
How do you force yourself to do 'stuff' when all you feel like doing is sitting?

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2 minutes ago, MissLiveLaughLove said:

Guess what everyone! :blush: I did it! I went to the gym today! I figured I don't need to way until Ms Diane wakes up, I can surprise folks here on AC and myself, and just do it.

And I did. 50 minutes only- but 50 is better than 0.

I almost took a picture of the defibrillator....but stopped myself:D


AWESOME!!!!!  Super cool!  We posted at the same time, but you rock girl! 

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Hi Diane!

I'm sorry you didn't sleep well again. It's hard for a couple to find the sweet spot when sleeping, since we have individual needs. And sorry you got hurt! Maybe some Bengay or a warm bath could help? 

Truly sorry about your family friend! 

I'm glad you won't sit all day- That's the plan! But you seem very busy and active. You must have went with light speed before you got HA!

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10 minutes ago, Ihadcancer said:

AWESOME!!!!!  Super cool!  We posted at the same time, but you rock girl! 

Thank you so much! :blush:

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5 minutes ago, MissLiveLaughLove said:

Hi Diane!

I'm sorry you didn't sleep well again. It's hard for a couple to find the sweet spot when sleeping, since we have individual needs. And sorry you got hurt! Maybe some Bengay or a warm bath could help? 

Truly sorry about your family friend! 

I'm glad you won't sit all day- That's the plan! But you seem very busy and active. You must have went with light speed before you got HA!

Yep.  I was super weird.  I used to scrub my baseboards once a week and dusted and vacuumed every day even if there was NO dust. Different house, tho.  This house is built over the pits of hell and all the red dust from the fire settles twice daily on every inch of everything!  I kid you not!  I can take a damp rag and wipe my leather sofa and it would come up orange!  

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Yesterday I was alone from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m. but I went out a few times to do errands.  It really helped break up the day. 

I'm forcing myself back into making my bed the minute I get up.  Nothing else is done until the bed is made.  My hubby will be home by around 5 tonight because big storms are moving in and they cannot practice track and field outside in a storm.  Also, my youngest son is off work today.  He gets up early on his days off but will play on his computer much of the day. He sometimes has only one day off in a week because of the way the company sets up the schedule over 2 weeks.  He'll chat with me for a bit but mostly online with his friends who are either unemployed or in other countries so different time zones. 

I have to go to the grocery store today for sugar and something else.  I have no idea what it is that I need!  We're having pulled pork BBQ for supper with some veggie.  I haven't decided yet if it's a green veggie or baked beans.  

Tomorrow is gym class and I am going to go to 1 class.  That muscle I pulled in my left thigh is still tender so don't want to over do it and the instructor tomorrow is super tough.  I'll tell him prior to class so he'll understand if I'm holding back on some of the strenuous moves. 

Still coloring every night.  I was working on a picture last night and only half finished when I realized it was midnight!  

So, I'm going to try and keep my mind busy today and get some things accomplished.  I'm tired of wasting the time I have been given! 


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(Ok, after speaking to the moderator it seems I hit the wrong button. I will rewrite it.)

First off, I'm happy to hear everything is going so well, Ms. Diane! And your pulled pork makes my mouth water.... This morning I tried to talk myself out of going to the gym. After contemplating this I realized the gym does not give me anxiety, neither do people nor work or my car or whatever it is. The anxiety is inside of me and the gym is just a place where I experienced a lot of physical symptoms and fear! So, I'm happy to report I went! I doubled my time on the treadmill which is a big deal for me, since I used to feel wobbly, dizzy and my right arm would turn numb. So today I had a new thing going---I felt pain over my right breast (bones/muscles), so happy it was not on my left because surely I would have thought here comes a heart attack:s. I almost used this new experience to take the 'short cut' and leave... but I didn't. I understood it's just a symptom that I have not experienced before and will not experience afterwards, just on the treadmill. And I was right. Afterwards I did my beloved machines. The best part of it all? I was in the flow for a little bit---the place where your body does what it is naturally inclined to do and where your mind is calm. 

Right now I'm ironing clothes, my least favorite activity. 

