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About b00ts

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    Crafting, home decor, photography, baking, playing violin, singing, reading, just about anything creative.

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  1. I was active here waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the beginning. I've always had heart fears with it mainly being around skips and flutters. I've been doing pretty good for a few years with just a few bumps in the road. Since the last time i was here I've lost my Dad, started working and I've been diagnosed with PCOS and several issues with my back. However, nothing with my heart. I recently had a4 day monitor which only caught about 6 or 7 ectopics the entire time. The reason I'm here at 0330 is because I'm having another sleepless night with a symptom that scares me very, very much. Lately, I've been having skips and thuds when i breathe in. It doesn't even have to be a deep breath, just normal breathing. Which in turn is making me afraid to breathe. I'm not breathless at all, nor do i get dizzy. But I'll breathe in and it'll be a catch in my heart, pause for a very brief moment then THUD. I could ignore it maybe if it was once but it tends to happen over and over. Worse yet, i have found no info of this on message boards, on the net or even with cardiologists or my doctor. I am scared that something rare and very, very wrong is going on here So my question is, does anyone else experience this? What is it and someone talk me down!!😥
  2. b00ts


    BTW Mo, Watch this
  3. Woke up today in high anxiety. Left arm hurting, scared I was having a heart attack. My jaw and teeth were sore too, but I can tell I was clenching my teeth in my sleep. I also had a dream about heart attacks. We went to a drive in theater last night and didn't get home until 2 am, I forgot to take my med. That's the only thing I can think of. But, I took a Xanax and I'm calmer and the pain is gone.
  4. b00ts


    I have had heart anxiety for 16 years. For some reason I can't shake it on my own. I need meds for quality of life. It all started one day after my grandma died from cardiac arrest. I loved her very much and about a month or two after her death I suddenly felt my heart skipping and it kept on. I became terrified even though I knew I was in excellent health I was a national level athlete! My parents would tell me that with how hard I worked out I would've collapsed on the field by then if something was wrong. But I didn' believe them. I would have my kids and each time I would have a massive increase in anxiety and palps for awhile. Since my son, they've stayed in a heightened state. I had a massive relapse in February. I was so scared I spent most of my days in bed shaking thinking I was going to die from a heart attack soon. I couldn't sleep for more than 30 min at a time and would wake in extreme anxiety with my heart racing and pounding out of my chest. I still feel like my heart pounds too hard/fast when I stand up, I get skips that scare me. But I'm learning that after 16 years and many very scary episodes,I'm not in danger. If I were, I'd know it for sure by now.
  5. Last night I thought I'd drink some tea with peppermint, spearmint, cinnamon, citrus, and chicory. About halfway through the cup I noticed my stomach felt funny but ignored and finished the cup. Within a few minutes my stomach was horribly painful. I can only assume it was a huge build up of gas. Then the diaherrea started. The intense pain kept on for about 2 hours then subsided. I get little spasms every now and then now but the diaherrea has stuck around.My heart has also been skipping off and on since this all started. I'm afraid I had a heart attack :/ can anyone smack some sense into me... I need sleep but I'm afraid to.
  6. I wonder why frisbees get bigger as they get closer?.....


