
Not sure what's going on

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Recently I keep having so many physical symptoms which seems to be symptoms of heart attack like chest pain back pain arm pain heart palpitation nausea and also leg pain. I had several ekg, chest xray and heart ultrasound about a month ago due to heart palpitation. They all came back normal but now I started having all these discomfort. I'm a 17 year old female with no family history of heart disease but I can't help but worry about it all the time. The doctor gave me anxiety meds and everyone says that I'm overthinking when I complain. Sometimes I even have a sense of impending doom for several minutes and feel fine the other minute. I'm so scared. What should I do? I'm about to enter college but everything is going downhill now. ?

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I'm about to enter college but everything is going downhill now.

No it's not, you just THINK it is.

Hi. JJ. Welcome to AC. :). You are not old enough to be able to understand the power of the mind once it settles on an idea. It can drive men to war and has. You have been checked out so why don't you believe them? Because you have and are convincing yourself otherwise by negative thoughts. Impending doom; depersonalisation; unreality are ALL symptoms of anxiety and, unfortunately there are no medical machines that will record them. They are just 'feelings' and as such have no substance, but my goodness, they do hurt don't they. You are being bluffed by the supreme illusionist,  Mr. Anxiety. He is very good at what he does. The fact that you are about to enter college is, no doubt, the 'trigger' that has set off the anxiety. Anticipation can do it as many know only too well. Like visits to the doctor or a hospital. It may not be a conscious thought in your mind, but it can show as anxiety. Take it easy. Take your time in what you do. Go slowly and use your God given reason. You are OK physically. You have been told that by experts. BELIEVE THEM! Palpitations in anxiety are so common some even get used to them because they are harmless. You have nothing to fear. Your life is before you. Go ahead and enjoy it.

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Thanks so much for your encouragement but I'm also afraid that it might be a blood clot. Both of My legs hurt almost everywhere, different spots at different time, especially when I walk. but the pain comes and go. It isnt severe but it scares me and I just can't stay calm. Could it be a blood clot? There are just so many symptoms. I really don't know whats going on with my body. I have been diagnosed with mild gastritis and excessive stomach acid. There's also some problems with my nose. But all those pain don't seem to be related to these 2 problem at all and to me it seems like all these pain are causing stress, not vice versa. And for the college thing I was quite excited about it until I get all these annoying discomfort all over my body. Now I'm very anxious about leaving my family to go to college because I'm so worried about my health. Sorry for the long reply. I just have so many things to say.

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Hi. JJ. It's very difficult for anyone new to anxiety to realise that anxiety can mimic ANY known physical illness. You can get all the symptoms associated with that illness but when you are checked out by the medics you are found to be physically fine. THAT is what makes anxiety so difficult to understand and cope with. It's also what makes non sufferers so confused. 'But there's nothing wrong with you' they say. No not physically there isn't but mentally there is. Now you are NOT going mental. There is a big difference between anxiety and real mental illness; a very big difference. But unless you accept that the feelings and symptoms you have are caused by anxiety and are NOT REAL you will remain anxious.

But all those pain don't seem to be related to these 2 problem at all and to me it seems like all these pain are causing stress, not vice versa.

Yes, and believe it or not, THAT too is typical of anxiety. The pain and the stress are one although it may not feel like it. Separating the pain from the anxiety is impossible. I hope this is making sense to you! But once the anxiety goes so will the pain. TRY and accept how you feel without engaging in speculation about what MIGHT be. No more 'what ifs'. Go with it and don't fight it. Don't make your mind a battleground.

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