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I finally went to the Drs!

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Well after my ordeal of the Panic Attack at the end of April I got up the courage to visit my Dr!

She was so sweet and talked to me about stress, she gave me some general tips for reducing my stress, they were:

1 - Whenever I feel overwhelmed by something at work, walk away and go to the bathroom, and breathe!

2 - Whenever I feel panicked over stressful situations worrying me, get up and make a list, a list of all the ways to remedy the situation, what i have done, and what i can do.

3 - Talk! Talk to people about my worries and stresses

4 - Get out an exercise! Go for a walk to clear my head the fresh air will calm me.

5 - Dont take what people say personally, instead of taking things at face value, step back and think did they really mean it to sound that way?

She really helped me feel like I am not alone. She made an appointment with a social worker for me to discuss it more, and said she can refer me to "anyone I want" and give me drugs if I "think I need them".

I feel supported, and less worried already!

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That's fantastic scotty! Really good advice there. Having a good doctor is such a huge help, I'm really happy for you :)

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That's great for you! It's always good to find someone who can genuinely help you and treat your worries seriously. Ah, I hope it's my turn next.

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I'm glad you decided to do this, and got some tips that will actually help you! Now you also have the comfort of knowing you can talk to your doctor about it again if you really need to. Great stuff. :D

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Good for you even if I do look like more of a coward now. Oh, well I'm going to go bury my head in the sand and hope for the best. Still, I'm really proud of you and I hope this marks a new, brighter beginning!

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That is great! I am so happy she was able to give you such good advice. I think some times we all forget that we are not alone with this, so finding that additional support is so great!

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Well done for visiting the doctor, I know it takes some courage. I bet the experience wasn't as bad as you expected to be, in fact, you had a very positive experience, and you need to store this in your memory bank for the future, to realise that your expectations are biased and not accurate.

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Good on you! I think it's really courageous opening up to your doctor about the things your experiencing and it's great that she helped you think of coping techniques. I'm sure they'll really help.

I've never really been comfortable enough to tell my current GP about my anxiety issues. I think I was put off with my mum telling her about hers and then being referred to a serious psychologist and our doctor treating her like she’s strange. Perhaps I need to look into finding a less judgmental and more supporting GP.

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