amandasanxiousalways 2 Posted October 24, 2015 I just cannot seem to get a grip lately. I have waves of panic everyday. When I drive I have full panic attacks. Right now my face is tingly and I'm freaking out about it. I don't know what to do, I'm so afraid that I'm going crazy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcelav 4 Posted October 24, 2015 I am sorry you are feeling this way. Just know that the tingling feeling is very normal with anxiety. You are not going crazy. Try to close your eyes and take some deep breaths. It helps me when I feel very anxious. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jonathan123 2368 Posted October 24, 2015 Hi Amanda. What is panic? It's an electrical discharge from the brain to the body. Everything in the body is kept going by electricity. We are like a powerhouse, full of energy. Our muscles move by electric impulses. We think and then act. The signals can be good or negative.When you drive, because you have felt fear before in that situation, the memory of previous occasions clicks in. As Dr. Weekes says 'your panic mechanism is well oiled'. The mind says 'Danger' and the brain, being a loyal servant of the mind, does it's thing. It sends a message to the Adrenal glands to produce the fear hormone. Now our ancestors, when running from a big hairy Mammoth needed that extra energy so they could fight or run. To tackle a big Mammoth was not wise so they ran. We have inherited that fear hormone but in modern society there is a no Mammoth so the energy thus generated turns inward and we experience panic. Look at my article under GAD. An explanation of Dr.Weekes teaching about panic. When you panic what do you do? Immediately you fear the feelings and emotions. THAT increases the adrenaline and so it perpetuates the panic. Adrenaline has a limited life and will always die down eventually. When you panic let it come. No fighting or running away. STOP, and as Marcela says, Close your eyes and take deep breaths. (Having pulled over first of course).You are being bluffed by your fear of 'IT'. NO, you are NOT going crazy. That is a common thought in anxiety and is ill founded. Stop trying to 'get a grip'. That won't work. Go with it, give it it's head, it will take it anyway. But deep breaths and try and relax your body as best you can. The more fear and attention you give it the more it bugs you. See what I mean? I know only too well what I ask. Been there, but it does work. Jon. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JOYCICLE 654 Posted October 24, 2015 The tingling feeling is totally normal and natural considering how you feel. It's nothing to worry about although I know that' s easier said than done. I watched some videos about what happens to the body chemically when we are panicking and all of those symptoms are totally natural and normal and even serve a protective purpose. Once you know that, it's easier to not get shook up about it. At my very first panic attack, I had tingling lips and fingertips and it scared me to death. Now if I feel it, I j ust think my body is riding this anxiety wave as it is designed to do. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walkingwithGod 169 Posted October 24, 2015 Yes it is normal and no, you are not going crazy, you have anxiety... i too get those sensations at times and sometimes they can feel scary and cause our minds to go into overdrive with irrational thoughts but its just the fear.anxiety.fear.panic cycle we are in. Its normal, someone awesome from here told me its about acceptance.. accept its anxiety, we cant control it but know that it cant hurt us and just let it come and do its thing. It comes but realizing those things it will go also. Just hang in there, there is light in the midst of all of this. Take it one day at a time, your gonna be ok wendi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izzy den 1 Posted October 27, 2015 Hello sorry to jump in. I have suffered anxiety many years but came off meds last year due to pregnancy. Never went back in them but since 2 weeks ago I have been physically feeling terrible...pains in joints..pins and needles in hands and arms and now waves off burning sensation on face and arms. Been to few Drs in past two weeks...and conclusions are anxiety???? I have been google none stop and fear the worst, MS..Tumour I just can't settle. So really am just looking for done advice into can u just wake up one morning and be flooded with all these anxiety symptoms? Weekend before was very stressful regarding my mum. Any advice would be great, I have to kids that need therapy mummy but I just can't cope and want to go to go to bed 24/7???? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walkingwithGod 169 Posted October 27, 2015 Izzy den, it is possible to wake up one morning and have symptoms of anxiety like happened to me. I was fine on a saturday and sunday morning I woke up with all kinds of symptoms and thought inwas having a heart attack. . It can hit out of the blue like that. Just hang in there, take some deep breaths...anxiety cant hurt us.. it will get better, just take it one day at a time Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izzy den 1 Posted October 27, 2015 Thank you for replying. It's now been two weeks...first it was pins and needles in one side..then in hands. Heart pounding as soon as I wake. I feel like am going made and docs have missed a serious condition. Yesterday while bathing my son the burning started in hand, now it's my face as well. How did u manage to believe it was anxiety and not somethings more serious. My partner does not understand and thinks I should be admitted to a hospital. