
Global Moderator
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Ironman last won the day on June 13

Ironman had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

190 Excellent

1 Follower

About Ironman

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    Global Moderator

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  • Interests
    Computers, Music, Foreign Languages

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About Me

Anxiety/Panic attacks for me started in January 1989 after my mother was hospitalized. 

It progress into two nights a month where I couldn't sleep (I was still 13), but got better until college when stress of education started up.

After college in 1999, depression entered and I thought I could make friends in forward to 2004 and I left that church nearly having a nervous breakdown - spiritually abusive church!  I discovered that I had Social Anxiety DIsorder at that point.  Doctors thought I was bipolar, but a week of lithium proved them wrong - severe OCD lol.  Medicine investigation led to Paxil and I was on that until 2018....transitioned to Cymbalta due to weight gain and broken teeth from bruxism.