P.S.: I felt bad for the folks working out in proximity cause I forgot to put on my antiperspirant! :D And I saw an elderly lady who looked so fragile and sickly somehow...but boy...once she stepped on that treadmill she was full of energy, you could see her whole demeanor change!  Hopefully I will be doing this when I'm in my 80's! 

Have a great day everyone! 







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Good for you MissLLL!  I go tomorrow.  I do Monday, Wed. and Friday.  I was doing 3 classes on Monday, 2 on Wednesday and 3 on Friday but am cutting back to 1 hour a day until I find out about the bladder and pink urine.  

I hate to iron and I hate folding clothes if I have a lot of them.  I have one in the dryer and one in the washer.  It's hard to fold clothes unless  I go to the kitchen table.  I don't have a real laundry room. The washer and dryer are behind folding doors in the hallway.  If I go into my bedroom to fold them on the bed, the dogs will cry for me and the cat will lay on them as I fold them.  A lot of times I fold them at night when there's something on TV and I put the dogs to bed so they're right there with me. The cat, I just keep moving her off the clothes or trying to put them away fast enough. 

Good for you! You're inspiring me!!!!  Super cool! 


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I was up before 6 today.  I got a notice / email from my preacher that my 94 year old friend died at 5 a.m.  He'd had a major stroke 8 days ago.  

Got up, made the bed, took my shower and dressed for gym.  I'm having my coffee and then will head out for an hour workout.  I'm having to make myself go today.  Not sure why.  Got out of the habit with sickness and appointments I guess.  I have to miss 5 more classes this month, tho. 

Let's make this a GOOD day! 


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7 minutes ago, Ihadcancer said:

I was up before 6 today.  I got a notice / email from my preacher that my 94 year old friend died at 5 a.m.  He'd had a major stroke 8 days ago.  

Got up, made the bed, took my shower and dressed for gym.  I'm having my coffee and then will head out for an hour workout.  I'm having to make myself go today.  Not sure why.  Got out of the habit with sickness and appointments I guess.  I have to miss 5 more classes this month, tho. 

Let's make this a GOOD day! 


Yep, Diane, that's how we do it. Habit, attitude. We "make" our days great, or not. Have a Blessed one.

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I did my full hour at the gym.  Had a few palpitations, probably from all the caffeine I had late last night and half a pot before gym. LOL 

Due to us having too many students, we cannot stay for more than one class except on Friday and then they want you to go at 8 if you plan to stay for more than one class.  Shucks, I won't go to the gym without one of my cute outfits, my hair done, makeup on and matching jewelry.  Today I wore black pants and main shirt with a pink and black overshirt.  My bracelets were black beads and pink jeweled beads and pink jeweled earrings.  Yep, I'm a hoot!  One of the old ladies told me months ago that I didn't need to dress up for the gym.  Uh, well I'm one of those that if you mess in my business, I take it to the limit so by the next class, I had eyeshadow,  lipstick, the bracelets (I made them and they look like Pandora) in every color imaginable and purple leggings from Old Navy.  Now I've got 2 old ladies who are freaked out. LOLOL  I love it!  They roll their eyes but a number of other gals are now dressing the part. LOLOLOL  


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Hi guys! So good to hear you are rockin' it at the gym! You do sound like a hoot@ Diane! Yes, let's make this a good day! I did my hour at the gym too and it was fine. Getting back in the groove of things----yay! And I'll subscribe to the 'habit/attitude' at pinky! 

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5 hours ago, Ihadcancer said:

I was up before 6 today.  I got a notice / email from my preacher that my 94 year old friend died at 5 a.m.  He'd had a major stroke 8 days ago.  

Got up, made the bed, took my shower and dressed for gym.  I'm having my coffee and then will head out for an hour workout.  I'm having to make myself go today.  Not sure why.  Got out of the habit with sickness and appointments I guess.  I have to miss 5 more classes this month, tho. 

Let's make this a GOOD day! 


Sorry to hear about your friend! 

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He was awesome!  Loved him dearly but he was 94.  He still volunteered at church with the kids and taught adult classes.  He was quite famous!  

