
I sleep too much

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Well, contrary to what most people here have, I sleep too much. I mean, I can go to bed at half 9 and wake up the next day at around 11 or 12. Not sure if this is a sleeping disorder, but I get called lazy a lot and stuff because of this. I can't help it, sure I can wake up at 7.30 AM on weekdays because I need to, but I'd be really groggy. On weekends my sleep wouldn't be satisfied if I wake up earlier than 11. That means I will be pretty much tired the whole day. Thoughts anyone?

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Depression? that can make you want to do nothing but sleep. But then again some people just need more sleep than others, I've always been like that.

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Depression? that can make you want to do nothing but sleep. But then again some people just need more sleep than others, I've always been like that.

Well I think that my sleep's too much. I spend days not doing anything but watch tele and be on the computer and it will always be the same. A while ago I had to wake up at 8.30 because of errands and now I feel like my head's going to explode from being so sleepy. I don't know about depression, I don't think I'm depressed or anything..


I just checked this site -

and I have most of the symptoms, well nearly all of it except the "loss of interest in living" and "s****de" parts. Uh, I am so confused right now :s

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Maybe you need so much sleep because the quality of sleep is terrible. Do you wake up a lot during the night? Or maybe you have a lot of dreams? I find often that I need extra sleep, because my brain won't 'shut up' during the night, so it's like sleep doesn't really register in my brain.

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Maybe you need so much sleep because the quality of sleep is terrible. Do you wake up a lot during the night? Or maybe you have a lot of dreams? I find often that I need extra sleep, because my brain won't 'shut up' during the night, so it's like sleep doesn't really register in my brain.

Hello there. I only wake up in the middle of the night when I need to go to the toilet. I would wake up for no reason sometimes but I fall asleep quite easily after that. Also I barely have dreams. I do find it hard to fall asleep though, but when I do I pretty much sleep like I'm hibernating.

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I sleep wayy too much as well. If it was up to me I'd always sleep. However my body is really odd in the way where one week I'll sleep all the time and the next week it'll be very difficult for me to fall asleep. I've tried to get myself into a partern however sometimes I just can't sleep at the "bed time" I gave myself. Plus some days I feel like I really need a nap or I'll get headaches and my brain won't work as well. It really sucks to have messed up sleeping patterns.

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i sleep wayy 2much 2!! i can eassily go 2 bed at 10 an get up at 11 then i have a nap in the day somtimes up2 5 hours long!! i get called lazy aswell and it hurts coz im not i just cant help it!! i find if im out doing things then i sleep less!! its just when im coopd up in the flat that i sleep more!! xxx

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I have had this problem as well. I usually find that I sleep more when I am experiencing depression. I have no desire to do anything with my day or to be productive in the least. This usually resulted in me going to bed at 5pm and waking up around lunch the following day. What is your diet like? Many people who sleep a lot do not seem to be getting the right nutrients or enough exercise. Taking daily vitamins, if you don't already, might help with this problem. Evening walks might help as well.

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Sleeping too long is a common symptom of depression. I know when I was depressed I would sleep for 12 hours a day, it got so bad that I was going to bed at around 5 am and waking up the next night, when most people were coming home from work. You don't need that much sleep.

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I've read that sleeping too long can be just as bad for you as sleeping too little. Over 10 hours is definitely too much sleep. What I would do is get an alarm clock and set the clock radio extremely loud, to the point where you can't ignore it. Then, if you get up and the alarm is blasting and you want to go back to sleep, press the "snooze" button. Then, in 7 minutes, it will go off again. After 4 or 5 times you should be ready to get up:)

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In addition to what everyone else has been saying, you should really pay attention to how much water you're drinking. Being dehydrated can cause a lot of issues. And if your diet overall isn't that great, then your body could be trying to compensate by sleeping more. It's exhausted. It doesn't have the right fuel to stay awake more and not be groggy.

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In addition to what everyone else has been saying, you should really pay attention to how much water you're drinking. Being dehydrated can cause a lot of issues. And if your diet overall isn't that great, then your body could be trying to compensate by sleeping more. It's exhausted. It doesn't have the right fuel to stay awake more and not be groggy.

I actually drink a lot of water, not too much though. I even bring 2 litres to school everyday. Also I think my meals are fine. I mean everyone in the family eats the same thing and I'm the only one having troubles..

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Somehow, I can relate to this, I can sleep more than 8 hours even I am not tired. I still don't know if this is a certain health problem or just normal, but I think it is somehow normal. When I am depressed, I can also sleep more than 8 hours, maybe its because I don't want to do anything, I just want to stay in my bed.

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