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Is it possible that anxiety can lead to IBS? Every so often, sometimes when I am really stressed and anxious, I get stomach issues. The last couple of weeks I have been more stressed than usual and that has made my anxiety the worst it’s been in a while. I’ve had a lot of gas, stomach pain, and I haven’t been able to go to the bathroom very often. As soon as I was able to go the bloating decreased a lot, but I still feel very gassy and have a stomachache after eating. Could this be caused by IBS or is it something else entirely? 

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My GI physician told me that stress can cause diarrhea, excess gas, stomach pains, GERD worsening, constipation, etc. 

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Yes, bowel issues are a prominent part of anxiety. When my anxiety is bad I get bloating and diarrhoea. 

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