
Burning skin that feels sore but dosent look sore

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'You are never given more to cope with than you can bear at that moment'. You are not sinking down; you only think you are. If I could hold your hand and reassure you it would be great, but we can only help from a distance.  Stop flogging yourself. You are turning it all into a battlefield. You are fighting yourself and running from your own feelings and the symptoms that anxiety causes. If you are looking to God for help then remember what happened to His Son.  He had to go through that terrible suffering to gain redemption. There is a lesson there for all of us. You too can do that however hard it seems now. What can I say to convince you? I have been where you are now and know the misery, but I am here still and learned my lesson the hard way. It is a hard way and no mistake, but it can be managed. You will look back on this with gratitude. You will you know because it is a learning experience, otherwise it is wasted energy. Try to calm down. If you want to cry then do so. Let it all out, but realise that it is all a big bluff which takes us in and makes fools of us, if we let it. There is no monster out there to get you, only one of your own making and that is not reality, just a figment of your mind. Hang in there. In anxiety things can change overnight and you could well feel better tomorrow or even in the next hour. Blessings.         Jon.

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I have had stinging and itching in my hands def. I had more burning in my legs and aching in my feet. Just shows how things vary within a person and from person to person.


I really think you need to get calm within yourself for your symptoms to follow suit and calm down. Remember, symptoms wont disappear as soon as you feel calm, they will take a while to get the message from your brain to get lost ;)


Have you tried deep relaxation cds, deep breathing etc  That's one thing that helps me.


Take Care 

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Hi Torontogirl


Intially when I had burning across all my back and pins and needles in my arms etc I had an MRI scan on my neck which was fine. I have also had loads of blood tests, my doctor said the only test left is the "Rhuarb " Test which is of course made up.


I know my doctor personally and he knows my personality and life and has said i have always been a stresshead which is why he thinks counselling / cbt etc will help me. He is adamant that everything is stress related. When I was younger i had alot of IBS which was stress related, I know the stress has just come out in a different manner as I dont have IBS any more :) 


I do feel better but am not over it at all. I am drifting back to problems sleeping which has happened before and I managed to nip it in the bud so need to concentrate on that again. I think that any sensations in my body I worry about, whereas a normal person would pass it off. This part is only since July when it all kicked off.


I know what I have to do but it is hard trying to rewire your brain patterns to be positive and to tell negative thoughts to basically get lost!!


How are you doing?


Take Care


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Hi kozza,

I still have my prickly legs and chest surging for the third time. A while ago my doctor said he thought it was anxiety related(after a lot of testing) because he said 'I had been in and out of his office over the past 20 years with complaints that all turned out to be stress related' and if I am honest with myself he is right. I had a constant light headedness for 3 1/2 years and an irritated bladder and a couple of other things that I no longer have. Now I have this. The first time I got this was during an awful flu, but the last time it after a very stressful period in my life.

Man oh man I just want to be normal again. I am trying therapy, but it isn't doing too much to be honest. I am not on any drugs. But, like you, my sleeping could be better. Not sure what to do about that.

Feel well!

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Gilly or Jon ... Or anyone for that matter...

Did you guys get stinging sensations in your nerve endings too that also itch..?


Yes, it's so bizarre we describe it differently. I say like water being splashed or poured down me, hot or cold, but it stung yes! Like hot needles or like bee stings, or fat splashes. 


This one time my arm stung, it was exactly the same but I had actually got fat splashed on my arm and had forgotten! Goes to show what my head was like back then!!


I had burning sensations over large parts of my skin, my whole legs would burn, like sunburn. Across my back, on my scalp. Or it would be small little patches, or small little stings poking and hurting. Then there were the times when the only part of me that felt like it wasn't on fire was my tummy, everything else felt scorched. 


Doctor put it down to high stress and high anxiety. He was right because it went away when my nervous system recovered. 

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Gilly or Jon, I noticed that most anxiety sufferers get sensations everywhere. Do you think if symptoms are stuck in one area for a long time they could still be from anxiety? (Legs) Thanks for your support.

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Also, have any of you had a nervous feeling in your chest even when you weren't nervous? I get this a lot and it is scary because I can't seem to make it go away.

