
Worry about sleep so much that it keeps you from sleeping?

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Hi There.

It does make sense. The more you can't sleep the more agitated you become the less chance there is of sleep. No one can sleep when adrenaline is flowing through their body at an alarming rate. But the adrenaline is there because you are fearful you will never sleep again. All sorts of terrible scenarios come into your mind which increase the fear and so round and round you go. Nature will eventually put you to sleep if you allow her to do so, and not get in her way by indulging in negative thought. I know this may seem too simplistic to you but it's a fact. Its your fear of the fear that is the problem. You can try all sorts of remedies and sleeping aids but the best one of all is ACCEPTANCE. Accept that, for the moment it will be difficult to sleep, but also accept that you WILL, eventually, be able to do so if you let mother nature do her job.           Jon.

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Thank you Jon, I think this is the part where I'm stuck (maybe not the right word) I have a lot of trouble to letting go and the concept of acceptance, it is like I would like to control my thought.

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Thought control... impossible Pistol.  No one has or ever will be able to control a thought.  It turns quickly into a mental battle which just doesn't really do anything but install frustration.  Acceptance like Jon said, allows you to drop the weapons of control and just relax with it, go with the flow, let the thought come but don't react or care about them, accept willingly and peacefully.  Removal of the constant battle at bedtime helps a great deal with time and patience. 

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Lol, this is great. If I have a big tree removal the following day, I know I need good sleep, but the harder I try, the harder it is. Eventually,  fall asleep 2 hours before work, get up, and drag ass in the tree. Very cranky, too.

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Exactly, trying to sleep is sure fire way to stay awake.

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Yes this happens to me all the time.  Even if I have no reason to be up early,  I just can't get to sleep as all I think about is how much I need to go to sleep.  It's very annoying.  It frustrates me which doesn't help me with getting to sleep. Hope you get it sorted and find a way to get some sleep! 

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