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anxious and severely depressed... lonely.

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I've been fighting depression for many years now (9) and have recently been put on medication for anxiety. Im finding this all too overwhelming and I'm losing grip.. Here to find comfort with others so, hello! Feel free to message... 

Edited by Mica-Sian

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Welcome, we are glad your here. It helps just to talk to others who understand what your going through. There are lots of great people and advice here :) it does get better!!


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Hi. Mica-Sian. Welcome to AC. :).

You are NOT overwhelmed or losing grip. We all feel that way at times and it just isn't true. We think we are and that's our dear old friend anxiety talking. Take no notice. It's a liar. Anxiety takes so many in different ways and what helps one may not help another. Have a good look round the site. A lot of useful info there. We ALL know how you feel so you're among friends so never be afraid to come on here and have a good rant. We all do from time to time. Don't worry about medication. If you had a broken leg you would need crutches but when the leg heals you throw them away. So with meds. And you will heal you know if you go about it in the right way. Good luck and good to have you with us.      Jon.


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