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Everything posted by Ihadcancer

  1. Wish it had said something in the title to warn me. No swelling, just such an ugly red. The pimples were gone overnight. I'm putting some Cetaphil healing moisturizer on the spots.
  2. I had a pimple on each 'apple' of my cheeks and hubby had bought some Clearasil 10% Benzol Peroxide Rapid Relief. I used it on both cheeks 2 nights ago. Yesterday I got out of the shower with almost purple red spots. Today they're sunburn red. I tried looking it up and tried calling the company but can't find a working number. I think it's a chemical burn. The box doesn't say to rinse but says it works in 4 hours. What should I do? My doctors are closed on Fridays.
  3. Your thyroid is in the front of the neck. I'd see a doctor asap for a lump in that area.
  4. The small increase in Klonopin has helped with my hand tremor and almost 100% of my twitches. Physical Therapy is very helpful but my copay is $40 and I was going 3 times a week. I do have some days that I have problems walking or standing in line at a store. My PD PT says it's anxiety because my exercises measure leg strength. Most days I'm positive and should say my symptoms have not changed since Oct. 2021 except getting out of bed. Still NO meds except Klonopin. I see my specialist again early February. I turn 73 tomorrow.
  5. There is but I have only done this twice. Youtube has 'classes'.
  6. I'm the only person in my family who had colon cancer. Stage III in Jan 2009 and a small spot on my liver in March 2012. They removed 80% of my liver and at 6 years, released from care. I only had 1 polyp ever.
  7. On Christmas Eve I felt a piece of corn block my airway. I 'huffed' out, heard a pop and a kernel came flying out of my mouth with a few bits of chewed up corn. I made myself cough hard for a while and nothing else came up. I'm terrified of aspiration pneumonia. It's been 2 days and no symptoms but I can't stop worrying about it. I have Parkinson's Disease which affects one side and walking.. I'd ignored a minor tremor in my left hand for 2 years.
  8. My eye began a huge twitch but an extra dose of Klonopin seemed to calm the facial tremors.
  9. Yes, I have early mild PD. Too soon for medications. I'll be seeing a PD physical therapist on the 26th and they will write up info for my insurance company to get approval and time limit for visits. The neuro increased my Klonopin giving me an extra dose for bad days. I have to remind myself that I'm almost 73 so my lifetime is already much shorter than most of you.
  10. Hubby opened a new jug of Milo's Sweet tea, all natural, and filled my insulated mug. A little later, I took a swig thru my straw and it was like a very carbonated soda. I swallowed quickly and then checked the jug. Best Buy date was 3 weeks ago. The tea in the jug had a foam on top but the rest was clear. Should I worry about food poisoning?? It's been 2 1/2 hours.
  11. Thanks everyone. I saw a speech / swallow specialist who has horrible health anxiety and she helped me overcome the fear of choking. My newest 'thing' is a tiny muscle under the left side of my lip will spasm or indent and cause it to feel like my lip twitched. My anxiety is horrible and I won't see the specialist until Oct 9th. Good news is one of her specialties is treatment of certain tremors with Botox. Right now, you wouldn't notice anything but my hand tremor. PD patients need more dopamine in our brain. By time we're dx'd, we've lost up to 80% of dopamine.
  12. The neurology PA and a GP dx'd but I'll see a movement disorder specialist on Oct 9th. She's the only outpatient neuro in 100 miles. I failed the 'tap test', walk slower than average and do not swing my left arm. I have also choked on food many times but cough it up. I really appreciate the prayers! Diane
  13. I'll be given OT to help with swallowing (I noticed it happens more if I think about it) and for my voice. Parkinson's Disease cause both.
  14. The hand tremor I posted about several times remained and I began to walk slower and was not swinging my arm when walking. I'm very sad and discouraged. I see a 'Movement Disorder Specialist' Oct. 9th. The bank called me today thinking checks had been stolen because my signature has changed so much. I'd appreciate prayers. It won't kill me, but I'd rather not live 10 to 20 years as a burden to my husband and children.
  15. About a week. It was questionable (moderate changes) so they removed the surrounding area and all was benign.
  16. Today's fear is aspiration pneumonia. I had a burger from BK and I have to chew well and carefully since chemo caused 4 molars to crack and had to be pulled. Anyhow, I was almost finished and some tiny tiny bits of meat felt like it was going down before I swallowed. I coughed up several pieces MUCH smaller than a pea but larger than a BB. No mucous formed. No extended coughing, so I made myself cough, but now I''m really worried about pneumonia. I Googled. Not smart. Everyday I have a new 'disease'.
  17. Even tho I cover up, I feel waves of chill during an afternoon nap. Any idea why?
  18. I swallow so much air and eat lots of veggies. I think I could float a hot air balloon. That being said, if you STOP being able to pass gas or have stools, go directly to a gastro. I waited 2 months. I had a cancerous polyp causing blockage.
  19. Not under this name............... Hmmmmmmmmmm
  20. Klonopin got rid of my health anxiety for years. I've been on the same dose since cancer in 2009. I think I need a dosage increase but my primary care says no.
  21. I take 50 mg Losartan early a.m. and 50 mg of Hydralazine at supper. I also am on 50 mg of Levothroxine for thyroid. They all have side effects. I'll be 73 in December and my anxiety is so bad every day. Even a tiny pimple means impending death to me. I'm terrified of dying, not death itself. I don't go to the doctor like I used to. I went to the walk in clinic 82 times in one year after my cancer. Klonopin got rid of my health anxiety for years but I think I need a dosage increase but the primary care doc says no.
  22. I'm on 2 bp meds that cause wobbly legs, but I'm thinking this is anxiety. I'm terrified of Parkinson's Disease. So, I can walk across a parking lot and go into the hair dresser or a restaurant and feel fine. I can go into the garden center and look at all the flowers and be fine ........ unless I go into the garden center and every aisle is packed with families or blocked with long lines of people buying loads or stuff. Or if hubby starts looking for a repair part and walks away from me, my legs turn to jelly and there's no place to sit and calm down. No pain, no problem with gait, just weakness. I do think I have early PD or Essential tremor since my left hand or fingers shake, but I'll be 73 in December and my health anxiety came roaring back last November when I had hyponatremia and spent 5 days in the hospital and weeks getting my strength back (never fully the same). Anyone else panic and feel like their legs are not able to support them?
  23. I've had exactly the same thing! I calmed down and gave it some thought. I realized my mouth seemed 'dry' so sipped more fluids during the day and it went away. Your last remark is spot on!
  24. Really nothing to worry about. An AK is caused by the sun and by time it forms, it could become cancerous in 10 or so years. I've had many frozen off never to return.