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  1. Yesterday
  2. Ah ok I see what you are saying. And that the dr thinks they are related. I think it is typical to jump to the most catastrophic thing, but you were thoroughly checked in multiple spots and all Was fine - not the lymphoma. Rashes can be a pain and take forever to clear, but you know it isn’t life threatening. Because you were thoroughly checked. Keep reminding yourself of that!
  3. So I freaked out because now I have a big rash on my thigh - like a whole line down my thigh. I called Derm #1 and they got me in right away yesterday. He offered either a steroid shot but I've had those before for my RA and it works but it's hard on the body. So I asked him if it would be okay to just continue with the steroid cream and he said that would be fine but to call him if it gets too uncomfortable and I can come in for the shot. Now I have a follow up in a month. This morning, the rash is angry and everywhere. Derm #1 seems to feel that the breast issue is the same...that it's all some mystery rash. I'm prone to red spots, yes. But I've never ever had a rash like this let alone a full body rash. I just want peace. I want this done. I asked him if it was eczema...he said it's some form of eczema. He also said it looks like hives...but I wonder because I always thought hives were raised. Some areas are raised...some minor areas but not all. I asked him if it would kill me, if it was cutaneous lymphoma...he said to put that totally out of my mind. I have to trust I need to trust him. Perhaps I should have just let him give the steroid shot. Anyhow, I'm pretty scared but just trying to remain calm as freaking out (further) is not liable to help my situation. This has certain been something.
  4. That doesn’t sound like it is related to the breast issue at all. Very fair skin is prone to rashes. What are you concerned about in particular? At least you have an upcoming appt for peace of mind.
  5. Last week
  6. Well, the plot thickens.... Now I have rashes on one ankle, both tops of feet, inside of both wrists and inside of one elbow. Seeing derm#1 again next week for a follow up. I called this morning, he said to continue to use the cream and use it in the new areas. What in the actual what....sigh....
  7. Hi Holls! Long time no see...good for you on that. I'm glad you've been doing well. Deaths in the family can certainly cause all sorts of anxiety...and puppies, while so so so cute, are a lot of work. Sounds to me as if it's some kind of muscle pull or even tight muscles due to the stress of the deaths and new furry family members. I bet you were picking up those puppies and perhaps one weird move and you caused yourself some kind of pulled or cramped muscle. I don't think an xray would show muscle strain. Perhaps a massage? Perhaps some exercise to work out any muscle strains? Perhaps ask you doctor about those to see what she says? Anyhow, hang in there. Keep us posted.
  8. Hi all. It's been awhile. I used to be very active on this site. I've had some recent deaths in my family that has sent my anxiety in overdrive. In March I got two new puppies that were peeing constantly so I was mopping non stop.. well soon after I had a sore and achy chest. That feeling has been coming and going since. It's usually my upper chest and sometimes around my ribs and at times, upper back. Sometimes when I take a deep breath it hurts or feels super achy. It's driving my nuts. I am worried it's something serious. I have told my Dr twice and she seems not concerned at all..she pushes and of course listens to my chest. I love my Dr and I trust her but lately I'm wondering if I'm crying Wolf. Like does she take me seriously? Idk. I want to go to urgent care and hope they do an X-ray but idk. Ugh idk. Help. And hugs everyone..
  9. That’s great that it is still improving! If you are very fair skinned, you are going to get and see all of the red marks- that’s normal. I am also wondering if you are more hypersensitive to the marks on your body now. If you get red marks, and you will, I don’t think you have to put anything on it besides a good lotion maybe. We all get red marks. Not sure about the steroid cream so calling to ask would be a good idea. I understand completely about the HA, but think of it this way: you saw 3 derms. Two of them completely disagree with the one. That should say something there. The second derm sounds catastrophic to me and overly dramatic. But you have 2 others that completely disagree! I would lean on that fact. There is no reason for your mind to go to any scary place now! You are ok and it is healing!
  10. Thank you for checking on me BeautifulDisaster. Still improving. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 was where it was when I saw him, I'd say I'm at about a 2.5(ish) significant improvement...still there but significant improvement. The area that Derm #3 had biopsied on my hip is completely gone but that went away by itself...I think it was a textile allergy...I had purchased "el cheapo" underwear and I think they were killing me. I also stopped using dryer sheets and am using dryer balls (non-wool, vegan dryer balls)...just in case. I had a reddish area on my thigh that came up...but that could legit be a bruise...I don't know if it's's almost gone. I have a reddish area on my wrist..but I haven't put steriod on it as I wash my hands constantly and I don't know how to do that with washing my hands throughout the day. Also I'm so fair skinned that any little mark looks red on me so it might be nothing at all. Anyhow, the main area of concern is on the breast and that is far far far improved. I have a follow up in a few weeks with derm #1 to see how things are progressing. I don't know if it will be gone by then, but I sure do hope so. I'll call him this week though because I've always heard you can only use steroid creams for 2 weeks at a time...and Thursday will be 2 weeks. So if it's not resolved, I'm not sure if I should continue until I see him or not. Mentally I do feel better but since I have HA, the words of derm #2 telling me that it could be something really bad even if the biopsy is negative keeps playing through my head. Derm #3 told me that "something really bad" is off the table with the biopsy results as far as he was concerned. Derm #1 told me that Derm #2's comment was ridiculous...and then why would anyone run any test at all ever. So that makes me feel better...but being the HA person that I am....well...anyway, I'm trying to not let my mind go to a scary place because I have to relax and calm down. My own anxiety could be playing into this. BeautifulDisaster, thank you for caring...truly.