  7. A feature of therapy for health anxious is making a hypothesis. You've been existing in the hypothesis that you have a problem that will result in heart attack/stroke. But it hasn't come true, and your doctor is pretty certain you have an anxiety issue. So what is the other possibility that you can test? The other possibility is that you are anxious and your thoughts, fears, obsessions, behaviors, and physical symptoms are all a product of that. So how can you test it? One thing to remember about all of these articles is that the media love sensation. If it's rare, weird, and scary great! If its rare, weird, and scary AND thousands of people do it everyday? AWESOME! That means that story will get passed around everywhere! That's all it is. Those people who had that happen likely already had significant deposits in the arteries. But, that doesn't mean it'll happen. How many little old ladies do you see at the sinks every day? I know how it is when you're focused on a fear. Everything is the monster lurking just outside of your view. It's there, just waiting to take you as soon as you feel safe. God, I know how that feels that's what I'm fighting right now. Those stats really helped me to calm down. But, still, in the back of my mind I'm wondering- what happens if I let this go? Will it come for me? Will I miss it and die?
  8. I have feared heart attack for about 16 years. I've had palps, pains, numbness, etc. I'm only 30. I get my cholesterol and glucose monitored yearly because of my dad, he has early heart disease (that was preceded by years of untreated high blood sugar, high cholesterol, etc). Fortunately, good cholesterol and no diabetes for me. I got my hands on a study and simulations that a statistician did. He found that 99% of people under 60 live to see their next birthday. In several simulations, I found that the biggest percentage of deaths heart stuff accounted for was 45%, mostly in the elderly. The rest of the time the number ranged from 25-35%. Which is still 65% of deaths not caused by heart stuff. Then I calculated the amount of heart attacks in a year and plugged them in again the adults population 21+. In that range, less than 1%of the population has a heart attack in a year. The highest range I had was when I put the number of attacks in a year against one age range of 45-65. It was only 3%. While statistically these are significant and earn the distinction of being common, in the real world it's not the big monster I was sure it was guaranteed. This has helped me think more clearly and slowly begin to accept that my problem is more than likely anxiety.
  9. This statistician dude got a hold of the age of death records from the social security admin. He then did all the fancy math stuff and created simulations based on your sex and age. He found that 99%of people under the age of 60 live to see their next birthday. This simulation, you plug in your age and sex and it "predicts" when you'll die. The majority of my possibilities fell between 75-95! And I ran at least 100 simulations. Then, I ran the "how will you die" simulator. In this simulator, it uses the underlying cause of death records from the CDC, which in includes age. You plug in your age, sex, and race. Then it'll run possibilities. Each simulation I ran, which is about 7, the largest percentage of circulatory deaths was in the elderly (80+) and it was only 45%! The rest of the percentage were 20-35%!!! This makes me feel so much more at ease!
  10. You can get twitches all over your body for no particular reason. But it's more likely if you're stressed. I've had eye twitches go for days, lip twitches, stomach, even my tongue!
  11. I don't have c****r fears, although I should it's rampant in my family. But I do fear heart attacks, I have feared them for almost 20 years-starting when I was your age. Now I'm in a relapse and I'm so convinced it's going to happen soon I'm bordering on delusional beliefs. I also want to add, how on earth would you know it's spinal fluid? I'm assuming you've read those stupid stories that have been floating around about runny noses actually being spinal fluid (or whatever). That was the medical malady du jour for a moment, it's rare and scary. Perfect to grab attention and create fear. Makes for great sensationalist stories. So, here the thing I want to impart on you. I started at your age, it's been a long and sad time. My world is seriously restricted now and I'm even afraid to walk or of anything that raises my heart rate. Please, get a hold on this ASAP, I don't want you to go through life like me.
  12. I was sitting here doing some reading for class. Combined with the fact that I've been doing a lot of pondering on my anxiety today I realized something that's kind of got me upset. I'm delusional. Yes, you read that right. I hold the delusion that my heart is bad and I'll have a heart attack soon even though my testing and doctor says no. I've had this delusion for almost two decades, but it's really strong in the last month. While it's great this realization had hit me, it's saddening.
  13. I have tried it, doesnt help much. God I wish it did.
  14. So I have bronchitis/possibly pneumonia. My doc gave me a corticosteroid shot to reduce the inflammation in my lungs. A few times yesterday a few hours after the shot it felt like my heart stumbled a lot. I know that's a serious side effect and I'm scared. Plus I'm freaked out that it'll make my blood pressure sky rocket. Can anyone calm me down? I was so out of it yesterday I thought I heard him say antibiotic shot, but I got mixed up otherwise I wouldn't have agreed. I feel like I'm screwed because they put it in my butt cheek and that makes it last about 3 weeks.
  15. So much for sleeping. I can't get comfortable!