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Gilly or Jon, I noticed that most anxiety sufferers get sensations everywhere. Do you think if symptoms are stuck in one area for a long time they could still be from anxiety? (Legs) Thanks for your support.


I do, the power of the mind is remarkable. For the first year my symptoms were only on my lower legs, from the knee down. Having said that I have one symptom that has persisted to this day, my left heel buzzes all the time, it only stops when I walk on it. As soon as I sit or lay down, it starts, like a constant vibration. It started not long after my initial symptoms and I figured it was all connected, turns out it's not, it's a pinched nerve in my hip. Just happened to start when I was going through the bad time as I gained weight and spent hour upon hour crouched badly over my laptop on the couch. The anxiety joined the dots but it was wrong. It's fine though and doesn't even bother me anymore, I hardly notice until I think about it.

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Gilly, I usually take showers but I like your idea of taking baths. I went out and bought Epsom salts and I am going to give it a try.

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Hi everyone! Hope you are all having a good weekend.

I have a question?

Does anyone's symptoms some days turn into intense all over itching??

Ugh it's been like that for 2 days. I want to scratch my skin off!!

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Hi everyone! Hope you are all having a good weekend.

I have a question?

Does anyone's symptoms some days turn into intense all over itching??

Ugh it's been like that for 2 days. I want to scratch my skin off!!


Yeah, and the more you itch the more you want to scratch, drives you crazy.


This is how I see it. Our skin is covered, every inch with nerve endings. Nerves that transmit signals so we feel sensation. Hot, cold, wet, itchy, numb, and pain too... well in our little signal box I see a gremlin! (think more Spike rather than Gizmo) He's messing with the wiring and sending our nerves into a panicked, confused state. 

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Does it ever stop sending all these weird signals??

Did you do something Gilly to make yours stop ?

I'm trying 20mg prozac and .5mg klonopin and nothing really seems to be healing it.

It's been going on strong since Sept.

The symptoms seem to bounce around btwn itching, burning spots , stinging... Each day is a different mixed bag of neurological symptoms that seem to have no intention of going away.

Does it one day just stop or did you guys do something to make it stop?

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Guys ... I'm scared.

Nothing seems to be getting better and I don't know how much longer in can take the pain.

It's stinging and burning me everyday... It's been 6 months this time.

Are you guys sure this is nerves?

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Yes, but as it worries you so much get some reassurance from your doctor. Gilly's  post above really explains it. The body is covered with nerve endings and they can get inflamed in anxiety. We all have what is known as our 'weak organ'. That is an individual thing and affects us all in different ways. Mine is my stomach; a bit of stress and off we go. Others have leg problems or headaches. Yours seems to the skin. You name it and anxiety can do it. I know this takes some believing, but it is the truth. Try not to frighten yourself so much. Not easy I know but being in a constant state of fear does not help. Get some advice if you have not already done so, but I have heard of  this symptom so often.      Jon.

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Does it ever go away..?

I can't seem to get a grip. I cry everyday and my husband is more and more distant.

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You need short term medication to slow you down so you can look at your situation more calmly. Your doctor would advise, but you really have to make the effort and go there. It matters not how many times you have been before. Your need is great and only your doctor can prescribe the right medicine. Your husband is probably confused and that is understandable .Could you ask him to look at this website? An insight as to what anxiety can do sometimes helps those who don't suffer to understand. You will be OK if you can calm yourself. Not easy but you can do it.     Jon.

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Jon and Gilly I really want to say I have been reading everything you write and your words are very comforting. I feel fortunate to have found this site. Thank you to everyone else who have posted positive comments as well.

I am not in the best place right now, but when I read this site I immediately feel better.

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I didn't do anything to make it stop other than accept it was caused by my stress levels and anxiety, and did what I could to address those 2 things. I fully believe swimming helped a lot, the exercise helped to work off all the excess adrenaline I built up. I NEEDED to reach that day, week...where it improved, even just a little it improved, that gave me some confidence in the fact it was not some horrid disease.Then it was a snowball effect, the good kind! I won't lie, it was horrid, and it was up and down but my friends here on AC and online helped me through it, held me up and even sometimes shouted at me when I needed it ;) 


Okmom, I do know how difficult it is, how frightening. But what do you think being scared is doing? It's adding to the cycle and prolonging the symptoms. We really can't tell you 100% this is nothing more than anxiety, all we can do is share our experiences, and encourage you, and be here for you. You have to trust the doctors, the tests. It is so hard to believe what the mind can do to our bodies, personally it is that one aspect I know I still have some way to go to fully accept myself. Like Jon my stomach is usually at the forefront and that is probably why these neurological symptoms threw me for six. But those 2 years I had them? NO stomach problems.. crazy!


