
A Technique That Might Help You Fall Asleep

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This is a technique that helps me personally. Let me start off by saying I have horrible, horrible insomnia. I have tried many things for it, currently I take Seroquil, which honestly doesn't effect me too much.

Anyways, on to the technique. I think of it as "reverse blinking". Close your eyes, and every few seconds open your eyes only long enough to focus on an object for a second or two, then close them again. Keep doing this. What will happen to me after doing this a few times is that my eyelids will become so heavy that it will become painful for me to keep doing it, and I will just want to fall asleep. This is usually the last thing I'll remember doing at night when I wake up.

How or why this works? I couldn't tell you. But it works for me and even prescription sleeping pills don't most of the time. I think it's worth a try for everyone!

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Hi.Tecca. Insomnia is a real curse in nervous illness.  When we are active during the day it is easier to forget our problems in the general run of living but, head on pillow, off the old mind goes on its 'what ifs' and 'oh my goodness' syndrome. I have heard of your technique before and it does seem to work for a lot of people. Well worth a try. It is sometimes useful to drink herb teas before bed but these need to be chosen carefully as some can keep you awake!! This is an important subject and it would be interesting to see how others overcome insomnia.  J.

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I seem to have answered something that was posted a year ago!!!! I can read you know although it is hard to believe at times. This must have come about because of the strange post we had this am. Well, makes life interesting. (I suppose).   J.

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haha J, don't worry about it. Sometimes a thread bump is a good thing anyway :)

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What works for me to get to sleep is to wiggle my toes, and roll my ankles back and forth.....Im not sure how or why it works, but Ive adopted this as my personal way to fall asleep.

I would start by lying flat on my back, take a couple slow, deep breaths to relax then do my thing. It usually takes anywhere from 3-5 mins. Next thing I know, Im out like a light.

Not saying this is a sure fire way for most people, but it works for me. Good Luck!

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I don't know but after I eat something really cold and sweet. Like ice cream.I lay down and cuddle inmy blankets it helps me somewhat. I haven't sleep too welll so when I tried ur way last night with the blinking I still kelp waking up. Bt. Were right it usually took a lot to fall sleep for me. I'm going to try both ways w with ice cream and blinking tonight. Oh and the music relaxman posted ill use that too. Thanks.

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Its an interesting method!

I myself suffer from over sleeping. Just recently learned that there's this type of personality called "long sleepers". I wish a had a technique to sleep less :)

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Oh sorry , Mornings. I just read your other post and thought you were not getting enough sleep! LOL, scratch that. 

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I am having a hard time sleeping. Like you've already tried different positions, but no work for me. But lately, I am drinking chamomile herbal tea and a relaxing music helped me sleep early. 

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   nothing can reliably make me go to sleep anymore.  still i get some sleep, so i must be finally exhausting myself completely by worrying and obsessing!  this is not a good enough solution if i'm supposed to eventually hold a job again

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Insomnia is a chronic problem that robs you the ability to sleep or stay asleep, and can often leave you feeling hopeless. I have been trying various ways to get a good nights sleep and some of them worked for me. I keep my mind free while sleeping, avoid caffeine, avoid sleeping during time and more.

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