
Severe Ovarian Cancer Fear

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Hi guys. I come to you today as an outlet as I have a real fear I may have Ovarian cancer! 

Im 36yr old relatively healthy female, health anxiety for about 5yrs but generalised anxiety and PTSD for over 10yrs

my concerns are that since having my 3rd child via c section, I have had very heavy periods. The last few months, on n off, I get quite bad sharp cramps/pains in my ovaries and liver abdomen, feel really bloated with them and generally unwell. 

Yes, I have taken you Dr Google and yes I have been sat here in tears thinking I am planning my funeral, but I just don’t understand it all! 

I don’t smoke, drink only socially, eat relatively well and don’t have any other health problems that I am aware of anyway. 

How do I make myself feel more relaxed and what else could this possibly be. I am so worried I am going to leave behind my husband and 3 beautiful children my eldest who has just started high school and I won’t get to see them grow up! 

Please help me guys! TIA 

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Hi. I have three children too and my oldest just started high school this yr too. My youngest is 4. My periods never went back to normal after her. I went to my gyno in a panic Bec my periods are heavy and the cramping is horrible. She said tht with age it is very normal for your periods to change heaviness and length.. mine got longer :( she said they only worry when you spot between periods and even that could be nothing but they will look into it. I started taking birth control continually, never taking the placebos for over a yr.. but I started spotting so I got off to let my body have a period. I've had four since then and they seem better, cramping is still intense though. 

I think you are perfectly fine.. yep you got to stop googling!!! It will never help. You can also call and talk to your gyno nurse just to get some extra peace of mind... My sister in law is the nurse you would call at your gyno so she also told me how normal it is :)

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I second a quick call or trip to the gyno. They see this stuff all the time. I had some pelvic pain and heaviness last month, too, and swore it was my ovaries. They were super nice, reassuring, and got me in for a quick ultrasound to calm my nerves. I bet they'd do the same for you. 

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Thank you both for your responses. 

I just hate this feeling and feel like I am going to wake up one morning and everything will all just go to s***. The pain and heaviness is just a nuisance and just stresses me out. 

I think I will go and have a chat to my GP and see what they say. 

Just so scared of something being wrong. 

Thank you both. ❤️

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Hi. I'm in the same situation. I'm also 36 and have two girls that are both in school 6 and 8. A couple months ago my period started wasn't like my usual period (blood clots! Yikes) and I had random sharp/shooting pain in the area where my ovaries are. I now have indigestion and heartburn all the time. I of course Googled, and now my anxiety is through the roof on ovarian cancer. I have a doctors appointment this Friday with my Gyno and I'm literally stressed out about it thinking I'm going to get bad news. 

Let's get through this. 

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Anxious bird, I couldn't not reply bc I am dealing with the same thing. Since having my third baby my periods have been ridiculously heavy and it has been causing me a lot of anxiety too. I have seen my obgyn but he didn't seem terribly concerned and said I could have a Mirena fitted (definitely not keen on the idea) or take tranexemic acid. 

Ive also had a dull pain near my ovary the last few days so that's not helping. Have you been to see your doctor? I know they say that having kids in itself doesn't make your periods heavier but I've read about it so many times now that I really wonder. Also, do stay off Google. Nothing good ever comes from it.

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11 hours ago, Chantsy said:

Anxious bird, I couldn't not reply bc I am dealing with the same thing. Since having my third baby my periods have been ridiculously heavy and it has been causing me a lot of anxiety too. I have seen my obgyn but he didn't seem terribly concerned and said I could have a Mirena fitted (definitely not keen on the idea) or take tranexemic acid. 

Ive also had a dull pain near my ovary the last few days so that's not helping. Have you been to see your doctor? I know they say that having kids in itself doesn't make your periods heavier but I've read about it so many times now that I really wonder. Also, do stay off Google. Nothing good ever comes from it.

My Dr said menstrual changes with age. After my third mine became very heavy. I ways have one sided ovary pain with my menstrual.. Dr said that was normal too. 

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1 hour ago, Holls said:

My Dr said menstrual changes with age. After my third mine became very heavy. I ways have one sided ovary pain with my menstrual.. Dr said that was normal too. 

Thanks for the info Holls! I always wonder if my uterus is stretched from having three? My doctor also said that changes in menstration are due to age (I'm 34).

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Hey!  I'm going through this right now and am just wondering what ended up going on with you?  I always assume that when there's no further response it was a happy ending ?

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