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Orange Juice is from hell

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Alright - To make a long story short, I have had a cold for about 2 weeks. The classic cold symptoms. Runny nose, cough, soar throat blah blah blah. I went to work the other day and a co-worker suggested drinking some orange juice because I guess the vitamin c is good for a cold, and the acidity of it is good for breaking up mucus. Well I told the co-worker no I can't drink it because I have acid reflux disease and it will give me major heartburn and other stomach issues. They told me that it won't be that bad and that I should really do it to get over the cold. So against my better judgement I go out on my lunch break and I buy a bottle of orange juice. It was about a 16 oz bottle. I drank probably 2/3rds of it. The rest of the night I had horrible gas, bloating, and nausea. When I woke up this morning all the problems were still there. I think they are getting alittle bit better, but I still feel gassy and I'm really kicking myself because I know better then to drink orange juice and I gave in and did it anyway. Does anyone else have issues with orange juice or something along them lines?

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Hi Arrow, No point in punishing yourself, it'll only add to your stress, you were just doing what you thought at the time might help. I don't have this issue, but maybe in future, get some vitamin C tablets if you wish to boost your vitamin C intake. The symptoms will pass but don't be too hard on yourself, it was just a mistake xx

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Yes. Since I had my kids I get heartburn pretty regular. I absolutely love orange juice but yes it brings on heartburn. I enjoy drinking it at night and I always pay for it. Sorry you had that experience. I hope you start to feel better soon. 

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OJ causes heartburn/reflux for me as well. So do sodas, tea, coffee and many other things that I otherwise enjoy. It sucks, but I guess I can't really do anything about it except avoid those things for the most part.

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