel once in a while for work when I was employed. I just think of how many planes take off a day and have no problems. Millions of people fly each year without incident. It’s the what if’s again and I just refuse to let what if’s dictate my life. My daughter goes to college 1,000 miles away, that is not a drive I can make for a visit 😛

We just got back from a 6 day trip to California. It was a 4hr flight each way and it was bumpy ☹️ but I brought books and knitting. Watching a movie passes the time quickly as well. A glass of wine helps calm me down, too. You could always talk to your doc about getting a Xanax just for the flight. 

When we were in FL we had to exchange our rental vehicle, and it was done at an airport. While inside, I noticed all the people coming in off of a plane and those heading to board a plane. And I basically thought the same as you mentioned: many of these people probably do this fairly often, and they're fine. It helps calm my nerves a bit, but the idea still gets my nerves way up. Haha.

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John F. Kennedy said in his inaugural address (referring to going to the moon) "We do these things not because they're easy, but because they're hard". Much like what Lofwyr says, this has helped me do things I feared or simply didn't want to do. I've tried getting my 12 year old to grasp the idea, but...well, not yet. 

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I have butterflies in my stomach and am going to head to the airport around 4am. I'm looking forward to being able to say I DID IT! 

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3 hours ago, armeade25 said:

I have butterflies in my stomach and am going to head to the airport around 4am. I'm looking forward to being able to say I DID IT! 

Thinking of you!!!! You will have a very smooth flight. And adventure awaits you. Hugs!!!have fun. 

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I'm working here on the plane with my in flight wifi. I'm proud of myself for getting on the plane and managing take off and landing with moderate anxiety. I cried but levelled out eventually. 4 hour flight to go! 

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I'm proud of you!!! Enjoy your flight 😘 it's almost over.  You did it!!!!

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Landed safe! Very proud of myself. It was just fine! One more flight to go to go home but I think I can handle it. 

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I have flown many times but I have fears of flying also. I am glad you made it OK!

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The reason I am fearful of flying sometimes is because I have had 2 instances of real issues occurring  which I will not go into. 

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3 hours ago, armeade25 said:

Landed safe! Very proud of myself. It was just fine! One more flight to go to go home but I think I can handle it. 

You can!!! Good job. 

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