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About Mannybilly

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  1. but im in high anxiety and continue to google. :c idk how else to seek reassurance
  2. I had a urinalysis done today with no abnormalities
  3. its been 2 days that i noticed that i had weird issues in the bathroom. I had a weird bout of no sexual desire that when i try to have a moment with myself i premature ejaculate super quickly. i initially had a funky irritated feeling/ burning when i pee that wasn't major more mild. i tried today and i had it happen quickly. i have had high stress for since april non stop with constant issues. even digestive issues since the 9th that have calmed down. i started to freak out about colon cancer etc. had labs done in the ER and urgent care, had my stomach palpitated with 0 pains and all. was given vastaril and felt loads better. apparently it sounds like IBS. ive been on constant hypochondriac mode and over worrying, googling, calling telehealth doctors. and just answer doctors. and constantly have physical symptoms. now im concerned that my drive just fell out over a day. im not sexually active to others. im soo worried and need reassurance. i can pee normally with no problem, normal stream and consistent i do have a fullness feeling but still over worried.
  4. its been 3 weeks maybe 4 weeks now where i had this pulling dull ache under my right pectoral muscle. that bothers me when twisting or stretching. its never intense or debilitating but its becoming annoying. massaging does lil help. i do get slightly short of breath which i have been scene for at 2 different hospital visits for severe anxiety. i went for a follow up at a local urgent care where i had my side examined and the doctor didnt think anything of it even with proof of results from xray and labs that were done. ( i had 2 xrays done near that area that didnt show anything malignant with my heart, lungs etc.) i was sent home with anxiety meds and so on. it went away with rest but today reaching to the high cabinet it was achey again. i do work in veterinary so not sure if handling a massive great dane with a lot of force caused this issue. i also sleep on a old mattress on the floor due to some remodeling going on. im worried i developed cancer or some serious disease thats going to take me out. its consistent and i see lots of things related to intercostal strain/sprain. anyone able to guide me to reassurance?
  5. Yea the only thing i have is some muscle tension throughout my body, on and off dizziness that isnt strong at all or bothersome, minor palpitations, ectopic (skipped beats) on and off nausea and nervous stomach. My dr over telemedicine said this is all mostly anxiety however to get piece of mind to call my cardiologist which sounds scary
  6. So far not the greatest, just last night my hearts been flip flopping and like skipping beats and it is uncomfortable. Its happening more at night. Typing this I experienced 2 :c and im worried its life threatening
  7. i do have some head, shoulder, neck and back tension. the way i am sleeping and stress :c
  8. it has become hot in California, however out of no where i have this tension and feeling like a loose head, my head is never constantly dizzy but on and off and its not super bad but it is there. kind of alarmed me and have been panicking since, i keep thinking i had some aneurysm or some weird thing causing me to feel this. i do deal with anxiety still, just worried need reassurance. ps ive kept hydrated eating food and snacks in between.
  9. Hello, and i have ate a bit better lately however ive had another ekg test done and nothing alarming. However acid reflux has been a pain in the butt lately. Back to my actual post i notice video games will increase my heart beat a lot now. Maybe more so frequently and longer in duration when focused and stressed and anxious playing. But as for fluids i drink like 3-4 bottles a day
  10. Last Bump for this post Chest tightness, chest pain, heart hiccups, heart palpitations, dizziness, tensed head, neck, shoulder, back, chest muscles . These have been symptoms ive had either throughout the day or at night. I have had ekgs done (about 3 in the past 2 months with nothing out of the ordinary to worry about but my mind is telling me my heart is going in a bad direction with these pains and tightness i have in the area.
  11. It will go away at night but sometimes during the day or something it feels tight. My shoulder area tends to feel tensed and tight along with my head muscles.
  12. I also have been having this tight throat feeling sensation on my right side of my neck. Sometimes swallowing feels awkward or something is personally stuck there. This anxiety as well?
  13. Ugh it brings on panic and worry whenever i walk and stand up it thumps fast and hard. Then when i sit down or lay down it feels comfortable.
  14. This has started again since yesterday and hasn't gone away. I dont know if not eating enough is the cause. My appetite has been bad lately with all the stress and anxiety. I literally dont get super hungry ever. Or this is just anxiety playing a part. Again reassurance will be great.