  11. So glad to hear that that derm agrees with the one who did the biopsy, and that the steroid cream is working! It has been some time since you posted this- has more of it gone away? That’s interesting that he would not have biopsied you. That, along with him pretty much agreeing with the 3rd derm, should make you feel so much better! I am so glad the steroids are working! Hopefully you are feeling better!!
  12. Earlier
  13. I get your worry because I too worry just like you do. I also find it difficult to trust doctors. Here are some positive things to keep in mind: 1. Your xrays and bloodwork were all good. That's very reassuring. 2. Great Dane's are epically good and wonderful dogs, but also large and powerful (they don't know their own strength!). I would think that maybe you were bruised or pulled a muscle or something. I mean those dogs are huge and not just huge...very strong on top of their size. I feel for you because I know what it's like to be in such a spiral state and also not having some kind of definitive answer is terrible, especially for someone with HA. Hang in there and keep us posted. We all care around here.
  14. Update: So I had derm #3 send my records to my regular derm...derm #1. Derm #1 asked me to come in. He looked me over and reviewed the biopsy report plus total skin check. He reassured me that this was not going to kill me. He concurred with derm #3 that it could be any number of inflammatory conditions but instead of saying "just wait" he prescribed a steroid cream and oral steroids with a follow up in a few weeks. So far in less than a week the area is much much much lighter. Still there...mind you...still red...but much lighter. I've had eczema before...very mild. So has my mother. This doesn't look like that but it's also in a different part of the body so who knows. Overall, the fact that it is lightening and lightening in a way that I can see it for myself makes me feel better. I pray that it goes completely away and never comes back. Derm #1 did say that the biopsies were "overkill" and that he never would have done them. He said he was sorry that derm #2 scared me that made me feel better as well. I told him, I never would have gone elsewhere but he was out of the country on vacation. So I'm actually following doctor's orders and continuing to hope this just becomes a distant memory soon.
  15. its been 3 weeks maybe 4 weeks now where i had this pulling dull ache under my right pectoral muscle. that bothers me when twisting or stretching. its never intense or debilitating but its becoming annoying. massaging does lil help. i do get slightly short of breath which i have been scene for at 2 different hospital visits for severe anxiety. i went for a follow up at a local urgent care where i had my side examined and the doctor didnt think anything of it even with proof of results from xray and labs that were done. ( i had 2 xrays done near that area that didnt show anything malignant with my heart, lungs etc.) i was sent home with anxiety meds and so on. it went away with rest but today reaching to the high cabinet it was achey again. i do work in veterinary so not sure if handling a massive great dane with a lot of force caused this issue. i also sleep on a old mattress on the floor due to some remodeling going on. im worried i developed cancer or some serious disease thats going to take me out. its consistent and i see lots of things related to intercostal strain/sprain. anyone able to guide me to reassurance?
  16. I understand. Doesn’t sound like there is really anything left to do but let it be.
  17. Honestly, I'm so over all of this and mentally exhausted. At this point, I don't know what I'm going to do.
  18. Ok I see - the only other thing would be to have that 3rd derm’s results and comments (in your medical files) sent to your ob so she has all that info and is aware/can monitor as she see fit since there is nothing for the derm to do now. If you are still really concerned, I think that is the last thing you could do. I am not saying she needs to check you out but since you get mammos and you see her, her having all of this in her files would probably be a good thing. And she can add her two cents into what the records say, if you want it. Although it doesn’t sound necessary.
  19. Unfortunately I think it's new because (1) my husband noticed it a few days after the mammo and (2) the pink area grew a bit a bruise would grow...after the first time I saw it. Something felt weird, pokey, at the gym. I thought it was a new sports bra digging in...about 2 weeks after the mammo. That's what prompted me to look. When I showed my husband he said "Oh you've had that few a while's a bruise from the mammo." Sigh....
  20. Oh so you are pulling on your skin to look at it? Yes that can be keeping it red looking for sure and can definitely be a reason why you had trouble with the stitch and the infection. The skin is really sensitive and I know you said you skin is super sensitive anyway. So if it is a hard to see area, and there is nothing medically wrong with this area, could it have been there even before the mammo? Like maybe it has been redder for some time due to aging and hormone changes? That is a question to consider. It may not be new, but new to you, and the only reason you found it was because of the pain after the mammo. Otherwise you wouldn’t have known it was there? Thank you for the prayers… that is much appreciated!! 🤗 glad i could help during what was a really scary time. I know you are ok. It’s a mind thing right now- not liking it being there. But I am so glad that’s what it is.
