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About Taran

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    Cumbria, England
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    MUSIC!!!!! I play fiddle, mandolin, guitar, bouzouki, a bit of viola and a bit of piano... I sing occasionally as well... Some say I should have taken up the penny whistle.

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  1. Hey All As some of you may or may not know, I'm an ambassador for a project called the National Citizen Service, but you can find out more about that here: http://www.ncsyes.co.uk/ Today is NCS Action Day, and myself and a few other ambassadors are running a project call the Peace of Mind project all over social media ie Twitter and the Facebooks and Tumblr and YouTube. We're posting pictures with #PeaceOfMind written on our hands and arms, and messages of support to those with MH issues so for instance right now I have "It Gets Better" on my forearm and "I'm Staying Strong" on my upper arm (is there a word for this part of the body?) I'd be very grateful if you could get involved with this project, as its so close to my heart! Just post a pic with #PeaceOfMind and/or follow @peaceofmind234 on Twitter. Thanks Best Friends TARAN
  2. Aw crap, knew I shouldn't have had that last raisin.
  3. Hey all, hope you guys didn't eat and drink toooooo much during the break! I've started working at a hospice near me with their music therapist, so it got me thinking. As its what I'd like to do after school, I thought I'd do a wee bit of research on how my AC family has been affected by music therapy. Have any of you guys been offered it before, or been to any sessions? What's your opinion on it? I think its great to be honest, but I may be a wee bit biased xxx
  4. Hey Becca, I've done it, but I'm a bit drunk, I answered honestly but my spelling might be a bit off xxx
  5. Hey all I competed in my schools inter house music festival today, and WON my category I was competing against people with much higher grades than me, but I went out and enjoyed myself, which proved to be the best strategy Here's my performance vid, please give me tips on how to improve, or if there's a song you'd like me to cover let me know !!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqW37xwSgS8
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24278768 Soo... This appeared on BBC news today. Basically two supermarket chains have had to withdraw Halloween costumes based around the stereo typical idea of a mental patient. Lots of people have got rather het up about this, including the mental health charity MIND. And here's my question for you: Does anyone actually care about this? Loads of Halloween costumes are stereo typical, nurses, witches etc. Its not as though they are taking a dig at us personally, and it would make mental health sufferers seem a lot better in the public light if we realized that Asda and Tesco made a mistake, but if we can accept it gracefully and with good humor, then people understand that mental health sufferers are just like anyone else and can take a joke. To be honest its miss-labeled, and is more of a cheap horror movie psychopath than anything else, but I'm honestly curious as to why people are getting so angry. I've been in a mental health unit and I find it hilarious and wish I'd got one before they were withdrawn.
  7. Ahh see I get it the other way round, and feel panicy and hate myself when I DO eat...
  8. So I've recently been to see a lot of specialists at various hospitals and big scary offices, and the official diagnosis is that I've been suffering from Anorexia Nervosa for quite a while now, and its just never been spotted. Currently I'm 5'6" and weight 45kg, which I think is about 7 stone ish. I do a lot of dance, running, and skip meals a lot, especially in the summer when I'm on the festival tour, and try to stick to low fat foods. Does anyone have any good advice on dealing with this as I'm on a waiting list for therapy and specialist help, but the list is over 18 months long... <3
  9. I've been walking around in dresses with short sleeves and not giving a fuck what people think of my scars from self harm I'm happy to be moi <3
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p01b871m/Dont_Call_Me_Crazy_Episode_1/
  11. After my third sleepless night I came across this program on BBC iPlayer, all about a psych unit for teenagers in Manchester. While watching it I couldn't help but think "Shit I'm a bit too like that" and I know I've only just escaped being sectioned myself, but its a good watch and the kids on there explain things really well.
  12. Right so as a few of you might know, it was my school prom last night. I've never really had much anxiety about being in large social settings, but I have struggled with going to school. Last night was really horrible, I had a few panic attacks and had to leave early, which made me feel bad because I was giving someone else a lift home as well. Has anyone else had anything like this? I think one of the major things was that I knew there was a large after party happening, which I wasn't invited to, and that's all anyone was talking about. Today I was supposed to meet a friend from outside school in town and I was too scared to go so I chickened out. How can I get over this because it's really knocked my confidence in social settings!!!
  13. Right so I don't know how many of you lovely lot have followed 'Making Mental Health Positive' on the Facebook or Twitter, however they've recently publicized a project to create a wall of art at The Lowry in Manchester ( its a posh swanky gallery, went there last year ) all themed at positive mental health. Basically the idea is for people all round the world, to create postcard size pieces of art depicting what positive mental health means to you. I've attached the information they have on their Facebook page for anyone who can't see it on there, but for those of us who have faces and books, here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=486104068135803&set=a.179982752081271.46845.122863327793214&type=1&theater I though it might be a nice idea, because it asks for organisation if appropriate, that if anyone on here does make a nice postcard that we add our name, location if you want to, and add Anxiety Central as well
  14. I've been on prozac for ages, had a few nasty side effects at first, but nothing too bad. After that the really helped
  15. Heya Becca, trust me, you're not crazy. I get exactly the same thoughts and feelings about my self harm, and I understand the feelings you get when you cut. After my last od, I didn't cut for ages, I thought I was fully better an everything, but recently I've started cutting again. What my therapist always says to me is: "self harm is like a rollercoaster, some days you feel good and you can stop your self, some days you get lower". As long as you keep any cuts you make on yourself clean, and use clean implements, then you should be okay. Try writing a diary, get a cheap notebook, and write all this stuff down when you feel it. Don't re-read it all as well, but do reflect on how you were feeling, maybe a week ago, then a month ago and so on. xxx P.S. come and talk to me if you ever need a hand xxx