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mark G 1186 Posted October 27, 2015 Hello Izzy, First things first.. BAN yourself from Dr Google. He is a liar, a fraud and a very dangerous component in health anxiety. Dr Google will always diagnose c****r, no matter what you search for. Your suggestive mind will create mimicking symptoms for anything you read. Google makes money from anxious people through advertising, it is its only aim. You will never be reassured by Dr Google so do your best to stay away. The tingling and burning sensation ARE anxiety, 100% anxiety. I suffer with that same burning of the face and hands/feet along with tingling and numbness. It is only there however when I am introspectively gazing at it. It is so easy to get into this mindset of inward thinking, scanning for symptoms, panicking once you find one. These symptoms fade once you learn to accept them for what they are, which is anxiety. All anxieties can be traced back to fear. It's clear from your post that you are fearful so it's not surprising that anxiety is high in you. Your fear of the symptoms is the main cause of your symptoms, trust me, I've been there and I realise that it is hard to believe but it's true. Your mind is an incredibly powerful thing, more powerful than we can ever imagine. It has the power to create almost any symptom of any disease provided that you feed anxiety with fear. Your buzzing and heat in your extremities is down to over sensitised nerve endings misfiring and your anxiety amplifying the signal. The way to start reducing these symptoms is to start reducing fear of them. This site contains a wealth of information on how to do this, also please feel free to Pm any one of us on here who will be happy to help. You've come to the right place. So first step, ditch Dr Google. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walkingwithGod 169 Posted October 27, 2015 I had a physical and everything came back good. I have had setbacks though, a panic attack that scared me right into the emergency room where they ran tests and such and all came back normal. Do your symptoms come and go? Fear is the root and when that fight or flight come into play due to fear it releases adrenaline which causes all kinds of sensations in our bodies. It takes a while to accept that what the doc says is right because anxiety causes your mind to say "what if" health anxiety stems from worrying about anheart attack or heart issues and sometimes still when I get chest pains or something my mind will think it so its a process of acceptance. . Have you been to your doc? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rainbow 333 Posted October 27, 2015 Hi there I don't have panic attacks I feel for those who do but I have had and still get anxiety attacks having said that I agree with the others you need to do breathing and relaxation techniques to help you calm down. The more you think about your symptoms the more you feed the anxiety. I know easier said than done it takes time but it can be done. Have a good day everyone amber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izzy den 1 Posted October 29, 2015 Hi again. Can some please tell me I am not going and my family think I pain and burning sensation I have I hands everyday is down to anxiety and stress. Yes I do suffer from this but until the pain I was not as anxious and upset. It's ruining my home life and effecting everyone. Back and forwards to doc with no joy. Please can anyone ahead some light. It's really effecting me. I might consider acupuncture xxx Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JungleJulia 235 Posted October 29, 2015 Hi again. Can some please tell me I am not going and my family think I pain and burning sensation I have I hands everyday is down to anxiety and stress. Yes I do suffer from this but until the pain I was not as anxious and upset. It's ruining my home life and effecting everyone. Back and forwards to doc with no joy. Please can anyone ahead some light. It's really effecting me. I might consider acupuncture xxxHi Izzy, sometimes the symptoms can arise even when we arent feeling anxious. I have had days where I feel ok and then suddenly a symptom happens and I dont understand where it came from so I start to worry and then it gets worse. If you've been seen by a doctor, i'm sure its fine. You can always get a second opinion if you need it to put your mind at ease, but I've felt burning sensations with anxiety so its perfectly normal. Sorry to hear you're struggling though xx Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mark G 1186 Posted October 29, 2015 I can categorically tell you that yes! It is caused by anxiety, I get the same thing in my hands and feet at times. It's due to sensitised, misfiring nerves sending amplified, erroneous messages. It's one of anxieties tricks. The more you focus on it, the worse it gets. Im at a stage where, if they burn or tingle etc, I just think 'their burning again and I don't care' I acknowledge it's there, but I don't attach fear to it. That sensation quickly fades. It takes practice but the trick is to accept the feeling and not care about it. Tricky, I know but possible. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izzy den 1 Posted October 29, 2015 Thank you for replying am really struggling mentally with it and fear the worst. It's constantly there...first week psin, second week pins and needles now burning I feel I am going crazy. Docs put me in citalopram but I think it's fibro or ms. I can't eat or sleep, if I do sleep I wake up with heart pounding. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mark G 1186 Posted October 29, 2015 It's neither fibro nor ms. That mirrors my symptoms, it's hard not to think of the worse, and it's even harder if you allow Dr Google to influence you. I bet you have read about these symptoms on there or have been told them at some time. My originally came from my brother talking about a leg issue caused by his back. We are open to suggestion, anxiety will hear about a symptom and replicate it, we then lock it in with fear of the symptom. These burnings and tinglings do go, if you lose your fear of them and refrain from pushing them so high up in your thought processes. I feel for you because I know what it feels like and how much fear it produces. Trust me though, you will be OK. