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Hello everyone my name is Chris i just signed up for this. About two years ago i started having anxiety and panic attacks. Just like everyone else here probably, I thought i was having a heart attack at first and I went to the ER a bunch of times because I didn't know what was happening. Had all the tests done (EKG, chest x-ray, blood work, stress test), and everything came out normal of course. I saw a doctor that diagnosed me with GAD, and put me on anti depressants and anxiety medications, but those just made me feel like a zombie. I was on benzos for over a year, which helped at first but then I built up such a tolerance for them that they didn't help anymore, so i stopped taking them, which caused terrible withdrawal. I ended up in the hospital for a few nights to detox from them and get help with the withdrawal. I'm still on some different meds now, but hopefully soon I will be off all of them. I was supposed to start therapy months ago, but I have been having a tough time getting up the courage to go, so I've been avoiding it. I was hoping maybe this would help, being a little more anonymous.

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Hi and welcome! We're all in this together, and we're all a hoot and a half :) 

Stick around!

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Welcome to AC. I'm sorry you're struggling but trust me, many here know exactly what you're going through. 


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Hi Chris welcome to ac.  Therapy is not as scary once you start,  and with the added bonus of no withdrawal issues ;)

It doesn't help for everyone but is definitely worth a shot.   It's important to find a therapist you can connect with.   If you don't like one, find another that you do.

Why not try asking if you could start with a phone session instead of in person,  or an online one.  They should be able to do that for you. 

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Thanks everyone it's nice to be able to talk to people that understand because they have the same issues.


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Hi slicer, I'm new too.

I had a similar path than you except for the benzos that I only took maybe 2-3 weeks in over 10 years. I too had several test, thyroid etc... I really encourage you in finding a good therapist. I have see the same psychologist for about 5 years and it really help me. I advise you to be really cautious about the tapering of your meds, keep in touch with your doctor and do it very carefully. I was upped too fast on antipressant in the past and stopped cold turkey, both ways are really unpleasant and when your mind is confused, It is hard to have an objective opinion.


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