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Nickdon321 last won the day on June 21 2023

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About Nickdon321

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  1. So yesterday I was walking around then all the sudden my back started hurting bad right side middle area don't remember doing anything that could have caused it so started googling and says kidney infection or disease so now I'm freaking out but my urine is normal sometimes yellow sometimes clear but the pain gets worse when I twist or strangely look down or up any ideas
  2. So been googling again and stumbled on throat cancer so now I'm really freaked out
  3. Right I should mask up, but what I can't figure out is when I sleep I'm fine till I get out of bed then it all hits me again, I'm sure my anxiety has a lot to do with it but I don't know I don't feel anxious
  4. Yes I went back Friday and got a kenalog40 shot and he said give it a couple weeks but damn I don't know if it's getting better or worse
  5. Ok so yesterday was a decent day except for all the tornado clean up... But today I was good till I at lunch then this breathing crap hit me and constant again ever since the feeling is like there's something stuck in my lower throat, and a slight stuffy nose, then the feeling like I forgot how to breathe right cause my throat feels constricted slightly then the fear sets in and it's worse when standing and walking around there's no way this is the pneumonia that should have been gone by now I'm at a lose x-rays show clear really sucks can't enjoy life for the past month
  6. Thanks it's a smothering sensation like I'm standing in smoke plus is doesn't help my noses is always stuffed up so that makes me have to breathe harder or through my mouth
  7. Sorry to hear that hope she's ok now... This breathing stuff just feels strange to me
  8. Well today is the last day on azithromycin for 5 days for walking pneumonia that I didn't realize I had. But still feel like I can't breathe not sure if if I can't or just can't breathe right when sitting down it's not to bad just have to catch my breathe a few times but when I stand up and get to moving I feel like my stomach is full and heavy and yes I do have a beer belly. It almost feels like if you inhale smoke from a bonfire sensation but it's all the time nothing is getting better x-rays clear and they say lungs sound great, blood work was done for everything under the sun, wbc was a little high and total protein was high also but I was on methopredisone and do have pneumonia so he said that explains the blood work, I'm at a lose and so tired of feeling like this when I stand up I also read it could be hourglass syndrome cause I do always have my upper stomach tightened up. I don't know I'm so scared it's a tumor or cancer causing this mess... Sorry for the long post
  9. Well today is the last day on azithromycin for 5 days for walking pneumonia that I didn't realize I had. But still feel like I can't breathe not sure if if I can't or just can't breathe right when sitting down it's not to bad just have to catch my breathe a few times but when I stand up and get to moving I feel like my stomach is full and heavy and yes I do have a beer belly. It almost feels like if you inhale smoke from a bonfire sensation but it's all the time nothing is getting better x-rays clear and they say lungs sound great, blood work was done for everything under the sun, wbc was a little high and total protein was high also but I was on methopredisone and do have pneumonia so he said that explains the blood work, I'm at a lose and so tired of feeling like this when I stand up I also read it could be hourglass syndrome cause I do always have my upper stomach tightened up. I don't know I'm so scared it's a tumor or cancer causing this mess... Sorry for the long post
  10. It's so strange though I have absolutely no symptoms expect a feeling of a heavy chest and like I have to make my self breathe. No cough, fever, congestion, nothing. It's been 3 days now on azithromycin 500mg and still feel the same. I'm tired of something always gotta be wrong
  11. Just got back from ER and had all kinds of blood work done and found out I'm positive for Mycoplasma Pneumonia now I'm really freaked out
  12. Also seems like to be getting worse everyday unless I'm laying down
  13. Thanks y'all for the replies. I'm fine while sleeping it's just soon as I'm awake it's instantly thinking about it and seems worse when I'm up walking around. I'm so tired of having problems