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Dr. Frank Gillespie who was the only Clemson Tiger to letter in all 3 sports died at 5:00 a.m. this morning at the age of 94 at home with his son and family in Villa Rica, Ga.

Frank Gillespie was Clemson's last three-sport letterman. He lettered in baseball in 1943 before spending three years in the Army. After returning to Clemson, he was a starting guard on the Tiger football team for three years. A native of Beckley, WV, Gillespie was also a starting guard in basketball for three years and played three more years of baseball, where he made the All-State team.

Gillespie double-majored in electrical engineering and textile engineering and served as president of his senior class. He received the McKelvin Award for the outstanding student-athlete of the Southern Conference. He was inducted into the Clemson Hall of Fame in 1977.

His wife had gotten involved in alcohol and had some serious mental issues, so he took their son and raised him on his own from the age of four.  He never married again.  His grandchildren adored him. 


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2 hours ago, Ihadcancer said:

He was awesome!  Loved him dearly but he was 94.  He still volunteered at church with the kids and taught adult classes.  He was quite famous!  

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Dr. Frank Gillespie who was the only Clemson Tiger to letter in all 3 sports died at 5:00 a.m. this morning at the age of 94 at home with his son and family in Villa Rica, Ga.

Frank Gillespie was Clemson's last three-sport letterman. He lettered in baseball in 1943 before spending three years in the Army. After returning to Clemson, he was a starting guard on the Tiger football team for three years. A native of Beckley, WV, Gillespie was also a starting guard in basketball for three years and played three more years of baseball, where he made the All-State team.

Gillespie double-majored in electrical engineering and textile engineering and served as president of his senior class. He received the McKelvin Award for the outstanding student-athlete of the Southern Conference. He was inducted into the Clemson Hall of Fame in 1977.

His wife had gotten involved in alcohol and had some serious mental issues, so he took their son and raised him on his own from the age of four.  He never married again.  His grandchildren adored him. 


What a handsome guy! An athlete, a veteran and a great family man. Thanks for sharing! 

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That he was.  Thank you for your kind words.  He'll really be missed.

Did you have a good day?  I'm finishing up laundry.  

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Hi Diane! My day was pretty eventful yesterday, the coming weeks will be like that. So I'm even more pleased I had made it to the gym! The older lady was in there too, it was good to see her. Last night I thought about your post in regard to making your bed, and realized I hadn't made mine...so I raced upstairs and did it! We are inspiring each other on this forum! Grateful for that! 

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What are you up to today, Ms Diane? I had an appointment I was dreading for a long time, and anxiety was with me. But at least now I know what I have--compared to thinking I will faint/die/whatever will happen to me.... from a few weeks ago.... I did contemplate flight for a few minutes but didn't. And everything went fine. Or as fine as it could go. And I didn't sleep well the past two nights, probably because of said appointment. Hopefully tonight will be better. 

I didn't make it to the gym today because of time but I will work out a little tonight at home. I have to change clothes now, make my bed :), empty the dishwasher, cook dinner...avoid AC (who am I kidding?! :D), read my new books, place a couple of phone calls and so forth. 

How did your pulled pork turn out? Still thinking about that, yum! 

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I responded yesterday and see now that I hit the wrong button, again. LOL

I'm glad today was okay for you.  I actually had a short panic attack for only seconds today!  My heart started pounding so hard and I remembered the video I'd watched on here and immediately closed my eyes and began the slow breath in, slow breath out... suspend.  My heart was back to normal in 5 to 10 seconds and I was able to completely stop the attack!  I usually don't have 'attacks', just all around anxiety.

So,  I made my bed immediately this morning and then let the dogs out while I made their breakfast.  Hubby had fed the cat. She's eating more often and much more but is losing weight very quickly. Poor old girl.

I made my coffee and always read my emails and devotionals while that brews and while I drink a couple of cups.   I washed my sheets and have them in the dryer.  I folded my husband's clothes. He'll put those away.  He's got a system I can't figure out.  Shirts that look the same to me go in different drawers. I'm assuming it has something to do with things he wears to work and things he wears other times.  He has a drawer for blue socks, one for black, one for brown.  He says I put the dark blue in with the black so let him do it. LOL.  I'm glad he doesn't mind doing it.  

