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Has anyone been diagnosed with Trichotillomania, and if so, what treatments have you found to be the most effective?

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Hi Jonathan! You mean What Now Brown Cow?  lol Just kidding.  I haven't noticed any topics with regard to the hair-pulling disorder, Trichotillomania. I was diagnosed with it a while back. When I am stressed out or really anxious, I obsess about pulling hair from my head, and it relieves my anxiety.  Sometimes I just have to excuse myself from situations to go to the restroom to pull out a few hairs to feel better.  I know it sounds weird, but what is normal anyway, right?

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A good question. What is normal? I sometimes believe that we sufferers are the normal ones when I see the way so called 'normal' people behave. At least, we know we have a problem but do they? It is a psychological fact that everyone is neurotic to some degree (unless you are a Saint and there aren't many of those around),. It is the degree of neuroticism that is important. When it starts to affect your life and well being then it becomes an illness. Many people have strange habits and behaviours but it does not make them anxious or ill so, no problem. And thanks for the update on tricho thingy. We learn something new everyday. Nothing is 'wierd' in this illness, Junie.  J. 

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I didn't know that's what it was called, I have heard the term, and I have heard of people who do it just didn't put the two together. Like Jonathan said, you learn something new everyday :)

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I have heard of this, but i've never spoken to anyone who has it. I imagine its sort of like an OCD behaviour. Like a compulsion? Have you spoken to a therapist about it?

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Hi JungleJulia and Gilly.  Yes, I do see a psychiatrist for medication management and I also have a life coach.  It is similar to OCD behavior, and yes, it is a compulsion to pull hair at times....sometimes, it will take hours just to find the "right" hairs to pulling - even if it's only 3-5 strands or if it's 50 strands.  Off and on, my hair stylist notices areas that I concentrate on the most with regard to pulling, meaning he sees balding, or thinning areas where I have the greatest tendency to pull.  I guess I can say that at the worst moments of this disorder, I pull my hair back into a ponytail or wear a baseball cap to help curb my actions.  I posted wondering what others with this disorder do to manage their behavior.  I'm glad that I brought up a subject that some folks may not be familiar with.  :)

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Hi. Junie. Carl Jung used the metaphor a lot in his work and I wonder if the expression  "it is enough to make you tear your hair out" is related. Please understand I am not being funny, but the metaphor can have a lot of meaning. "A pain in the neck", or" a pain in the butt" are good examples of what happens when we get frustrated. We actually get these physical  symptoms. "Stop it, you are doing my head in". There are many examples of this.   J.

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I think all these states and symptoms would be different for others, and might need to tackle and cope with in some other ways. So, it would be nice to consult some expert physician and act accordingly, which suits your body comfort and personality traits.

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I deal with this all the time I pick and pull my hair. FrIn my head and eyebrows. I habe done good with my eyebrows. I have tried everything to leave my head alone but it's so hard.it feels like nobody understand Why. I just need something. To help me Learn to control or stop

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