  21. It is going to be hard not to look at it but I think I need to do just that. It's possible that my looking at it over and over again is actually delaying healing. I have to contort myself to see it...while the area is large it's not something readily seen so the breast tissue is being pulled over and over again (many times throughout the day)...because... you know...HA. That may also be why a stitched popped. I mean, I have to admit that. BeautifulDisaster, you are the voice of reason and you've really really really helped me more than I could ever convey. Know you are in my prayers daily as it's the least I can do for you to repay all that you've done for me. Just really thank you.
  22. I am glad to hear the infection and the biopsy sites are healing- exactly as it should be and that is a good sign that the tissue is healthy. I think one of the hardest things to tolerate is not knowing. They don’t know what it is, but they know what it isn’t. He thoroughly checked it and looked for all kinds of nasty things- which it wasn’t. I know you feel like he dismissed you, but could it be because he knows it isn’t life threatening but doesn’t know exactly what it is so it’s not something he feels he needs to treat and thus, he doesn’t have to see you anymore? I would think that would be a great sign because he would in no way jeopardize his medical degree by brushing you off. Maybe he just doesn’t see a need for you to go back because he has nothing to treat- which is good! I know you don’t like it but maybe it is the way your body is changing over time. All that matter is - it is nothing that needs to be treated. I wonder - if you spent a few days not looking at it at all, if it would look lighter to you. I have been there before where you look and focus on a color or mark on your body and it looks so much darker than it really is because you keep looking and you expect it to look that way. Try not to look at it at all for even one week and see how it looks different. That’s ok to do because you know the tissue is healthy and you know it is nothing to be treated. It may look lighter after that break.
  23. Thank you so much for worrying about me. I had to have my stitches removed a bit early because one of them popped and the wound was getting infected. After more cream and oral antibiotics, it's finally healing, I think. The doctor still doesn't know what it is but pretty much dismissed me saying "you don't need to come back." I had an appt for July 2nd...but he said it's not necessary and that it will just take time to fade. Honestly, I think he's tired of me...this is why I stopped going to see him before because he just doesn't like patients that advocate for themselves. When I saw pus at the wound, I asked to be seen. When the pus didn't go away, I asked for antibiotics. That all seems reasonable to me....but he's difficult. No matter, I had the biopsies and I had the answers...which is somewhat of a non-answer but at least we know (we hope) what it's not. It's not worse. The punch biopsy wounds are there's that. What it is still remains a complete mystery. To me it still looks the same. While I have calmed down, I can't say that I'm okay with it...but to be honest I have no idea where to go from here. Again, I thank you BeautifulDisaster for all you have done for you. You have no idea how much you've blessed me.
  24. How is it doing now? Has it gone away? Did you have your dr appt yet?
  25. I think this is a part of the health anxiety journey. You had all of the tests and very thorough tests and 4 drs actually see you. There is no direct explanation for it. This is a good time to practice accepting that sometimes we don’t know the answers. Sometimes you won’t know what caused something and that’s ok. And when the anxiety comes up, you look back at the evidence of …. It was clearly thoroughly tested and 4 people looked at me. So whatever it is, it isn’t harmful. I would go to say …. You just don’t like it. And that is creating the anxiety. You want it gone now and it isn’t and you want to know what it is and you don’t, so you don’t like it. I have been there before. But since you have had all the tests and been all checked out, you can use that to help you practice accepting the body as it is right now.
  26. It's not necessarily a failure. You opened up You were willing to take advice, even through the stubbornness of anxiety. You are willint to take a look back. Overcoming anxiety is a process. Each one of these situations is a chance to analyze and learn. How we think - how we react. The goal is to not react as severely to the next situation. 🙂
  27. That's a very interesting question, Ironman. I would have to say that if this is a test, I have failed it miserably. I would say that the good things I've done is to go to the doctor(s) and advocate for myself and some kind of resolution. However, though I'm not in the state that I was in a week(ish) ago when I was waiting on the biopsy results, I can't say that I'm anywhere near comfort or acceptance...that's just the truth. I suppose it's the not knowing what it is and why it is that causes me to doubt everyone and everything including myself. I know that the body is a very complex thing and even the best of doctors don't have the answers - and that doesn't make me feel any better. I know that my own mother had a rash that lasted for months when she was around my age (hers was different, but still) that never was diagnosed, even after repeated tests, and it spontaneously went away never to return...and that's now been almost 40 years. The only "good" that has come of this is I feel like I've drawn closer to God and am more appreciative of what really matters in life - so there's that. If something comes up again like this how would I handle it? I think I'd freak out all over again. I'm not proud of what I just wrote above...I've not handled this well at all...not at all. I guess I don't know how to get from "here" to "there" and I don't know what "there" should look like because it legitimately feels as if I should have freaked out under the circumstances. Edit as I've given this more thought: My husband has had an itchy rash off and on for going on 2 years now (at least) It comes and goes. It looks terrible. He refuses to go to the doctor about it. He's happy as a clam. So who is smarter? Perhaps he is. I suspect, though, that a prudent, yet not anxious person, would not take either extreme (his or mine). They'd probably get checked out, calmly and then if they were told it's okay, they'd believe the doctor and go on about their life.
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