It's super pretty here today but supposed to get cold this weekend. I have the gym 3 days a week so I'll go tomorrow but I also am going to our friend's funeral tomorrow.  Jim's leaving school but home is out of the way, so we'll just meet over there.

Getting slightly anxious about my upcoming tests.  Too many!  One a week from now until April 11th (counting the doctor's appt. on the 11th.)  They're looking for cancer on 3 of them. UGH. 

Glad you're doing so well and it's super cool how we've inspired each other to do more each day and it doesn't feel 'forced!' 

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Guess what I did! 

I have a whole month of tests, one a week, starting this Monday.  One day I go to the next city for blood work and the next week, for a CT scan.  I got to thinking........ 'They're in the same building! Why not do it all in one day?'  That's spring break for my husband (the 2nd week) and I'd have the results back by time he had off.  If all was good news, I'd enjoy the week with him instead of sitting by computer, waiting for the hospital to post results.  

So, I called and they had an opening for early that morning.  I'll have that done, go upstairs for blood work and try to remain calm for 3 days or so while they read and report both the blood work and the CT scan to the doctor. 

If all goes well, my 5 weeks will be reduced to 3 1/2 weeks.  It always makes my tummy ill to make those phone calls, but I can deal with a little upset tummy for 10 minutes to save myself a week of worry! 

I am officially proud of myself! 

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You should be so proud! That's such a good step and you are right with everything stated! Wonderful news! Yes, and enjoy the weekend with Jim: The key for happiness is love! 

I hope all your test wills have wonderful news all around! I'm sure we talk and keep inspiring...and we both will take our tasks/challenges one day at the time. At least that's my plan...so hard to do sometimes.

When I was at my appointment I did the breathing too (in the waiting room), and it does help. I'm sorry you had panicky feelings but awesome how you've handled it. You are a class act and I'm happy to be on AC, especially today where it all seems too much. Tomorrow is a new beginning:)

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The last two days:

Did make it to the gym yesterday, Gilly was on my mind, and I listened to soft love songs instead of my usual fast paced exercise music. 

Did not go to the gym today but worked out at home.

Now I have to put up the groceries but I'm stuck on AC:D

Oh, and I did go to the store to buy a bunch of stuff I needed, and that store was one of the places where I experienced a lot of physical symptoms...to the point of being afraid to faint if I don't leave right away, I never did leave but boy, it was uncomfortable. So, today I was in there, prepared with a long list of items, and the anxiety was with me, a little bit of wobbly legs, some new fears triggered by an article I had read yesterday were creeping in also, thought about ditching my shopping cart and leave but decided to: allow, breath, allow, breath, trying to be comfortable with the uncomfortable (so tough for me!) And an older gentleman was saying hi to me at the produce aisle, I thought about following him like a little puppy dog to get my mind off my new fear and just focus on the items he would pick- but of course I didn't. Breathing allowing, shopping! Did it. So interesting how the wobbly legs return to full strength once the dreaded activity is over with! 

Tonight I'll have company for dinner, and I will have to marinate the T-Bone steaks shortly, and prepare the beans and lettuce. 

And I still haven't done my bed for today but I will here shortly. 

Yesterday I did a lot of laundry, have one more load tonight. 

Talked to a good friend last night, had a great conversation

Watched a comedy show last night 

This pretty much sums it up I think. What did you guys do? I know Diane went to the funeral yesterday if my memory doesn't betray me? 

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Do you realise MissLLL what an achievement that was today? It doesn't sound like it. IT WAS A BIG ONE!!!! You actually overcame the fear. Give yourself a big pat on the back. :clap:. It's often surprising that when we do achieve what we thought was impossible we don't feel any real sense of achievement. Sometimes being 'normal' can seem strange because we are not used to it. Well done!!!!!:D.

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I was having problems with posting on the forum yesterday and forgot all about updating!  Let's see....

