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Hi! Had problems with my sleep for years,whether it was sleep walking or just trouble falling asleep. Tried everything, going to the doctors, subscription sleeping/anti-anxiety pills, therapy, alcohol, etc... my friend keep saying that its all in my head and that I am just making it up, but it all started in my childhood and nobody was able to help me so far. I know that the sleeping pills would sort everything out, but only in the short term. Has anyone come across that before? Any advice? 

Any advice/experience stories would be awesome x

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I recently read that people who think they're awake much of the night really are not.  

Do you have a set routine?  Do you eat 2 hours before bed? Did you know alcohol is horrible for sleep problems?  Do you take a hot/ warm bath or shower just before bed? Do you watch TV or use the internet right up until bedtime?  Are you a caffeine user? Some people cannot tolerate caffeine after lunch and still sleep at night. Do you drink energy drinks? 

Can you share more so maybe someone can share their thoughts? 

I leave TV on all night, drink tea until just before falling asleep and have no problem falling asleep and staying asleep unless my dogs need to go out. Hubby snores like a train wreck!  I'm not going to be much help but didn't want you to think no one cared.

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Have you been tested for sleep apnea? Stress and anxiety can wreck havoc with sleep. Exercise may help. So may some herbal and natural remedies. I would consult with a natural pharmacist or physician. 

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