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About classy_ally

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    Reading, crocheting, photography, computers

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  1. Thanks for the support! I'm glad I found this forum too. It's really hard to express the daily strain of mental disorders. Society is slowly starting to realize that it is not made up. Mental wounds are worse than physical wounds. I will not give up hope though...
  2. Thanks for sharing all of your experiences! I thought my family was bad. I ran out of Zoloft one time and I was so angry it wasn't even funny. I have learned to never run out of my meds. I just feel like some of my family is jealous because I don't work a 9-5 like they do. But believe me, I would rather work a job than deal with the issues I have today.
  3. I suffer each day with my anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Since I get disability, I am able to stay home and keep myself calm. To create a calm environment for me. But I feel like my family thinks I'm faking it. I don't like that. No one would purposely want to be in a constant state of disorder. Has anyone else experienced this? :sos:
  4. I didn't know that was classified as OCD. If I have something that needs to be done and I don't do it, it will bother me to no end. I mean, I have to plan everything to the last detail. I think I am compulsive because I want to keep the anxiety down. Is that crazy or what?
  5. I'm sorry hear that. A lot of people are struggling to keep just the basic necessities of life. I could not imagine moving back in with my parents. Maybe you can earn extra money online. If that's not possible, maybe you should invest in some good ear plugs. You have to make space and time to keep your anxiety level manageable. I know you love your parents and you need a financial break. God Bless!!
  6. I hate anxiety too. It has no real purpose other than interrupting the potential for a good time! :tongue: It can't win every day! lol!!
  7. I have tried so many times to start an online business. But over time it just seems to fade for me. Either I can't get enough focus or I don't finish it. I know you can make money online, but I just don't stick with it. Anyone else having that problem?
  8. I have been suffering with PTSD for over 20 years. Most of that time I never knew I had it. I was so young when the traumas happened, the behaviors became normal. I have done therapy and I take medication, but I always wonder when will I ever get out of this? :unsure:
  9. When I went to therapy for my PTSD, I learned a few different exercises to bring down my anxiety level. Focusing an object, like counting the stripes in a rug. And of course the deep breathing. It does work wonders when you are in a panic.
  10. OMG!! Finances are pretty big. But not having control over what I do is much worse. I try to plan everything out in advance. That way I don't have any surprises. That really triggers my anxiety.
  11. I never really thought about a store being too small. But I can see the point. It could be bad in a sense, like there is no space to move around and you end of touching people. Ohhhh, I hate that!
  12. I got hooked on Scandal on ABC. OMG! It was so juicy! I hope it stays on for awhile. I see they have cancelled CSI: Miami. That is messed up. Why didn't they cancel CSI:NY? That one really sucked!
  13. I am ashamed to admit I will be watching Big Brother on CBS. I watched it last year and I will watch it this summer. I can't help it. My life is boring. :tongue:
  14. My weekend was a little irritating for me. Now couple of months, my mom and me go out of town to my grandmother's house. My mother does her hair, since she is fickle about who touches it. So I go along for support and comedy. This time my dad went too. He usually babysits the dogs until we get back. Now I love my mom, but she can really take me there. She started in on me about not wearing makeup. She is a diva and always has makeup on. Well, that's her, not me. So that REALLY pissed me off. I could have been at home with my dog, sleeping! So needless to say I got my anxiety meds out and took 2! lol!! Only family can really get under your skin. At least I don't have to deal with it until August! :haha:
  15. Hi, Yes, I'm from Arlington, Texas.