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Found 3 results

  1. hiya. some weeks ago i started having this constant feeling of something stuck in my esophagus. i was convinced i had oesophagal cancer. i got a chest x ray and ultrasound, and everything seems ok, plus the feeling has gone down, so it doesnt worry me as much. but now, im scared about leukemia. i have some red spots in my right leg, a slight fever, and feel often tired and shaky. my throat hurts ocasionally. im getting blood testing tomorrow. until then, i am terrified.
  2. I can't upload a picture, but I noticed today several tiny bruises on my legs, back of the thighs mostly. They are small and I have bruises on my right tibia too, 9 and they are on the line. Yesterday I had a bad back pain, today leg pain. I have felt nauseous and 2 weeks ago I was so tired for the 2 days I couldn't do anything. I'm still little tired but not as much. I have had lump feeling in the throat, it comes and goes but doesn't feel when I drink or eat. I'm literally convinced that I have leukemia. I had blood drawn on May 8th and everything was fine, nothing was low or increased. Everything was checked.
  3. So my daughter can be a little bit of a hot box. Every time I take her temp though it's normal. Yesterday she felt warm so I took her temp. it was 98.9. Then I took it again and it was 99.1. I took it yet again and then it was 97.7. I use one of those temple thermometers and I actually like it. Why does she always feel so warm? Is 99.1 a fever? Doesn't leukemia have low grade fevers? Shes 4 and a half.