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izzy den 1 Posted October 29, 2015 So glad someone can understand, my famil are struggling to understand and say it's in my head...but no I do feel the pain I am not imagine it. Yes I have be addicted to google which I know is so wrong as I search constantly in hope of a answer. Had bloods and all clear. I struggling to concentrate on anything but the pain and where else hurts today. How is it even possibly for anxiety to cause so much pain. X Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walkingwithGod 169 Posted October 29, 2015 How long have u been on the citalopram? I agree with mark, you will be ok. I too have had these same symptoms on several occasions. I know its frustrating and hard to accept that anxiety can cause it but it can. You are not going crazy, you just have anxiety..when we attach fear to what physical things we are feeling, it amplifies the feeling or sensation and makes it worse. Hang in there, take deep breaths, and remember the anxiety cant hurt you. Wendi 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izzy den 1 Posted October 29, 2015 Just started on it on Monday...been told it can take two weeks to start taking effect. But when I think about another 2 weeks off this I break down, I am really struggling and keep thinking doctors have missed something. They refuse a CT scan saying my symptoms don't require further investigation, but we know or own bodies and what feels normal, this feels horrible and feel I can't go in, I have two young kids that I am struggling with xxxx Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mark G 1186 Posted October 29, 2015 You will never find the answer you are looking for on Google, never, I assure you of that. All you will find on there is anxiety food, fear, depression, suffering. There us absolutely no goodness on Dr Google. Your fearful, it not hard to see that. A thought of having this for longer makes you break down, that tells me that you are attaching your emotions to these thoughts. No wonder the burning continues. Your state of mind is fuelling it. The fear you have is releasing the adrenalin which is making the nerves in your hands react this way. Now the drugs you are taking can make you feel worse before they make you feel better, but when they kick in, these symptoms will fade out completely. This will give you the space to collect and strengthen your mind, become more positive, learn more about anxiety and how it works (important imo) so when you taper off the drugs in the future, you will be on a much better position. Trust me, that burning is anxiety and it will go, your mind will constantly focused on it, that focus is causing it. Take a deep breath and KNOW this. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izzy den 1 Posted October 29, 2015 Thanks just struggle to get on with day to day things, I wake up feer hurt, then hands then the vicious circle keeps going round and symptoms are:aches and pains, tingling and burning.thanks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mark G 1186 Posted October 29, 2015 Never struggle, never take on anxiety and try and control it. It cannot be done via force. As strange as it sounds, you need to do the opposite of struggle, you need to do NOTHING. Drop your tense guard, drop your mental weapons, let the feelings come if they must, after all, their coming anyway aren't they. The act of struggling is creating fear and tension and is releasing adrenalin in to the system. Anxiety needs adrenalin to function so the act of fighting and struggling with it, feeds it and makes things worse. It's against what you think you should do, i know, but accepting it for what it is, willingly, reduces that fear and therefore reduces the adrenalin. Is this easy to do? Absolutely not, it takes a lot of time, patience, set back and perseverance but it does work, it really does. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cubmanben 134 Posted October 29, 2015 Mark is spot on. I think many of us, I know I have, get caught in that endless mind game of what if. The chances of one of the catastrophic fallacies we've created in our minds coming true is likely less than none. So don't waste the time and effort. You're perpetuating the spiral and feeding the anxiety. The harder you search, the more the snowball rolls downhill. It's a cycle and you cannot let yourself get into. They're feelings and as Mark said, you need to accept them as such. Feelings we tend to label as either good or bad. At the end of the day, how we're feeling is just simply how we're feeling. There are no labels, it's just a feeling and all feelings are for all intents and purposes neutral. So allow them to come, allow yourself to feel them and then allow yourself to let go of them. He's right, it's not easy, but until you learn to allow thoughts to enter and pass, you'll continue to feed the anxiety.The good news is that once you start to get used to this, anxiety loses it's grip. You regain the power and control and the tides turn and you start to build and gain strength. Anxiety isn't who you are or what you are, so don't let it dictate how you behave and react. You'll get there, but you have to stick with it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izzy den 1 Posted October 29, 2015 Thank you all for your replys. I will try and stay off google but I think I will find it hard to just realise that it's anxiety causing this horrible psin and feelings. I can actually says it's effecting me every where. Has anyone tried acupuncture as I am going to try this tomorrow. I know I won't find a quick fix but a need to see some improvement. I am in agony from head to toe...burning and tingling and still the doc says I have no illness?!!so down with it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mark G 1186 Posted October 29, 2015 (edited) You have a mental illness which creates physical symptoms. As the symptoms stem from anxiety, the doctor will determine that there is no physical issue. At the moment your anxiety is putting you in a state of denile, perfectly normal. How could anxiety do this to me, its far too strong, it can't be. Trust me, anxiety is massively powerful. It can create any symptom in the book (or on Google). With time, you will learn to come to terms with this and once you do, your fear will lessen, your anxiety will fade and your symptoms will ease. Trust what the DR says, you are healthy, no use has been found. Your anxiety is the issue. Accupunture can be very helpful imo, but it's only temporary. Edited October 29, 2015 by Mark G 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites