
my anxiety is making me sleepless (just another rant)

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I woke up tonight with asthma and and a stuffy nose and I cannot breath. That shit freaked me out. What is more annoying though, is that I am waking up within 2 or 3 hours of going to bed almost everynight now with some sort of problem, whether it be my sinuses or my stomach acting weird. When you have something as tough as anxiety taking up your energy, it's so hard to deal with all the little (or more than little) side effects of anxiety that affcet your physical health. I am at my wits' end sometimes...

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:( I'm sorry think. Sleep is important. Do you think you've formed a habit? you've become so used to waking up after a couple of hours it always happens? I really think if you could get somewhere with another aspect of your anxiety you would feel better about the other stuff. Like If you could do better with your social anxiety you would get out more, feel more tired naturally, sleep better the all the other stuff would improve. You're stomach, depression, insomnia.

I know how hard that sounds when you're tired and just cant be bothered to even think about it. But i do think it would benefit you immensely if you could give it a try.

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Yeah I do think it would help, Gilly. In fact today, I decided to work out and expend a lot nervous energy. It actually felt great. I hope to sleep better tonight as a result. Sometimes, I think something has to budge, and when one of those things budges, you are less afraid of change in other aspects of your life.

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Think that's great! I hope it did help you sleep. Couldn't agree more about something having to budge. Sometimes that's all it takes to get you back on that road and with hindsight you think why didn't I do something sooner? But it's just the way it had to happen. Hopefully you slept and that will give you incentive to keep on working out. This could be the beginning of good things think, fingers crossed!

You can dooooooo it (shouts from the sidelines rob schneider style)

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Stay busy if you can.(posiitive).Things will be ok in time.(How many times have you heard that?;-))It all works out somehow,-someway.

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My anxiety usually rears it's ugly head at night or wakes me up from sleep. I had it. The warm "magic bags" I posted about helps calm me and get me back to sleep, and if that doesn't work i will sometime's take Benedryl. I know that's not a great answer, but it does help me sleep.

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Anxiety will take its toll on your digestive system and result in other physical problems. Sleep is important because it allows you to recover and repair from these ailments. Without sleep your problems are exacerbated, both mental and physical.

There are things you can do to promote a good night's sleep, exercise, a healthy diet, breathing techniques, and other relaxing activities can help induce a restful sleep. Another trick you could try is to have a hot shower or bath prior to bedtime. We sleep better in cooler temperatures - your body temperature will drop once you are out of the shower and this can trick the body into sleep.

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Actually when you either A) can't fall asleep and deal with Insomnia or B) if you are able to get to sleep but then wake up a couple hours after going to sleep and often times aren't able to get back to sleep these are strong signs of depression as well as anxiety which often accompanies depression as is losing interest in things you once enjoyed doing, not having much motivation, sleeping a lot, these are all different signs of depression as is of course wanting or thinking of harming yourself. You may want to look up more information on depression unless you've already been diagnosed as having depression.

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What I do when my anxiety attacks is that I try not to be idle and that I needed to think of something to keep me off from thinking about those problems. I usually play an inspirational music or something like the chill out album. it helps me relieve my stress and actually calms down. :-)

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