I went to the gym and felt a little odd since I attended a class with a group I hadn't seen in almost 2 weeks.  A guy came up to me and said 'No wonder you wear pink so much'.  An older woman said 'I want to hug you but I don't want to hurt you'.  So now my head is going  like 'whaaa???'  Next, a guy that's very sweet and has a strong accent (can't figure out his nationality) said 'I'm glad you're back after having the operation for breast cancer'.  So I"m like............ 'Whaaa????'   I quickly told him 'not me' and ran to the other two as class was starting to say 'I had a bladder infection then saw a urologist.........' but they both just smiled like they didn't get what I was saying.  I have 5 people from my church in that class and I'd sent an explanation about why I was missing certain classes to the woman who is as chatty as me but she must have not felt she had permission to share.  Whatever..........  Gotta get that misinformation fixed and soon!

I did one class. My legs got tired during our 2nd cardio session but it was just from missing some classes. After the 'pink urine', I stopped going 3 hours a day down to 1 hour a day until I have all the tests. 

Rushed home and got ready for the funeral.  It was such an awesome funeral.  He was a war hero, a college sports hero, had 2 doctorates, a double engineering degree, had pastored 2 churches and had lived with his son and wife from the time they found out they were having a baby until his death.  The four children adored him and he worshiped them. Ellie Grace is in my Sunday School class and she led him around by the pinkie from the time she could take a step!  She looked so distraught yesterday. Her sweet face was swollen from crying so much. Every day he'd tell her 'You're the most beautiful little girl in the world!' and that's one of the last things he'd said before his stroke took his voice. 

After the funeral, we drove to a town next to us that has an Olive Garden and Tractor Supply.  I had their new dish which is a pasta with cheese, broccoli and pan seared chicken breast.  I never eat more than half a serving but I did eat all my salad.  Then we had a $10 off $50 purchase that was about to end so we got dog food to last a month.  The 4 Health is a 4.5 star food and the dogs like it.  It's mostly meat instead of fillers and water. 

I colored a mandala dog pattern and watched 'Last Man Standing'.  Jim fell asleep as soon as I turned the channel so I texted one of my OLD friends from Anxiety Zone who told me about this forum to check on his partner at work to see how his doctor's appointment went and doctor had scoped him and said 'no disease', just acid reflux so that was good. Got caught up on his horrible work schedule and family and then he had to get back to work and I was ready to fall asleep.

This full moon! My Border Collie went out 3 times between midnight and 6 a.m. Hubby took them out at 6 and I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't.  

It's only 55°  and overcast today so we didn't go for a walk.  In fact, I took a 2 hour nap!  Earlier I'd gotten a note saying because of the death of her father in law, our Big Group leader for Sunday School and their family were going to take about a week off and try to catch up on sleep, relax and visit with the other grandparents (this is the dil of the guy whose funeral I attended) so I will do the lesson tomorrow and needed some props and matching coloring sheets.  It's on the Prodigal Son so I know the lesson well and have taught so many times to children but you do have to remember to use terms that don't include 'wasted his money  on prostitutes' to a 6 and 7 year old.  All set tho. 

We're going to have turkey burgers for supper I think.  I have them ready for the grill but it's starting to rain.  Might end up on the large George Foreman Grill instead!

Great job, MissLLL!  I don't like going into a store alone unless I have a specific plan in mind.  Hubby could wander around a store all day like me in Hobby Lobby, but if I have to go to the grocery store or hardware store,  I like to get in and get out. You did really well!


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Time Change is always hard when we lose an hour of sleep.  We set our clocks ahead yesterday and went to bed early.  We only had 8 in Sunday School but it was fun.  We colored, had Honey Buns for breakfast (not me) and then  I taught the lesson on the Prodigal Son. After that, we played a bean bag toss game and Hangman until the parents came. 

Good church service followed by a nap.  We'll have supper in an hour and I'm looking forward to The Walking Dead at 9 p.m.  

I had a few minutes of dread about the MRU/ MRI tomorrow, but decided to push it out of my head.  It is what it is.  I don't like the 'unknown' and am afraid since they'll give me a lot of water to drink and then a water pill type IV that I won't be able to make it the full 90 minutes of BANG BANG BURR BURR BURR BURR BURR, 'Take a deep breath and hold it NOW............ ' 'You may breathe normally'. I'm afraid I'll wet my pants! LOL  

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