Torontogirl, aww thank you. Just sorry you are not in a good place 


((((Group HUG))))

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Gilly I get abdominal pains too but when my nerves are burning and stinging the abdominal pain gets less and when the nerves are better the abdominal pain comes back ...

It doesn't make any sense!!

I wish my husband could walk beside me through this but I guess he's not going to.

Knowing you guys are there helps a lot.

It's just so hard as a graduate prepared nurse who has studied the human body for 15yrs to begin to understand this.

This isn't taught in school and is rarely believed now.

I feel trapped ... I'm taking my meds but they don't seem to be helping.

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It sucks major donkey balls. My symptoms got so much better, my stomach started to settle then something comes along and off we go again! I think I may be allergic to winter, last winter my IBS started up again, bugged me until August when my doc said it was not crohns, great wooohooo, the IBS symptoms stopped within days, but guess what? The reflux I had NOT had a problem with ALL YEAR started up again. LAME. Ever since then I've been on the it's throat C, stomach C, lung C, esophageal C train... and I know so much better!!


My husband says I have to always have something wrong with me, I used to get irritated at that BUT now I kinda think he may be right, deep in my psyche, I don't know how to feel well, and I'm constantly on guard for illness. As a nurse and with so much medical knowledge, Okmom, do you think that has contributed? On a deep level, the mind is remarkable. That old saying... Ignorance is bliss. 

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You know what Gilly? I think you are onto something when you say you always have to be worried about your health. My doctor has said that I've been in and out of his office for the last 20 years with nagging problems that never turned out to be anything physical. At one point I was lightheaded for four years; yes for four years. And I then had an irritated bladder followed by prickly legs. I only feel perfectly well for a short period of time and then bam. Luckily, my 'real' health has always been good . I guess the issue I have in the back of my mind is that the leg BS started after a flu initially, but has disappeared twice. I guess that concerns me.

Strange, maybe that is what is going on with me. Some psychological health thing.... What do you think.

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Has anyone ever tried Klomopin for the symptoms or prozac or gabapentin?

The prozac and klonopin don't seem to be doing a whole bunch .. They've suggested the gabapentin but I haven't tried it yet.

I feel like if I can control the symptoms a little maybe I can get my mind right again...

Gilly , how long did it take for your skin/nerve symptoms to completly go away?

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I think I'm just faulty LOL Reset to factory settings please, I got corrupted files. No, seriously, I do think so Torontogirl, my doctor called my anxiety somatic, if there is disruption in my life there is disruption in my body, and unfortunately there is always disruption in my life! I just want peace but this life is far from peaceful, that is why I grab those moments and cherish them.


I don't take any medication for my anxiety, and never have. Partly fear of side effects in the beginning, but mostly because the meds I already take for the crohns give my liver a hard time. Epsom salt baths, magnesium with calcium and Vit D and a GOOD multivitamin with pro and prebiotics are what I take. 


Okmom probably about 2 years, they were bad and constant for a year, then they started to fade but could flare bad when I am hormonal. For about another year every time, at that time of the month I burned. Gladly that has now stopped too. 

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Okmom. But it does make sense!  There is a limit to how much adrenaline that can be secreted at any one time, so it can go from one place to another, but there may not be enough for it to cause problems in two places at once. Headaches go when backaches occur then come back when the backache goes. Oh yes, I know all the dodges of the little swine. :D. Believe me, there is not one single thing about anxiety that I would not believe. To say it has a myriad of forms is to put it mildly. As Gilly says, is frightening yourself going to help? No! Gilly and I both know, my goodness don't we just. Putting the frighteners on yourself puts you back in the old fear/adrenaline/fear cycle and you need to break out of that.              Jon.        

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